Leveling Methods

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FA LEVELING METHOD-DIFFERENTIA. LEVELING OWEcTIVES . ty Determine the elevation of a Temporary Gendnmark 2 Calculate the teight of the Tavmmment ancl eloverhon Of Turning point. . 3) |dentify when totake a Backsight oF foresight meesurement . fs Choose, when the mecisurtng red shoulel le moved versus when the instrament should be moved « INSTRUMENT b Theodo lite Li Wi pod 3 h, foe PROCEDURE 1. Set up the instrument. 2. Take the BS reading on BM1. 3. Establish the TP, and take the FS reading. 4. Move the instrument, and set up again. 5. Take the BS on the TP. 6. Establish the next TP, and take the FS reading. 7. Move the instrument, and set up again. 8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 until a foresight is taken on the last station. DATA li Bu; NOTE: USE THE SAME FORMAT FROM PRVIOUS EXERCISES I. OBJECTWE TI:INSTRUMENT AND ACCESSORIES TT PROCEDURES 1. DATA TZ. COMPUTATIONS WT: OBSERVATION AND ANALYCIS Tl. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMI WU. sKercues / DOCUMENTANA. Ano

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