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Full name…………………………………………………...

Phone number……………………………………………..

Part one: There are 30 multiple-choice questions. For each question choose the
best word or phrase to complete the sentence:


Question 1 of 30 ......./30
The big book is ________.
• mine
• for me
• Me

Question 2 of 30
_________ a man working in the street.
• There were
• There are
• There is

Question 3 of 30
Jane is playing ________ the park.
• to
• in
• from

Question 4 of 30
He suddenly realized that in all those years she had been a __________ friend, not
like the others, who talked behind his back all the time.
• truthful
• genuine
• kind

Question 5 of 30
She was so wealthy that her friends always wondered how she had managed to
make such a __________.
• furtune
• cash
• money

Question 6 of 30

What happened to all the apples? They __________ by birds.
• have got to eat
• got eaten
• have eaten

Question 7 of 30
Please sit on _____________ chair.
• those
• that
• them

Question 8 of 30
Ahmed said that he would go to see the football match __________ bad weather
• although
• regardless of
• granting

Question 9 of 30
The sick boy ___________ stay in bed.
• has got to
• is got to
• is getting

Question 10 of 30
There aren't ___________ in our street.
• some dogs
• any dogs
• any dog

Question 11 of 30
Jill _________ her ice cream.
• has already finished
• has yet finished
• has finished already

Question 12 of 30
The film is ______________ the book.
• more interesting than
• more interesting for
• more interesting from

Question 13 of 30
He was so sorry about what he had done and he wanted to __________ it.
• apologize
• make up for
• excuse from

Question 14 of 30
You can order by phone or you can __________ orders online
• place
• deliver
• make to

Question 15 of 30
__________ sweater is yours? The green one, or the red one?
• Which
• What
• Whose

Question 16 of 30
How long have you been living in London?
• for 7 years
• at least 7 years
• since 7 years

Question 17 of 30
Jon ___________ but we'll start without him.
• hasn't arrived since
• hasn't arrived yet
• hasn't already arrived

Question 18 of 30
He plays soccer ..............
• on Wednesdays
• in Wednesdays
• at Wednesdays

Question 19 of 30
She ..... go to school yesterday.
• must

• had to
• ought to

Question 20 of 30
I thought you ............
• will come to the party
• were coming to the party
• come to the party

Question 21 of 30
She worked hard yesterday and ........ finish everything.
• can
• was able to
• is hard

Question 22 of 30
I won't go to the cinema ..... you come with me.
• except
• otherwise
• unless

Question 23 of 30
I can't understand this email.
• Would you like some help?
• Don't you know?
• I suppose you can.

Question 24 of 30
My grandmother fell in the street, but a kindly ________ helped her.
• by-passer
• passer-on
• passer-by

Question 25 of 30
The woman touched the button, ___________ the door opened.
• directly
• whereupon
• at once

Question 26 of 30
Don't put your cup on the ......... of the table – someone will knock it off.

• outside
• edge
• boundary

Question 27 of 30
The salesman is asking a price that is …………. impossible.
• very
• too
• quite

Question 29 of 30
I was looking forward ........... at the new restaurant, but it was closed.
• to eat
• to have eaten
• to eating

Question 30 of 30
Once the plane is in the air, you can …….... your seat belts if you wish.
• undress
• unfasten
• unlock

Part two: listen and mark each sentence as true false or i don't know


1. the supermarket is called IEG

• true
• false
• don't know

2. they are not open all year

• true
• false
• don't know

3. there is a discount on biscuits and homemade ice-tea

• true
• false
• don't know

4. customers can buy a car for $3500
• true
• false
• don't know

5. you can also watch a film and buy fuel nearby

• true
• false
• don't know

Part three: you met an online friend, write him an email to introduce yourself.
Talk about your hobbies and how you spend your spare time.



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