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Daily dose of little help

It was a gloomy day of Tuesday. Lilith just got home from school. She throwed her
backpack on the ground and jumped in her bed.
“Ugh, I hate school so much! Why can´t the summer holiday come faster?!” There is an
explication for her hatred to school. At school, she is always bullied for her looks,
interests and also mental disability.
“Why do people have to judge me upon what I like and what I look like?! And why do
they have to bully me for my mental disability?! That shouldn’t be their business!” Lilith
said while tearing up a bit and hugging a pillow.
Lilith was a 13 years old girl, who was suffering from autism. She had long ginger hair,
blue and shiny eyes, a lot of little freckles on her face and a pale skin color. Her
interests we´re considered weird by the others. She loved novels, especially crime
ones, collecting rocks, geography and doing strange drawings.
“Just because I look like this that doesn’t mean I am not human. I wish that I would have
my own world, with no bad people in it, being only myself. I don’t want to stay like this!”
After a little while, Lilith started to hear like some figures we´re moving in her room. She
got up fast and grabbed her pillow:
“WHO GOES THERE?!” She said while panicking.
After she spoke, there weren’t any sounds.
“Guess I am having hallucinations again. Classic stupid me.” After this, she turned
around and got scared. “WOAH, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!” At the end of the bed,
there were two human alike creatures, but they we´re definitely not humans.
“Oh, hello there little human!” Said one of the figures. This creature was a cyclops with a
big pink eye. It looked like a boy, but it had a girl voice. It had completely white skin,
short-fluffy pink hair, that looked like cotton candy, and a white Lolita outfit.
“Please calm down sweetie! Don´t mind my twin. They can be a bit too “excited”. The
second creature had a “spidery” appearance. It had four completely white-eyes and
three pairs of arms. It also had a pink skin color, a pink Lolita outfit and it looked like a
girl but sounded like a boy.
“This is just a dream Lilith, you just have to wake up!” Lilith laughed nervously.
“Well since you’re a bit panicked and confused right now I will introduce myself and my
twin. My name is Harley and the cyclops is my twin, Presley! And we are here to help
“”How can you help me?”
“You will see while you talk with us!”
“But guys I want to kno- WOAH” Lilith got intrerrupted by Presley, that pulled her.
After a while of walking, they got into a fully white room, that had a big black hole
in the middle.
“What is that?”
“That’s your imagination hole!” Said Harley.
“My imagination what?”
“Your imagination hole. That’s where all your creative ideas are living! Said Presley,with
“I think I took too many pills today”
“You didn’t darling! Now,I am sorry for doing this”
“Doing wha-AAAAAAAAAAAAA” And,Harley pushed Lilith into the hole.
“Did you really had to push her Harl?!”
“Sorry Pretzel,but I couldn’t help it”
“Using that nickname on me again? Funny.”
Harley laughed and then they both jumped in the hole.

*Time skip*
Lilith fell on a ground full of flowers. She got up really fast and started to look around.
She was in her very own world. It was exactly how she imaginated it. The world had a
cyan sky, full of white and pink clouds. The trees we´re made of cotton candy and
marshmallows, the houses we´re made of giant rainbow objects and shapes ,and the
people we´re creatures like Presley and Harley, but they we´re all in colorful outfits! It
was like a dream coming true.
“Do you like the place dear?”
“Its actually amazing! Why didn’t you told me about it!? I want to live here
“I know you love this place, but you´re not here to stay.”
“Wait, really? Then why am I here?”
“Well, my fellow let´s walk and talk!”

They started to walk in the city. Lilith was extremilly happy and excited while
walking around ,not only because of the buildings and sky,its also because of the
people. All of the people in her world are only her imaginary friends. After a while,they
finally arrived where they had to do “the helping”.
“Here we are Lilith! The museum of successful people!”
“Why are we here? And how this could help me?”
“You will see,but now get in!”
“Alright,alright but stop pushing me!”
They got into the “Museum of Succesful People”. Lilith started to look a bit confused.
“Here we have all of the people with successful cariers!”
“Why am I here again? Just showing me people who actually have good lifes make me
feel like I am worthless.”
“Dear,who said that they had a good life?”
“Wait what? They didn’t?”
“Take a look! The lady that you see right here, the one in the beautiful red dress, Amber
Gala, is now one of the biggest singers in this world!”
“And? She seems so happy! She probably has one of the best lifes”
“Oh no, no fellow! She didn’t had a good life. As a child, she was raised up in a abusive
household. Her mother was an alcoholic, so Amber would end up every day, being
beaten up.
“Oh my, that sounds horrible!”
“I didn´t finish. Her mother was also abusing her because she was suffering of
ADHD,and she was also bullied at school because of her mental illnesses. But look!
Now she is one of the best singers! Her mother regrets what she has done to her,and
her bullies too!”
“Wow. Looks like she didn’t have the best life.”
“Yup! And we´ve got more examples! John Depretinex, a famous actor in our world! He
was bullied for having vitiligo. And look, now he is a big actor, and people don’t care of
how he looks. They care about his talent!
“Oh my! That sounds so cool.”
“And lastly, Moon Jackson! She is now a big painter! And as the others, she didn’t had a
good life. She was diagnosted with autism. She wasn’t only criticized by her classmates
about this, she was also criticized by her family! But look. Now they cheer her for her
carrier! “
“That sounds so amazing! But what are you trying to tell me?”
“The tree that would grow to heaven, must send its roots to hell.”
“What does it mean?”
“It has a lot of meanings, try to think about one!”
“Hmmm. Oh, I think I got one! The person who wants to end up successful must try to
experience their own personal hell!”
“Exactly sweetie! That’s why we came to help you!”
“You guys are right! I must go through this hell,until I escape and find my own way to
“Congrats! Now you can return to your existent world,but you can visit us in your
“I will! Now,goodbye!”
“Todle-lo! “

Never forget. The way of success is not an easy way. The way its full of traps,
but when you escape from all of them, you can just walk straight on it.

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