Gallego & Selvaraj, 2019. Evaluation - Coastal - Vulnerability - Buenaventura

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Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

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Evaluation of coastal vulnerability for the District of Buenaventura,

Colombia: A geospatial approach
Bryan Ernesto Gallego Perez, John Josephraj Selvaraj *
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Palmira, Facultad de Ingeniería y Administraci�
on, Departamento de Ingeniería, Grupo de Investigaci�
on en Recursos
Hidrobiol�ogicos, Cra 32 No. 12 - 00, Palmira, C�
odigo Postal, 763533, Colombia


Keywords: The District of Buenaventura is in the west of Colombia and of vital importance for the country in many aspects.
Coastal vulnerability index (CVI) Apart from being a robust economic contributor to the region, and the country, because of its ports, tourists and
Sea level rise biodiversity, it is the urban nucleus with the largest population in the Colombian Pacific. It has a varied coastline
Geospatial techniques
with several types of the geomorphological elements ranging from hills with cliffs, extensive mangrove plains to
Climatic change
Colombian Pacific coast
barriers islands with beach fronts forming most of the coastline. This study applied the coastal vulnerability
index (CVI) using eight variables, three physical/hydrodynamical, three geological/geomorphological, and two
socioeconomic variables, which are as follows: Rate of Sea Level Rise, Mean Tidal Range, Significant Wave
Height, Shoreline Change Rate, Geomorphology, Regional Coastal Slope, Land Use and Coverage, Population –
coastal settlements and economic activities, respectively. The variables considered are parameters of relative
vulnerability and are evaluated using the geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing procedures,
employing a geospatial approach. The littoral was classified into five ranges of relative vulnerability, evaluating
276 sections; 19.57% (54 km) is in the range of very high vulnerability, 19.93% (55 km) in the high vulnerability
range, 19.20% (53 km) in the moderate vulnerability range, 21.01% (58 km) in the low vulnerability range, and
20.29% (56 km) in the very low vulnerability range. These results can be used as an essential tool allowing
decision-makers to establish management measures aiming to reduce risks and for communities to adapt to
future changes in the face of the relative rise in sea level.

1. Introduction local studies are essential to guide decision making (Church et al., 2013;
Ghoussein et al., 2018).
An inherent challenge that today’s society must face is climate The coastal areas of the planet are most affected by this process.
change. It is widely recognised and studied since it disrupts the socio­ According to the different projections, due to the SLR in this century, the
economic and environmental systems, in various areas, at a global level. adverse impacts will continue to increase. Additionally, it is estimated
The phenomenon is magnified due to the increase of anthropogenic that half of the world’s population will reside less than 100 km from the
activities in the recent past. Its variability will continue to intensify in coast by the year 2030 (Ozyurt
€ and Ergin, 2009). Thus, there are sig­
the coming decades, with significant repercussions, especially for nificant challenges facing coastal areas in terms of risk management,
countries suffering from poverty (Comte et al., 2018; Islam et al., 2016; such as the interests of the actors of the territory and the forms of
Torresan et al., 2008). occupation of the same, the use of natural resources, the management of
A key indicator of climate change is the sea level rise (SLR), as it is areas with high population density, the protection of ecosystems, and
closely related to global warming. The key factors behind the contem­ the SLR in response to climate change, among others (Ozyurt € et al.,
porary shift in the sea level are the thermal expansion of the ocean and 2010).
the transfer of water found in terrestrial reservoirs in the form of ice Coastal zones are dynamic and complex territories, offering ecosys­
(glaciers and ice sheets). However, sea level change at the local level temic goods and services of great importance for subsistence. However,
may not follow the same trend as the global or regional scale, therefore, without an adequate adaptation capacity of these areas when faced with

* Corresponding author. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Palmira, Facultad de Ingeniería y Administraci�
on, Departamento de Ingeniería, Grupo de
on en Recursos Hidrobiol� ogicos, Cra 32 No. 12 - 00, Palmira, C�
odigo Postal, 763533, Colombia.
E-mail address: (J.J. Selvaraj).
Received 21 April 2019; Received in revised form 21 August 2019; Accepted 11 September 2019
Available online 19 September 2019
2352-9385/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

the increasing pressure of population growth and different climatic vulnerable. Facing the threats and challenges of climate change is not a
events, such as floods and accelerated coastal erosion, among others, simple task (INVEMAR, 2003; Posada et al., 2009; Tilley et al., 2018).
they will be extremely vulnerable. In fact, due to their great importance, The objective of this study is to determine the degree of coastal
these areas have been the subject of several studies regarding this topic vulnerability through the calculation of a CVI against the SLR for the
(IPCC, 2014; Kantamaneni et al., 2018). Buenaventura area.
Among one of the most widely used methods to measure coastline
vulnerability is the coastal vulnerability index (CVI) and its possible 2. Description of the study area
variants. A CVI can be defined as a process or methodology, through
which it becomes feasible to combine a certain number of variables of The geographic coordinates of the study area correspond to the
different categories that allow for the creation of a single indicator points 4� 70 4900 N and 77� 260 2700 W, to 3� 130 130 N and 77� 320 5800 W, as
providing relevant information regarding the vulnerability of the coasts shown in Fig. 1. It includes the coastal areas of the special industrial
(Szlafsztein and Sterr, 2007). The application of the CVI was proposed port, biodiversity, and ecotourism districts of Buenaventura – located in
and pioneered for the first time by (Gornitz, 1991), and it is closely Colombia, in the Valle del Cauca, in the central zone of the Colombian
related to the SLR potential, because it is a relative index in terms of the Pacific, with an extensive geographical area of 6297 km2 (Martínez
vulnerability of the coast (Ojeda et al., 2009). et al., 2013). The geomorphology presents cliffs that alternate with
In some coastal areas of Colombia, such as the Pacific region, the sandy beaches, tidal flats, barrier islands, muddy marshes, intertidal
impact of climate change is associated with floods, marine intrusion, and marshes, and mangroves (Stronkhorst et al., 2018). The tide behaviour is
erosion. In the Buenaventura District, erosion occurs in some parts of its a mixed, semi-diurnal type since it has two high and two low tides in a
coast, which has forced the population to continuously relocate. This tidal day, with the periods approaching at 12:25 o’clock (Espinosa,
territory, providing enormous environmental services, in the present 2010; INVEMAR, 2003).
state, faces the threat of abandonment governmental, making it highly The precipitation has a monomodal behaviour, with an annual

Fig. 1. Location of the study area.

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

average that oscillates between 7673 mm and 6821 mm, and the average which were analysed. These variables correspond to the geo­
temperature is within the range of 30 to 21 � C (Posada et al., 2009; morphology, the erosive rates, and the coastal slope. And finally, the
Viloria, 2008). Besides, the Colombian Pacific zone belongs to the third category is related to the socio-economic relations with the terri­
Choco �/Dari�en/Western Ecuador hotspot, which is a biogeographic re­ tory such as land use and coverage, population density – coastal settle­
gion with high ecosystemic importance, due to its significant levels of ments and economic activities (Iglesias et al., 2010; Kunte et al., 2014).
biodiversity and endangered reduction (Myers et al., 2000). The spatial data type refers to information from remote perception or
Economically, it is the main port of the Colombian Pacific and the previous cartographic analysis and the conventional data type refers to
Regional Port Societies of Colombia. It mobilises the most significant information that is non-spatial in nature.
percentage in terms of foreign trade volume. In fact, in 2016, it was
reported that of the 24.6 million tonnes of cargo that were mobilised by 3.1. Hydrodynamics variables
the ports of the country, 47% corresponded to Buenaventura (Vega
et al., 2019). Regarding the tourist and ecotourism vocation of the area, 3.1.1. Rate of sea level rise
the National Maritime Authority (DIMAR) reports an average of 243,915 It is widely accepted that at higher rates of SLR, the level of
tourist visits annually for the coastal zone of the District, from 2013 to vulnerability is more significant and vice versa (Islam et al., 2016; Lo
2016, frequenting sites such as the National Natural Park Uramba – Royo et al., 2016; Ojeda et al., 2011). The data record of the daily sea
M�alaga Bay, La Sierpe Natural Regional Park, Juanchaco beach, level of the Buenaventura tide gauge (3� 53.40 N, 77� 3.70 W), was pro­
Ladrilleros beach, the La Bocana area, and Piangüita, among others vided by the Sea Level Centre of the University of Hawaii (UHSLC).
(Ospina, 2017). These data have a rigorous control for research quality data (RQD)
The population of the area forms the most significant urban core of (Caldwell et al., 2015). Although there is another nearby tide gauge in
the Colombian Pacific, with 432,385 inhabitants (DANE, 2005), with a the Juanchaco area, the data from this one was not used, because the
varied ethnic composition comprising of Afro-descendants, indigenous time lapse was not enough to estimate any trend. Initially, the years with
people and mestizos, who have drastically modified the terrestrial and anomalous or atypical data were selected and extracted from the data of
marine landscape (Espinosa, 2010). Part of the population resides in the average daily height level, since they are related to the El Ni~ no
palafíticas dwellings that are exposed to low tide areas, increasing their climate phenomenon (Pabo �n, 2003a, 2003b; Rangel and Montealegre,
degree of exposure to the tidal regime. Similarly, some beaches associ­ 2003). Then, the monthly and annual averages of the filtered data were
ated with the barrier islands and mangrove swamps have gradually lost calculated, to calculate the rate of the mean sea level, utilizing a linear
their surface or altered their shape, partly due to marine erosion, bio­ regression analysis (Centro de observaciones Geodesicas, 2008; Ojeda
erosion, or runoffs (Posada et al., 2009). et al., 2011).

3. Materials and methods 3.1.2. Mean tidal range

The calculation of this variable was developed according to the
We followed the methodological procedures published for the guidelines of the Institute of Marine Sciences of Virginia of the United
Atlantic coast of the United States by the United States Geological Ser­ States (VIMS). The mean tidal range (MTR) is obtained from the dif­
vice (USGS) in Thieler and Hammar-Klose (1999) study. Similarly, the ference of the average mean high water (MHW), a record of at least 19
studies advanced by Kunte et al. (2014), Sankari et al. (2015) and Pra­ years, with the average of the mean low water (MLW) with the same
manik et al. (2016), concerning the coastal vulnerability in different number of registrations (Mawdsley et al., 2015; Roberts, 2008). The data
areas of India, were also taken into account. recorded of the hourly sea level of the tide gauge of Buenaventura was
The variables used in Table 1 are divided into three categories. The provided by the UHSLC with RQD. As with the previous variable, the
first is the physical and hydrodynamic type, which integrates the vari­ data was filtered from anomalous and atypical data. Subsequently, the
ables that contribute to the erosive or flood processes in the coastal zone; minimum and maximum daily tide data were selected, employing a
these are changes at the sea level, the average range of tides, and the spreadsheet, which was treated until the annual average for each one
significant height of the waves. The second is associated with the forms was obtained, and thus, the MTR for the Buenaventura District was
and composition of the coast, that is, it is composed of geological or calculated.
morphological variables; they consist of the degree of resistance to
erosion, changes in the coastline, and sensitivity to flood processes,

Table 1
Variables used in the elaboration of the coastal vulnerability index.
Variables Category Data Type Source of the Data Details about the Data Period

Rate of the Sea Level Rise Physical/ Conventional Tide gauge of Buenaventura, acquired from the Average daily level of sea height. 1953–2013
Hydrodynamics University of Hawaii Sea Level Centre (UHSLC)
Mean Tidal Range Conventional Tide gauge of Buenaventura, acquired from the Hourly level of sea height 1953–2013
University of Hawaii Sea Level Centre (UHSLC)
Significant Wave Height Spatial Aviso þ (Satellite Altimetry Data) Grided (1� � 1� regular grid) 2009–2018
multimission product
Shoreline Change Rate Geology/ Spatial Landsat 5 TM & Landsat 8 OLI (Path 10 – Row 57 USGS satellite images (30 m 1986 & 2015
Geomorphology & 58) resolution)
Geomorphology Spatial INGEOMINAS & INVEMAR Geomorphology of the Pacific region 1998
Regional Coastal Slope Spatial Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) & Digital elevation model (DEM – 30 m 2000
Global Multi-Resolution Topography synthesis resolution) & Bathymetry (60 m
(GMRT) resolution)
Land Use and Land Cover Socioeconomics Spatial Landsat 8 OLI (Path 10 – Row 57 & 58) USGS satellite images (30 m 2015
Population, Coastal Conventional/ National Department of Statistics (DANE), Statistical Yearbook of Buenaventura 2013, 2015 &
Settlements and Spatial Institute of Marine and Coastal Research 2012–2013 and the layer of 2018
Economic Activities (INVEMAR) & City Hall of the District of corregimientos of the district

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

3.1.3. Mean significant wave height correct the final value, if necessary (Gonçalves et al., 2015).
The significant height of the waves is a representation of the energy Subsequently, the necessary atmospheric, radiometric, and geo­
of the waves that are related to the processes of movement and transport metric corrections were made in the images to obtain a product suitable
of coastal sediments. This energy increases with the square of the height for the procedure (ChenthamilSelvan et al., 2014; El-Asmar and
of the wave; meaning, it is a function of the height of the waves. At this Hereher, 2011; Go �mez et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2013; Nassar et al., 2018).
point, the higher the wave, the greater the vulnerability and vice versa Then, Modification of normalized difference water index (MNDWI) was
(Beluru Jana and Hegde Vittal, 2016; Dwarakish et al., 2009; USGS, applied to clearly differentiate the boundary between water and soil (Xu,
2000). The relationship between the height of the waves and the energy 2006), where the necessary input is obtained to perform the digitaliza­
of the waves is calculated using Equation (1): tion of the coastline, through the tool Digital Shoreline Analysis System
(DSAS) of the USGS (Thieler et al., 2017). Then, there is the statistical
E ¼ ð1 = 8Þρgh2 (1)
parameter endpoint rate (EPR), which serves to determine and compare
the degree of recoil (erosion) or advance (accretion) of the coastline in
where, E ¼ energy density (Joule/m2), h ¼ height of the wave (m),
the years of study (Baral et al., 2018).
ρ ¼ density of water (Kg/m3), g ¼ acceleration of gravity.
For the study area, we used the data of significant wave height from
3.2.2. Geomorphology
the information system of the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES),
The morphological configuration of the coastal littoral plays an
which collects information from some satellites such as CFOSat,
essential role in response to the effect of SLR on any coastal vulnerability
Sentinel-3B and 3 A, Jason 2 and 3, among others, through its platform
analysis. Mainly, because the coastal relief forms can have different
NOTICEþ (Satellite Altimetry Data) (CNES, 2018). The data was
degrees of relative resistance to this increase since they depend as much
selected from the tropical Pacific area, with a range of nine years in the
on their shape and structure as on their conformation (Thieler and
NetCDF format. The resolution of the data grid was 1� � 1� , which was
Hammar-Klose, 2000, 1999). In effect, this variable reveals the relative
exported and setting up for the area of interest.
erodability of the different types of coastal geoforms, for example,
beaches, cliffs, among others (L� opez Royo et al., 2016). Consequently,
3.2. Geological variables the social structure of man takes advantage of these naturally created
spaces and benefits from his environmental offer, but he must confront
3.2.1. Shoreline change rate his possible threats (Florez, 2003; Robertson, 2003).
Physically, the coastline represents the boundary between the oceans For the coast of Buenaventura, we used the geomorphology database
and the emerged part of the continents. This presents changing char­ of governmental organisations that conducted studies on this subject.
acteristics largely due to erosion, accretion, the different tidal processes, The first was the cartography of the Colombian Institute of Geology and
the topography, and changes in the sea level, among others. These Mining (INGEOMINAS) published in Gonzales et al. (1998), the second
changes may have a natural or anthropogenic origin (Pramanik et al., was cartography and WMS database of the Marine and Coastal Research
2016; Robertson, 2003). The importance of evaluating this coastal Institute “Jos�e Benito Vives De Andr� eis” (INVEMAR) published in
parameter is fundamental for the planning of future coastal management Posada et al. (2009). These databases were geometrically corrected and
strategies, since some development processes of entire communities subjected to a digitization process.
have been carried out without considering the potential costs of pro­
tection or relocation, in relation to the SLR, storms, or floods (Thieler 3.2.3. Regional coastal slope
and Hammar-Klose, 1999). Slopes express changes or variations in the topographic level of a
For the calculation of this variable, satellite images of the years 1986 zone. This variable is of high relevance in coastal vulnerability studies
Landsat 5 (TM) and 2015 Landsat 8 (OLI) were used, as shown in since through it; it is feasible to determine how exposed a coastal area is
Table 2. The selection of images was carried out according to two to a flood, as well as the possible speed with which the coastline can be
important criteria, the level of the tide and the availability of images retracted. A consensus of the authors who have discussed the issue is
with low cloudiness over the area of interest. It must be considered, that that the lower the degree of slope is the extension of the floodplain,
the extraction of the precise position of the coastline in the satellite while the slopes with more inclination experience less flooding, and
image depends on the level of tidal height, at the moment of capture of therefore less erosive power (Islam et al., 2015; Pendleton et al., 2010).
the scene, to achieve a comparison of changes in the littoral, according For the Buenaventura District, we used the guidelines proposed by
to both images at similar tidal levels (Yu et al., 2011). This procedure is Pendleton et al. (2010) and by Islam et al. (2016). The regional coastal
facilitated by Equation (2), which has the following form: slope was calculated from a grid composed of topographic elevations
hmax þ hmin hmax hmin πΔt and bathymetric levels, evaluated in circular sections of a 1-km radius
h¼ � cos (2) on the coastline. We worked with data from two sources, the first, a
2 2 ΔT
digital elevation model (DEM) of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
where, h ¼ height of the tide at the time of image acquisition, (SRTM) with a resolution of 30 m of pixel for the mainland and the
hmax ¼ height level of high tide, hmin ¼ height level of low tide, second, the levels of bathymetry for the submerged section with the data
ΔT ¼ time interval between high and low tide, and Δt ¼ time interval coming from the Global Multi-Resolution Topography synthesis
from the previous event, either high or low tide, and the image acqui­ (GMRT), with a resolution of 60 m of pixel. Finally, the average slopes of
sition time. The formula can be estimated using the negative symbol to each circular section were calculated with the zonal statistical tool

Table 2
Image date and tidal conditions during image acquisition.
Images Path-Row Date Acquired Acquisition Time Tide Gauge Levels Estimate h(m)

Tide High Tide Low

Time - h (m) Time - h (m)

Landsat 5 TM Path 10–Row 57 23/03/1986 14:51 20:00–3.36 13:00–0.78 1.2

Path 10–Row 58 23/03/1986 14:51 20:00–3.36 13:00–0.78 1.2
Landsat 8 OLI Path 10–Row 57 11/06/2015 15:24 11:19–4.03 17:17–0.53 1.3
Path 10–Row 58 11/06/2015 15:24 11:19–4.03 17:17–0.53 1.3

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

(Islam et al., 2016). in the villages of the region. In the second phase, the platforms of Google
Earth and Bing maps were used, where the coastal settlements that were
3.3. Socioeconomics variables less than 10 km from the coast were located, as well as information on
the economic activities associated with the populations, settled on the
3.3.1. Land use and land cover coast of Buenaventura, were obtained from the INVEMAR of two local
One of the most critical natural resources that has gained importance studies published by the (INVEMAR, 2015; Ricaurte-Villota et al., 2018).
in recent decades is the land. This incorporates the soil matrix, water From there, each coastal settlement was assigned with a value for its
management and supporting the associated flora and fauna, making it presence or absence of coastal activities, and later these allocations were
fundamental to terrestrial ecosystems (Dwarakish, 2008). Therefore, in averaged.
the context of the assessment of coastal vulnerability, the different ef­
fects of different scenarios against the SLR related to the use and 3.4. Vulnerability ranges
coverage of the territory should be considered. Hence, the possible so­
cioeconomic impacts can be measured through the monetary costs due For the most part, these variables, due to their dynamic nature,
to the loss of coastal resources (LU/LC) due to flooding and its conse­ require a large amount of information from different sources to be
quences, such as setbacks or loss of beaches, among others (Faour et al., processed and analysed later. The qualifications of the variables were
2013). developed through an allocation of vulnerability ranges, as shown in
An LU/LC map was developed from a Landsat 8 OLI mosaic images Table 3, in which the values were determined with an ordinal scale from
(Path 10 – Row 57 and 58). The satellite images were subjected to a one to five, classified into five levels of vulnerability that included very
series of processes, such as atmospheric and geometric corrections low, low, intermediate, high and very high, respectively (Ojeda et al.,
(ChenthamilSelvan et al., 2014; El-Asmar and Hereher, 2011; G� omez 2009; Thieler and Hammar-Klose, 1999).
et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2013; Nassar et al., 2018), necessary to obtain a The vulnerability classification criteria for the rate of increase of the
quality product to then carry out a supervised classification process of 6 mean sea level were taken from the global trend data of the relative sea
classes of land use and coverage (Suhura et al., 2018). To evaluate the level of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
coastal vulnerability for the LU/LC variable, due to its socioeconomic (NOAA, 2018). For the mean tidal range we used the study developed by
importance, the classes were grouped into particular characteristics the USGS, published in (Thieler and Hammar-Klose, 1999), and for the
according to the land use and land cover present for the purpose of significant wave height, the data of the tropical Pacific in the informa­
assigning a greater or lesser value that is shown in Table 3 (Mahapatra tion published by the information system of the National Centre for
et al., 2015, Mani Murali et al., 2013; Sankari et al., 2015; Suhura et al., Space Studies (CNES), through its platform AVISOþ (CNES, 2018), was
2018). obtained. For the variable of shoreline change rate, it was divided into
five classes, the first two corresponded to the accretion process with
3.3.2. Population, coastal settlements and economic activities positive values, the last three corresponded to the erosion process with
A significant factor in socioeconomic matters is the population, as it negative values, respectively. With respect to the variable geo­
dramatically influences the vulnerability of a region to coastal threats. It morphology, because the particular morphological characteristics of the
can fulfil two roles; one is related to the negative pressure exerted by the Pacific area are specific, we made use of the Colombian bibliography
inhabitants on the coast, since areas with high population density and that will provide sufficient information to indicate the classification
much tourist movement rates frequently cause higher rates of erosion. criteria (Gonzales et al., 1998; IDEAM, 2000; Martinez Ardila et al.,
The other is related to the capacity and preparation of the communities 2003; Posada et al., 2009; Stronkhorst et al., 2018).
facing the different natural hazards, such as the SLR, and therefore, it is The regional coastal slope variable was classified according to the
essential to respond and act to reduce vulnerability (Behera et al., 2019; total range of results through the natural breaks classification method
Kunte et al., 2014). (Jenks). The variable LU/LC was classified according to the guidelines
For the use of this variable, we used part of the guidelines presented presented in (Mahapatra et al., 2015; Mani Murali et al., 2013; Sankari
by (Beluru Jana and Hegde Vittal, 2016; Kunte et al., 2014; Mani Murali et al., 2015). The variable of the population, has two components; the
et al., 2013; Mussi et al., 2011), where the quantity of population was population density, which was classified using the Jenks method, and
used as a parameter for the evaluation of coastal vulnerability. For the the coastal settlements and economic activities, where their averaged
Buenaventura District, this variable was divided into two phases, in the values are organised into five ranges, through the same process
first phase, the database from the DANE and the Statistical Yearbook of (Table 3). To qualify the variable, the rating values of the relative
the Buenaventura district were crossed to obtain the population density vulnerability range assigned to both components are averaged to obtain

Table 3
Relative vulnerability ranking assigned for all variables.
Variables Relative Vulnerability Rank

Very Low (1) Low (2) Moderate (3) High (4) Very High (5)

Rate of Sea Level Rise (mm/yr) <0 0 to 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 >9

Mean Tidal Range (m) >6 4 to 6 2 to 4 1 to 2 <1.0
Significant Wave Height (m) 0.38 to 0.75 0.76 to 1.49 1.50 to 2.24 2.25 to 2.99 3.0 to 3.74
Shoreline Change Rate (m/yr) 16.59 to 7.22 7.21 to 0.01 0.0 to 11.53 11.54 to 20.90 20.91 to
Geomorphology Marine Hills, mountains Hills, mountains and hills/ Mangrove plain/Urban Beaches/
terrace with and hills with cliffs Alluvial valley (marine Barrera Islands
cliff fluvial plain)
Regional Coastal Slope (%) 17.22 to 8 7.99 to 4.07 4.06 to 2.4 2.4 to 1.69 1.68 to 0.01
Land Use and Coverage – – Forests and general Mangrove forests/Flooded natural grassland- Urban/
vegetation coastal barriers/Forests and general vegetation Beaches
þ sensitive ecological regions
Population (habitant/km2), Coastal 2.82 to 5.61 5.62 to 13.07 13.08 to 35.46 35.47 to 74.14 74.15 to
Settlements, and Economic 12,305.97
Activities <0.27 0.27 to 0.29 0.30 to 0.43 0.44 to 0.57 0.58 to 1

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

the result of the variable. the study area that integrates all the coastal villages, including the
coastal UZ.
3.5. Calculation of coastal vulnerability index (CVI) The values obtained for MHW, MLW, and MTR are related, and are in
line with what was reported in regional entities, in 2009, by the Ministry
The study area was divided into 276 sections, each 1 km long, along of Environment and published by IDEAM in 2012 (Cadena, 2012; Min­
the coast of the Buenaventura District. For each section and each vari­ isterio De Ambiente Vivienda Y Desarrollo Territorial, 2009). In the area
able, the relative vulnerability was calculated according to Table 3. The of coastal vulnerability, higher MTR results in higher vulnerability
CVI is calculated for each of the sections using Equation (3). It is the (Beluru Jana and Hegde Vittal, 2016; Di Paola et al., 2011; Diez et al.,
square root the product of the relative vulnerability ranking of the 2007; E. Doukakis, 2005; Gornitz, 1991), On the other hand, for other
variables, divided by the total number of variables (Gornitz, 1991). authors, coastal areas with low MTR values are more vulnerability
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (Lo�pez Royo et al., 2016; Ojeda et al., 2009; Pendleton et al., 2005; Tano
a*b*c*d*e*f *g*h et al., 2016).
CVI ¼ (3)
4.3. Significant wave height
where, a ¼ rate of sea level rise, b ¼ mean tidal range, c ¼ significant
wave height, d ¼ shoreline change rate, e ¼ geomorphology, f ¼ regional
The treatment of spatial data from the AVISO þ platform for the
coastal slope, g ¼ land use and land cover, h ¼ population-coastal set­
tropical Pacific area showed that the values of significant wave height
tlements and economic activities.
for the coastline of the Buenaventura District ranges between 1.11 m and
Table 4 shows an example of the vulnerability values of each of the
1.25 m, as shown in Fig. 4. The vulnerability range for the whole area
variables and the CVI calculated. This table intended to shows the first
was classified as low, according to the global classification provided by
five of the 276 sections.
the total data set of the tropical Pacific, shown in Table 3, for all coastal
villages including the coastal UZ. The values obtained for the coast of the
4. Results
Buenaventura District are related, and are within the range reported in
two local studies. In the first, the significant wave height is in the order
4.1. Rate of sea level rise (SLR)
of approximately 1 m and in the second, it is in a range from 0.7 to 1.4 m
in height (Portilla-Yandún et al., 2013; Thomas et al., 2014).
The results of the treatment of the data from the tide gauge of the
Buenaventura District study area shows that the relative sea level pre­
4.4. Shoreline change rate
sents a tendency to gradually increase at a rate of 2.2 mm annually
(�0.83 mm/year), with a degree of confidence of 95%, between the
The estimates of the exchange rate of the coastal line obtained from
years 1953–2013. This is equivalent to an increase in the sea level of
the statistical parameter of the endpoint rate (EPR), indicate that of the
approximately 0.13 m, in the study period of 60 years. Fig. 2 shows the
total sections evaluated, 1.1% belongs to a very high vulnerability
range of vulnerability in which the rate of increase of the mean sea level
range, 9.1% to high vulnerability, 61.6% to intermediate vulnerability,
was spatialised for the study area, which integrates all the coastal vil­
24.6% to low vulnerability, and 3.6% to very low vulnerability. Ac­
lages including the coastal urban zone (UZ), with a low score, according
cording to Fig. 5, the coastal villages that present significant erosion
to the classification of Table 3.
rates correspond to villages III, IV, VI, of UZs VII, XIV, V, X, XI, and XVI.
The results obtained from the relative SRL rate, for the study area,
However, intermediate coastal erosion occurs in all villages of the study
are within the ranges reported by the Intergovernmental Panel for
area. On the other hand, in a smaller proportion, the accretion rates
Climate Change (IPCC), which shows that between 1901 and 2010 it was
correspond to villages III, IV, and VI of UZs VII, V, X, XI, XVI, and XV.
likely that the global average rate of relative sea level will range from
The results of the zones of the littoral that present some degree of
1.5 to 1.9 mm annually, with an increase in the sea level between 0.17
erosion in the present work, mostly corresponding to the zones with the
and 0.21 m (Aquino da Silva et al., 2019; Church et al., 2013). Similarly,
presence of erosion in the study carried out by INVEMAR in 2009.
it is confirmed from the studies carried out at the local level, where a SLR
Additionally, the ranges of the EPR parameter found in this study, are
rate was reported within a range of 1.2–2.0 mm annually, in 2003, and a
within the scope of erosion-accretion, published in a local survey in the
rate of 2.2 mm annually, in 2017 (Giraldo et al., 2017; Rangel and
Buenaventura District by INVEMAR in 2016 (INVEMAR, 2016; Posada
Montealegre, 2003). However, another local study calculated the rate of
et al., 2009).
relative increase in sea level as being 5.3 mm yearly, from the period
1961 to 1990 (Pab� on, 2003b), making it higher than that of present
4.5. Geomorphology
study results.
Of all the sections evaluated in the study area, 38.41% corresponds
4.2. Mean tidal range to a very high vulnerability range, 27.9% to a high vulnerability range,
7.61% to a moderate vulnerability range, 19.20% to a low vulnerability
The results of the treatment of the data from the tide gauge of the range, and 6.88% to a very low vulnerability range. In Fig. 6, it is
study area of the Buenaventura District show, an MHW of 3.67 m and an observed that in all the villages, including the UZ, there are geomor­
MLW of 0.59 m, with which we obtained an MTR of 3.1 m. Fig. 3 shows phological elements in the high and very high vulnerability ranges. On
the range of vulnerability in which the MTR was spatialised, and this the contrary, villages II, III, IV, and VI, were observed to have low and
was classified as moderate, according to the classification in Table 3, for very low vulnerability ranges. A particular aspect that can be observed is
the present trend from the UZ to south of the study area, in village XV, of
Table 4 the majority presence of barrier islands in the area, contrasting with only
Calculated CVI. one, north of M� alaga bay, in village III. Another important aspect is the
Sections a b c d e f g h CVI marked presence of cliffs on the coast of townships IV and VI, and in
1 2 3 2 2 5 5 5 2 27.39 parts of II and III. The results evaluated, for this variable of the study, are
2 2 3 2 3 5 4 4 2 26.83 related to the characteristics mentioned in the local studies carried out
3 2 3 2 1 5 5 5 2 19.36 by (Martinez et al., 2003; Robertson, 2003), with regards to the
4 2 3 2 3 5 3 4 3 28.46 geomorphological barrier islands and their relative vulnerability, be­
5 2 3 2 1 5 5 5 2 19.36
sides the alterations of different morphodynamic zones in the study site.

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

Fig. 2. Rate of sea level rise.

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

Fig. 3. Mean tidal range.

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

Fig. 4. Significant wave height.

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

Fig. 5. Shoreline change rate.

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

Fig. 6. Geomorphology.

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

4.6. Regional coastal slope the UZ of the island of Cascajal, were observed with very high, high, and
intermediate vulnerability values, respectively. This trend extends to the
Of the total sections evaluated in the study area, 25% are related to a south in villages XII and XVI, to where there is a presence of low and
very high vulnerability range, 18.48% to a high vulnerability range, intermediate values of vulnerability, respectively, and then continues in
30.07% to a moderate vulnerability range, 18.48% to a low vulnerability village XV.
range, and 7.97% to a very low vulnerability range. As highlighted in
Fig. 7, the villages that present mild slopes between 0.01 and 2.39% are, 5. Discussion
III, UZs VII, XIV, V, X, XI, XVI, and XV. On the contrary, the villages that
present outstanding slopes from 4.07 to 17.22% are III, IV & VI, XI, and The relative vulnerability of the Buenaventura District in the studied
XVI. Additionally, it stands that all the villages, including the UZs, sections generally present a differentiated behaviour in three zones,
present slopes of average grade, ranging from 2.4 to 7.99%. The results where there is greater vulnerability in the northern zone – due to the
found in this variable have not been contrasted with other local studies presence of lower resistance geomorphology – along with relatively
that report regional coastal slope ranges. However, the detailed bibli­ smooth slopes, significant erosion rates – and where the essential eco­
ography mentions the slope criteria according to what is found in these nomic activities of the region are situated. In the intermediate district,
results that relate to smooth bathymetric profiles, south of the UZ, and which is located between Bahía Ma �laga and the Bay of Buenaventura,
considerable changes in relief in villages IV and VI, with some excep­ due to its robust geomorphological characteristics – steep slopes,
tions (Gonzales et al., 1998; Posada et al., 2009). considerable erosion, protected areas with high vegetation coverage,
and low population density – are conferred a lower degree of relative
4.7. Land use and land cover vulnerability. On the other hand, the southern zone, including the UZ of
the District, presents a different behaviour, but primarily, a tending
Of the total sections of the study area, 29.35% belong to a very high towards high relative vulnerability, due to the interaction of the
vulnerability range, 58.70% to a high vulnerability range, and 11.96% geomorphological elements of lower resistance, smooth slopes, higher
to a moderate vulnerability range. As shown in Fig. 8, the villages, population density, and economic activities.
including UZ, presenting high and very high vulnerability ranges are III A significant aspect is that the observed trend of the relative increase
and IV, in UZs VI, V, XI, XVI, and XV. On the other hand, the villages that in the mean sea level for the study area is already within the range of the
present sections of moderate vulnerability are IV and VI in UZs II and sea level rise projections, proposed by the IPCC for 2100, in the emission
XVI. The results obtained in this variable correspond with some of the scenarios. Of greenhouse gases, A1Bc and A1Tc are present at values of
cases presented in a local study published in (OSSO and LA MINGA, 2.1–6 mm annually and 1.7–4.7 mm annually, respectively (Lo �pez Royo
2000). et al., 2016); it is particularly neuralgic, because if this trend continues,
it is likely that the adverse effects will intensify and have considerable
4.8. Population, coastal settlements and economic activities repercussions on the population. This is because, there are erosive
processes on the coast, which affect, and will continue to alter, the
Of the total number of sections evaluated in the study area, the high different socio-economic and ecosystemic activities that take place at
and very high vulnerability ranges contribute to 3.99%, 3.62% for the the study site.
intermediate vulnerability range, 58.33% for the low vulnerability Some natural processes that produce changes in the coastal zone
range, and 34.06% for the very low vulnerability range. As shown in (hydrodynamic pressures), their continuous transformations (morpho­
Fig. 9, the villages that have a high, very high, and intermediate popu­ dynamic responses) together with direct human impacts on the coast
lation densities, including the UZ are, V, VII, VII, and XIV. Those with such as urbanization, population growth, sediment control structures,
low and very low population densities are II, III, IV and VI, X, XI, XII, XV, modification of the fluvial regulation and others, are configured as the
XVI, respectively. Furthermore, the villages that have the highest main forces that shape coastal vulnerability. This vulnerability is
number of coastal settlements are IV, VI, XI, and XV with values of 13, established from a spatial concept since it allows determining sites and
10, and 9, respectively. Those with the lowest number of coastal set­ communities susceptible to coastal threats such as SLR, coastal storms,
tlements are III, V, XVI, X, and XII, with values of 6, 5, 4, 4 and 1, among others, that affect physical and socioeconomic systems (Bev­
respectively. It is highlighted that the villages with the most significant acqua et al., 2018; Sa �nchez-Arcilla et al., 2016).
number of economic activities, such as tourism, fishing, agriculture, Coastal communities are complex systems subject to various physical
port, commerce, and industry, are located north of the District, including and socioeconomic pressures that are increased by the interrelations
the UZ; they are IV, VI, and III. To the south of the District economic present in them. They are of interest for the management of territories in
activities of sustenance – fishing and agriculture – can be fundamentally terms of adaptation because when natural processes are threatening for
observed; they are observed on a smaller scale in villages VII, XIV, V, X, infrastructure or human activities, these become an environmental
XI, XII, XVI, and XV. problem. In this way, the determination of coastal vulnerability can be
considered as a fundamental tool for understanding the magnitude of
4.9. Coastal vulnerability index (CVI) changes in the coast and the prevention of possible socioeconomic,
cultural and environmental impacts (Kantamaneni et al., 2019). In this
For the Buenaventura District, the results indicate that the CVI varies sense, taking into account coastal vulnerability for coastal planning is
from 4.24 to 54.77, and this range is divided into the 20th, 40th, 60th, essential, since it allows local governments to establish a basis for the
and 80th percentiles, corresponding to values of 9.80, 16.43, 21.21, development of adequate plans and effective strategies for adapting to
26.83, respectively. Of the 276 sections evaluated along the coast, changes, as well as an option for prevention against threats and prepare
19.57% (54 km) are in a very high vulnerability range, 19.93% (55 km) for the mitigation of (Abdullah et al., 2019; Stafford and Renaud, 2019).
in the high vulnerability range, 19.20% (53 km) in the moderate This is the first local study of coastal vulnerability of this type for the
vulnerability range, 21.01% (58 km) in the low vulnerability range, and Buenaventura District. Apart from establishing an initial diagnosis of
20.29% (56 km) in the very low vulnerability range. The zones that have coastal sensitivity, it opens up a range of options to be evaluated against
lower values of vulnerability, with some exceptions, as shown in Fig. 10, the possible threats associated with climate change. One of the primary
are the Bahía M� alaga between the Southeast area of village III, and reasons for advancing this type of work is the premise that the global
almost a complete proportion of villages IV and VI. The Bay of Buena­ average level of the sea will continue to rise in the future, in response to
ventura is nuanced by the fact that the southern zone of village II has low the global climate alterations, which will be seen in low-lying coastal
vulnerability values. On the contrary, villages VII, XIV, and V, included areas — reflected in phenomena such as increased erosion rates,

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

Fig. 7. Regional coastal slope.

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

Fig. 8. Land use and land cover.

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

Fig. 9. Population, coastal settlements and economic activities.

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

Fig. 10. Coastal vulnerability index (CVI) of Buenaventura district.

B.E. Gallego Perez and J.J. Selvaraj Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 16 (2019) 100263

increased flooding, brackish water intrusion into groundwater, as well article.

as a decrease in marshy and mangrove surface areas (Maulud et al.,
2018; Nicholls and Cazenave, 2010). Therefore, it is significant to Acknowledgments
analyse the current conditions of vulnerability, depending on where the
coastline of the study is located. It is important to note that Colombia is We wish to thank the national and foreign territorial entities, who,
one of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean with a signifi­ with their data, work and efforts, allowed this investigation to be
cant coastal population, reported for the year 2000, and the Colombian concluded in the best way possible. These bodies are the USGS, CNES,
Pacific area, especially the Buenaventura District, highly contributes to IDEAM, INVEMAR, DIMAR, the Secretariat of Tourism of Buenaventura,
this statistic (Neumann et al., 2015). and the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. We wish to acknowledge the
It is emphasised that this study does not calculate the probability of Universidad Nacional de Colombia for funding through HERMES 37712.
the occurrence of events within the classical analysis of risks in the face
of possible climatic phenomena, for example, floods, tidal waves, tsu­ Appendix A. Supplementary data
namis, among others, or the spatialization of the areas specifically
affected by these phenomena. With this index, it is intended to assess the Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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