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Social justice in our society.




Social Justice in our society 2

Social justice in our society.

Social justice is the general idea that there should be no stereotype but equality in social,

economic, political freedom and opportunities

How the video can be used to inform viewers on a social justice issue.

The video Experience our story telling digs deep into social justice in terms of social and

economic life as it emphasizes the protection of languages and culture, freedom of people,

protection of the environment and provision of home to the needy.

It is observed that languages gives true identity of the people living in a specific

environment. This gives easy communication amongst the people therefore understanding their

own beliefs and promotion of their own culture. Therefore, languages needs to be protected for

the present and future generation in order to protect their right of understanding the universe.

Another observation from the video counts on the protection of our environment. It is a call for

every individual in a given society to protect the content of the nature as dangerous habits like

deforestation could adversely affect the environment. People becomes vulnerable to desert,

hurricanes and also risks extinction from environment. Furthermore, the video hits on the

freedom which needs to be spread to every group of people even prisoners. Accept people, offer

them opportunities to feel at home

The ideas sparked by the video from my own perspective as a global citizen.

The video emphasizes on the view of preserving and renewing of culture as it promotes the

understanding of the universe. The cultural pillars such as languages indicates togetherness and

proper expressions of a given group of people. That is why it is good to teach the offspring the
Social Justice in our society 3

exact cultural languages. Other factors like humility needs to be promoted and also the nature

needs to be under protection for the betterment of the future.

How I would personally advocate for a social justice issue


In this perspective, people living in a given area needs to be treated equally whether

foreigner or the locals (Arthur, 2019). The order of living in a given society has to be introduced

to the new settlers. For example. The language spoken as the way of effective expressions of

ones feelings. The same way foreigners needs to be accessed and their culture filtered to fit the

given community for the better upbringing of new generations.


Religion can easily cause misunderstandings in a given society. This is because there are

various religious denominations which does things differently according to their faith. The

mindset that we serve one God should be developed and freedom of worship be granted to every

individual provided the person belong to a known category of religion. Religion becomes

favorite in promote wellbeing in a society as it talks about forgiveness and good morals.


The best way that shows there good social justice environment is politics where people from

all areas, tribes comes together to lead the society. Politics should focus on bringing the global

livings together but not to hold on the needs of the individuals (Kitching, 2022).

From educational framework.

Social Justice in our society 4

Students deserves the right to receive the same level of education no matter their race,

financial position, gender. This is because education in most cases provide a brighter future for

the individuals and no category of people would like to be left behind.


Arthur, N. (Ed.). (2019). Counselling in cultural contexts: Identities and social justice. Springer.

Kitching, G. (2022). Seeking social justice through globalization. Penn State University Press.

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