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John, Isaac Newton and prediction of medicanes

Edgars Alksnis

A detective story, started by Russian researcher Nikolai Morozov

more than hundred years ago, poses a question- did ancients noticed
planetary effects in medium-term storm prediction?
Insight of Joann Chrysostom likely influenced Newton’s millenarianism.
As we will face effects from scary planetary combination around
September 25, 2022 by non-zero solar activity and already irritated
atmosphere, question is not purely academic.

Fig.1 Nikolai Morozov (1854-1946), Fig.2 Title page of Newton’s book. Fig.3 St.John Chrysostom (347-407)
Russian scientist.

Prediction of Mediterranian hurricanes (medicanes) remain unsolved task for mainstream (cf. Akhtar et al,
2014; Di Muzio et al, 2017; Ricchi et al, 2017; Pytharoulis et al,2018; Ragone et al, 2018, Ricchi et al, 2019).
So it was interesting to dive into colorful description of (presumably) large Mediterranian thunderstorm
(derecho?), which historically inspired Joann Chrysostom for visualisation of End of the World.
During examination of Christian scriptures by methods from natural sciences, now forgotten Nikolai
Morozov (1907, 1924) considered, that text of "Apocalypse of St.John" ascribes natural phenomena without
need to use of symbolic explanation. Natural phenomena were thunderstorm and cloud figures.
Astrological data, mentioned in the Book of Revelation, allow, according to Morozov, to date the day of
"apocalypse" (see “The Revelation in Storm and Thunder” page in Wikipedia).
Astrological calculations show, that the event of "Apocalypse of St.John" should have occurred on September
30, 395.
As we know that storms and floods typically are more likely to be preserved in memory of mankind than
other climate troubles and that mentioned phenomena are sensitive to astrogeophysics, it was interesting to
check mentioned data from this angle.
Planetary combination of mentioned data indeed was energetic (fig.4):
1. predicted solar eclipse,
2. connection Jupiter- the Sun is obstructed by Venus and Mercury (strong effect to solar activity according to
statistics of Blizard (1969),
3. connection Neptune- the Sun is obstructed by the Earth and Mars,
4. position of Mars brings certain vortical "overheating" of the Earth,
5. Jupiter and Uranus close to important galactic connection of the Sun,
6. time of autumnal equinox (poorly understood by mainstream, time for storms).
Question for our detective story remain- could educated Joann Chrysostom predict larger storm in
Mediterranian from effects of planetary positions of years 393-395? For careful observer on island in
Mediterranian effects to the see from planetary positions that time could indeed be self-explanatory.

Fig.4 Planetary combination on September 30, 395. Credit for all schemes: Solar System Live.

Moreover, Blizard (1969) had noticed the effect of previous conjunctions to solar activity, caused by the main
one. Here we could see obstruction of connections Saturn- the Sun and Uranus- the Sun in June-September
395 as well as proximity of Jupiter to important galactic connection of the Sun.
Year 400 proceeded without catastrophe and Second Coming, making an end of career of Joann Chrysostom
as clergyman. Waiting for new data of Apocalypsis in year 453 was purely astrological, as one can see from
positions of Jovian planets that year (fig.5):

Fig.5 Planetary combination on July 17, 453.

Morozov felt that Newton (1733) should have noticed astrological information in Book of Revelation
however kept his conclusions by himself. Perhaps biblical studies could have sparked interest of Newton in
physical aspects of catastrophism (as he knew well, that his “celestial mechanics” is mathematical abstraction
only). It is known, that Newton criticized superficial prophecies and valued his “biblical studies” high (cf.
Dobbs and Teeter, 1983; White, 1999; Дмитриев, 1999; Snobelen, 2003; Principe, 2005; Newman, 2007;
Calian, 2010; Losure, 2017; Iliffe, 2017).
Thus question- what he finally realised about this topic- is intriguing. (“Sir Halley, I have studied the matter,
you have not!”)
Years 2034 and 2060, which sometimes are mentioned in connection to Newton’s millenarianism, are indeed
with somewhat special planetary combinations (figs 6, 7). One can see, that combination of Sep 30, 2034
somewhat resembles that of Sep 25 this year.
Figs. 6,7. Planetary combinations of September 30, 2034 and December 25, 2060, respectively.

Fomenko and Nosovskiy (2003) within their New Chronology concept favoured 1 October, 1486 as date,
inspired for writing of Book of Revelation. However this looks out of historic context.

As the Sun and the Earth reacted strongly to this year's Venus-Jupiter-Neptune conjunction around June 12
and to Neptune- Jupiter- Mars conjunction in July, it is interestingly to look to potential window of extreme
geophysical events mid September/early October 2022:

Fig. 8 Planetary positions in September 15, 2022. Connection Saturn- the Sun is obstructed by Mercury. Earth
is entering connection Neptune/Jupiter- the Sun.
Fig. 9 Planetary positions in September 25, 2022. Combination of Mercury, the Moon, the Earth, Jupiter,

Fig. 10 Planetary positions in October 7, 2022. Earth is approaching Mars. This could bring additional

Solar activity (which effects and prediction of them are poorly understood within mainstream) this year is not
zero, with possibility to sharp increase. Activisation of vortical level of geophysics brings seemingly
inexhaustible volumes of water into atmosphere. Here are clearly unaccounted effects from autumnal
equinoxes. Planetary combinations around notable occurence times of medicanes at least partially are self-
explanatory. For example, phenomenon of single year (1996) with three medicanes could be explained with
1)specific position of Jovian planets and 2) interaction of Mercury and the Earth with connections of Jovian
planets with the Sun.

Thus second part of September and the beginning of October, 2022 likely remain time period of concern for
Europe and nations around oceans. Atlantic ocean could react to mid-august Earth’s conjunction with Saturn
as well.
Likewise, end of year 2022 from the point of planetary interactions remain turbulent- with possible larger
earthquake in period of December 20, 2022- January 10, 2023 (depends from solar irritability).
Fig. 11 Planetary positions around December 25, 2022

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© Edgars Alksnis, 2022

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