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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Davao del Sur
Ihan, Kiblawan, Davao del Sur
S.Y. 2019-2020


The advent of modern technology has undeniably affected the interests and likes of
the people especially the young minds. The benefit of having something in a snap of a finger
adds to their apt indolence to give more time and effort. One conspicuous effect, though
reasons may vary, is children’s lack of interest in reading. For some, reading is not fun. In an
era when instant is a trend, reading is boring. But this should not be the case for reading is
one of the fundamental skills one should efficiently develop. Reading is important for a
variety of reasons. First, it develops the mind. As what Sir Richard Steele said, “Reading is to
the mind what exercise is to the body.” Our mind is a muscle thus it needs to be exercised.
The ability to understand and decode messages nourishes our brain. Aside from this, reading
also helps us discover and unfold learning. It broadens one’s imagination and widens one’s
horizon. It is a skill that can be used as a weapon in this battle called life.

To accentuate the essence of reading especially to the students, as a support to the

celebration of 2019 National Reading Month in line with DepEd Memo No. 158 s. 2019 with
its theme “Magbasa’t Umunlad”, Ihan National Hich School held various activities that
aimed to promote love for reading and to celebrate the diversity of learners and culture
through reading.

As a kick off to the month-long celebration of the National Reading Month,

dissemination and brief discussion of its theme and scheduled activities was conducted by
Lorelie H. Luy, the School Reading Coordinator.

Various activities were collaboratively spearheaded by the School Reading

Coordinator and Supreme Student Government such as: Mystery Reader, Learders of
Readers, #Shareabook, Help a reader Be a Volunteer, Blackout Day, Road Trip-Oh the Places
You’ll Go!, and Araw ng Pagbasa.

`In partnership with the stakeholders, SB Member Juvy O. Sambilad, Chairman of

Youth Committee was invited as the mystery Reader last November 22, 2019. The activity
was done right after the Flag Ceremony.

PTA officers, school head, teachers, personnel and students enthusiastically

participated the activity, Leaders as readers. The said school leaders were photographed
reading their favorite book. Their photos were enlarged and posted on a bulletin board. On
the same manner, pictures of students doing the same thing were also posted in the adjoining
board under the caption “Look Who’s Also Reading!”
The SSG officers initiated the hashtag share a book (#shareabook) activity. Used
carton box was creatively covered and decorated highlighting the name of the activity and
was displayed in front of the reading center wherein some volunteer stakeholders responded
by donating their story books.

Help a reader. Be a volunteer was also launched on November 18. Stakeholders and
independent student readers invited to volunteer help frustration readers and other students
with reading difficulties by adopting a child and help him/her succeed in reading. This
activity run through until February, 2020.

Last November 26, 2019, Blackout Day Activity was conducted. On this day, students
are challenged to go one whole day without any electronic entertainment and listed down
books read for the day.

Selected SSG officers and Senior High School Students lead the activity entitled Road
Trip-Oh Places You’ll Go. This was done last November 28, 2019. The Selected SSG
officers and some Senior High School students visited the Grade 7 rooms for a shared reading
time by reading to the younger students some picture books. The activity was done during
the ICL time.

As a compliance to the nationwide, simultaneous Araw ng Pagbasa last November

27, 2019, all learners, teachers and non-teaching personnel observed the synchronized
reading activity which started at nine in the morning.

Prepared by:

School Reading Coordinator


Principal I

Worth Emulating. INHS teachers

and school personnel enjoy reading
their favorite book.
Book Lovers. INHS students are
engrossed on the luxury of reading .
Challenge Accepted. Teachers and
students alike participate the Araw ng
Pagbasa Challenge, dropping everything
and taking time to relish reading.
No Gadget for A Day. INHS populace give
up their gadget for a day to devote their
time to reading during lunch break.
No Gadget for A Day. INHS students flock
in front of the reading center display area
to grab books and read with friends.
Help Extended. INHS stakeholders and
independent readers adopted struggling
readers to help them improve their reading
Mystery Revealed. SB Member Juvy O.
Sambilad, surprises the INHS students
after the flag raising ceremony as she
reveals herself as the mystery reader for
the day.

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