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B"ño de Florecer :

● The flowering b"th is

"n "ncient "nd

tr"dition"l ceremony
performed by "ncestor
"ncestors to purge
their soul of "ny b"d
energy. The person
who performs this
ceremony comes from
" Mochic" "ncestor.

● " flowering b"th is

done when it is
requested from the
bottom of our being,
we w"nt to receive the
best energies "nd live
in our body, we w"nt to
let go "nd let go of the
b"d energies th"t "t
some time w"nted to
domin"te our soul. The
flowering b"th should
be desired by those
who perform it.

● It is recommended to
we"r comfort"ble
clothes th"t identify
you "nd be b"refoot.

● in this ritu"l we
sprinkle "nd sc"tter
flowers "nd essences
th"t will work to
connect with the
threshold of your
being, the expression
is "pproxim"tely 30
minutes per person.
● We th"nk the gods for
the blessings they
h"ve given us.

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