Change Chairs If Game Prompt Cards

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Change chairs if game prompt cards

Japan English Chinese Physical Education

(= PE)

Ruler Ceiling Hole punch Great grandfather or

great grandmother

At 7 o’clock Get up at Birthday in Birthday on

Live in Like Don’t like Family name

First letter of your Brother Brother’s name Sister’s name


Mother’s job Father’s job Favourite subject Between

Those These This That

Sitting next to him Sitting next to her Sitting next to them Go to his school

Go to my school Go to her school The same The same

_________ as me ____________ as

The same Favourite music Think Have a poster of

_______________ _____________ is _______________
as her great/ fantastic

Those are your coats These are your Those are your bags That is your poster/
shoes project

Tippex Every day Can Can’t

A pet Near this school Over/ above Eyebrows

Eyelashes Chess Pottery Horse riding

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Exercise Disabled Musical instrument Concert

Draw A mobile phone Interested in Think

______________ is

Good looking Hobby Ride a horse At quarter past

At quarter to At ten past At ten to At five past

At five to At twenty past At twenty to At twenty five past

At twenty five to At _____________ The tallest in the A boy

o’clock class

A girl A Korean boy The tallest girl The oldest boy

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