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IELTS Speaking • Describe your personality

BAND 8.0 Well, if you asked my friends, they would introduce me

differently since Im changeable like all other Gemini.
1. To be determined I always try to be determined to achieve success against all
2. To be spontaneous odds. I’m not spontaneous. Quite the reverse! I’m well-
3. Quite the reverse organized. During a hectic week, I manage to survive because
4. To be well-organized
organized people are extremely attuned to their thoughts.
5. To be attuned to Some other people would describe me like a happy-go-lucky
6. To be a happy-go-lucky sort of person sort of person as they often see me smile, but in fact I’m not.
7. To bottle up one’s emotions The secret is I do my best to bottle up my emotions. When I
have challenges, I never wear my heart on my sleeve. I’m not
8. To wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve
reserved but My instinct is to be guarded. I don’t like to disclose
9. To be reserved
too much about myself. Or else, I’m aware that I would make
10. To be guarded myself rather vulnerable. My family say that it’s unhealthy to
11. To disclose too much about yourself suppress your feelings which may result in depression. Even
12. Vulnerable psychologists recommend to release pent-up emotions.
13. To suppress feelings
14. To release pent-up emotions

IELTS Speaking BAND 8.0

1. Character traits Describe your character traits
2. On the basis of ..
Well, I’d describe my character traits and personality on the basis of my sign of zodiac.
3. The sign of the zodiac
You know, I was born on May 28, and Im Gemini. Gemini are usually indecisive. One of
4. indecisive
out our good traits is having a sense of humour. We are great conversationalists.
5. To be determined
Oftentimes, people tend to speak with us since we are charming partners. My friends
6. A sense of humor
say that they are overjoyed and cheered up after talking to me.
7. conversationalist
8. To be overjoyed Gemini are adventurous by nature. We are passionate about travelling door-to-door.
9. Cheer up Although we are indecisive, we are determined and ambitious as well. We do our
10. adventurous utmost to make rational decisions, be insightful and cope with any issues considerately.
11. To do one’s utmost to do
12. rational
13. Be insightful
14. considerately
15. To be as sly as fox
16. a cunning plan



IELTS Speaking BAND 8.0

1. Trustworthy To be continued…
2. Flabbergasted
3. boastful However, Gemini cant be as sly as a fox or we would never make a

4. To be full of myself cunning plan. We are often absolutely flabbergasted at what we people
5. quick-tempered do or abuse our good traits.
6. Hot-headed
People sometimes find me a bit boastful , but they don’t know I
7. Vindictive / bitter
pretend to be full of myself in order to prevent them from
8. Cheer up
9. adventurous underestimating me and my job. Despite these, I’m never vindictive or
10. To do one’s utmost to do bitter.
11. rational
12. Be insightful
13. considerately
14. To be as sly as fox
15. a cunning plan


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