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The lonely girl story

Story planning:
Ana is a lonely girl who goes to the lake for inspiration for one of her poems.
Ana does not talk to her parents when she leaves home. When she gets there,
suddenly something stirs up the water in the lake and strange things happen in
the boathouse. A pair of eyes appears on the surface of the water. Ana rushes
home and starts telling stories. Something bizarre happens when she look in the
mirror. Her parents decide to move away.

Paragraph 1: Introducing Ana

Paragraph 2: The background of the story, her relationship with her parents
Paragraph 3: Description of events at the lake
Paragraph 4: The bizarre thing in the story: mirror
Paragraph 5: Finally, the decision

As soon as her parents opened the door, of their daughters room, they knew
something was wrong. Ana was a lonely girl. She didn't have many friends.
She wrote poems, but she didn't show them to anyone, she only wrote them to
himself. Based on the news, she went to the lake at dusk to gather inspiration.

She was troubled that night. She didn’t know why either, but she wanted to write
it out in the form of a poem. According to her parents, when they asked her
where she was going, she didn’t answer and just ran away. She hadn’t been seen
for hours.

She ran out of the house. As she reached the lake, she sat down and thought.
Suddenly, something shook the surface of the water. The windows of the
boathouse slammed shut, its door kept slamming shut. The boathouse signal
light was aimed at the water. Two pairs of eyes shone in the water. Nothing
more than two pairs of eyes.
Ana ran home. She burst into the house and her parents were surprised to ask her
about what had happened. Ana told them the story. She was very scared.
Suddenly something caught her eye as she looked at the mirror while telling a
story. The most bizarre thing was that she started speaking in a foreign language
to the mirror. She was calm.

Ana’s parents were very scared. They immediately decided to move out of that

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