Warm-Up Exercises For Table Tennis

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Warm-up Exercises

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Warm-up exercises should be an essential part of your routine before playing
Rules and Regulations table tennis.
Here are a few you can use...
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How To Play
By Martin Hughes
Table Tennis Clubs Owner and Editor

Best Players Table tennis is a fast physical sport which requires agility, speed and quick
Major Tournaments
Therefore it's important that you perform warm-up and warm-down (cool-down)
History of Table Tennis exercises prior to starting a session, and at the end of a session.

Warming-up before you play reduces the risk of tearing or straining muscles,
OTHER whilst cooling down will clear the system of the chemicals in the body (produced
by the exercise) that can result in muscle stiffness.
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So let's take a closer look at the warm-up and a few exercises you can perform.


To perform any of these exercises you should already have a reasonable level of

If you are in any doubt about your fitness, you should first consult a medical
expert for advice.

The warm-up should...

Raise your core body temperature

Increase your resting pulse rate by 10-30 beats per minute
Include low intensity exercises
Be low impact
Be rhythmic and continuous
Move from general to specific muscle groups
Include stretching of major muscle groups
Last approximately 10 minutes

Warm-ups are important because they...

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7/19/2020 Warm-up exercises for table tennis

Help prevent injury by raising the temperature in muscles and increasing

circulation around joints
Increase oxygen delivery to the muscles to enable more vigorous activity
Encourage muscles to contract, faster and stronger
Improve co-ordination

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So let's take a look at...

How To Warm Up

The warm-up exercises and cool down period should last for approximately ten
minutes, with five minutes of very light jogging and five minutes of stretching and
flexibility exercises.

You should wear an outer layer on top of your table tennis clothing, such as a
track suit or waterproof suit, in order to keep you warm but it must not restrict
your movements.

You should start your warm-up with 2-3 minutes of light jogging. This will
increase your core body temperature and heart rate and warm up the muscles
and associated tissues.

After 2-3 minutes of general jogging you should then move onto table tennis
specific movements such as shuffle (side to side) footwork.

You can see the shuffle (side to side) footwork in action in this video.

After about 5 minutes of light jogging and shuffle (side to side) footwork, you
then need to do some static stretching exercises.

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reduces muscle tension

reduces the risk of muscle and tendon injuries
increases the flexibility and freedom of movement

Static stretching exercises should involve the whole body, so you'll need to
stretch the...

Hot Hot Hot

neck and shoulders
lower back and abdomen
buttocks, groin and hips
front and back of thigh
Hot Hot Hot
lower leg and ankle

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So let's take a look at some...

Flexibility / Stretching Exercises

These exercises involve the major muscle groups used in table tennis and you
should stretch them through their full range of movement.

However, you need to make sure that you...

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7/19/2020 Warm-up exercises for table tennis

Hold each stretch for 10-20 seconds,

but do not bounce
Repeat each stretch 2-3 times
Stretch gently and slowly and keep
Stretch to the point of tension, never

Here are a few examples of stretching

exercises you could use...

by courtesy of the ITTF

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Inner thigh

Ankle extensions

Ankle flexes

Hips and Groin - soles of feet

touching and gently pushing down
the knees.

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7/19/2020 Warm-up exercises for table tennis

Hamstring - keeping the back

straight, pull the leg towards the
body keeping the leg straight.

Trunk - bend to either side keeping

hips stationary.

Lower back - kneel with hands flat

on floor. Lift right arm and left leg
and extend horizontally (repeat
with left arm and right leg).

Arms and Shoulders - Hands

together above the head, push the
head forwards and the hands back
with the arms straight.

Arms and Shoulders - Hands on

wall, push the shoulders

Arms and Shoulders - Join the

hands over one shoulder and pull.

Arms and Shoulders - As above but

using a towel.

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Arms and Shoulders - Hand on the

opposite elbow and push

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And you can finish by using...

Shadow Play Exercises

After your jogging and stretching exercises you can also use imaginary stroke
play and related movements (shadow play).

By performing a range of different strokes you can warm up your muscles ready
for your table tennis session.

So go through a few repetitions of the forehand drive, backhand drive, forehand

chop and backhand chop.

You should ensure that you use your whole body as you do these strokes, so
ensure that you bend your knees and twist your trunk.

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For more information on how to play table tennis and improve your game,
take a look at my other tips and techniques articles...

Basic Skills

Ready Position
The grip

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Racket angles
Basic ball control
Basic strokes
Backhand push
Forehand drive
Backhand drive
Forehand push
Service rules
Basic service
Return of service
Footwork Patterns

Advanced Skills

Mastering spin
The block
The loop
The forehand smash
The lob - forehand lob and backhand lob
The backspin chop
Advanced services
1. Short backspin serve
2. Backhand sidespin serve
3. Forehand high-toss serve
4. Half-long serve
5. Long, fast serve
Advanced returns of service
1. Short push
2. Fast, attacking push
3. Forehand flick (flip)
4. Backhand flick (banana shot)

Strategies and Tactics

Match Strategy
Analysing Your Opponent
Basic Tactics
General Tactics
Tactics Against Attackers
Tactics Against Defenders
Tactics Against Long Pimples
6 table tennis tactics to improve your game
Why are recovery and anticipation important tactics?

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Returning serve tactics


Practice drills to improve your game

Skill Tests

Skill tests


Warm-up exercises


The Real Secret to Choosing Your Racket

Service Secrets
Improve Your Doubles Play
Know Your Table Tennis Rules

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