Question Bank For Sociology I

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1. In the history of the development of sociology, _______________is known as a

period of remarkable intellectual development and change in philosophical thought.
a. Industrial revolution
b. Period of enlightenment
c. French Revolution
d. Positivist stage
Ans. (b) Period of Enlightenment

2. Who coined the term Sociology

a. Herbert Spencer
b. Saint Simon
c. Auguste Comte
d. Emile Durkheim
Ans. (c) Auguste Comte

3. The second stage in ‘the Law of Three stages’ is

a. Theological stage
b. Meta-physical stage
c. Evolutionary stage
d. Positive stage
Ans. (b) Meta-physical stage

4. According to Durkheim primitive society are characterised by

a. Mechanical solidarity
b. Organic solidarity
c. Homogeneous solidarity
d. Heterogeneous solidarity
Ans. (a) Mechanical solidarity

5. Weber’s analysis of modern society centred on the concept of ____________

a. Rationalisation
b. Modernisation
c. Bureaucracy
d. Authority
Ans. (a) Rationalisation
6. Sociological ___________ allows people to see the relationship between their
personal experiences and broader social and historical events.
a. Consciousness
b. Imagination
c. Questions
d. Theory
Ans. (b) Imagination

7. The scope of sociology is ____________

a. Formalistic school or Specialist school and Synthetic school
b. Community and association
c. Formal and informal control
d. Mechanical and Organic solidarity
Ans. (a) Formalistic school or Specialist school and Synthetic school

8. Which school of thought would like to keep sociology distinct from other social
sciences and treat sociology to be pure and independent science?
a. Synthetic school
b. Formalistic and specialist school
c. Conflict school
d. Structural-functionalist school
Ans. (b) Formalistic and specialist school

9. Which of the thinker belongs to synthetic school?

a. Max Weber
b. Karl Marx
c. Emile Durkheim
d. Roscoe Pound
Ans (c) Emile Durkheim

10. Sociology is the science of interpretative understanding of social ___________.

a. Action
b. Interaction
c. Group
d. Institution
Ans (a) Action

11. The book Law and Society in Modern India, was written by_____________
a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Roscoe Pound
c. Marc Galanter
d. Upendra Baxi
Ans. (c) Marc Galanter

12. Who said “law is social engineering which means a balance between the competing
interests in society, in which applied science is used for resolving individuals in the
community and bring harmony to the society.”
a. Marc Galanter
b. Roscoe Pound
c. Jeremy Bentham
d. Max Weber
Ans. (b) Roscoe Pound

13. Who introduced the hedonistic calculus to know what act produces the greatest
a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Karl Marx
c. Auguste Comte
d. C. Wright Mills
Ans. (a) Jeremy Bentham

14. What are the differences between Social groups and Quasi-social groups, like social
classes or the status groups?
 Neither the social classes nor the status groups have a clearly defined structure, unlike
the social groups.
 Further the members of both the social classes as well as status groups are less aware
or maybe even unaware of the existence of their group.

15. Features of social groups:

 Members must have a social relationship
 Sense of belongingness: There should be a ‘we-feeling’ which comes from a sense of
collectivity and oneness
 Feeling of unity and sympathy
 Common purpose
 Organized on the basis of certain norms and rules
 Control over the members
 Dynamic and subjected to change
16. Types of classifications:
 C.H. Cooley: Primary and Secondary groups
 Ferdinand Tonnies: Gemeinschaft (community) and Gessellschaft (association)
 George Simmel: Monad, Dyad & Triad
 Sumner: ‘In Groups’ and ‘Out Groups’
 Charles A. Ellwood: Involuntary and Voluntary groups, and Institutional and Non-
institutional groups
 Miller: Horizontal and Vertical Groups
 Giddings: Genetic and Congregate groups
 George Hasen: Unsocial, Psuedo-Social, Anti-Social and Pro-Social
 Park and Burgess: Territorial and Non-territorial groups

17. What is status?

 Ralph Linton defined status as a position in a social system.

18. What is role?

 Linton uses the term role to designate the sum-total of the cultural pattern associated
with a particular status.

19. What are the types of status?

 Ascribed or Achieved

20. What is ‘status Crystallization’?

 The disjunction between the status and class positions of individuals and groups is
called ‘status crystallization’. In this rewards in one do not correspond to rewards in
the other.

21. What is ‘status conflict’?

 The incompatibilities or ambiguities which arise between demands of two or more
statuses, cause strain, discomfort and conflict.

22. What is ‘status set’?

 An array of social positions, forming a composite or a set.

23. What is ‘status set sequence’?

 According to Merton, when there is a set of statuses systematically ordered to prepare
for a bigger status, it is called, Status set sequence.

24. What is role-set?

 No roles exist in isolation. Each has its complimentary or associated roles called role

25. What is role distance?

 Coined by E. Goffman, ‘role-distance’ refers to the detachment of the performer from
the role he or she is performing.

26. What is enculturation?

 The process of acquiring culture is known as enculturation.

27. What is ethnocentrism?

 Consequence of seeing one’s own culture as natural and the best & parallel tendency
to judge other cultures by one’s own moral standards.

28. What are the types of civic engagements, according to Ashutosh Varshney?
 Inter-ethnic & Intra-ethnic.

29. What according to Varshney stands out as the single most important proximate
explanation for the difference between peace and violence?
 The pre-existing local networks of civic engagement between the two communities
stand out as the single most important proximate explanation for the difference
between peace and violence.
30. How does George Ritzer define McDonalization?
 Process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate
more and more sectors of the society.

31. What are the four dimensions of McDonalization?

 Efficiency, Calculability, Predictability & Control.

32. What is glocalization?

 Local deviation from the standard menu is characteristic feature of McD and this
reflects sensitivity to plurality and heterogeneity.

33. What is grobalization?

 Grobalization is largely antithetical to glocalization. It involves social processes that
are largely unidirectional and deterministic. It reflects imposition of imperialistic

34. Which social reformer is known as the pioneer of Indian journalism?

 Raja Ram Mohan Roy

35. Who established Arya Samaj?

 Swami Dayanand

36. Who formed the Satya Shodhak Samaj?

 Jotiba Govindrao Phule

37. Who started the Self-Respect Movement or the Dravidian Movement?

 Periyar or E. V. R. Naicker

38. Who introduced the term Fordism?

 Antonio Gramsci

39. What is outsourcing?

 Contracting out work to a third party company & thereby retaining partial control.

40. What is offshoring?

 Getting work done in different countries such as U.S. based company producing their
goods in Mexico. This usually takes place in countries where hourly labour rate is
significantly lower eg. Mexico. Complete control is exercised.

41. Name two important theories to the study of Modernization.

 Evolutionary (European & American) theory and Functionalism-Structuralism theory.

42. Name the stages of Economic Growth, as penned by Rostow.

 Traditional, Pre-conditions to take-off, Drive to Maturity & Age of High Mass
43. Modes of action which do not conform to the norms of a society.
a. Violence
b. Deviance
c. Rejection
d. Crime
Ans. (b) Deviance

44. Which among the following is an informal method of social control?

a. Customs
b. Media
c. Legal Law
d. Education
Ans. (a) Customs

45. Specific guidelines for behavior are termed as ____________.

a. Customs
b. Norms
c. Laws
d. Traditions
Ans (b) Norms
46. Which of the following is not a traditional social control?
a. The fear of supernatural power
b. Magic
c. Spiritual power
d. Legal law
Ans. (d) Legal law

47. Example of Informal social control__________

a. Media
b. Legal laws
c. Public opinion
d. Family
Ans. (d) Family

48. __________the long-established practices of people, which occurs spontaneously but

gradually. Along with regulative social life, they also bind them together.
a. Mores
b. Folkways
c. Customs
d. Taboo
Ans. (c) Customs

49. ____________are manifested in matters of dress/clothing, food habits, observance of

rituals, forms of worship and methods of greetings.
a. Formal social control
b. Taboo
c. Rituals
d. Folkways
Ans. (d) Folkways

50. Which of the following is not a formal social control?

a. Religious institution
b. Media
c. Law
d. Educational institution
Ans (a) Religious institution

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