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CAMBRIDGE LOS a pa sue eset Ty AMBRIDGE ENGLISH TE Mabe Aas PTS CTE AeA ORCA COPE a Ca CUS eS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS University Printing House, Cambridge C82 885, United Kingdom ‘Cambridge University Press is part ofthe University of Cambridge. Ie furthers the Universiy’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of ‘education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence. wor.cambridge.or9 18 Cambridge University ress 2015 This publication isin copyright. Subject to statutory exception and tothe provisions of relevant colectiveensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the waitten permission of Cambridge University Press Fist published 2015 Printed in Poland by Opalgrat ‘A catalogue record for this publication i avaiable from the British ibrar Ishi 978-3-12-540391-8 Upper intermediate Student's Book with Online Assessment and Practice, and Online Workbook ISBN 97-3-12-540352-5 Upper Intermediate Students Book ISBN 978 -3-12-540393-2 Upper intermediate Workbook with Downloadable Aucio ISBN 978 3-12-540294-9 Upper intermediate Teacher's Book ISBN 978-3-12-540395-6 Upper intermediate Class Audio CDs (3) ISBN 978-3-12-540396-3 Upper intermediate Class DVD ISBN 978-3-12-540397-0 Upper Intermediate Presentation Pius DVD-ROM ‘Additional resources for this publication at waww.tlet-sprachen deferpower ‘Cambridge Unversity Press has no responsiblity for the persistence of accuracy OF URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred toi this publication, ‘and does not guarantee that any content on such websites, or will remain, accurate oF appropriate Information regarding prices, travel tmetables, and other factual information given inthis work is corect atthe time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereater, EOC B86- BA,A “Universititsbibliothok o CAMBRIDGE ap CAMBRID! | UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge English PO ow IATE EM UPPER INTERMED UDENT’S B00 Adrian Doff, Craig Thaine Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones PEE ‘Unit 1 Outstanding people Getting started Discus mecting foros neaple oa Co POE Sar 1A Discuss pple you adie Reviow of terses Character The eter 6 Word actives stress 1B Discuss acholoree Ovestons tyngand succeeding 16 Exp wht do and check, apt pana a api speech Breaking of a conversation, Eipbinngand checking, Understanding 1D Wie an atic Review ad extension Move practne WOROPOWER make Unit? Sunival Geting arte Dicuss coping natural dass 2k Dicuss dangoous stations Narrative tenses Expressions wih Sounds and wat speline @ 28 Gieadvoe on avoiding danger Futur time clauses and Animals andthe cantons ‘envonent 20 Give and rosynd to eomiments Tone in queston tags Ageing using questi taps ‘Giving ane responding a compiments 20 Witegudetnes ina lett Review and extension More practice ororoWE face ait 3 Talent Seting sated Oscuss what makes something a wok of at 3A Disusabiliyand achievement Mutiwerd verbs Aoi ara achiowanent 38 Dicuss sports acti and sues Present erect simple Words connected Wordstress ‘and continuous with spot 30 Moke cre suaztions ‘Sounds and speing: Keeping to thetic of he Consonant sounds” conversation; Mating careful sunnstons 30. Wrte a description o data Reviow and extension Maro practice \WOROPOWER up Tait Ute essons Seting stated Discuss chido experiences 44 Dicuss eens that chad sea twand wou! Cause and res youre 48 Discuss and describe res Cblgaton ana Talking tout Sounds and permsion ssifeuty sping 4G Destite loa Contrast ress Dasaring pcos: Express careful deagreement 40. Write an email to ape for work Review and extension More active \WonGPOHER as Units Chance Gating started isc ald to sk 5A Discusspmsile tue crents Future potabilty Adjcties Sounds and sesentingatitide —speling th Prepare for job inlevew Fate erect ane future The natural wad conto Discus aantages a Tone groups Responding to an tes trans Discussing advanlages and ‘ssacvantaes 50h an argument for and axpinst anideo Review and extension Mor rai WoroPOWeR side ‘Unit Around the globe 7 Contents Cunasetonaboutlocy Hel Ades: Aaple desgr geiesOecesingrsping peole Sure ond The nen arora mans Pos Dyan: Dyas sigan oor esr sat crate a Bpting process; Checking 1 Seana tar a Conersion abot tciatgy Ar Tce! Discusing chy ibaa caneraton about suka suston Arie: statsen Telia sural siny bio The Let: en osu an Graton, Asking qustons ie = animal attack Tok ps Cig compet and esparcing aay ‘alkng about geting ost elt wih guidelines or hiking Discs the natural enorme Cxgaising dens ina letet \ eewersoton: ean emperences, Text about aig: Leoming fo Taking stout sorting you have puta ‘ tea lot tit ta Radio prosanime: The Sports Gane Acie: Born to be the best? Discussing sport ae ways 0 ipreve Two ates aout US tasetall_porormance bloers Mara weeding ars aninga party ‘ sy ness about spots ‘ele: A natin ofamenar Talking about popular spocts Describing data aes? h Interview: Peyohokay of money: Totes about wining the Taking about ow youre has Twomondogier Lie charging events tery changes Tworonloges:traningforajph Ase: Tainhy tobe the best Discuss experiences of taining and rules Presenting photos Discus pots Dapeng carefully Gh ‘Tyee monclogues: gin efron ‘Weboage about bing an Discussinzvngin a diferent county Giving postive impression Hees interational student buy einer Monologue: What are your chances? Qui: Are you an optimster a essimist ies Wy we think wee goin to have along ant agoy te. Conversation: talking about work Quiz: The unknewn contin ‘rte: Cokin Antarctea Discussing posite ature events Rte pay a interview Money problems ‘plain and responding to ies oe 1 ace ena News reports: xtreme woater Essayaboutclmate change Gingopcrs on chm change ‘Be or and agains an idea To Vocabulary Pronunciation SmI Gerunds and infirtives Traveland tourism Consonant groups 68 Discuss changs The passive Describing change {66 Induce requests an fat to ay Consonant sounds Intesucng reavests showing you x0 grtoul youso gallu em Wit a wave beg Review and extension Wor practice woRnPoweR out ‘ait 7 iy ving Geting started Discuss he design of new bullies TA Discuss ining incites (ao f enous 50 such Descitng ein cote 7 Discuss changes ta home Causative ave got Fimand TV: Sounds and Houses spelling 2 76 imagine hw things cout be ‘Stress in comgound imagining how things cou be: ours Using vague language 7 Wheto an eal complain Review and extension More practice woROPOWER down aie Dilemmas Geting stated Discuss atures to money ‘8A Discuss prsonalinanco Fistand second Money and finance condtena’s 88 Discuss mara cllemmas and crime Thi conditional should Crime Sounds and soir: | have + pas paricple {8 How to be encouraging Word groups Being encouraging; Showing you have things in common 80 Wee areview Review and extension More pation \WoROPOWER take Talk Discoveries Seting started Discus the impart of now ivertons 8A Discuss new invetirs Relative clases Heats Ssoundsand speling 98 Discuss peoples es and Reporte speech, ‘Vers deseriing achievements Reporting verbs, ‘thought and krouleoge 90 Express unnetsiny Lnking andintusion Expressing uncertainty, Caring a misunderstanding, 90 While an essay expressing a point tviw Review and extension More pastes WoROPOWER come Tait 10 Poses Geting started Discus gals an expectations OA. Specuate about the past Post madals of deduction Adjectnes win Ward stress prefies 108. Discuss ie achievements Wises and regrets Verbs of fort VOC Descrive how you tlt Consonant groups Describing how you fet Interruping and announcing 100 Weite »naratve Review and extension More pasion WoropoweR way ‘Communication Plas p.127 ‘Grammar Focus p.134 Vocabulary Focus p.154 Contents™ Listening and Video ating SnD Ci Two manolagues about sghsexing Website about four torst Comparing ferent tourist stints tours estnatns, Wott: Where ‘ogo? Interview: disappearing guages Article: Danger! Dying anguages — Agrocing and dkagreeing Asking for a favour Asking foro favour eum Comers: tiptothe Grand Tel bog: Acund the Grand Dscussnglocal ours destinations Using descriptive anguage Canon Canyon Ietenvon: Smart tes; Too Act: Quicksiow down! Discussing god and bat points about ‘monologues ting about ‘smart’ ctios acty Two monologues: house renovations Ail: Who pus the Yea"in Plann home renovation realty 12 Flat hating Designing and sescrbing sre room Interviews about anew shopping mall Email complaining about an imporantiesue Radi programme: personel france Ail: Ist time fo whe upon Ging opinions on financial mattrs coh? Four mondhgues about honesty Newspapetartie: Honest! Discussing moral lemmas loneon? Going the bank Talkirg about hopes and wees ‘Conversation abouta TV programme Review: Di the cactor at? Discussing programmes about crime Conerationabntinestons Ale Togo ode tut? ong out vets Comers tna music Ace Ye ck sarwho wasnt Gest on ine pron documentary zs Firing the pertat fat Giving nd recog surprises Fourmonoogues aboutatenatve Essay about the vale of Gay Using formal language exarey Orpanisina 2 review Gas rede oa Presenting stants Irena Dn Conger Sto: the man wo Tein stories abou cohncienes disappeared; a “ Sg Te ecko tw Rani Two mordeuis: PUBL eam Ati: GatenCemsand_Desbrgane camparng rave Sako ci sacra pene ene cats et news “egorinwtomedim 6 Moroameesactomathier Sane oma iy Dein ee Making story interesting Ma r a GETT! STARTED AYN U4 Pel a CW What kinds of people do you admire most? Why? b 6 Look at photos a and b. What do you think these people have done that make tdhetpropleadnive tend? ve always loved great design. Ever since | can remember "ve been fascinated by the shape and look of objects. In ry ‘opinion, Apple Inc. is the number one company in the wort for product design. In the time that "you're reading this article, around 750 iPhone ‘and 300 iPads wil be sold intemationaly. These iconic device generate millons of pounds a day for Apple, and the man behind ther iconic look is known as a ‘design gens. n 2013, Time Magazine isted him as one of the 100 most influential people in the world, but can you name him? if you said Steve Jobs, you'd be wrong, although it was Jobs who first recognised this man's talent. is namo is Jony Wve. Bom in London, Jony Ive studied industrial design at Newcastle: Polytechnic. After graduating, “he helped set up the London design agency Tangerine. In 1992, while She was warking at Tangerine, he accepted a job offer from Apple His frst years inthe job wore tough and the design work © Read Apple's design genius and The wei who reinvented children’s TV quickly and check your answers. d Read the texts again and answer the questions. Write JI (Jony Ive), JC (loan Ganz Cooney) or B (bath), Thal train 3. setup their own eo ip their own company Wa one ofthe fist peopl in thei ral 7 believes the things we us 8 has won prizes for heir work free Fo ther wasn't very interesting. The company was also struggling to » Minkls make money. However, when Steve Jobs returned to Apple {22 Whe do you think is more inspiring, in 1997 and saw the design work that vo ‘had produced, he Pe Dee doa Gore Coane Wily immediately recognised Wve's ability and promoted him. jve's first success in his new role was the design ofthe origina, Colourful iMac in 1998, which was quickly folowed by the fist iPod in 2001, Thanks to v's simple, elegant designs, Apple became one of the most successful companies in the world Since then, She has been responsible forthe iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. v's design involves not only the way these products look but also the way they work. "He believes devices have to be both beautiful and practical LJony ive's key contribution to Apple is now being recognised and he has received numerous awards. There Is no doubt that Steve Jobs was a larger-than-life ideas man and businessman who created a hugely successful company. However, without Jony ive's design talent, Apple may not have become such a huge success, So what have ! earn from Jony ive? That the best designs are often the simplest THE WOMAN WHO REINVENTED ese CHILDREN’S wiht In the mid-1960s, Ganz Cooney was working as a producer of television documentary programmes in America, She realised television could play an important role in the education of pre- schoolchildren. She researched this idea and, in 1967, she wrote an outline for Sesame Street Ganz Cooney presented her ideas to the TV channel she was working for at the time. However, the channel rejected her proposal, saying that they thought she didn't have the right ‘experience to produce a TV programme for chiiren. AS aresul, ‘she set up Children's Television Workshop with a colleaque, and two years later they had managed to raise eight milion dollars to finance production, Even so, many people working in the television industry questioned her abilty to manage such a project. Tis was during the 1960s, when the industry was largely ‘controlled by men, At fist, Ganz Cooney cld't want to fight to keep her role as the director ofthe production company and the producer ofthe programme. However ier husband and a colleague encouraged her to do 80, because they knew the project would fal without her Iwolvement. This meant she became one of the frst female television executives in America, In 1969, two years after her inital research, Sesame Street went ‘on air, and today i's stil going strong, However, Joan Ganz Cooney didn't stop there. She continued to take an intrest in early childhood education, and in 2007, she set up a centre to help improve children's digital iteracy. I really admire the way she has {uiotly got on with helping young children. She's not a household name like Big Bird, but she's had a huge impact on the education of millions of children around the world. Bie econ er mend Ore ree aerate preiepeic cserae erie unit 1° of tenses EAGRAMMAR Revie @ Match the verbs 1-6 in bold in Apple's design genius with the tenses below. C1 present simple [past simple [present continuous [5] past continuous sent pestect Fi past pertoct b Complete the sentences with the tenses in 2a. to refer to an event that takes place ata the past femporary event in prog We 1 foreter to ssin the rally true past when something else happens torefer to. past action that occurred betore another past action © Underline examples of the six tenses in the second text dB Now go to Grammar Focus on p.134 Read the text about Nikola Tesla and circle the correct words. f HB Listen and check your answers. Not many people ‘have heard / heard of Nikola Tesla, who ployed / was playing 0 key role in creating the alternating current (AC) supply of electricity wo °are having / have in our homes today. Early in his career, Tesla hos worked / worked with Thomas Edison, He *had emigrated / has emigrated tothe USA from Europe in 1884. While Tesla Swas working / hhad worked for Edison, they had on argument over payment for on invention, so Tesla “was deciding / decided to work independently It was then that he developed a motor that could produce an alternating current. Throughout his life, Tesla continued to conduct experiments and *heloed / was helping develop Xray radiography and wireless communication. There is no doubt that he ?has had / had had a large impact on moder technology. Many ofthe gadgets thal we "are enjoying / enjoy today would not have been possible without Nikola Tesla 7 UNIT 1 ELLISTENING @ (INE Listen to two colleagues, Amelia and Chloe, talking about a female scientist, Jocelyn Bell-Burnell. Tick (7) the correct sentences 1 She's always go 2 She isnt very wel known, o 3 She made an amazing discovery 4 ‘She created @ new mathematical theory, ] b im Listen again. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Amelia's reading a non-fetion book about planets and stars, 2 Jocelyn Bel-Burnel discovered a particular kind of star 3 She won a Nobel Prize for her 4 She did badly when studying science at high school 5 Life wasr't easy for her when she made nee discover, & The ress dn treat Jocelyn Bel-Bumel seriously 7 Amelia has been inspired by Jocelyn Bell-Burel c ‘SB Discuss the questions, 1 Could ey Bel Burnell’ story h untty? De you know any sin 2 How popular iss happened in samples? in your country? Is it popular with both man and women? 3 sit important what gender as you think twas Bel Buel cient is? Why do = important in the case of Jocelyn EAVOCABULARY Character adjectives @ Underline the five adjectives that describe people's Character in sentences 1-4. Which two adjectives have a similar meaning and what's the difference between them? She's a respected physicist 2. Sheisan inspiring women, 3 ‘She was realy determined, butin a quiet way 4 Well you've always been motivated, that’s for sure, And stubborn. 'b ams Pronunciation Listen to the pronunciation of the letter @ in these words. Which two sounds are the same? What are the other two sounds? respected determined =I Look at the words in the box and decide how the underlined letter e is pronounced, Add the words to the ‘able, then listen and check. Practise saying the words, “slept revise helpful serve desire prefer identity university women sound L(y sound 2 le sound 3 fad 4 Complete the sentences with the character adjectives in 42. 1 Once Dan gets an idea in his h head nothing wil ct He's the most — person | know 2 Vm not the sort of person who gives up easily — vihen | want to achieve something 3 He's worked hard and has done some He'sa highty __¢ 4 Doing a PhD is hard work se You want todo one, 5. In my last year of high school we had a relly teacher. Her lessons were hard or her. ge his mind, really annoying. Teme very interesting research. remist who's known around the ward. 30 you have to be quite —_if biology 30 Interesting that we al worked very @ B Now go to Vocabulary Focus on p.154 SPEAKING @ Think of an inspiring person, who has influenced you in some way. It can be someone you know or it can be Someone famous. Make notes about the person. Use the. Questions to help you. * What i this person's background? * What important things has this pers + Why are they inspiring? * How have they changed or intlue done in thelr ite? ced your life? 4b Car Tell other students about your Person. Ask questions. How does she Sy eounin Vera ian athlete, ar cprstent ‘She trains really hard every day — she's really determined, TCR OTR id it difficult? oe a 2B Look at photos a-c and read The 30-day challenge. Then discuss the questions. 1 What are the people in the photos doing? Have yo up similar activities? If so, how successtul were y 2. Why do you think doing something for 30 days eve i you a better chance of s b @imma Listen to a podcast about the 30-day challenge. Tick the main point that Alison makes. 1 The 20-day challenge is a gocd way to give up bad habits 2 Its difficult forthe brain to adapt to new habit 3. Ifyou ty something new for 30 days, you're more ikely to keep toitatterward: ¢ Gl Alison made some notes at the seminar. Complete her notes with one or two words in each gap. Listen again and check. Seminar notes the bran 30 days to ada 20d: into do ser = Also a chance to try somet bad habit “wo ways to dot t ging up 1 do something that doesnt 2 take time out 0 do so Younced to® Have you evor started a new hobby, but given up after nly a couple of weeks? Or started a course and stopped alter the frst few lessons? Most of us have tried to learn ‘something new, but very few of us ever really get any good ait its just too dificult to continue doing something new. But now there's some good news: did you know that it you ‘can keep up your new hobby for just 30 days, you have ‘a much better chance of succeeding? And you may learn something new about yourself too, d What examples of 30-day challenges did you hear? Use words from both boxes for each challenge. imb get up eat “eyele_ drink write rise poem cof mountains everywhere @ What do you think of the ideas Alison talks about?, Make notes. 2 Compare your ideas, "unit a VOCABULARY ‘Trying and succeeding a @IMM Complete the sentences with the ‘words and phrases in the box. Listen and check your answers, ive up have a goat keep it up keep to make an effort manage to successfully tty out work out 1 Otten it we try something new, we after about a week or two because our brain hasn't adapted. 2 Soif you do something new for a month yout probably it, 3 Maybe you wouldn't want to for your ‘whole fe, ut it might be fun to doit ust for days. 4 you're successul is groal but iit doesn't —— it doesn't matter too much. 5 Its not just about giving up bad habits. The idea is really that you something new. 6 Oryou can take time ut and something you've always wanted to do, 7 Obviously to do something like that you need to 8 They're all about half-way through and they've one it ofa. b Match words and phrases from 2e with the meanings, 1 succeed, __ 2 stop trying 3 not stop tying, — 4 try nerd —_ 5 tuyto see if t works © Complete the sentences below about 30-day challenges. Use the words and phrases in 2a and your own ideas, There is more than one possible answer. 1 He tried giving up coffee for 30 days. It wasn't easy, bute 2 You've got up at 5:30 every day for three ‘weeks now. You've only got one week to ap, 3 80/day challenges sound fun. | want to do something diferent, 50 thi 4 2 Work in small groups. Tell the group about a time when you: found something difficult but didnt give up made 2 real effort to succeed had a go at something unusual det something which worked out successfully tried Yo do something which did't work out. 12 READING Look at challenges 1-3. Who do you think will find it easy and who will find it difficult? 1b Read the interviews and check your ideas. Challenge What made you deco © adMMebeonae become vegetarian Fane MGT Ner uae ‘Well for quite a long time now Ive been trying to eat less meat, partly for health reasons. | think vegetables are better for you. Yes, but always thought-'d miss meat too much. The idea of being & vegetarian for 30 days was really good, because | could give it try and ‘then see hove | feel, No, feel really good. Actually, | don’t miss meat at al, 0 I think easily manage the 30 days and | might ty carrying on longer. I certainly think rm a bit healthier than | used to be. Crea Pel ToT CTe Cie something every day. Mona, hyo you decid to draw something very day? Wel, 've never been very good at drawing, but ve always thought like to start drawing things around me. Its one of those things that you tink about doing, ‘but you never got round to, Al kinds of things. At the start drew objects around me at home. Then | went out in my lunch break and startad drawing things outdoors, ike yesterday | drew a duck in the park ~ that was really dificut So do you fed it as boon worthvile? Oh yes, definitely. I'm still not very good at drawing, but i's been lots of fun and it's very relaxing, © Complete the interviews with the missing questions. a And who do you practise wit? Or are you just working alone? But didi you ever think of being vegetarian before? © And how do you fee? Are you finding i aficut? 1d And do you think youll cary on after the 30 days? What have you drawn pictures of so far? damm Listen and check your answers Challenge’s: ENaC) eet lien Steve, what language did you Well thought Fl choose a language that isn't oo diferent from English, so decided to try italian, srtitaifiel to keep going with it? Yes, itis. 've had to be very strict with myself 1'm using @ Book with a CD, so usually ry to caver one lesson a night. ‘Wel, there's an Italian restaurant just round the comer and Tm fiends with the over so go there and I chat to him, ‘That's one reason I chose italian, Maybe, or | might try a different language every month, Frm thinking of trying Japanese next, unit 1% GRAMMAR Questions @ Read the rules about questions. Find examples of each type of question in the interviews and 3c. | In questions, we usually put the auxilary verb before the subject. there is no auxiliary verb, we add door dis, ‘Are you making cinner? Have you exten? What aid you eat? 2 Ifthe question word (who, what or which) Is the subject, we keop normal word order. Who spoke to you? What happened next? 3 Ifa question has a preposition, itcan come atthe end: You were talking to someone. > Who were you talking to? 4 Toask an opinion, we often ask questions starting wih phrase like Doyou think. ? (sta good idea? > Bo you think it's 2 good idea? b Compare examples a and b. a Did you see her atthe party? Which example...” 1 fsa neutral question (= maybe she was there, maybe not) 2 expresses surprise (= Im sure she was there} b Didn't you see her at the peny? © Compare examples ¢ and d, {© Which colour do you want? Which example ..? 1 asks aboul an open choice (there may be lols choose from) 2 asks about a limited range (e.g. black, red or green) 1d What colour do you want? dB Now go to Grammar Focus on p.134 @ CB Work in pairs. You are going to role-play two of the interviews in 3b and continue with your own questions, 1 Choose one ofthe interviews ‘Sudent A: Interview Student 8, Add your own questions Student B: Answer Student AS questions usi 2 Choose a second interview. This time Stuck EA SPEAKING @ Work in pairs, 1 White down three challenges you might do in the next three months: 2 Look at your partner's challenges. Write ach one, Ask about * reasons for doing the challenge ing your a¥m ideas. font B interviews Student A White short poem every day 2.Get yp at dann 3.Gonmng Some questions to ask about delails of what hershe plans to do how he/she feels about it ‘Are yOu planning to... re Do you think it wil be... ? How are you going to... 2 4 CW Interview your partner about their three challenges, Do you think he/she will be successful? JM aM ed) URS OTR UCU D Discuss the questions. 1 In your country, how do students manage financially? Do they ...? rely on thir parents get a parttime job use student loans 2 What do you think isthe best way? Why? todo parttime job to earn some money student, what job would you cheese and why? 3 ttyou Look at the photo of Tessa and Becky from Part 1 Who do you think they are? b 1 tourists visting a famous building 2 collage students doing a cours 3 journalists who have just done an interview H Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your ideas q Watch or listen again. Answer the questions, ‘Ara Becky and Tessa tir ny does Becky have to go? 1 Watch or listen to Part 2. Are these sentences true or false? 1 Becky and Tom 2 Becky i free this evenin 3 Bocky is ina hury. are matted, A Look at these ways to break off a conversation and say goodbye 1H really must go now 2 I must run, 3. ve got no time to talk now. 4. Ill see you tomorrow. Listen to the speaker. Which words does she not use in 1-a? ok at some more ways to break off a conversation. Which words has the speaker not included? 1 Mu 3. Cant talk just now. aN lI PRONUNCIATION Rapid speech 2 Talk to you later talking to you. HE In rapid speech we often leave out sounds. Listen to the phrases below. Which sound is left out? Is it a consonant sound or a vowel sound? 1 mus 3 got to 2 mus 4 cant Read the conversation. Put B's replies in order. 1s, more than one order possible? |A So how was your holiday? B Got to go. / Sorry. / Can't talk now. / It was great: A-OK, well, have a nice evening B Bye, / See you tomorow. / Yeah, thanks. / Must be of now, conversations, ® Work in pairs. Have sh Student A: Tell Student B about what you di Continue unti hefshe stops you. Student 8: You're in a hurry, Use expres break off the conversation, ast weekend 1s in 2b and 3b to EALISTENING a @lIMA Watch of listen to Part 3. What happens to Becky? Choose the correct answer. 1 Becky meets Sam and learns how to make coffee, 2 Becky learns how to handle food and meets a café customer. b @m Watch or listen again. Answer the questions, 1 Sam explains two things to Becky, What are they? 2 What does Phil da inthe café? 3 Why do they call him ‘JK? 4. Who is Emma? ¢ C® Discuss the questions with other students. Give reasons for your answers 1 Doyou think the others like Phil coming tothe café? 2 Doyou think Becky wil be good at her new jab? dd @iNED Watch or listen to Part 4. Which of these topics do Tom and Becky mention? coffee food Bocky's new jab the reason Tom i here Phil's book their wedding plans @ @lES Watch or listen again. What do Tom and Becky say about each topic? A USEFUL LANGUAGE Explaining and checking understanding Look at the expressions Sam uses to explain what to do. Put the words in italics in the correct order. st/ thing /', / the / important don't touch the food. 2. to/always / remember use these tongs 3. is, (remember / thing /to/ another tha table all numbered b MA Listen and check your answers, © Why does Sam use these expressions? 1 bocause he needs time to think 2 because he's not sure 3 to emphasise important points {Look at these ways to check that someone has understood an explanation. Complete the questions with the endings in the box “The idea? got that? mean? 1 Isthat 3 Have you 2 Doyou understand what... 4 Do you get ER Pronunciation Listen to each question in Sd said in two ways. Which way sounds .,, 2 * friendly and pote + unfriendly and not so polite To sound friendly, does the speaker's voice go up (A) or down () at the end? Practise asking the questions in 5d in a friendly and polite way. @ Here are some other things Sam could explain to Becky. Imagine what he could say using language in 5a and 5d. What could Becky say to show she has understood? 1 how to clear and arrange a table when a customer leaves 2 what to dowith the coffee machine at closing time 3 what to doif customers leave something behind h C® Practise the conversation in 5g. ‘Swap roles. TASPEAKING @ Choose a process you are familiar with or something you know how to do. It could be: ‘something connected with a sport or a hobby * how to use a machine or an electronic device * how to make or cook something, 'b You are going to explain the process to your Partner. Prepare what you will say. Think how to emphasise the important points and check that your partner understands. Use expressions from 5a and 5d © Cv Work in pais. Take turns to explain the Process to your partner and ask each other uestions to check understanding, api it Pr 1 | Skills for Writing DCTS PE EISPEAKING and LISTENING 2 SB Discuss the questions, uch do you depend on tec ology make yaur daly ie 2 Lcok atthe survey esuts below and discuss the questions, 2 ort ink people you know woul agree with these resus? ® Po you agree with the resus? Is there anything 0u would ike toad to thelist? MODERN =a == 10]: Ties self-service check outs | | & Seles cals selfios slow internet connection ‘mobile phone battery life = © © Listen to Gitta a Are they describin they talk about th and Derek talking 8 Positive or negative le Same device? about technology experiences? Do 4 Ore Listen again. What's the the other person in the Positive or negative? Wh Speaker's relationship wit Story? What made the experience hy? ® CB Discuss the questions. 1 Do you agroe with Gita's react 2 Doyou know people boss? Why / Why not? like Derek? Do you tink the 4 SHOU ryt Change? Why f Why nt £ Work on your own, Th make notes. + When has tec hink about Questions below and nology ct led protlem for you When has technology i £ Wise lp USS YOU experiences in If problem af some kind? Al READ Read Tech tree! Are any of the things in the survey mentioned? 1e oF Read the text again, Are the sentences true 0 false? 1 Before i experiment, Sam was a bit worried by the ides, ie 2 Sam was annoyed that he had to chat to someone in the ban, 3 The bank teller was clearly surprised that Sam wanted to withdraw money, 4 Sam saved time by not using the sell-sorvice Check-out atthe supermarket fit © Sam was able to work better when he wrol shel & As theca progressed, Sam thought ass about us is pho 7 Sam learnt something about the way we depend technology © ‘How would you feel if you had to live without using technology for one day? Discuss what you would enjoy and ot enjoy, Ewa LS Organising an article 3 How does Sam organise his article? Choose the Correct summary, He towards technoiogy, describ His day, requests readers to do the same thing is level of dependency on techn OO Seseribes his day, fishes with an evaluation oft en” sorte his * @xPains hisfetings about technology, descr “ay rises by promising to repeat the experience bb How does Sam get the read ttention at the beginning of the article? Sf Maa —— a, ees, eerie ies 2 ec without technological devices. What a ‘my smartphone to check the time and read any "messages or emails. But i locked it away in & ‘drawer the night before. Already I was feeling very | Now go to Grammar Focus on p.136 Work in pairs. Student A: Read about Eric Le Marque. Student B: Read about Ricky Megee. Answer the ‘questions about your text. 1 Where dows the text take place? 2 Does the person survive? Underline the correct verbs in your text. You are going to tell your partner about your story. Make notes. 2a Tel your partner your survival story. Use correct verb forms EASPEAKING Think of a dangerous situation that you or someone you know was in, or it could be something you know about from 2 book or film. Make notes about the questions. Where and when didi tako Who was invalved? ‘What was the scene or background to the stay? ‘What were the main events? How did you / the person feel? What was the outcome? well each other your story. Use different narrative tenses and expressions with get. Ask questions. It was getting late and Eric LeMarque decided to have one final run on his snowboard. As hhe ''d gone / was going down the mountain, he came / was coming across some thick fog and headed in the wrong direction. All of a sudden he was completely last. All he had with him was his snowboard, some bubble gum and an MP3 player. Eventually, he 3vemembered /'d remembered something he “was seeing /‘d seen in a movie about using an MP3 player as a compass. This meant he was able to get an idea of where he was and head in the right direction, up the mountain. Eric was missing for a ‘week. During that time, he fell ina river, almost went down a waterfall and had to walk through snow that was four and a half metres deep! On the eighth day he was seen by a helicopter that Shad searched / hhad been searching for him. He was completely exhausted but alive. ‘A farmer couldn't believe what he saw when he ‘came across a stranger living on his farm, The man, Ricky Megee, ‘lived / had been living off the land in the Australian bush for two months. Ricky had been driving / had driven near the border of Western Australia and Northern Territory. He *stopped / had stopped to help some people whose car had broken down and offered one of them a lift to a nearby town. Unfortunately, the passenger turned out to be a robber, who stole Ricky’ car. Ricky was now completely lost iin the bush. He “ate / had eaten insects, snakes and frogs and eventually managed to find a dam to provide him with water. He built a small shelter there and waited, hoping to be rescued. 71 days after being left, Ricky was found by the farmer, He *d fost / was losing more than 50 kg in weight during his time in the bush. eect e. OTC Me at EB READING a C2 Think of three wild places you know of + Would you be scared to go fora walk there? ‘+ What dangers could you face? ‘+ What would you do to get out of danger? b CW Look at pictures a-e and answer the que: 1 Which of the animals do you dangerous? 2. How good do you think your chances are of altack by these animals? hink are the rds a a eee et ent ens PUSS en eens ENN © Read the text and check your answers, Read the text again. Ti () the correct sentences. 1 Some animals are le less dangerous than people think 2 you go waking, you car‘ avoid meting dangerous anim 3. Not many animals atack without reason 4 Having.a weapon may help you survive an attack dime 5 Most animats havea par of ther body whit is vulnerable © Its better to run away than to try to nost and least mi oan suring ® Do you think the text is... 2 Be 2a serious survival guide for traveller part ofa scientic book about animais © an attic wrt ten mainly for interest and amu Rata OTT wr Car Or BE AWARE seen faa al cal y, ewer 40 era PREPARED Fed peo onal usc ete ora aera ceva yaa runert oon ema emer fevekne nes ofenie ance iiney ron weckrecsuane’ee cua ANNE Ta BN Uh liter’ Usually much you can do, except hope it have to defend yourself against a wild Loe ena ‘an escaped leopard attacks you try walk and you suddenly meet a KNOW YOuR ENEMY If you ever find yourself face to face witha large and dangerous animal, you Pil want ‘to know their strong and weak points. Com imon weak points are: sthenose + theeyes. «the neck. People have sometimes survived by punching sharks, large cats, and crocodiles your thumbs into their eye {8 you press hard enou make them angry! Nou can also try to get a psychological advantage. Provided you seem bigger and more dangerous than the. * animal, twill probably leave you alone, so make a ot of Nolse and try to make yourself look bigger WHAT NEXT? I scaring them dogsn't work, then you have two options: running or fighting, Remember that (on the nose, and pushing S wll also work well, as long igh. Otherwise, you might just ‘weapons, then use them. Hit the animal's weak points, keep shouting and make sudden move ements. Good luck! "unit 2 ¥ Look atthe dees below for sunt attacks y thee GRAMMAR Future time clauses ide which ideas Aa different animals. For each animal, decide whict and conditionals are the best. tna Look at the words and phreses in bold in £ B- Communication 28 Now go to p.127 to check your a tte warte tae bol ensues 1 They'l only fight if they think you're attacking them, a hitit on the nose with a stick 2 They won't attack people unless they're trapped D look it straight inthe eyes or provoked runaway mmediately 3. Beas, for example, wll usally move away a soon hear you, 4. Provided you stay absolutly stil the bear wil lose interest and go away. 5 slong as you don't panic, it will probably swim Which two words or phrases have a similar meaning to? b What does sentence 2 mean? 1 A bear will only attack you if it’s trapped or provoked. 2 bear willatack you anyway, even if Lsn't trapped. © What does sentence 3 mean? 1 When bears hear you they will wat, then move away stow, 2 When bears hear you they will move away immediately, 4. Look at these examples: I you stay stl, the bea wil go away something good will happen) Ifyou move, the bear wil altack you (= something bad will happen}, in which example Could we use ae fong as or Provided instead of if ‘© ‘What tense is used after the words and phrases in bola? What tense is used inthe other part of the sentence? bh Find one more example in How to survive an animal attack of each of these words and swim away quickly phrases: swim towards it 1 as ongas _hititin the eye if t bites you 2 unless 3. provided © B Now go to Grammar Focus on p.136 d Complete the sentences. There is more than one possible answer. Compare with other students, 1. Sharks won't attack you unless 2 Wolves wil only attack if 3 Tarantulas won't bite you provided 4 Ifyou hita crocodile on the nose run straight uphill as fast as you can lie down and play dead’ fc hit the trees wth sticks if you think bears are nearby ELLISTENING and VOCABULARY Animals and the environment @ OD The Tiger by John Vaillant tells the true story of a hunter and a Siberian tiger. Use the words in the box to guess what happened. tiger mattress attacked hut forest wounded shot killed boots TIGER TROON b HEA Listen to an interview about the book. Was the story similar to yours? ¢ (HER Which of these questions doesn't Miles answer? Listen again and check 1 Isa Siberian tiger bigger than other tigers? 2. How far can it jump? 3. Have many people been killed by Siberian tigers? 4 Can tigers plan ahead? d GIMME Listen to the second part of the interview. Tick (¥) the things Miles talks about. 1 his own feelings about the tiger 2 fein Sibe 3 the relationship between humans and tigers 4 tigers as an endangered species 5 how to survivea tigor attack @ CB Do you think Miles would agree with statements 1-5? Write Yes or No. Then explain why. 1 It.@ good thing they killed the tiger, 2 The tiger was just behaving naturally 3. Tigers have always caused problems for people in Siberia, 4 Insome ways, humans are more dangerous than tigers, 5 We should hunt more tigers to keep them under contr £ Which of the words in the box can we use to talk about ...? 1 animals 2 places atrisk creature endangered environment extinct habitats hunt natural prt id rare species g MEH Complete the sentences with the words in 3f Then listen and check your answers, 1. in eastern Siberia, one of the wildest and mast _ on Earth, 2 Imagine a that is as active as a cat and has the weight of an industrial refrigerator, 3. Humans and tigers share the same 4 Tigers are — because of humans Tigers have become extrernely There are 40 milion humans but only 500 tigers, so they realy are an and although they're —__, they could easily hecome ima few decades. — the same animals and 6 unit 2° EASPEAKING @ Avisitor is coming to stay in your country, Make notes about: * endangered species and where you can see them * dangerous animals or other creatures fe g, birds, fish insects) * other possible risks or dangers (e.g. diseases, dangerous places, travel, weather) bb Imagine what you could tell the visitor and what advice you could give, How could you use the words in the box? incase unless as long as provided © CP Work in pairs. Student A, talk about your country. Student B, you are the visitor. Ask Student A questions. Then change roles Take melaria tablets in case. you get bitten by amosquito. Be careful of dogs if you go jogging. ACNE Mar) Me rer es LISTENING. a (® Discuss the questions. 1 Do you ike taking photos? Why / Why not? 2 Imyour opinion, what makes & good photo? Do you think you are good at taking photos? Why / Why not? 1b Look at photo a and answer the questions, 1 What is Becky doing? 2 Wty do you think she needs Tessa to help? © (Ell Watch or listen to Part 1, Check your answers. 6 1. Bechy asks Tessa to help her check the height ofthe tripod. 2 Becky is happy with the shots she takes, 3 Tessa wonders if its necessary to use alot of equipment 4 Tessa wants to take a photo af a small animal FACONVERSATION SKILLS Agreeing using ques a EH Watch or listen again. How does Tessa PHT Are the sentences tru o false? Watch or listen again to check, |p ee co et Ce ten ute es ‘Agreeing using question tags 20 ORaweaer XXX 0mm aa tion tags 4 Complete the rule, respond to Becky's comment ‘It's quite difficult’? 1b Choose the correct word, 1. We can use statements with question tags to. agree disagree vith someone, Using a diferent acjectve in the answer is more interesting fienely. 2 © Complete B's answers with the correct verb forms. 1 a 8 1A think she's lovely person 24 B Yes, she's vxy charming, sho? : 2 1 Their instructions were very clear sie B No, they weren't helpful, they . an 8 PRONUNCIATION ‘Tone in question tags a GEA Listen to the exam; 80 up (7) oF down (MW) on the question tag? What's the difference in meaning? 1 No, it isnt very quick, is tz 2 No, they weren't helpful, were 3. Yes, you need fo make things ples. Does the tone they? 225, dant your b © Practise saying th fe exchanges in 2e, Try to use the corract tone in the reply, 26 the sentence sentence is © Complete B's replies. Use first zap and the correc welcoming soaking brea 'S positive, we use.a tag. tthe negative, we use a tag, an adjective from the box in the t verb form in the second gap. thtaking worried Yourclthes areawet [ey were. vr hen group of people os they werent ata, theyt He looks a bit ansious, ” Yes, Ne does look her A Discuss people any students know a film or a car. U uestion tags to \d things you and other for example, a person, a café: Ise the adjectives below and agree, + amusing funny + frightening ~ternfvne ‘cheerful happy = exhausting tina * interesting - fascinating That photo is realy staking Yes, its stunning, isn't i UNIT 2 LISTENING 4a BUUSEFUL LANGUAGE 2 Look at photo b of Becky and Giving compliments and responding Soa ore taking photographs would you @ (IED Listen and complete the conversation. prefer? Why? BECKY shot = aa SY You jit__togt a aly ods Teg arm mame ne b Answer the questions about the conversation 1 Do Becky's compliments sound excited? 2 is Tessa’s response grateful or neutral? © Look at the bold words in compliments 1-4, Match them to the words and phrases in a-d, 1 That's lovely picture! a talented / skies 2 Youte so good at taking photos. b excellent amazing /beauliul/stiking Look at the two photos of flowers. 3 Have the way you caught the light. © were able to / succeeded in Which do you like best? Why? 4 You really managed to got just right. d_ realy lke / am impressed by Which of these responses are grateful and which are neutral? you thnks? Ws, I ues Thanks, Fm glad you like it ''m really pleased you like it. @ CB Work in pairs. Imagine you have both finished writing an essay and have read each other's essay. Use the ideas below to have a Ce short conversation. Take turns to be A and B. A B Telyour partnar how easy/ alifcultit was to write the essay, Jp Agree wth A using a question tag) Say you've reed your partner's essay and compliment hiner, )~® Respond aratefuly, ) SPEAKING @ Work alone. What compliments can you give to your classmates? Think about: things they do or make as hobbies ‘© their jobs: * things they have done in your English classes ‘> the clthes thay are wearing. ees © (REG Wateh or listen to Part 2. b Talk to different students in your class, Give compliments and respond. What are Becky and Tessa’s opinions of their own photos? CET sean ee d @)A Watch or listen to Part 2 you're wearing. again. Answer the questions, 1 How did Tessa start taking photos? 2 What do Becky and Tessa have G | trouble deciding? Tessa think? 3 What does Becky think about her photo ofa squirel? What does 4. Where do they go for coffee? ‘can now do the Unit Progress Test. Ten =e Skills for Writing GI SPEAKING and LISTENING @ Discuss the questions, al environment? 2 What did you do there? 3. How did you prepare for your trig? wa the lst time you went to some kind of 4 COM Listen to Luiza talking about an experience she had in Canada, Answer the questions 1 Which natural envianment does. 2Ni trouble? she talk about? 1 S2Y8 120 in trouble, What was the the beginning: © COME Listen again and answ 1 Why did Luiza gt ost? 2 ‘How did she decide whi 3 What h rr the questions, ich way to go? ped er find the clearing? CAL the end, Luiza says: | suddenty had this Strange feeling | was not alone, What do you think happened next? Discuss your ideas. (SIE Listen to the continuation of Luiza’ story, Were your ideas correct? ¥ COMM Listen again. Are the sontences true or false? 1 Luiza knew what to do. 2 She fet alm and wasnt ara, 3 The helicopter saw Luiza the fst time it flew over 4 faa was surprised tnd ut she was clogs to he ma track & Cb What ‘would you have done in Luiza’s situation? Make sure you know where Eg Leam to write gui eed Cerne eco reece BAREADING 4 CO Think about Luiza’s experience. Imagine you are going hiking in a forest. What do you need to Femember in order to be safe? b Read the leaflet Be mse and survive. Were your ideas Similar? Put headings in spaces a-c in the leaflet. There is one extra heading, 1 In the forest 3. Identifying useful plants 2 Ifyou gt ios © Read the leaflet again, What should you ...? 1 take with you wh you go hiking 2 not do when you ae hiking 40 about food and dink if you are ost ‘oid you are lat: move around o tay in one plac = WSS RCL EA a map of the area and make sure you know ‘you are going, Cheek the weather forecast. 3. Wear clothes and shoes that ave suitable for the conditions. Ifyou think the weather may change suddenly, ake extra clothit Ifyou are going on a longer wall, take some emergency food with you. Provided you follow the signs, you shouldn't get into trouble, Never take short cuts unless you're absohitely sure where they go. Allow plenty of time to get to your destination for get back before it gets dark, As soon as you realise you're lost, stop, kee ccalm and plan what you will do next. Don't eat all your food at once. Have a little at atime, ‘Try to find a source of water you ean drink from, like ariver or a stream. Being able to drink is, ‘more important than being able to eat Don't keep moving around, Find somewhere thatis dry and get plenty of rest. It's easier for rescuers to find you if you stay in one place, Always try to stay warm. You can cover yourself with dry plans, Iryou need to keep moving, make sure you tuse rocks or pieces of wood as signs th rescuers where you are going. {As long as you tell yourself you'll survive, you probably will! iat show UNIT 2 EAWRITING SKILLS Organising guidelines in a leaflet @ Notice these verb forms used in the leaflet. 1 Check te weather forecast. ~ positive imperativ 2 Don't eat al your ood at ance negative ort cuts... ~frequeney adverb + imperative 4. Ifyou think the weather may change su extra clothing cen, take i+ present tense + imperative Find one more example of each verb form in the leaflet. b Choose the correct answers. 1 Whats the function of the verb forms in 3a? a togive a bb tomake indirect suggestions 2 Why ate those forms used? a tomake the information clear and direct bb toshow hikers they have a strong ob © Correct the incorrect sentences. 1 Not eat any plants you don't recognise Never leave the main group of peaple you are hiking with 3 If you wil hear a rescue team, make los of noise 4 Always carries a pocket knife 5 As soon asi starts getting dark, stop and think ‘about what to d I you have 2 EAWRITING a (® Choose one of the situations in the box and make notes on advice you could include in a leaflet. 0 next take itwith you “camping in a forest swimming in the sea backpacking in a foreign country hiking in the mountains b Write a leaflet for the situation you chose above. Remember to: © use headings * include the diferent imperative forms in 3a make the information clear and direct. © Swap leatlets with another student. Does the leaflet include headings and different imperative forms? Is the information clear an direct? What improvements could be made? d Give your leaflet to other students. Read other leaflets and decide which leaflet you think is the clearest and the most useful UNIT 2 Review and extension HAGRAMMAR '@ Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous forms, The fist ime 1___ (uy) seuba diving @___ (be) when 1 ®ve) in Caims in North Queensland, Australia, (4 (rave) around the world and | °____ (decide) to stop and ‘Work fora few months. 1 __(be) an a gap year between finishing university and beginning work, Years before, someone "(el me the best way to see the Coral Ref (bep by scuba diving, The diving !®__ {ao} on the Great Barier Reet !°___(be) fantastic. As |""___ (ave) 12 (see) spectacular marine life, b Make sentences by matching the halves. Put the linking expression in brackets in the corect place (7) you or siti to earn ot [E1 you won't make much progress [El yout make steady progress, [El you wort be abet contol your sts (El vou't stay warm C1 vot start king progress ater a wee €you-can move your toes in your boots (unless) bb you're general fit and healthy w@ © you keep moving, (provides) you choose an easy ski slope (25 long as) you're patient with yourself (provided) t you'te prepared to fall down a lot at ist (unless) FAVOCABULARY Correct the errors in the sentences, 1. | dropped my hatin the sea ane it got She couldn't get i over how hot it was, He got trouble fer being ate | got feling they didnt like guests, Shes now getting ovr it the shock of losing her ob ast week ‘They're planning o got out tothe countrys Swept by a wave away, fe this weekend b Complete the words. |i North America, rod wolves are consi sidered an nitertis area 2 Inthe UK, large bie by pe akg ‘The New Zesiand moa bird has been e___ about si hundred years, Its possible to find many Chinese ali ‘esparch centres, but there are fewer a paiare Hit, In Australia, just over 20 per cent considered + —andare igators in 200s and ving in their of the native pian are ——~and need to be conserve WORDPOWER @ Match the examples 1-8 with the definitions a-h. 1 [) Aithough he said he enjoys the taste ofthe raw fish, he stil made a face, 2 [She taced a diffcult choice betwoon the two jabs she was offered 3] Her face fel wien | ols her the painting wes worthless. 4 [1] Ive been stucying ll day anc | ean face doing my homework now. 5 [Hes not good news, but feel | need to say itto tis ace © [We just have to face te fact that we havant aot enough money o buy a house 7D) Vtripped on a loose brick and fall lat on my face 8 [| eoulé tol my boss wasnt happy about the outcome. "Now [have t tak to hor and face the music 8 tobe disappointed » toaccep another sors’ enticism or cispleasure © toaccept an unploasant situation 4 to show from your expression that you don't ike something € {ofall over badly and feet a bit embarrassod £ tomake a ciffcut decision 8 to say something direct to someone Fh to1not want todo something unpleasant bb In which of the expressions 1-8 is face used as a ‘Roun and in which as a verb? © Which one of the following nouns doesn't collocate with face? 1 aproblem 2 the tut 3. a dtficut decision 4 thefacts 5 asuccess 6 reality W Add words to the Bas, 3 When dic you last ell___on your face? 2 What was the last choice you had to face? What happened the lst time you saw someone's 102 4 What's something dtficult you've hal to say someone's face? ¢ What can't yu face ator class? \When was the last time you had tn face music? = © “Wh Ask and answer the questions in ad {fo well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2 or 1 {preach objective, ery well TCAN ‘discuss dangerous situations C ive advice on avoiding danger Qo tive and respond to compliments. oa ‘write guidelines in a leaflet o Well 1 = not so well 3A a nmr aT) UCR ne HELISTENING | @ 2 Think about how to learn | Teh) 6 Read questions 1-6 from people who have to lear Something. Use information in the texts to answer the questions. someting new. Do you agree or disagree with sentences 1-5? Why? 1 My teacher wil get angry if| make mistakes. 2 Children learn fast than adults, 3 Tn 3 | must practise every day in order to make progress 4 If something seems very 235, | must be doing It wrong 5. Long practice sessions are best. 1 | have to eam a lat of historical dates for an exam. what's 8 go0d way to do this? 2 | want to join a beginners’ kickboxing class, Ist eller 10 Join the morning or aternoon c w | have a natural talent for tennis. Do | need to yactse hard to do wel? 41 study fst thing inthe morning aftr my brain has tested, sue learn mora. Do yu agree? 5 ave fo fx out abot way car ngs wrk, lth bbook I'm reading is really boring. Should | just stick with i 6 nt jst want tobe a god compute programmes =! want tobe abelian one. What cant do to achieve tat b GME Listen to an experienced tea ‘the same sentences, Are his You agree wit his ideas? cher talking about ideas similar to yours? Do 4 SW Discuss the questions BAREADING 1 What information in the texts surprised you? - 2 What information made sens to you? @ ® Discuss the questions, 3 Have you had any experience of the ideas discussed inthe 1 How tong does i take to learn something weil? text? 2 What's the best time of day to learn something new? 4 Do you think you'l change your learning practice a8 @ 3 How important is memary when we feam something new? result oF the information? bb Read Learning to learn. Match texts a-c with the questions in 2a, ‘Eaty bit or ‘night ow, We all have tieren body cooks and tytn. However, research is boginnng to show ‘that we'e all quite similar inthe way our minds and bodes betave at dtferent ‘times ofthe day. Understanding these ‘hythms helps us work out when's the | besttime to jean, But not fist thing. Our bodies and brains need howe ‘Ra up and our body temperature ries slow fo ‘emomet we woke up, Between on inthe mig ad midday, most people area ther best in te ‘hele abity to concentrate and lea. 1 Bz 2omarcopn xe ae ‘Peak and our hand-eye coordination is very efiie’ ‘This means the afternoon is probably better for leaming new spots or perhaps a new dance st UNIT J VOCABULARY © Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Ability and achievement Pa @ Look at the adjectives in bold and answer questions 1 He's very talented playing the guitar. rar 2. He has sof potential _——-succeed in his career. 8 She's got eal talent drawing And when you ok atl the people who ae outta er peer 4 She definitely haste ability become a bilant they seem so much more talented that’s what it takes to become relly skilled Think of an example of someone who: Those who became exceptional practised about two 1 is skilled at some kind of sport or art thousand hours more 2 ‘has a talent for some kind of musical instrument in order to learn something and become very successful 3 is famous and you think is brillant at doing it all you'll need is about 10,000 hours! 4 you think is exceptional in thei field Without a doubt, there are people who are biliant at 5 fs the mest successful person you know tain things All the musician inthe study had the potential to become -«@ 2 Tell each other about your answers in 3d, world famous Give reasons for your opinions. 1 Which two adjectives describe @ good level of abiliy? 2 Which adjective describes a good level of achievement? 3. Which three adjectives describe a very high level of abiliy or achievement? 4 Look at the noun in bold inthe last sentence. Are the ‘musicians world famous now or are they likely to be in he future? b Write the noun forms of the adjectives. 1 skilled 2 talented —_ 3. briliant 4 able— ‘st itrnge how wo can remember the words ofa much ove poem | that we learnt at primary school more than twenty years ago, but we can't rememiver wera we loft our keys about ten minutes ago? More ‘than 130 years ago this problem caught the afention of the German | psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus and he came up wit a theory: the | Stengh of monary. Bbnghas bleed tha ef et ikon nesting, ten tt poe be more enn tous. Ts ales the omation casero kan nd aso haps Stengh of man aso hp we seek he new rfomatan wh someting. or eal, now word we arn mit mke us tk apt. Ths scion ean as bud meno targh tng socal hus enter what we eam row a ‘amon’ For ecanpl, sme empl ae ae to remember lang senumor of nur twas te shape of al hse ner reins thomaf aspect piysal shape su 28 2 au rn een ete a tsa byconpttarsin eV Menary Chaise hl ech | yearn onion ‘We've al had the experience of trying to lear something new only to find out that we're no very good att We look around at ther people ‘we're learning with and they seem so much more talented and are doing so much beter. It seems to come naturally to them, And when you look ata the people who are oustanding at what they do = the really famous people who are superstars — all you see is natural ability. ‘The conclusion seems obvious: alented people must be born that way, ‘Without a doubt, there are people who are brillant at certain things -they have a talent or kcking football around fel, or thay pick up 4 violin and immediately make music. However, theres also alot to be said for practice, Psychologist K. Anders Eresson studied students at Bern's Academy of Musi. He found that even though al the musicians Z Pin the sty ha the potenti to become word famous, oly some of a } trem actualy did. What made the dference? The answer i simple | J} itctenvonencccnedwemeran” | Se viesiaat ne treadion a ee | Sncoutim ets tatvaelt te eheaneey ates Inc tt prac elds mop, ander rs . ‘something and become very successful at doing it, all you'll need is q about 10,000 hours! J BECAUSE cet tee Ce) Peso Soe ry EALISTENING @ GME Listen to Seamus, Fion: about their learning exp questions, and Henry talk iences, Answer the 1 Who talks about ...? a the best time to lean learning hours © the strength of memory 2 Do the speakers think the | caming ideas thay tac about wark lor them? (OW Listen again and make notes things they talk about, 1 Seamus about the b friends © graphic design 2 Fiona 2 chemistry system for remembering sy mols colleagues’ attitudes ut preparation 1b ally learing rutin © C® Whose ideas do you think make more sense? Why? 34 ELGRAMMAR Mutti-word verbs @ What is the meaning of the multi-word ‘multi-word verb is most similar to the v. 1 Allot my friends were aso really into comic ‘nem tried o come up with their wn stories 2 90 we decided to try it out verbs in bold? Which er on its own? 1b D-Now go to Grammar F SPEAKING a IS on p.138 Think of something you've done that you have put a lot o effort into. For e sxample: i your job * Playing a musical instrume * a freo-time activity * Teaming a language study of some kind Make es about th 1 What special skills, 2 What level of a 3 How hay questions lent do you neet blty do you think you have achie you learn 4 Do you need ta rem: 5 How much time ha ? ne information necessary for this activity? ember a lot of things todo this well? 8 YOU put int it? 4 Ca Work in small groups, Tel ll each other about your activity, Ask questions, © Ch Who in your group do you think has put in the most effort? Who has been successful? B aL eer as we ROL CEN ee BREA © 2% Compare your ideas with other students, @ Look at the pictures. What sports do they show? _—«l- Read the text Born fo be the best about professionals in HOw many‘of the: people do'you rectigelesT four sports. In what way are they all similar? ‘CH wnerdo yourthinke mekes:a:successtu Read the text again and answer the questions about athlete or sportsperson? Cnoose the five things each sport in the box you think are most important 1 What spor isi Are there any you think are unimportant? 2 Who's gen as an example “ 3. What unusual features are mentioned? attude general level of ites luck 4 What is the resul? desire fr money genetic make-uo suppat from the community technique {Which of the things in Lb are mentioned in the text? Do parents Waiing and practice you think this is important forall sports activities or only for top professional players? 3 Ltd U2 Us it ya ue ‘champion eross-ourty skier Eero Manyranta had an unusual gene which mate him praduce too ‘many red blood els. Cross-countyskers cover long distances anther ed blood cols have to An send oxygen to their muscles. Manyranta had about 65% more ed bod els than the normal ” ‘all male an that’ wiy he performed so wel nthe 1960, 1984, and 968 Winter Ohmple amos, he won otal of seven medals. n 196, he beat his closest competion the fiten- lometre race by forty seconds. ‘nthe seventh high jump of hs life, Donald Thomas cleared 2.22 m, The next yea after only eight ‘months of training, Thomas won the world championships. How did he achieve tis vitory? Not ‘rom traning. He had unusually long legs and an exceptionally long Achils tendon, which acted ‘as akin of spring, shooting him high int te ar when he jumped ‘Why do 90 many ofthe worl’ best distance runners come from Kenya and Ethiopia? Because a runner needs not justo be thn, but lo fo have thin legs and ankles. Runners ftom te alenjn tie, in Kenya — where most fhe country’ est thet come from~ are tin in exacts vay. Compared to Europeans, alin ate shorter but nave longer legs, and tel ower lg are haifa kio tighter Professional basoball players have, as a group, remarkable eyesight. typical baseball professional can see at seven metres what the est of us can see at four metres, This means that, however ‘much they trained, ony @ tiny proportion of the population would be able to do what professional bbasobal players can do naturally see a bal that i travelling towads them at 190 km an hour. BUL Nords connected with sport Find words in the texts which have a similar meaning to the words in italics. 1 Ero Maniyrant 2 He did so well bacause he had more red blood cells than was a cross-country skier who often won 3. He easly beat the closest person competing m 4 Before te world high jump competition, Thoma eight months of practi 5 Thamas achieved ag 6 Most of Kenya's best sportspeople are from the Kalenjin tribe, 7 Baseball players who play fora Iiving have very good eyesight b B Now go to Vocabulary Focus on p.156 NG a a ES The texts in 1d are from a book called The Sports Gene, Listen to the first part of a programme in which people discuss the book. Answer the questions. 1 What do we knaw about Barbara McCallum? 2 What does she think of the ideas in the book b SED Answer the questions. Then listen again and check. 1 Wha a. The best athletes are most other people There is particular gene which makes you a good Being a good athete is mainly @ question of luck 2 Which ofthese factors does Barbara say are important in Kenyans’ success in running? 2 They start running at an early age, Many people have long leg © Childre n message ofthe book? 1 genelicaly diferent from feat They tain for hours avery day, SEA Listen to the second part of the programme and answer the questions, 1 What do we know about Marla Fedorowa? 2 What does she think of the ideas in the book? SH OB Listen again and discuss the questions, 1 What does Marta notice about the people she has played anainst? 2. What conclusion does she reach from that? 3. In whal way does she say sporting events lke the Olympics are ‘unfair’? Do you agree with ner conclusion? Why J Why not? A GRAMMAR Present perfect simple and continuous @ Match sentences 1-4 with the uses of the present perfect simple and continuous (2-d). 1 [You've been playing tennis since you were a child, 2 [lve also read the book, 3 [] [ve been thinking alot about this recently. 4 [Me lived in Kerya myselt to tak about a recent completed action, e.g. Ive fost my glasses, b to talk about an activity that started in the past and is stl continuing, eg. We've been wating since this inorning. to talk about an experience at some unspecified time in your Iie, eg. He’ climbed Mount Everest to talk about a recent acti which continued for a while (which may oF may not stil be continuing), e.g (ve been reading a lot of good books lately Now go to Grammar Focus on p.138 © Add a sentence using the present perfect simple or continuous. 1 I don't think | could play squash any more. | Vnaven's played it for year 2 She's really Mt. She 3 Of course I can play chess, 1 44 Why don't you buy @ new pai af skis? You d Think about a sport (or other free time activity) that you have been doing for some time, Make notes about ‘questions 1-4. 1 How good are you at it? 2 How long have you boen doing it? Why did you star? 3 Whal are the main reasons you've become good at it (or haven't? Is it mare to da with ‘+ your genetic make-up and natural ability ‘developing technique and practisi ‘+ support from ather people 4 Do you think any of the things you have read or heard in ant to the actly you've been doing? this lesson are 2B Tell other students about your activity. i WIS ODRIGUEZ | y ¥ lex Rodriguez is well known among baseboll Bein eat tecas bales oneal professionals ofall ime and the youngest player ‘ever to hit 500 home runs. But he’s also well known fora differen reason. Between 2001 and 2003, under pressure to keep up his ‘Ammerigan League an to help him recover from an injury, he took steroids, which are an illegal drug Under the rules ofthe League. He has since been Suspended, but has tried fe eppecl against his Suspension ond return to the game. He is now one fihe most hated figures in Americon boseball unit 3% EAREADING and SPEAKING @ Read about two famous US baseball players and answer the questions, 1 How are they sin ia? 2 How are they diferent? b Think about the questions, It 'sport isn'ta fair as we lke to think allowed to find viays to improve their performance? Which of these ways do you think are acceptable? Why? + training hard ‘© having an operation (e.g. replacing arm muscles ould players be Improving eyesight) + taking legal sunstances to enhance ther performance (eg energy drink taking illegal substances to enhance their performanc (eg drugs) © ©® Compare your ideas. Do you agree? CASE STUDY: TOMMY JOHN 4 Tommy John is one of the best-loved figures in American baseball. in 1974, efron injury to his am, he wes the first player ever to have an operation to replace the muscles of his right arm with artificial ones. Alter his operation, he ‘went on to win 164 games, more than he did before science helped to improve his performance. His ‘bionic ‘orm enabled him to win at least 20 games a season. He had one of the longest ‘careers in baseball history, retiring at the age of 46, and is regarded by th public os 6 sporting hero. Since then, ot least a third of major-league baseball players have had the same operation, now known os “Tommy John surgery formance in the Everyday English CSCC RCAC Peace eter) ‘Keeping to the topic of the conversation eect HELISTENING @ CW Discuss the questions. 1 What kindof events do peop usully celebrate? 2 Do,you prefer smal or big celebrations? Wy b C2 Look at photo a and answer the questions. Where do you think Becky and Tom have been? 2 What do you think has happened? ¢ IIE Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your ideas in Ib. 1d EM Watch oF listen again. Tick (/) the topics that Becky and Tom talk about Photographs Becky has taken Tom's colleagues dinner Becky's café job Tom's promotion Becky's classmate, Tessa € COKE Watch or listen again. What do they say about the topics? { GiMER Watch or listen to Part 2. What wedding plans ddo Becky and Tom talk about? GEA Watch or listen to Part 2 again and answer the questions. 1 What's the fist decision they have to make? 2 Who seems more focused on wedding plans? Why do you! think sa? EA CONVERSATION SKILLS Keeping to th Read this conversation from Part 2. How does Backy return to the original topic of the conversation? Underline the expression she uses BECKY Sowhen are you going to tell your parents about your promotion? TOM AL the woekend, | think. We're seeing them on Saturday, remamber? BECKY. Oh yes, Anyway, as I vas saying about Tessa TOM Tessa, yes, your classi bb Join words from A and B to make expressions A B 1 wore saying to gulget back to just was saying ating going back to e topic of the conversation © We can put two of these words before the expressions in 2b, Which words are they? s0 actually oh anyway d © Work in pairs. Have short conversations. You need to agree on an English language study plan and organise What to study, how much to study, when, etc Student A: Explain your ideas for your study plans, Make sure you keep to the topic ofthe conversation, Student B: Answer your partner's questions about the study plans, but keep trying to change the topic of conversation to | think we should start with vocabulary. ‘Why don't we go to ‘As | was saying, we the caté frst? should start with Ea PRONUNCIATION Sounds and spelling: Consonant sounds line Look at the examples from Parts 1 and 2. Und words that begin with the sounds in the box. a et ew 1 1ve gradually got better 2... guests, a verue forthe reception, the cake, 3. But don't you agree that she'd be perfect 4. Wel need a photographer, b GEA Listen to these two words. Which begins with a voiced sound? Which begins with an unvoiced sound? better people Do you use your lips differently in the /b/ and /p/ sounds? ¢ @ER Listen to six words. Which word do you hear in each pair? 1 il 3 ven 5 lap pil fan lab 2 gat 4 leave hag cat teat back 1d Ce Work in pairs. Take turns saying one word from each pair. Which word does your partner say? EALISTENING a @EB Watch or listen to Part 3. What is the main topic of Becky and Tom's conversation? 1 food forthe wedding 2 their wedding clothes 3 the guests they! invite b @EH Watch or listen again. What do they say about the topics below? Make notes, 1 Aunt Clare 2 Uncle Fred 3 Tom's colleagues 4 Regent's Lodge 5 ater they get married USEFUL LANGUAGE a © Becky and Tom make careful suggestions to 4 How does it sound we only have a small cake? 1B Communication 36 Student A: Go to p.131. Student B: Go to p.129. SPEAKING @ You are going to have a class party. Work alone and think of ideas for the party + when * party theme and music + where b Qk Discuss your ideas and make careful suggestions. Make sure everyone keeps to the topic of the conversation unit 3 Making careful suggestions each other. Can you remember the missing words? BECKY We reception TOM But don't you agree that ite invite them? —— invite them to the evening not to Listen and check. Why do Becky and Tom make careful suggestions? Choose the best answer, 1. They fo! the subject-matter i abit sensitive and they don’t want to offend each other 2 The wedding won't happen fora few months, soit doesn't feel real to them, Look at these examples of careful suggestions, Match the examples to the correct uses below, 2 Dont you think its a good idea to .. 7 bb How dovs it sound if well... ? Another idea might be to think maybe we should thought maybe we could 1 Putting forward an idea carefully 2 Asking the other person to give their point of view Correct the careful suggestions. 1 Another idea might to be booking a Du forthe reception 2 Don't you think a good idea ta inule more people? 3 Maybe I thought we could get married at home + food and rinks We coud ss do Another idea might itat college. be to rent a hal RYU atti DSU MUP LeN a OD TLS} Pacers et cd perenne HMI SPEAKING and LISTENING a CB Discuss the questions, 1 What's the most unusual sport you've ev en or heard of? Have you tried it? you think are the most popular sports in your county ta 3. How do you think new sports, popular | patipate rt Why o you think they are papa? 1 Look at photos 1-3. What are the names of the sports? Which af these sports have you tried? Which would yeu like to ty? | | © GIIEM Marco talks to three people at a sports complex Lizzie, Barry and Patricia. Listen and match the speakers to | the sports in the photos, d MEH Listen again and make notes for each speaker: ‘easons for choosing ther sport 2 experience of the sport uture plans, © SB Are any of these sports popular in Why not? BAREADING | @ Look at the bar chart. Are the sentences true or fa your country? Why / ce? | 1 The dlc shows matin abet peopl wo ke pa in spo 2, The data does ge inermaton about chiens spon 4 Mostaf the sports have more prepa in 2012/2013 than in 2008/2006, i Bh t09205 : mms xs swinning “oles “ qcing fool” gg One-.wek pr pa 18 years and over, ation —top five UK sports, bb Read the article A nation of armchair the article give the same information chart? athletes. Does as the bar © Read the article again and answer the questions. 1. Does the writer think the major sporting event ncouraRed poo 2 Does the information repr 3. What pieve of informat expect? e to ake pat in sports? 1 id the writer not 4 What possible reason does th increased interes in cyclin 5. What change does the writer mention inthe final aragraph? EXWRITING SKILLS Describing da @ Match the summaries with the paragraphs (2-e) in the article. Which paragraph ... 2 o main conclusion you can draw from the data 2 [adds extra information not shown in the data 3 [interprets the data in more detail 4 [1 outines the issue thatthe article and the s about ‘explains what the bar chart is about x UNIT 3 b Look at paragraph din the article again and complete the table. J WRITING adecie Neon Look at the bar chart and read the notes below. thereisafen | 1 increase What does the information show? obvious fa (aes 5 90 Ms Verb | paver the numbers | hasfhave increased __ significantly %, © Notice This in paragraph ¢ in the text. Answer the questions. i | : ‘eyding "snowboarding "handball nce: week sport partition —top thre spot at arke rot Sports Campos. 14 yeas and ove, CT us et ee ery 1 Does it refer back or forward to other information in the paragrapt? 2 How is information organised in the paragraph? data foloed by a comment b a comment followed by data Use the data about a British city to write sentences, Use language from 3b. 3 =2 ee eT) 1 People playing tennis: 2014 = 18%; now = 22% cry cero ail tans 1 yar = oe = eed 5 jn memati: 2014 = 21% how <3 i arena aca sp. ne b 2 Work in pairs. Plan an article about the data and notes in 4a, Then write your article Swap your article with anather pair. Does the article use language from 3b correctly? Does it include verbs and nouns? Does it have the same organisation as 3a? Was it easy to understand? ‘There's no doubt that international sporting events “In fact, most surprising of all there's a ‘ate good for sper. There's aways huge intrest Insignificant decrease Inthe umber of people them end people are glued o theirTV sets watching geting involved in swimvning, the number Giforent events, Of couse thisisallabout watching’ one spotin the UK. You can soe that there has Sports but does also meen that people ge ofthe also been an obvious change inthe numberof people wanting to Sofa and acvaly take partin sports? {90 out and lick a football There’ a sight ecreese inte number ee Gf people playing got though participation hasn't decreased “The bar chart looks atthe five most popular spars riianiy, The most noticeable increase n spor pafcpation inthe UKin teams of people paricipaing -notiust_ CST caen in athletics, Perhaps this because alte eats siting around an a Cn Maree ert reguaty at inirational sporng events, also requires very title eae ater exemple, swimming’ algo includes @quibpment intialy, so can be a low-cost sport. Interest in cycling pctities s0/sor axe) A has also increased slightly. This might be because cycling includes the sports of diving water polo andicleep water Bix and cross-country, which makes ving, while football incudesve-oside games SMKandcross-county which maken as wel a fulteams. The resus inthe graph show ort alert kinds cl eyeling has nteaned noes ie petceniages ofpeople who actvely paripatein_ineretin i y that sport atleast once a week S's important to remember that the information in the table only focuses on the five most popular sports in the UK. Recent reports show that British people are becoming interested in a wide range of sports and are taking up activities like snowboarding and, handball. t doesn’t really matter what sport people choose to get involved in =the key thing is that they get out of their armchairs and take par. ee 41 ee The blue and the red columns make & direct ‘compatison between the year from October 2005 to October 2006 and a similar period in 2012/2013, just after a major sporting event. As you can see, the statistics show there has been no sudden increase in British people getting actively involved in sport UNIT 3 WORDPOWER Review and extension EE GRAMMAR Put the words in italics in the correct order. 1 didn't know Spanish before | went to Mexion but | managed t0.up/ pick/ itvery quickly 2 I'm just as good as you. Thores no need to me down f ook? onjust because | didnt goto university, It stil raining, This weather i starting to get / down me, | don’t belive she was ever marred to a firm str. think she ‘tf upt making is. ‘She's very creative. She keeps up/ with / coming new ideas, "don't know how tod this task. ust ean't out figure it Choose the correct verb tenses in these conversations. 1A Come in. Sorry the fats such a mess. B What have you !done been doing? There are things all cover the flor. ‘A Ive sorted boon sorting things out but | havent quite finished been finishing yt 2 How are things? | ha en't ‘seem been seeing you for ages, What have you °dane/ been doing? 8 Oh, nothing much. ve got exams next month so ve "studied been studying most ofthe time. Think of things you could say in answer to these uestions using the present perfect simple or continuous, What have you been doing these days? Hows your family? You're looking fit. Have you been + Sowat’s new? oinga lot of sport 1d 2 Have conversations, starting with the que: EAVOCABULARY @ Rewrite the sentences, using the word in brackets, so ‘that they keep the same meaning. 1 We're looking for someone who can lead. Fesearchers. (ability) ‘Sho can design things very wel, ied) 3. The members ofthe band all play music extremely well (outstanding) 4 He could become ave He's better than mast stions in Ie. ateam of Y Good politician, (potential) goalkeepers, (exceptional) My sister can cook very well. (brillant) 6 1b Give a different form of the words in italics to complete the definitions 1 Someone who trains sportsmen is a trae 2 A person who competes in a sport is a 3 The sporting activity that athetes dois ced — 4 Someane who does sport as @ profession » sportsperson, 5 I you perform wel, you give @ good © Ateam that wins a victoryis 42 @ Match the comments with the pictures. Where are the people and why are they saying this? 1] ‘Brink up. We need to go, 2 [7 ous you speak up? We can't 3 Cy ve used up the shampoo, there any more?” 4D etme soothe bil think they've add it up wane you. Adding up often gives an extra meaning to a verb. In which examples in La does up mean... ? @ totheend —b together louder © What does it mean in each example below? a suggestion a language a glass a word 1 You dropped it so think you shoul lear it up 2 I don't know. have to look it up, 3 twas easy, | picked it up in about six months. 4 Why don't you bring i up atthe: meeting? 1 CME Listen and check your answers. What was the problem in each case? © Here are some more multi-word verbs with up. Match the two parts of the sentences, 1 Wale more stow! | can't look up to i 2 He's. good father. His Schilren realy tumed up 3 We invited 80 peopie, but only afew put up witht 4 He'sso ude. I don't know why people keep up wit yO! Match the multl-word verbs in 3e with these meaniné® 8 tolerate © appear or artive goat the same speed admire or respect 8 OB Work in pairs. Choose two of the multi-word verbS} in 3a, © ore, Think of a situation and write a short Conversation which includes both verbs, £22 Act out your conversation. Can other students 2uess your situation? BROS How well dd you do in this unit? Write 3, 2 or 1 for each objective, Savery well 2= well 1 CAN ‘iscuss ability and achievement Aiscuss sports activities and issues ‘make careful suggestions ‘write a description of data Not so well oo cere PUETSICMIAS RCM ture scotens HA ARSE) CUM re I SPEAKING 64.8 MILLION LOTTERY WIN 4B Imagine you suddenly became veryrich either WRECKED MY LIFE by winning or inheriting money. How would you spend the money if you had ... ? a $i == b $1000 ~— «$1,000,000 ‘HOW I SPENT MY PRIZE MONEY’ Nigerian Idol Season Ill winner, Moses Obi ‘runs seers HOMELES BROWER IMERT 7 BLLION state noe Zsolt Pelardi: Maybe we can finally have a normal life EAREADING @ Read the first part of two texts about people who won the lottery. What do you think the people did? Which person do you think spent the money most wisely? 1b The words in the boxes give an outline of each story Sharon Tirabassi: ping huge house family friends bike happier kids pay day family values thsan Khan: taxi driver dream number arthquake school Find words in the boxes which mean: G 1 the day when you 2 large kxury hot 3a sudden m St money fom your jot ¢ © What do you think each person's story is? p ren j wt nit Neus Reyer ca A Rea INT ana ty | ALICE re eaetrahe NA ER x million in the Se ater wining S105 millon in ho, Nin yee anal iebock catching th bus so ya ng rr rime ob She's working oppo ber "soy tes inthe oe rrorhaast Hain, neo y ; Ki nh err of ths. cy’ biggest lotto Aan hada teen oa ag eat isan sree gone from being super rich to living ret es ae th ire ad brought t back to Battagram, the ey from week to week. Pakistan where he ‘grew up, ee Fag unit 4 dB Communication 4A Student A: Read the story of Sharon J Tirabassi on p.128 and answer the questions. Student B: GALISTENING Reed te sty of san Kh on 130 an answer the” a Yoy regain tse to an ite wt questions Monica Sharpe, 2 researcher into the psychology @ 2 Work inthe same pars, Take turns to tll your stoies mmo HOw do You tink she wll answer these and include the keywords in 1c. Ask questions about your partner's story to check anything you don’t understand, 1. Does winning ots of money make you behave badly? 2 Does having lots of money make you happy? f C2 Discuss the questions 3. Does buying things make you happy? 1 What sensible deisions do you think Sharon and thsan made? BL What poor decisions they make? b ©E Listen and check your answers. a way is you sk ne meee these aecseons? foryur © CHB Tick (7) the points Monica makes, ch moral or message’ comes out ofthese stories fr you Listen again and check ‘Write it down and compare your ides wth other students Wek mata fied people who got a lot of money spera it al ick Be careful what you auet wish for! Believe in yourdreams, 2. We enoy hearing stories about poople who won the lotery and then los all their money. 3. Sueldenly having lots of money usually has @ negative I you have lots of money, don’t go to Las Vegas! etocton you. “ 4 Most people fee ch happier just after they win EX GRAMMAR 5 Inthelorg tr, being ch dows aways mak used to and would happier mmr he beter eere none on timc es ‘@ Look at sentences ac and complete the rules with the houses and cars, _ = words in the box. Ihsan Khan used to work asa tax diver and securiy guard inthe @ CW Which of the points in 4c do you agree with? USA. Can you think of examples from people you know He used to think he could use his money to fi everything. or have heard about? She would regularly go on shopping tips where she would buy anything she fencied, now past used to.(2) would 2) We use used fo and woud to talk about things in the 1 which are no longer true 2 To talk about states, thoughts and feelings in the past, we can only use3_, not 1. To talk about habits and repeated actions, we can use either ot b Find and underline other examples of used fo and would in the texts, © Look at the sentences and answer the questions, 4 Today, the Tirabass! family don lve in a huge house any more. He used to think he could use his maney to fix everything, but he no longer belioves that 1 What da the words in bold mean? (a) things are the same as before (b) things are different now 2. Rewrite sentence a with no Jongor and sentence b with not any ‘more. How does the word order change? dB Now go to Grammar Focus on p.140 "UNIT 4 EAVOCABULARY cause an result Answer the questions about the expressions in 5a. 1 Which expressions, have a sina mening to Which expression has a simi ‘caused by? ‘What s the diference between affectand off Look at sentences 4 and 6, In which sentence is resutta verb and in which i ta noun? lar meaning to Complete the sentences with the words in the ox. “alfect effect cause lead result (2) He's much friendlier than he used to be. Ge ‘married has had a positive on him Having ne maney ata can often to Problems in a relationship, "hear John and Barbara have spit up. | hope it won't our friendship with them, {swell known that smoking ean — Hundreds of vilagers’ lives of thsan Khan's help, Be careful! Borrowing large amounts can of money in sorius financial problems, HY 4 Think about an important event in your own | life, and another event that happened 2s 6 | result Write three sentences about it using I ‘expressions in 5a. Cw Read your sentences to each other ang | ‘ask questions, ne TALISTENING @ Look at the information about Alphonso and Dragana. How 49 You think their lives have changed? Think about: lifestyle attitude to life daily routine work money leisure LIFE~CHANGING EVENTS Sometimes a single big event can change your lif, Two people tll us their stories ee b GRR Listen to al Phonso and Dragana. Which of the topics in 8 do they talk about? DIBA Are the sentences true Sentences. Listen again and Aphonso 1 They both used to work 2 They didn't have 3. The baby hay or false? Correct the false ' check. much money, Sn changed his altitude to ile much, Dragana 4 She's from a big 5 She didn 6 The city In Croatia nloy being in Bertin, ‘experience has changed her attitude to other cultures, SPEAKING me of these topics: * deity routine * family and relationships = money * free time altitude to ite

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