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In Antarctica there are lots of amount of animals (fauna), such
as penguins,seals… but there is less amount of plants
(flora) ,because the temperatures in Antarctica is very low
that’s why there is less plants than animal, such as
plants needs sun and they have to be warm.

Penguins is one of the important fauna, but as you

know there are lots of types penguins such as
Emperor penguin, King penguin,Gento penguin
etc. In this picture it’s an EMPEROR penguin

This Photo by
Unknown Author is
licensed under

Seal is fauna found in Antarctica ,but there

are lots of types of seal such as
Leopard, Elephant seal .In this image there
is a ROSS sail

Lichens is flora found in Antarctica as

you see in picture it looks like fungi but isn’t it
is a plant

In this image it is a moss of

Antarctica and it measures about
1mm per year
Antarctica is a continent situated in the southern pole
and covers 3% of the Earth’s surface. Antarctica is This Photo by
sorounded by the Southern Ocean,it is the fourth Unknown Author is
largest country and its surface area is about 14 km. Its licensed under tectonic
plate is called Antarctic tectonic plate. It is an ice- covered
landmass. Some important mountains in Antarctica is
 Royal Society Range
 Ellsworth Mountains
 Queen Maud Mountains
 Sentinel Mountains

Rivers and Lakes

Lake voston is the largest lake in Antarctica
 Area is about 15,690 km per square
 Length is about 250 km
 With is about 50 km

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Unknown Author is
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CC BY-SA-NC Lake Whillans is a subglacial lake. This lake is located in the
Whillans ice stream.
 Lake surface is about 800m
 Area is about 60 km per square
This Photo by
Unknown Author is
licensed under

The river Rezovksi Creek is a river located in Antarctica in the

south pole .It is 1.600ft long. The river is very small

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Unknown Author is
licensed under
The river Huey a glacier but its melted and it is found in the
north pole of Antarctica. That is between in Taylor valley and
Victoria land.
The climate of Antarctica is the coldest in Earth. Antarctica is extremely
dried such as a desert, but Antarctica is much colder. In some parts of
Antarctica snow rarely melts because we are polluting a lot the Earth. The
usual temperature ranges is about minus ten degrees to minus fourty
degrees , but once in 1983 the temperature arrived until minus 89.2 degrees
and that’s a lot and in summers it can reach until minus ten degrees


This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Antarctica is a continent that is a called the land of snow and ice because the Antartic
continent is covered by ice and snow which reaches with an average of 2.450 metres.
As you can see in the picture this is Antarctica and as you can see it is very flat. An
interesting fact is that Antarctica has 12 countries. The thikness of ice is about 4 km
Another interesting fact is that the accumulation of snow its made up of thousand
years ago. That’s a lot. As Antarctica is very cold no human can live over there, well
just people like scientists if they wanna investigate somerthing , they have to stay so
what they do is that they live in small trucks .Who know why Antarctica is the coldest
country ? Well
it is the coldest country because the south tends to get less sunlight than other

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed

under CC BY-SA

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