Notary - A Notary Public

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We have chosen the topic of notaries, whose current relevance is quite high nowadays.
People can obtain qualified legal assistance, proper formalization and consolidation of rights,
legal certainty, legal integrity of transactions and professional guarantees. If people have a
question about the will, the inheritance contract, the property, they can turn to the notary,
which will help the client to understand everything and find and make a decision.
Our main question of work is: What is the responsibility of the notary in the contracts?
That will give us an understanding of the notary industry and what they're responsible for.
Such a question could be asked in an interview that would not hurt any personal matter,
which was not a topic for discussion. (This sentence is pretty useless) The question is
standard, but also fascinating for discussion, because notaries have quite a lot of

Literature review:
The function of divorce was transferred to notaries to relieve the burden of marriage. Courts
that cannot cope with the load.
A marriage can be dissolved at a notary if both spouses agree. If the spouses have a common
minor child and/or joint property, before starting the divorce case, the spouses must conclude
a written agreement on the custody of the minor child, on the right to visit him, on the means
of spousal maintenance. Child on the division of joint property, attach it to the two
documents mentioned above. The hell is this sentence?
The divorce process at the notary takes about one month, because after submitting the
application, the spouse is also given a 30 - day reflection period.
The conclusion of the inheritance contract includes a mandatory video recording of the
notarial act. This is an additional defense against challenge.
The inheritance contract must be certified by a notary, who is responsible for ensuring that
the document fully meets the requirements of the law. An inheritance contract drawn up in a
simple written form is not valid. That is, it cannot be concluded in emergency or life-
threatening conditions.
The notary discover the right to conclude a transaction, looks at the documents, checks the
intentions of the parties, certifies the power of attorney. The notary certifies the power of
attorney: they are considered one-sided transactions.

Notra padoms/ Federal notru palta (Mantojuma līgums); (For what we needed the notary?) (Laulības varēs šķirt ne tikai tiesa)
Brooke's notary by N.P. Ready. 2002

Proofreading Guidelines
1. Does the introduction state the topicality clearly?
2. Is the topicality supported by data?
3. Does the introduction provide enough background information?
4. Is the introduction written coherently?
5. Does the literature review contain 3 sources?
6. Are the sources academically credible?
7. Are they cited correctly? Are there in-text references and an after-text reference section?
8. Are there smooth transitions between the ideas expressed in the sources?
9. Are there any language style suggestions? (Inappropriate register, repetition,
redundancy, ellipsis)
10. Is the terminology used consistent?
11. Are there any grammar errors?
12. Does it comply with the word count limitations?
13. Does the theory address the research question?
According to the regulations on the positions of sworn notaries in the Republic of Latvia, there are
113 positions of sworn notaries1

A notary is responsible for every document to which he has given public credibility by affixing his
signature, but the professional activity performed by a sworn notary can lead to losses, therefore,
according to Article 24. of the Notariāta likums: the risk of possible loss as a result of the
professional activity of a sworn notary must be insured 2. This insurance will cover the costs if a
sworn notary, while performing his duties, has caused damage to someone through his actions or

Article 24 nav pareizi

Un notariāta likums arī angliski

Latvijas Republikā zvērinātu notāru darba uzraudzību veic vesela virkne amatpersonu un institūciju.
Taču aptaujātie LR iedzīvotāji (86 %) nezin, pie kā vērsties ar sūdzību gadījumā

23 % pilngadīgo Latvijas iedzīvotāju zina, ka zvērināts notārs ved mantojuma lietas, vēl 32 % neprot
pareizi formulēt jēdzienu „mantojuma lietas”, bet vērstos pie notāra

(gan notāri intervijās, gan apgabaltiesas tiesneši atzīmē, ka mantojuma lietu vešana prasa speciālas
zināšanas. Tieši notāru kļūdas mantojuma lietās biežāk nonāk tiesā. 130lpp

Noteikumi par zvērinātu notāru amata vietām LV regulations. Latvijas Vēstnesis Nr. 111, 04.06.2019, Article 2.
Notariāta likums: LV law. Latvijas Vēstnesis Nr. 48, 09.07.1993, Article 24.

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