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Geography School Based Assessment

Land pollution

Name of candidate: Tiara Turtin

Candidate Number:

Center Name:

Center Number:
Territory: St Vincent & The Grenadines
Name of the Teacher: Mr. Williams
Table of content
Research Question
What are the causes and effects of land pollution in Petit Bordel?

Aim of the research

To investigate the causes and effect of land pollution in Petit Bordel

Location of study area
St. Vincent is located between St. Lucia in the north and Grenada in the south and belongs to the
lesser Antilles archipelago. More info. needed
The study area is located in Petit Bordel on the leeward side of the island in the parish of St.
David. More info. Needed.
For many years, land pollution has become a problem in my community. According to
encyclopedia, land pollution is the deposition of solid or liquid waste materials on land or
underground in a manner that can contaminate the soil and ground water. Land pollution became
an evident problem in my community due to the density of the community. The researcher has
been acquainted with the community for more than a decade, and has noticed that land pollution
has become a problem in the community after the increase in population since residence have
been littering irresponsible disposal of garbage and waste wash ashore from small boats. The
researcher saw the need to investigate this issue since the authorities were unable to manage. The
sole purpose for this SBA is to conduct an action research where data would be collected,
analyzed and then presented on the causes and effects of Land pollution in Petit Bordel.
Please always read over your work before you submit. You needed to be mindful about your
grammar and punctuations.
Your Methodolgy should be written in PAST TENSE.
How data was collected: please mention how much questions in the questionnaire and interview
How data was collected:

The research was carried out using numerical research which is carried out by means supplying
questionnaires to collect primary data. There are 15 questionnaires. The researcher will choose
18 persons or respondents to answer the questions.

When data was collected:

The researcher gives each persons a questionnaire to be completed on December 7th 2022
between the hours of 12:00pm to 3:00pm.

Where data was collected:

The location chosen to conduct the research was Petit Bordel which is located in the parish of St.
David. The questionnaires were handed out in Petit Bordel to people randomly in order to get
different view and suggestions about land pollution.
Presentation of data analysis and discussion

1. Climate change: Land contamination, such as that caused by mining, farming, and
factories, may allow harmful chemicals to enter the soil and water. These chemicals have
the potential to kill animals and plants, destroying the food chain.

2. Littering, the improper disposal of waste product, is unfortunately common, in the world
today it’s actually a rather modern problem. Littering causes pollution, a major threat to
the environment, and has increasingly become a cause for concern in many countries. As
human beings are largely responsible for littering.
3.Mining: Mining can have harmful effects on surrounding surface and ground water. If
proper precautions are not taken, unnaturally high concentrations of chemicals, such as
arsenic, sulphuric acid, and mercury can spread over a significant area of surface water

After doing this research it found out that land pollution was one of the biggest challenges faced
by residents of Petit Bordel and if they want to put an end to this problem they need to find a
better way of keeping the community clean stop all the throwing of bottles, snacks bag etc., and
speak up about the problem they are facing and help to solve the problem by working together.

At the end of this research it was found that residents have a problem with land pollution in their
community but they should put bins where they are needed and put a notice to the resident that if
they litter each individual would be charge a fee.

My name is Tiara Turtin, a fifth form Geography student at the Petit Bordel Secondary
School and I am conducting a School Based Assessment(SBA)using the topic “what are
the consequences and causes of land pollution in Petit Bordel” as a part of the
requirement for the CSEC Geography Examination. I ask you to spare your time and
answer the following questions below.

1. Gender ( ) Female ( )

2. Age group

Less than 20 ( ) 20-25 ( )

26-30 ( ) 31-35 ( )

3.How long have you been living in the resident of Petit Bordel?

Less than 20 years ( ) 10 – 15 years ( )

16-20 years( ) over 20 years ( )

4.How regularly is garbage collected in your area?

Every day ( ) 2-3 days per week ( )

Once a week ( ) Garbage not collected at all ( )

5.What are some consequences you think persons contributing to land pollution should face?

Pay fine ( ) Community service ( )

Jail ( ) 0ther ( )

6.How do you dispose of your garbage?

Burning ( ) Burying ( )
Incineration ( ) Garbage truck ( )

7.How does the polluted area affect you?

Diseases ( ) Smelly surroundings ( )

Breeding mosquitoes ( ) Rats ( )

8.How would you rate the issue of land pollution in your area?

Serious ( ) Very serious ( )

Moderate ( ) Not to serious ( )

9.Do you litter?

Yes ( ) No ( )

10.Do you ever use the three R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)
Yes ( ) No ( )
11. What are some of the ways in which you and your household can be more informed about
land pollution?

Internet ( ) posters ( )
In school ( ) Community ( )

12. Should public bins be placed in the community where land pollution affects the most?

Yes ( ) No ( )

13.Do you think government should educate Petit Bordel about the effects of land pollution?

Yes ( ) No ( )

14.What causes of land pollution produces large holes in the ground and can cause erosion?

Landfills ( ) Mining ( )
Farming ( ) Factories ( )

15.Do you think Anti- pollution should be made for Petit Bordel?
Yes ( ) No ( )

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