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CC: Dr Tom Cowan

To whom it may concern,

I am writing in response to an article that was published by your organization earlier this year on March
23, 2020. I have included the link to the article in question, as well as additional links to articles
disproving your arguably libelous & unfounded claims concerning Dr. Tom Cowan. I should first like to
establish that I do not personally know Dr. Cowan, nor I am acting at his behest. I abhor misinformation,
and I am a concerned citizen, who truly believes that truth in journalism is declining rapidly today.
Which is strange considering that if armed with the ability of critical thinking: in this digital age one can
perform the most amazing feats of research in a matter of moments with quite a high degree of
accuracy. Therefore, I find it disheartening that your organization is apparently publishing articles
without performing any research whatsoever; to this point I have attached links to medical journal
articles confirming Dr. Cowan’s claims of failed experiments of person-to-person transmission of
influenza during the 1918 Spanish Flu.

As you will see Dr. Cowan is at best guilty of misspeaking (a mistake which I am sure that you could
never make as a perfect incarnate of the Godly essence). The attached links will inform you that the
experiments were conducted by the United States Public Health Service in Boston, in addition to many
other locations across the county. Furthermore, since the Article by Dr. Leake was published in “The
Boston Medical AND SURGICAL Journal” I think any reasonable and critically thinking human being might
understand how someone who isn’t a professional public speaker could make such an error of speech.
However, the fact remains that these experiments WERE INDEED carried out and indicated the very
conclusions that Dr. Cowan claimed.

If you would like to further educate yourself as to the many ways in which you are ignorant, I would like
to invite you to investigate the writings of many Doctors who made the very astute connection between
electricity and “Influenza”:

- John Yeung (2006)

- Fred Hoyle (1990)

- J. H. Douglas-Webster (1940)

- Aleksandr Chizhevskiy (1936)

- C. Conyers Morrell (1936)

- W. M. Hewetson (1936)

- Sir William Hamer (1936)

- Gunnar Edstrom (1935)

- Clifford Gill (1928)

- C. M. Richter (1921)

- Willy Hellpach (1911)

- Weir Mitchell (1893)

- Charles Dana (1890)

- Louise Fiske Bryson (1890)

- Ludwig Buzorini (1841)

- Johannes Scholein (1841)

- Noah Webster (1799)

Not to mention the HISTORICAL FACT that the first 24-hr radio broadcast was from New Brunswick, New
Jersey under the supervision of Ernst Alexanderson IN 1918, NOT 1920 as you so erroneously claimed in
your ill-conceived article. Nor the HISTORICAL FACT that the United States Navy developed RCA, and
headed by Guglielmo Marconi, had been using radio transmission for transoceanic communications as
early as 1913. Nor the HISTORICAL FACT that the first cases of Spanish Flu in the United States were
reported in wireless telegraphy technicians trained by the United States Navy (Annual Report of the
Surgeon General 1919, p. 367)! Delineating “commercial” use hardly justifies denying the fact that radio
waves were being transmitted across the planet since the 1890’s. Stop reading Wikipedia on your teen-
aged child’s cellphone and pick up a book and perform your job like a true journalist, for the love of God.
It is people like you and organizations like yours that indicate to me the plausibility of the plot of the film
“Idiocracy”. I sure as shootin’ hope you don’t water your plants with Gatorade.



- /(perhaps this second link will be

easier for you to navigate, since you haven’t a scintilla of journalistic integrity, and have an apparent
aversion to even the most perfunctory of work)


Laramy Ernstberger Esq.

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