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My Personal Philosophy of Nursing


Institutional Affiliation



My Personal Philosophy of Nursing


A definition by WHO (2020) suggested that nursing is the personal and collaborative

care of persons of all ages, households, organizations, and societies, in all situations. I agree

with the organization’s definition that nursing encompasses prevention strategies, sickness

management, and care for all people. However, I view nursing as a practice that facilitates

and assists people, families, and society in improving, maintaining, and recovering their

health, as well as reducing and alleviating the impacts of sickness. Patients are complicated

and diverse people who are trying their best, and I see them as participants in their treatment

and progress. As a nurse, I will always strive to have beneficial interactions with patients, the

community and staff members, and to form genuine bonds with them. Nursing, in my

opinion, is, therefore, a moral profession since its goal is to help others, not for self gains.

Values related to nursing.

Concerning the roles and changes in nurses’ positions, discovering major values and

establishing an understanding of medical moral values is important. Some of the most

essential values to the profession of nursing are social justice, altruism, individual and

professional competency, and human dignity. In nursing practice, social justice is described

through features that, in addition to considering people's respect and dignity, emphasize

equitable healthcare access and the opportunity to be treated and cared for equitably.

According to Kadivar et al., (2018), social justice means that everyone gets healthcare access.

I, therefore, believe that social justice is very important to the profession because it provides

support for each nurse, improves the safety of staff, the community and patients, and provides

opportunities for all.

Altruism is the second important value. It has been characterized by Messineo et al.,

(2021), as the center of commitment and understanding to care, as well as providing the best

safety and wellness for patients, their families, and society. As a result, altruism is considered

as a focus on patients, staff members and community through working to improve their

health. Poorchangizi et al. (2019), said that nurses should exhibit an attitude of compassion

and willingness to help based on the idea of altruism. When a nurse upholds altruism as an

important value in their practice, it is expected that the care given is good and effective.

Besides, the nurse can build a strong bond with the patients to personalize the care and

prevent desensitization in the treatment process. Nurses can also uphold altruism with staff

members and the community through giving priority to their needs.

Human dignity for patients, staff and community is identified as a key nursing ethical

virtue. Respecting the values, honoring peoples' views, and protecting their privacy and

dignity in nursing activities should be upheld. Nurses, according to Messineo et al. (2021),

should acknowledge that patients deserve dignity during treatment, where their bodies must

be covered when necessary and their secrets kept private. Similarly, this can be practiced with

family members, the community and staff members through keeping a positive caring attitude

and a humanistic readiness to help them.

Personal competency and progress among nurses come from the acquisition of the

latest information, the advancement of practical skills and clinical capacities, and the capacity

to provide comprehensive care. Nurses who attempt to provide advanced care create a

foundation for the greatest care, which promotes professional and personal competency.

According to Messineo et al., (2021), engagement in ongoing professional development

proposes that nurses should maintain their proficiency.

Guide for Practice

As a nursing scholar, I would like to stay in touch with nursing practice so that I can

apply the important values stated above. Therefore, some of the steps that I will take to

ensure I practice these values include regarding myself as one of the people who need my

care and trying to figure out what would be best for me. This practice will promote altruism.

It is difficult to be completely sensitive to patients' thoughts, but ensuring that patient

satisfaction is prioritized is important. This can be done through placing oneself in their

situation and thinking about how you would like to be handled if you required medical

attention. Regardless of the type of patient, either family, staff members or people from the

community, I will always be able to give selfless care and provide the best skills to help

patients. This act will be a promotion of social justice.

Reading research papers and reviewing the latest updates on advances in the medical

profession will help me provide quality care through expanding my knowledge base. In this

way, I will develop individual and professional competency. Human dignity is one of the

most ethical goals in patient care. To advance this value, I will maintain confidentiality,

respect peoples’ rights, and address their needs accordingly. Moreover, I will acknowledge

the power of interpersonal interactions. To this end, I will provide satisfactory care and

treatment expertise.


Nurses care for patients, staff members and the community more effectively if they

have the right skills. With the necessary abilities, they can cooperate with other medical

experts to give the most complete and specialized care to all people. In the nursing

profession, I will be able to consistently enhance my values, through offering the necessary

support and by embracing the values of social justice, altruism, individual and professional

competency, and human dignity. I will also want to satisfy the demands of nursing education
and practice by using real-life circumstances as a stimulator for nursing knowledge growth. It

is therefore of great need to possess important values.


Kadivar, M., Mardani-Hamooleh, M., & Kouhnavard, M. (2018). Concept analysis of human

dignity in patient care: Rodgers' evolutionary approach. Journal of medical ethics and

history of medicine, 11, 4.

Messineo, L., Seta, L. & Allegra, M. (2021). The relationship between empathy and altruistic

motivations in nursing studies: a multi-method study. BMC Nurs 20, 124.

Poorchangizi, B., Borhani, F., Abbaszadeh, A. Mirzaee, M., Farokhzadian, J. (2019). The

importance of professional values from nursing students’ perspective. BMC

Nursing 18, 26.

W.H.O., (2020). Nursing and Midwifery. Accessed 20/03/2022. Retrieved from:

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