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PLATINUM ENGINE LOG BOOK CONTINENTAL MOTORS USE ONLY FUEL CONFORMING TO ASTI USE OF AUTOMOTIVE GAS IS NOT APPROVE! Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc. Printed: 0812572003 ‘Tis engine model YOSSON27 Serfal No, 913911 was manufactured on 08/2572.003, bby Teledyne Continental Motors in accordance with approved design data and the applicable requirements ‘of Part 21 of the Federal Avlation Regulation. The appraved design data for this engine incorporates all changes required by applicable Airworthiness Directives and Teledyne Motors Service Bulletins, TELEDYNE CONTINENTAL MOTORS A TELEDYNE TECHNOLOGIES COMPANY PRODUCTION CERTIICATE NO. 508 Total Time: , | Engine Service and Maintenance Record “ Installations, Inspections, Airworthiness Directives, Special Inspections, a eee | Modifications and Service Bulletins Eine Ene Pron Ben) sreoe Engina nin hc te ate SU HE A Ce Guirao Fone teneheontng atte ye Sus Sha tite hen he [oti alte manele ton iach Roan EN ct Ting Seca nbs Wait cdton DATE:11/2004 __siaNeD: ey ee " Pinted by EBs 3 (eatzometa com) Laren’, | Engine Service and Maintenance Record Installations, Inspections, Airworthiness Directives, Special Inspections, win. | Hrs. | Nin. | Nefeaions and Seniem rng [APR Aviation cove eae open PcfeworricamSea Foun GROUND aot ARCReeT NO LEAES NOTED ATs ‘ate. PenronveD io SAND FAD TOMDIUST THe LOW e¥O UNMETERED FUEL PRESSURE FROME TO 100.6e8 CHECK 00D. CAECHED All. SPARK PLUGLEAOSFOR OMNGE, NO DAMAGE NOTED. ody Hs seria con) il ‘San woos: > APR Aviation, Ine, eae ae Se a Engine Entries lh ria Els Gaonwa con) |__Date 6/5/2007 Engine Logbook Entry AIRCRAFT: N224SJ | wos rr77 Lat CRS AWKR298C an WOODLAND AVIATION Watts Woodland Airport, Woodland, CA ssees MARU at 4646. CHANGED OIL AND FILTER. INSPECTED OIL FILTER FOR METAL AND DEBRIS IN ELEMENT. ne NO DISCREPANCIES NOTED. OIL SAMPLE TAKEN AND SENT FOR ANALYSIS. INSTALLED NEW. Eng TSN 184.6 FILTER AND SERVICED ENGINE WITH 7 QUARTS AEROSHELL 16W60.. RUN UP AND LEAK TAR 1846 CHECK NORMAL The Aircraft and/or component identified above was repaired and inspected JAW FAA id regulations and was found airworthy to return to service only for the work ps inent details of the repair are on file at this agency: Signed: Montorey Bay Aviation oe go Sem Waves aor eSOD ry eon cory ie avice and Maintenance Record NDE 02 Fe aT 0228.8 _‘ectlons, Airworthiness Directives, Special Inspections, Sonim 1OSSON UnSIoIt”—— Manbwbstes {Sete Bult Accomplish Annual Inspection Ref: Cirrus Design MM 5-20, service/ maintenance as follows, drained and refilled engine oil, with AeroShell 15W-SO, engine Oil Filter CH48108-1 replaced and inspected no visible trace of metal found. AOA sample submitted to lab, Compression Test: M-49 1)73/80 2)73/80 3)73/80 4)72/80 5) 71/80 6) 71/80, cleaned all fuel injection nozzles, replaced o-rings p/n 630979, rubber washer p/n 640612, copper washer p/n X1473, inspected/serviced adjusted idle mixture & speed (ref: SID 97-3E), L&R/Magneto (ref: MM/6.2.1) set ignition timing to 22 degree BYDC, replaced intake tube/flange cyl. #1, #2, #3, raskets p/n 649950), removed & reinstalled oil cooler for OH 185 s/n GO3-2147-397, { contiy that this Engine has been inspected in accordance with a Annual Inspection and js determined to be in Sirwothy cond aie Hugo". da Silva A&P/IA 548762425 Forced Aeromotive Technologies, ine 61S. Peoria 18E, Englewood, Co $0112 Date: 216-04 [Make TCM |Model: 10-S50-N Reg: W224. 5 Tach: Hobbs: 236.0 TTENG:236,0 —_[smv: G3 ay Installed STC # SE10926SC VA/W FAT installation instructions document EL-SR-22. Rev A. dated (0404/2008. (see 337 for more detail). Weight and balance has been amended and aaa eight am inserted in the Aircraft Lae, Hee pop fay rye Ea =e leer ARAPAHOE AERO 12760 EAST CONTROL TOWER ROAD ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80112 (303) 799-8386 N24dJS. Continental 10-550-N(27) SIN: 913911 24 February 2009, Hobbs: 0237.0 Engine Total Time: 0237.0 Removed #1 alternator, P/N: 646843, S/N: 00SFALS6, Installed overhauled / exchange unit, SN: GO3EA117, Installed original drive hub on exchange alternator and installed unit using new gasket Removed MCU cover to gain access to Field Control Modules (FCM). Installed new FCM, #1 P/N: 14605- (001. #2 PIN: 14605-010. Ground run operational check of electrical charging system and alternator leak check, satisfystory, L. John Wells A&P3221132 | 2rvice and Maintenance Record ‘aude Winds Avaion 2505 Cunningham Ave San Jose CA ‘rwothness Diseased eens N224S] Date: 02 February 2009 ETT 02288 " Continental 10-550-N, sin 913911 Hobbs 0228.8 1 Senvice Bulletins Accomplish Annual Inspection Ref: Cirrus Design MM 5-20, service/ maintenance as follows, drained and filled engine oil, with AeroShell 15W-50, engine Filter CH48108-1 replaced and inspected no visible trace of metal found, AOA sample submitted to lab, Compression Test: M-49 1)73/80 2)73/80 3)73/80 4)72/80 5) 71/80 6) 71/80, cleaned all fuel injection nozzles, replaced o-rings p/n 630979, rubber washer p/n 640612, copper washer p/n X1473, inspected/serviced adjusted idle mixture & speed (ref: SID 97-3E), L&R/Magneto (ref: MM/6,2.1) set ignition timing to 22 degree BDC, replaced intake tube/tlange eyl. #1, #2, #3, -d & reinstalled oil cooler for OH that this Engine has been inspected in accordance vith an Annual Inspection and js determined to be in airworthy 2 Hugs da Silva ARDITA S48762405 t Forced Aeromotive Technologies, Ine 7161 8. Peoria 18E, Englewood, Co $0112 Date: 2-16-09 [Make: TCM Model: 10-ss0N_— [Reg: N22455_| Tach: Hobbs: 236.0 |rrENG.236.0 Jam Giza | Insaed STC #SE109265C VAPW FAT inalaon instruct MELSR2, Rev, deed 404308. (ee 57 fr mo is ded and insted in he Alera Fight Manat END, nadine sae AUTHORIZED RELEASE CERTIFICATE tre east cg [P= Rag rman ee N2448 oats Sissi Inve 24 February 200 a TR = any | TRS Removed #1 allemato easels [oecus | | 0SEAII7, Installed ¢ Removed MCU cover 001, #2 PIN: 14605-0 cheek satisfygtory. eset roms te ute cern ec eed mtn ete tn by jeewmaonrareen! Shoes meee sin Hicks ‘TDL AERO ENTERPRISES (eon) es-r700 "PAX (209) 722.9402 N22 achat DATE 060500 ervice and Maintenance Record 'pections, Airworthiness Directives, Special Inspections, td Service Bulletins nic comune oeaned 4 REMCAEDADREPLACED OL FLIER FLIER NSPECTED, Sear ee eat uh Boots ENne RDO Ea CHER COLE, pencraLe comune la ‘TDL AERO ENTERPRISES eae AU ESCED MUNEDILAFPORT ots ePAR STAN CENTICATE #TLRORS 127700 FAK 0720 02 oA ONDE Ose was wows one sse ‘COWPLETED ANKUAL NSPECTION AW ORAS DESIGN MAINTENANCE MANUAL 0520 ODE ‘kez DATED Arf, 27, COMPRESGONCHECKEDCYLANDER #1 rd #2720049 TAD ‘Yau #s a0 6 GaP, CHANGED OL, OE FLTER CHANGED GL SAMPLE TAKEN, SPARK Puls CEA &GHPED, AS REDURED ThalG CHECKED, COMPLETED ENGR FUEL SYSTEM ONSIMET AND SET PER TELEDINE SID ET WASH DOMNVENGRE AND PERFORM ROM UP. ‘COMPLETED ENGNE Toe CARE INSPECTION AND ENGEFLEL SYSTEM CHECK PER TELEDYNE r ‘S097 22ND YOMNANTENANCE MANUALS REMOVED AND REPLACED AR FILTER THEW ‘owe srza.100+-01 ATED 1aTOSUPERCKARGER ORNE SHAFT BY REPLACEMENT "TE ARCRAET ANQOR COMPONENT DENTFED ABOVE AS REPAIRED AND NSCTED N CORDANG! TH CURRENT FEDERAL AE REGULATIONS AND HAS BEEN APPROVED FOR SERVICE PERTIEY DETALS OF TE REPARAREONFILEAT TH AGENCY HITTIN November 24, 2010 2925 Hobbs Nz2484 Engine Log CGhenged ot using Philips 20WE0 XC. Inspected Gtor element for contamination Fan ero vty roel | ‘Thomas Nichalvon ABP 2522602 [— eisuS = ToL Aero enterprises noe wasn 329 Hobbs Engine Entries [-— REMOVE COWLNGS INSPECTED ENGINE CHANGED OIL OIL FLTER CHANGED, Ol SAMPLE, COMPRESSION CHECKED e060 #2- 6/0, #3. 65100, 8.6080, #5. 68/80 AND AO 0XE0. SPAT. |___ Files CLEANED & GAPED, As REQURED TIMING CHECKED, COMPLETED ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM (CHECK WASHED GOWN ENGINE ANO RUN-UP LEAK CHECK PERFORMED... STOP DRILL CRACK IN LEFTHAND BAFFLING AROUND SLAVE GATE. REMOVE AND REPLACE #1 EGT AND CLAM LOOSEN AND RETIGHTEN CLAMPS ON UPPER DECK FUEL NOZZLE VENT TUBES REMOVE AiO REPLACE RUBBER TUBING AS REQUIRED. . ADJUSTED FUEL FLOW TO WITHIN SPECS... CLEANED ‘AND TIGHTEN FUEL LINE FROM ELECTRIC FUEL PUMP TO FUEL SCREEN ‘unningham Ave San Jose OA ‘Taira ane eoegnense N2245 sree eanepsces scans wn curr FARE es faecal ‘ona on as ura Ary am J rne:aaot set wear oonnsn EI ‘weap Pri Be 3 (ortscon) ineapa ston a TLC Nazass September 19, 2011 Bree Pca Trade Winds Aviation 2605 Ct r— tats Engine Log Entry 1. Changed oll and fiter. Ran engine to verity new ter Took sample for analysis, do9s not leak. ‘Thomas Nicholson A&P 2522802 » i Last verhtl talations, Inspections, Aiwortiness Directives, Special nspectons, Mic Hrs. | Min. | Modifications and Service Bulletins Dato 1911112011 ma) Engine Logbook Entry AIRCRAFT: N 22484 woe 11767 Léa CRS AWKR298C SIN 0705 << 25170 Aviation Ave., Davis, CA 95616 Tach/ Hobbs $29.9 comeLeTeD AN ANNUAL INSPECTION PER FAR 43 APPENDIX ‘D" ALL WORK DONE IN ACCORDANCE EngTSN 329.9 WITH APPLICABLE MANUALS. CHANGED FILTER, CUT AND INSPECT FILTER, NO METAL FOUND. COMPRESSION CHECK: #1- 71/80, Eng TSO INA #2- 74160, 43- 72160, #4- 74180, #5- 74/60, #6- 73/80.MO = 43, | CERTIFY THAT THIS AIRCRAFTIENGINE/PROPELLER HAS BEEN INSPECTED IAW AN ANNUAL. INSPECTION AND WAS DETERMINED TO BE IN AN UNAIRWORTHY CONDITION. A LIST OF UNAIRWORTHY DISCREPANCIES HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE OWNER PER FAR 43.11 (b). “DAMON SCHMIDT ax. Engine Enos ‘The folowing ae ince ofthe l sts tems deve to th caster whch were considered tobe \raworny a etme of al nspection ot #412011 wih AWKRzzE0 corte by Woodand Avaton seta shel gen tothe owns by Damon Schr on $3802011 in gocordance wih FAR 543.152)... Adjuted engine dle mide. Removed and epacad, engine oll sek. Remved ar feolaced oi ht adap fasion sty wire Cosneal oe ot Suserargrastembly at at howing paring Ene, fanaa rave eax ceca ge wi no esce etc. Removed an replaced supercharger insula Nba recy in Font! tube feng ‘Taare nd camper cn M248 wae pared anirpsindn ascenoe wh cael FAR ns ct Fs ‘Maton Regustra anus ss Arwntyirfeamissoee Dare wvrazors neo: Wisk Oe 26704 Boe an maou Pinay Eda (sconedacar) ‘TDL Acro Enterprises Smmise sat ‘IW Maintenance Buletn $R22-7.2-001 Sc Tensioner Replacement... Rexaced SC dive andrplacod wth new, Part provided by fod a motive... rabed ol, soriced engine # curs abo sha TeWE0, Peslormed an upteak check, no feaks rete at i ene, renaaled cong ‘re aca nae congas) on M245! wg rgd angen acidarce vn curet FAR sof a Fes ‘saan Regaine spe pare: steaote sown: Kr [4 —— Wot ones 000076 i ‘riodoy tb 3 (ezormticon) Aircraft N2248J_ Hobbs: 345.3 AFTT: 345.3 Date: 4/20/2012 Model: TCM 10-550-N_ S/N: 913911 Engine Entry : Removed oil filter, cut open and inspected. No defects noted at this time. Installed new Champion CH48109-1 oll filter. Added I quart oll to sump. Ground ran engine, no leaks or defects noted. All work completed in ‘accordance with Cirrus SR-22 Maintenance Manual -END ‘The above listed Engine is approved for return to service for only the work listed above. ke Wyant ASP 2842700 Total Time Time Sines, le Service and Maintenance Record Dae ose Taoh Time 3502 Work Order 21210 : i a Sera Mountain Avian, ne 15806 Nevada City Ave, Gras ley, CASS845, ENGINE ‘Removed nd resiaed engine ater pop sre, engine inspection comple wih by Tn's aka Engines under W/O 779 ane 7378.01 ‘Serviced wit 1 GTS Philips 200-50 Type Mo un up and lak chek ood Retured aera os ma soranr:_£Z. g Salons A sts Serato stn, he SD270529 MAKE: Continental N# N2248J [-— MODEL: 10-350-N TT. 359.2 ERIAL # 913911 The engine identified above was disassembled, cleaned, inspected, repaired and assembled for a Prop Strike Inspection. Machined starter shaft gear and | Worm wheel M015 and installed new M.OL5 spring. All work performed [— with reference to Teledyne Continental Motors Overhaul Manual X30S68A. and Parts Manual IPCSS0N. AD research completed. See parts list below. CSB96-10 C/W by ultrasonic inspection. All pertinent details are on file at this facility under Inv. 7879. Engine was test ran in engine test cell. END.~ DATE : August 14, 2012 Tim’s Aircraft Engines Inc. 6105 Obispo Ave. a ie ales Long Beach, Ca. 90803 -— SIGNED Leja Ph. (562) 634-6120 Fax 634-6129 ;— FAA REPAIR STATION T22R537Y ALIPAY | TIM'S AIRCRAFT ENGINES INC. _ FAA REPAIR STATION T22R537Y 8-14-12 INV. 7879 10-550-N S/N 913911 = | QTY PART# DESCRIPTION QTY —_—PART# DESCRIPTION 8 350998 BUSHING. 1 653490 sTuD a | [— 24 so1e6s TAB 12 654490 NUT aS | 24 53750 BOLT 4 664587-.44 BOLT 16 629104 RING 2 655269 BUSHING — oT L— 1 630899 BEARING 12 655958 BOLT eee | 1 63097924 O-RING 6 656990 SCREW [—— 12 6309799 O-RING 6 ANS315-5R NUT = a | 16 639193 BUSHING 8 AS3578-016 O-RING 6 641066 O-RING 1 CH48109-1 FILTER [— 1 641250 SEAL 1 EQ7191 GASKET SET —— LL 4 641909 PLATE 1 -MS9970-116 O-RING 12 642398 BEARING 1 MS9970-117 O-RING [-— 2 643626-103 PIN 8 NAS1805-4 NUT. ———_ [— 2 643626-104 PIN 6 x1473 WASHER 4 643626105 PIN 6 630046 PIN [—— 16 643629 PLATE 1 654656M015 SPRING ——— L__ 1 646592A2 - BEARINGSET 1 654710-S ADAPTER @ 4 649205 BOLT 1 AEC841742 GEAR ee Ts Regisrain 2248) Mate Cimus Mil SR Soral# 0705, Sia Mountain Avan, “2508 Noda Oty Avo, Gas Vay, CA S045, Engine Peromed @Arus100 HR inspecon service per SMA cect Promed a comprsson tt, #1 7380, #2 7380, #8 7280, #4 746085780 #6 7480 Removed, Guan, nspae, gapped andra spargns ‘AD #2042-10-13 To prover start dace oar shat are (Cong with at RAN ‘AD #20%2.0.08 To revert nigh shutdown due ole fl sone dphragm NA AVS dghregm nt aed Testy this engine has ben in accordance wih an Annual100 HR inspection and was determined to be in arworthy condition Sanat: Dans Gass Ne Ca Ssrr254 ‘Shana Meuntan Avr, 590273 273 NNz24ST 1/16/2013, TACH TIME: 372.6 Installed Reef pre hetero il pan and el, Installed nes RHES2S spe pugs, Remove end replace oi ter wit new C#8109 fier, Dyamie blanc propeller sing ACER balmcing writ, The aircraft andor component identified above was repaired end ingpased ia accordance Wi te cent FAR"s and wus fu oe eirwonhy with respect to work performed and was ered > age L1b-13 Sigsd Kenneth L. Harris 1A3379187 N2248] ¥/16/2013, TACH TIME: 372.6 Changed cil an ier, ahd 8 os of Acroshell 1SW30 and new CH$8109 filer. (Opened old iter no metal found. Engine shod are et ra, no leaks noted ‘The teaft andor component identified above wa repsized and inspected in accordance withthe Current FAR's and wes fund tobe arworthy with rept to Work parfomned and was tured io = sete, Abe Sued Kenneth L. Harris 143379187 Dawe Dae ToklTine | Tine Shee | Engine Service and Maintenance Record T aa] Installations, Inspections, Aiwortiness Directives, Special Inspections, Hrs. | Min. | Hrs. | Min. | Wodifcations and Service Bulletins il B — | Mountain Air Aviation oy q 11750 Airport Way Hangar B12C Broomfield, CO 80021 =] nq] (303) 469-1380 H Engine Log Entry zal rt N2248J_ 7, 25,2013 Hobbs: 523.1 Total Time:S41.1 oe = Completed 100hr inspection in accordance with FAR 43 App D. Changed oil and — et filter serviced sump with 8qts of Acroshell 15W50. Comp check #1 72/80 #2 70/8043 __| 75180 #4 70/80 #5 75/80 #6 75/80. Cleaned spark plugs. Switched #2 and #3 fuel inj hima H nozzle. Run up satisfactory. END. EI J certify that this Eveyie. has been Inspected in accordance witha Powwve\ Inspection andwas ——| determined tgbe ina dition. rT Name, 4. Number. ITF 224 | U-23-20¥ zeus or oll wath quacks of | cl_fool_Glter coith ples CHYBOR-1_, Chanagdd Ax® 2885039 aa

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