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What is a regulating service

A regulating service in an ecosystem is an activity or process that

helps maintain a balance between the living and non-living
components. These services help keep the ecosystem in equilibrium
and allow it to function properly. Examples of regulating services
include nutrient cycling, pollination, water filtration, climate
regulation, and pest control. These services help maintain a diversity
of species, increase the resilience of the ecosystem to environmental
changes, and enable the ecosystem to generate benefits to humans.
regulating service
Cotopaxi Volcano is a unique and beautiful location that features a temperate
climate with warm, humid summers and cold, dry winters. The average temperature
ranges from 4°C (39°F) to 22°C (72°F). The air quality is generally good, with most
days having a moderate air quality based on measurements of particulate matter
and other pollutants. The water in the area is clean and safe to drink, as it is
sourced from the volcano’s glaciers and the surrounding springs. The volcanic soil
in the area is very fertile, which helps to keep disease-causing organisms in check,
while the numerous plant species help to keep the air in the area free of pathogens
and allergens, as well as pests. This, along with the nearby farms and other
agricultural activities, helps to keep the pests under control by using natural
predators and other control methods. Additionally, the numerous plant species in
the area help to ensure a healthy pollination cycle, which is further supported by
the nearby farms and other agricultural activities that bring in additional
pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and other insects.
What is a Provisioning service
A provisioning service in a ecosystem is any type or way that persons or humans
can get a benefit or an advantage that can be extracted as a good from the
ecosystem or nature. This goods can be for example different type of food, other
types of provisioning services include drinking water as pure and sweet water,
timber from the trees, also wood as fuel, natural gas, oils, plants that can be made
into clothes and other materials, and medicinal benefits. For example there is an
enterprise that works with the snowy part of cotopaxi converts it naturally into
sparkling water, this enterprise is Guitig
Cotopaxi has an annual rainfall of 8 inches, and a temperature of 43 degrees Fahrenheit. It
is full of silty sand and grasslands, its colors correspond so it is dry. Its snow cone
rising to 5,897 meters is already the only one in the world and is an important symbol for
the world. Unfortunately the habitat needs help from the government to keep it clean with
the necessary care. It has a unique flora and fauna located in the mountain and the
vegetation is scrub and small low trees . This would help Cotopaxi Park to have its own
crops to keep itself alive and increase the amount of fauna. Also, on the land as it is at the
moment it keeps carefully without a car driving over it are in good condition. To have
primary production to sell them with this to have security income for other needs. At the
entrance ask people to keep their garbage so that when they finish visiting the park they go
to a recycling point and the materials are sorted properly. Do not allow the construction
of homes or factories that could pollute this important area of the country. We could
apply what we are doing in Liceo Campoverde, the circular economy to maintain a better
The aesthetic beauty of the cotopaxi national park would
be the beautiful views of the cotopaxi and the species that
can provide the ecosystem that surrounds it.

Something educational that teaches us about the Cotopaxi

national park is to know a tourist guide to people who have
not gone to these sectors and give them information about
their activities and the volcanoes themselves. That would
be those that can be seen as the cotopaxi and rumiñahui

The cotopaxi national park is a cultural heritage because

it accepts the environment where it is without harming the
environment, making it a place that coexists with nature
without changing it in any way that may affect the
cotopaxi and what surrounds the cotopaxi national park.

Tourism is an important part of the cotopaxi national park since what draws
attention would be thanks to the imposing cotopaxi volcano as a tourist place since
it is the largest in ecuador and one that has more history this gives the park a better
call to people who want to go see these tourist sites and the cotopaxi national park
is benefited and for which it is now a known place to visit in that area.

The leisure activities that exist in the Cotopaxi National Park are mountain climbing,
mountain biking and having a relaxing walk.

The majority of the people who are residents or inhabitants of the country are
Catholics, so they have the beliefs that almost everyone has since it is the most used
religion in the world.

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