SPO-MDG-OrB-0001-E - Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide 1

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Effective Date 28 October 2016 Document No. SPO-MDG-ORB-0001-E Rev.


Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

Table of Contents

APPROVAL ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

REVISION HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................... 4

1. OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1. Specific Outcomes Summary ............................................................................................................................ 5

1.2. Knowledge, Skills, Techniques (The What, How, When, How well) .................................................................. 5

1.3. Purpose, (Why) ................................................................................................................................................ 5

2. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 5


WITHIN THE WAGON WHEEL. .................................................................................................................. 6


DURING PROJECT INITIATION.................................................................................................................. 7

4.1. Kick Off Meetings ............................................................................................................................................. 8

4.2. Site Visits ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
4.3. Nett KVA Available ............................................................................................................................................ 10
4.4. Transportation – Vertical Shaft ......................................................................................................................... 11
4.5. Plant Allocation ................................................................................................................................................. 15


MUST BE IN PLACE DURING PRE-COLLARING .................................................................................. 16

5.1. Site Inspection ................................................................................................................................................17

5.2. Site Preparation ..............................................................................................................................................21

5.3. Site Establishment ..........................................................................................................................................23

5.4. Casting Concrete Slab ......................................................................................................................................27

5.5. Base Plate Pinning ...........................................................................................................................................28



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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

6.1. Starter Equipment Required On Site ...............................................................................................................31

6.2. Pre-Collaring ...................................................................................................................................................32

6.3. Collaring ..........................................................................................................................................................32



7.1. Site Visit ..........................................................................................................................................................34

7.2. Pilot Trouble Shooting ....................................................................................................................................... 36


MITIGATING METHODS ........................................................................................................................... 37

8.1. Operational Piloting Risks ...............................................................................................................................37

8.2. Deflection........................................................................................................................................................37

8.3. Pre-mature Bit Failure .....................................................................................................................................39

8.4. Stuck Drill String ..............................................................................................................................................40

8.5. Water Management .......................................................................................................................................... 40

8.6. How to Test If the Pilot Hole Is Clean ..............................................................................................................47

8.7. Torqueing of Rods ...........................................................................................................................................48

9. MUD DRILLING .................................................................................................................................... 49

10. MARSH FUNNEL .............................................................................................................................. 50

10.1. Description......................................................................................................................................................50

10.2. Equipment ......................................................................................................................................................50

10.3. Procedure .......................................................................................................................................................50

10.4. Calibration Check ............................................................................................................................................50

10.5. Instrument Care ..............................................................................................................................................51

10.6. Density ............................................................................................................................................................51

10.7. Mud Density ...................................................................................................................................................51

10.8. Sand Content ..................................................................................................................................................52

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

10.9. Filtration .........................................................................................................................................................53

10.10. Points About Filtration Control ...................................................................................................................53

10.11. Mechanics of Filtration ...............................................................................................................................54

10.12. Filter Cake Deposition and Thickness ..........................................................................................................54

10.13. Water PH ....................................................................................................................................................55

10.14. 20. Cap 21 ...................................................................................................................................................56

11. PPM ..................................................................................................................................................... 61

12. SAFETY CIRCUITS ........................................................................................................................... 62

13. COMMISSIONING ............................................................................................................................ 62

14. DE-COMMISSIONING ..................................................................................................................... 63

15. NO GO’S .............................................................................................................................................. 64

15.1. Description......................................................................................................................................................64

15.2. The mechanical NO GO’s are: ..........................................................................................................................64

15.3. The Electrical NO Go’s Are...............................................................................................................................64

16. CR1 RELAY ........................................................................................................................................ 64

17. MAIN MOTOR ................................................................................................................................... 64

18. TORQUE LIMITER........................................................................................................................... 67

19. VACUUM POTS ................................................................................................................................. 67

20. SOFT STARTER ................................................................................................................................ 68

21. GEARBOXES ...................................................................................................................................... 68

22. HYDRAULICS .................................................................................................................................... 70

22.1. Testing of Fixed Displacement Pump – Dynex .................................................................................................70

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

22.2. Testing of Variable Displacement Pump – Yeoshe ...........................................................................................72

22.3. MHA Motor Maintenance ...............................................................................................................................72

22.4. Check Pump Case Drain ...................................................................................................................................73

22.5. Calculating the System Efficiency ....................................................................................................................75

22.6. Hydraulic Pack.................................................................................................................................................76

22.7. How to Determine Leakage on the Components .............................................................................................77

22.8. Flow Control ...................................................................................................................................................77

22.9. 60S Relieve Valve ............................................................................................................................................77

22.10. Cylinders .....................................................................................................................................................77

23. FILTERS AND OILS ......................................................................................................................... 80

24. YEOSHE PUMP FAULT FINDING................................................................................................. 80

25. SYSTEM EFFICIENCY AND FAULT FINDING ........................................................................... 81


Reviewed by

Approved by

Next revision date April 2019

Revision History

Rev No Changes Date

00 Policy drawn up for Master Drilling Group 2016/04/25
Supersedes New Template

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Effective Date 28 October 2016 Document No. SPO-MDG-ORB-0001-E Rev. 00

Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

You will be learning towards the criteria “Safely pilot a hole with a raise bore machine”.
Whilst learning towards the criteria you will be required to achieve the following required
specific outcomes.
1.1. Specific Outcomes Summary
Specific outcome 1 Explain the correct sequence and process flow within the wagon wheel.
Specific outcome 2 Explain the criteria that needs to be covered during project initiation.
Specific outcome 3 Explain and describe the steps in sequence that must be in place during
Specific outcome 4 Explain and describe the correct collaring process.
Specific outcome 5 Explain and describe the correct piloting process.
Specific outcome 6 Explain and describe the operational risks and mitigating methods.
Specific outcome 7 Explain and give a description of the raise bore safety circuits.
Specific outcome 8 Explain and describe the NO GO’s in a raise bore piloting cycle.
Specific outcome 9 Explain the raise bore hydraulic system and efficiency testing.

During this process you must adhere to the specified requirements on your operation
wherever referred to in this manual. You will be assessed, when you are confident that you
may achieve the outcomes as listed, to determine your competence as measured against
the assessment criteria of the specific outcomes. This assessment will be in line with
accepted best practices regarding assessment.
1.2. Knowledge, Skills, Techniques (The What, How, When, How well)
Specific outcome requirements are grouped to give information and details on the
knowledge, skills and techniques applied in attaining specific assessment criterion
standards. In other words, the what, how, when, how well to do a certain task. Information is
supplied that will indicate how well the task must be performed to be measured as correct,
as well as, If required, information covering any special techniques that may be utilised to
perform the task successfully.
1.3. Purpose, (Why)
Health and Safety (Hazards, Risks, Consequences and Prevention)
Certain symbols are used to provide information that will indicate the consequences if the
task is not performed as described, as well as expanding and explaining the “what” and the
“how” of the task being performed.
2.1. All raise boring activities are dependent on the safe, effective and efficient operations
of mining personnel. In order to ensure a quality hole, everybody must be able to identify the
correct raise boring operational risks sequence and steps.

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

2.2. Everybody must also be able to take the required action to deal with the hazards, safety risks
as well as operational risks effectively in order to avoid personal injuries to the learner or
damage to equipment.
2.3. These conditions can only be achieved when the persons follow the basic standards and are
properly trained in terms of raise boring methods and the application of rules and standards.
2.4. In all raise boring operations you must be alert to potential consequences of incorrect
working standards and must strictly adhere to all laid down standards that will ensure your
own safety, the safety of others as well as the protection of equipment.
2.5. However certain basic factors are common to equipment used in the raise boring The
following assessment criteria will be dealt with in this learning guide:
a) Assessment Criteria
b) Kick off meetings
c) Required KVA
d) Plant allocation
e) Site inspections
f) Site preparations
g) Site lay-outs
h) Site establishment
i) Casting of concrete slab
j) Base plate pinning
k) Machine erecting
l) Collaring
m) Piloting
n) Stuck drill string
o) Water management
p) Water condition
q) Deflection
r) Bit failure
s) PPM’s
t) No Go’s
u) Commissioning
v) System protection
w) Hydraulic efficiency

3. SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1 - Explain The Correct Sequence and Process Flow Within the
Wagon Wheel.
3.1. In Master Drilling we make use of the operational wagon wheel as a tool to guide us through
the entire raise bore process.
3.1.1. This wagon wheel is divided into 9 processes and they are:
(a) Project initiation
(b) Pre-Collaring
(c) Collaring
(d) Piloting
(e) Machine Reamer hook-up
(f) Reaming
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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

(g) Breakdowns
(h) Completion of hole
(i) Next site

3.1.2. Each process has a process flow which provide the required checklists and forms that needs
to be completed and submitted to the quality department to enable them to verify and issue
drilling authorization numbers.

4. SPECIFIC OUTCOME 2 - Explain The Criteria That Needs to Be Covered During Project

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

4.1. Kick Off Meetings

4.1.1. Internal Meeting
When a contracted is obtained the contract manager must ensure that an internal meeting is
held to discuss all the required information needed for the contract. This meeting is to be
attended by the:
(a) Operational Manager
(b) Contracts Manager
(c) Financial Manager
(d) Technical Representative (field services and workshop)
(e) HR Manager
(f) Training Manager
(g) SHE Manager
(h) Debtors Controller
(i) Production Analyst
(j) Stock Controller
(k) Plant Controller The scope of work needs to be discussed such as what civil work will be required, what is
the drilling details and any additional action required such as support, loading, lashing etc. The Human Resource Manager needs to report on the availability of a crew, and the
client preference and or requirement in terms of local and foreign employees and the
client induction requirements. The training department to report on the capability and competency levels of the crew and
if the crew has been signed off for this specific machine. The stock controller to give feedback on the plant and stock levels, identify the list of
spares / stock to be carried on site and any spares / plant not available in case of a
breakdown and any special equipment needed such as transformers, LHD’s etc. The safety department to report on the status of the baseline and issue base risk
assessments for the contract and specific machine, if all legal appointments has been
dealt with and the status of the safety file according to the client’s index. The financial / contractual issues must be discussed such as the invoicing process, the
commercial part of the contract, has accommodation for the crew been arranged, is the
early warning system incorporated, are external providers identified, visited and numbers
available in case of emergencies and are the contract created on MD-Online. Has the quality plan on the running of the contract been agreed on, what type of contract
this will be and when will the programme be discussed with the client for their acceptance
4.1.2. External Kick-Off Meeting If a contract is allocated, you as a Contracts Manager / Foreman need to ensure that you
know your contract. A meeting must be scheduled between between Master Drilling and
the client (Mine Manager). Also to be present at the client meeting with the Mine Manager
is the Shaft Engineer, Section Manager / Mine Overseer, Geologist and Surveyor. Also ensure that your safety file with all the required legal document and appointments is
ready for handover to the client. (See safety file index below. Discussion that must take
place with the:
(a) Mine Manger - Discuss contract, training of people, office space,
communication, risk assessments;

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

(b) Engineer - Discuss the off-loading of machine, slinging of machine down the
shaft, shaft and blasting times and power requirements;
(c) Section Manager / Mine Overseer - Discuss services, cubby blasted,
supported, wire meshed and laced and loading arrangements;
(d) Geologist - Discuss comprehensive strength of the ground, dykes, fishers and
(e) Surveyor - Discuss pegs installed and copy of survey note. Surveyor - Discuss pegs installed and copy of survey note. Safety file index:
(a) She Standards
(b) Fata Risk Protocols
(c) Risk Assessment
(d) Equipment List
(e) Task List
(f) Training Records
(g) Medical Fitness Certification
(h) Appointments
(i) PPE Register
(j) First Aid Box / Stretcher
(k) Fire Extinguisher
(l) SBO’s
(m) PTO’s
(n) Safety Stats
(o) Safety Meeting
(p) Safe Work Instructions
(q) Letter of Good Standing
(r) Material Safety Data Sheets
(s) Standard / COP
(t) Incident Reporting
(u) Emergency Procedure
(v) Escape Route Plan
(w) Fire Drill
(x) First Aid Certificates
(y) Previous Safety Report
(z) Lonmin Policy
(aa) Employee List
4.2. Site Visits When conducting a site visit the most important factor that must be verified is that the
cubby is safe, supported and clean. Make sure that your services that you will require at you drilling cubby is discussed and
minuted. These services will include:
(a) Water - 2 x 25 mm; 1 x 50mm valves;
(b) Air - 750cfm @ 5 bar;
(c) Electricity 550 volts, transformer not further than 150m from site and proper
(d) Water (drilling site and holing point).

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide Issues to be addressed and confirmed during site visits are the following:
(a) Should the mining company supply the water, alternate arrangements are to be
made in terms of dams and pumps in the event that the water supply from the
mine is insufficient. (The column size supplying the raise bore machine to be
noted, to be at least 100mm if not available, a 50mm diameter pipe with a max
length of 200m will be sufficient.) Should the above not be possible, dams to
be constructed;
(b) Electricity (drilling site and holing point);
(c) List all equipment specifying the size and capacity connected to the mini-sub
supplying the Raise Borer;
(d) The information referred to above is to be handed to the Field Service Manager
who is to confirm that sufficient power is available for the Raise Borer.
4.3. Nett KVA Available Check if the distance that feeds the mini substation acceptable and are the following cable
specification adhered to:
(a) Mini Borers - 50mm² size cable;
(b) 43R - 61R, Raise Borers - 75mm²;
(c) 71R and larger - 95mm²;
(d) Blind Hole Borers - 95mm².
Below is a table that can guide you to the required KVA for specific machines.
Machine Motor Size Amp Transformer Reamer/Machine
24R 110 KW 250 AMP 250 KVA
RD 1000 110 KW 250 AMP 250 KVA
RD 2000 110 KW 250 AMP 250 KVA
110 KW 250 AMP 250 KVA 1,5 - 1,8 M
200 HP 272 AMP 250 KVA 1,5 - 1,8 M
180 KW 328 AMP 300 KVA 1,5 - 1,8 M
200 HP 272 AMP 300 KVA 1,5 - 1,8 M
72R 200 HP 272 AMP 300 KVA 1,5 - 2,4 M
200 KW Main 1,5 - 3,1 M
55 KW Hyd 370 AMP 350 KVA
2 Pumps 500 AMP 450 KVA
4 Pumps 630 AMP 580 KVA
200 KW Main 1,5 - 3,1 M
110 KW Hyd 437 AMP 450 KVA
2 Pumps 567 AMP 530 KVA
4 Pumps 697 AMP 650 KVA
250 KW Main 2,4 - 4,5 M
009 200 KW Hyd 461 AMP 650 KVA
ABCDEF 2 Pumps 771 AMP 700 KVA
4 Pumps 901 AMP 800 KVA

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

Machine Motor Size Amp Transformer Reamer/Machine

315 KW Main 3,1 - 5,1 M
009 200 KW Hyd 596 AMP 680 KVA
ABCDEF 2 Pumps 726 AMP 780 KVA
4 Pumps 856 AMP 900 KVA
009I 900 KVA
HG350 1300 KVA The compressed air that is needed is a minimum of 6bar at 750CFM. This will be needed at
the drilling site and the holing point. The size of the supply column must be a minimum of
100mm in diameter.
4.4. Transportation – Vertical Shaft
(a) Method of transportation of our equipment down the shaft to be clarified. If it is
possible to sling the equipment the exact date and time of slinging to be obtained
from the engineer. On the date that the slinging will take place a Master Drilling
representative must be present to ensure that the equipment is correctly rigged
and supported. If the equipment need to be dismantled and transported in the
gage, a Master Drilling representative to do the dismantling and he must also
ensure that the equipment is loaded in the correct sequence into the gage. This is
to streamline the assembly process when the equipment reaches the drilling
cubby. The aforesaid to be arranged with the Shaft Engineer;
(b) Date for slinging provided;
(c) Date for transportation of equipment with cage provided;
(d) Rail gauge provided;
(e) Cage dimensions and capacity for rolling stock provided;
(f) Shaft dimensions and capacity for equipment that requires slinging provided;
(g) Minimum dimensions of the haulage along which machinery will be transported
(h) Minimum dimensions of the haulage along which machine reamer will be
transported provided;
(i) Sizes of excavations for machine cubby and holing point to be checked against the
dip of the machine. (Holing point is to be inspected with inspection, reference
survey peg to be used to determine the exact holing position. All service, water
and air to be confirmed.);
(j) Crane for offloading of equipment available;
(k) Accommodation for skilled and / or unskilled workforce available;
(l) Office and telephone available;
(m) Change house facilities available;
(n) Any specialised training required for Master Drilling personnel provided;
(o) To confirm who will be responsible for the supplying of pumps, should they be
(p) The appointed person representing the company at the site visit to complete forms
Preliminary Plant Allocation Check List and is to submit the plant requirements to
the Plant Controller within 48 hours of the site visit.

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

4.4.1. Decline or Ramp Access.

(a) All personnel must ensure that they are clearly visible to the Scoop operator at all
times while conducting these tasks.
(b) Scoop operator to shut down Scoop when whilst equipment is loaded into the
(c) All non-essential personnel to be removed from the area.
(d) All required PPE to be utilised.
(e) All underground employees to be notified prior to machine / reamer being
transported underground.
(f) The client needs to be informed of risks involved when transporting machine /
reamer head underground in order to prepare an emergency plan. Equipment
(g) All lifting equipment to be inspected by MD Foreman and driller for correct rating
and operating condition. Lifting register to be completed.
(h) All pre-starts to be done and signed off before conducting these tasks.
(i) Radio checks to be done before transporting of the machine / reamer commence Procedures
(a) Machine / reamer head to be secured to Scoop bucket by means of rated
adequate rigging tackle. All employees conducting this task must ensure that
they follow the correct Manual handling procedure.
(b) Before lifting of machine / reamer head with Scoop, position supports in place in
order to lower machine / reamer horizontal and rest on supports. This must be
done before lifting to ensure no one have to position supports while machine /
reamer is being lifted.
(c) MDI foreman to clear all employees to safe designated area, before lifting
commences. Only MDI foreman is now allowed to signal and direct Scoop
operator to lift machine / reamer with Scoop bucket and position machine /
reamer horizontal onto supports. Driller / Millwright to act as 2nd spotter only, and
communicate directly to MDI Foreman.
(d) After ensuring that all tension on sling has been released, detach Scoop from
reamer/machine. MDI foreman to clear all employees to safe designated area.
(e) MDI foreman can now direct Scoop operator to drive Scoop bucket underneath
machine/reamer in, to required position. (See photo A attached).

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide


(f) When Scoop is in required position, the MDI foreman must instruct Scoop
operator to shut down Scoop for securing the machine / reamer to the Scoop
bucket with chain blocks. (See photo B)

(g) Under the direct supervision of the MDI foreman, the machine/reamer is to be
secured to the Scoop bucket with a minimum of two (2) 3tons chain blocks and
(h) Once secured Scoop operator to be directed to lift and move Scoop into convoy

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

(i) All radios being used in the vehicles that are involved for transporting must be
tested for sound working condition.
(j) MDI Supervisor and BOSA shift boss to do final checks on all attachment points
and approve before transporting the machine / reamer head.
(k) BOSA shift boss to head out in front of convoy and MDI Supervisor behind.
(l) Before entering the portal, BOSA shift boss to inform all underground employees
that convoy with machine / reamer head is to enter portal. All tramming
operations in Main Decline to be stopped until convoy have reached the required
underground location.
(m) Once BOSA shift boss have ensured that decline is clear, convoy can transport
machine/reamer head underground.
(n) If Scoop operator notices that any of the chain blocks are not under tension
whilst transporting, he must stop for inspection and re-tensioning of the chain
(o) Upon arrival at final destination (1845) MDI foreman to indicate area where
machine / reamer can be lowered. Before lowering reamer / machine, supports to
be placed in correct positions to accommodate reamer / machine.
(p) MDI foreman to clear all employees to safe designated area.
(q) MDI foreman to direct Scoop operator to lower and rest machine / reamer on
(r) When machine / reamer is at a dead rest on top of supports, Scoop to be shut
down, after shutting down the Scoop the chain blocks are to be un-tensioned and
detached from machine / reamer and Scoop.
(s) MDI foreman can then after removing all employees to safe designated area,
direct the Scoop operator to slowly remove the bucket from underneath the
machine/reamer until cleared from reamer / machine.
What If Control Recommendation
Equipment damage Only trained competent Raise If a section rigger is available,
while loading it into bore operators / officials can he must oversee these tasks.
loader bucket. And supervise these tasks.
personal injury's is
Equipment damage Ensure that adequate Ensure that all personnel are
and personal injury's communication is up-held well clear before any
is sustained when between Driver and movement are to take place.
scoop driver has to Responsible Supervisor doing
move/adjust bucket. the loading.
Equipment fall from Supervisor must ensure that No employees to walk close to
loader bucket whilst Equipment has been secured loader whilst transporting.
driving. properly with chain blocks
Scoop tilts and fall Loader driver must ensure that Supervisor overseeing the
over on its side while weight being lifted doesn’t transporting to ensure that
transporting. exceed the maximum weight bucket is in the down position
allowed for the scoop. at all times when transporting.

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

People get caught Supervisor must ensure that no Adhere to the golden rule of
between side wall and employees walk beside Scoop transporting and always be
Scoop while while transporting. aware of your surroundings at
transporting. all times.
Chain blocks' chain Ensure that the chain blocks Rigger to check and sign of
brakes while that are being used are of chain blocks in register on a
transporting. sufficient capacity and have regular basis, not to exceed
been checked before use. one month.
Equipment damage Only trained competent Raise Section Mine Official to ensure
while off -loading at bore operators/officials can that Scoop driver performing
site. And personal supervise these tasks. these tasks has received clear
injury's is sustained. instructions and has been
trained for the required tasks.
Equipment damage Raise bore Operator to give Scoop driver not to off-load if
while off -loading at clear instructions to scoop no Raise bore operator/official
site. And personal driver when off-loading at site is present at off-loading point.
injury's is sustained. from safe distance.

4.5. Plant Allocation

Plant Controller to enter the anticipated plant requirements into the plant forecast system to
ensure availability of the plant required. This should include:
(a) The correct Raise Bore that are going to be used on site;
(b) All the collaring equipment and size of equipment must be stipulated;
(c) The size of the drill bit;
(d) The number of piloting as well as reaming stabilizers to be stipulated gauged and
quality controlled;
(e) The amount and size of drill pipes, cross overs and make-up and breakout tools to
be stipulated. The drill rods must have been NDT tested and a sequence report
issued to the site;
(f) The reamer and stem size to be stipulated;
(g) The number of used and / or new cutters to be stipulated. This will depend on the
information gathered during the site visit. If the site (Reaming cubby) has been
fully supported, second hand cutters to be used to collar and start the reaming
process with;
(h) The number and size of the water pumps to be stipulated. Water pumps must
have been tested in the workshop and issued with a test certificate;
(i) If an H-Frame is required or not;
(j) Also need to stipulate if the client (mine) will supply office space or if a portable
office must be supplied;
(k) Confirm the wheel gauge size for the transport cars required on the mine;
(l) Confirm the date that equipment must be transported to the mine;
(m) Before the reaming cycle can commence the x-over, stem and reaming stab must
have been quality checked.

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

5. Specific Outcome 3 - Explain and Describe the Steps in Sequence That Must Be in
Place During Pre-Collaring

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

5.1. Site Inspection

5.1.1. Ensure that the cubby has been supported in the hanging and side walls.
5.1.2. Ensure that the cubby is clean and free from any rubble.
5.1.3. Ensure that a suitable place for constructing the dams are identified.
5.1.4. Ensure that the cubby is blasted big and high enough to accommodate the machine when it
is fully extended.
5.1.5. Ensure that all the required services such as air, water, ventilation and electric power is
5.1.6. To determine if you have the correct power available from the mini-sub to the raise borer you
need to add current of all motors x supply voltage x 1,732 divide by a 1000 for AC drilling.
5.1.7. To determine what size of transformer you need when for a71R Drilling a 3m hole you need
to take the total amps x volts x 1,732 divide by a 1000. Remember to include the current for
your water pumps.
5.1.8. Example - To determine what size genset - KVA is required for a 009 drilling a 5.1m hole
make use of the following formula:
5.1.9. Formula
(a) Main Motor = 460Amp;
(b) Hydraulic Motor = 280Amp;
(c) Pump Motors = 60Amp x 4 = 240Amp;
(d) Lube Motor = 10Amp;
(e) Total Amps = 990Amp;
(f) 990 525 x 1,732 divide 1000 = 900KVA.
(g) If a 95mm cable is not available, the following done to cover the same area. You
can request 2 X 70mm cables in parallel;
(h) Make sure that 1.2m rigging eyebolt holes has been marked and drilled in clusters
of 4 and in the positions as indicated on the drawing;
(i) Above the collaring position;
(j) If drilling on a dip in line and directly above the motor for removal and replacement
of the motor.
(k) On the three sidewalls for rigging and pulling the machine into the correct position.
(l) Additional holes in the hanging wall for rigging purposes
(m) Above the tracks to remove and sling the equipment.

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

11¼ Drill pipe - 11¼ Drill Pipe 10" Drill Pipe - 12 7/8 “ Drill
Length of hole Pipe – 16” Bit
12¼ Bit - 13¾ Bit 12¼ Bit
0 – 100m 1 2 parallel 2 parallel 3 parallel

100 – 200m 1 2 parallel 2 parallel 3 parallel

200 – 300m 2 parallel 3 parallel 3 parallel 4 parallel

300 – 400m 3 parallel 4 parallel 4l parallel 5 parallel

5.1.10. Ventilation Ventilation should be adequate and not less than 12m from the face. Measure the wet and dry bulb at the machine as well as at the reamer hook-up. The wet and dry bulb are measured with a whirling hygrometer. I general best practice is
that the wet bulb should not be more than 35.5° C and the dry bulb must not be more than
37° C. The closer the wet and dry bulb are to each other the higher is the humidity. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Water vapor is the gaseous state of
water and is invisible. Humidity indicates the likelihood of rain, dew, or fog. Higher
humidity reduces the effectiveness of sweating in cooling the body by reducing the rate of
evaporation of moisture from the skin. This effect can cause heat exhaustion and
eventually heat stroke. Information regarding the specific client’s ventilation requirements must be obtained from
the Ventilation Officer such as:
(a) Ventilation note;
(b) Blasting schedule and allowable;
(c) Wet - dry bulb temp;
5.1.11. Cubby Size
Ensure that the cubby height is measured and correct according to the MD and specific
machine requirements. See table below.
Machine Floor Size (M)
73R 3x3
Boesman 3x3
Lena 3x3
71R 3x3
Ghana 5x3
72R 3x3
Gatiep 3x3
RBM-6 3x3
41R 3x3
61R 3x3
41RB 3x3
43R 3x3
24R 3x3
RD2000 3x3
RD1000 3x3
009C 4x4
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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

Machine Floor Size (M)

009D,E,F,G,H,J 4x4
009 A/B 4x4
52R 3x3
83R 3x3
33R 3x3
61R Stope 2x2
52R Cubby Dimensions
Blind hole cubby
53R/BHB 4x4
Pre-piloted hole cubby 3.5
5.1.12. Site Lay-Out
a) Positioning of the power pack and hydraulic pack;
b) Accessibility to components is imperative for repairs and maintenance i.e. a
Fitter or Electrician must be able to access the doors to carry out repairs or
maintenance effectively;
c) Ensure that the pack is kept clear of water. Place pack on up wind side of the
machine to prevent dust from entering the unit;
d) Ensure that the packs are placed with the drain plug approximately 50mm
e) Allow for the connection of cables and hoses in such a manner that right angles
and sharp bends are avoided;
f) Provide for clearance against collision with rolling stock in cross cuts and
g) Ensure that all doors are locked and lockout systems are in place;
h) Note - No packs to be installed underneath or close to box fronts;
i) No combustible material to be stored in the vicinity of the machine;
j) No waste material of a combustible nature shall be stored anywhere in quantity
to create a fire hazard”;
k) Packs must be within 15m of machine unless in the case of abnormal
conditions i.e. stope.
5.1.13. Placing of Pendant / Control Station
Ensure that the pendant/control station is placed in such a manner that the operator has an
unobstructed view of the drill rig, i.e. he must be able to observe the chuck and drill pipes
during drilling and traversing of the rig. (Within three metres).
5.1.14. Elevating and Tying of Hoses and Control Cables
a) Ensure that hoses and cables are suspended away from traffic and moving
b) Separate hydraulic and power cables;
c) Do not use wire for tying off hoses and cables;
d) Ensure that the above are visible for inspection and maintenance;
e) Do not tie in clusters, ensure that hoses / cables are tied parallel to one another
(avoid crossing and chafing);
f) Do not tie hoses and electric cables together;
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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

g) Electric cable that is not suspended may not be coiled, figure of 8 to be used;
h) Cable and hoses not to be suspended directly against sidewall.
5.1.15. Illumination
a) Ensure that adequate lighting is on site i.e. all operational areas are visible cap
lamps must serve as back up only;
b) The MHS act specifies the minimum lighting must be determined per type of work
and must also be determined according to the medical fitness of a person and the
work related requirements.
c) Best practice in the mining industry only give a guideline on the required
d) Vicinity of a mine shaft – 65 lux
e) Junctions and places where traffic converges – 43 lux
f) Traveling ways and normal working areas – 5 to 11 lux.
g) Ensure that all lighting connections are legal i.e. use three point plugs etc. Avoid
direct connections to industrial plug or via circuit breaker;
h) Ensure that the positioning of lights does not blind personnel;
i) Ensure that the chuck of the machine is properly illuminated;
j) In case of blind hole borers ensure that the immediate area where shunting and
loading takes place are illuminated.
5.1.16. Positioning of Tool Car
a) Ensure that tool car is within close proximity of site for easy accessibility;
b) Ensure that tool car can lock;
c) Ensure that tools are orderly stored in the tool car and that items are cleaned;
d) Contents of tool car to comply with items listed on tool list.
5.1.17. Safety Equipment
Safety equipment must be inspected according to the client’s requirements and must be
available at all times. This includes:
a) Hard hats
b) Correct gloves for purpose of work
c) Safety glasses
d) Safety boots
e) Overalls
f) Full body Safety harnesses;
g) Sala blocks;
h) First aid kit as prescribed by local law;
i) Blankets;
j) Stretchers;
k) Fire extinguishers for oil and electric;
l) List of emergency telephone numbers.
5.2. Site Preparation
When a site is prepared and set up of the machine is to take place the Contracts Manager is
responsible for monitoring the mobilisation of the machine. The Foreman must make sure
that the transport and assembly of machine and packs is performed according to the MD
standards. It is also the Foreman’s responsibility to monitor the construction of the concrete
pad and to ensure that it is cast on a solid footwall and 100% level. Once the machine is in

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

place the field services department to ensure that the connection of the cables and hydraulic
hoses are done. The SHEQ department is responsible for ensuring that all procedures are in
place and together with the operational crew ensure that all risk assessments are in place.
Once the machine is installed and ready for operation all the required documents to be
signed off by the contracts manager, engineering department, operational foreman and
5.2.1. Cleaning of Footwall
(a) Wash and clear footwall according to the mine standards;
(b) Remove loose rubble and foreign objects (examine for misfires, ensure PPE
includes glasses). Follow procedures in 2.7 and do not remove misfires;
(c) Remember that a solid footwall is hardly ever present in Kimberlite or weathered /
oxidized rock formations. Cleaning Footwall with compressed air:
(d) Secure hose adequately with tailpiece fitting;
(e) Hold hose correctly, only trained persons to execute the operation;
(f) Place control person at valve to control opening and closing of air;
(g) Blow and clean until solid footwall is exposed;
(h) Wash down with water and check for misfires;
(i) Secure all 50mm hoses and fittings with a safety chain. Should there be any misfires detected in the footwall the following procedure is to be
 Cease all work and remove all ferrous tools, report the matter to the holder of a
blasting certificate appointed for the area being worked in, once approved,
wash out misfires according to the legal procedure and according to mine
5.2.2. Casting of Concrete Pad
(a) The surface should be horizontal, but must be inclined if the dip (drilling angle) is
less than 60˚;
(b) Use an H-frame for reaming of raise bore holes at a dip of less than 40° with the

(c) Should the dip of the hole be less than 40 degrees, the initial concrete pad to be
casted horizontally prior to the installation of the H frame and the alignment
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thereof? Add stoppers at the rear end of the beams to prevent the base plate to
slide down / backward;
(d) Holes at less than 60˚ on dip - pad must be cast at an angle of between 10˚ - 15˚.
5.2.3. Follow Formula
(a) Concrete mixture - 3 Stone + 2 Sand + 1 Cement (25MPa);
(b) Foreman present for final inspection on the footwall, ensure that all water was
(c) Advisable to grout the footwall generously with cement before pouring the
concrete. This allows for better adhesion of the pad to the footwall;
(d) Foreman must be present until the footwall is covered with the 1st cement mix;
(e) Level and smooth concrete after pouring. (Under no circumstances should raise
bore chippings be used for the construction of a concrete pad.) The pad must be
100% level and under no circumstances are packers to be used to level a raise
bore machine;
(f) The pad must be left for a minimum of 24 hours before drilling holes for the holding
down bolts (wedge bolts.);
(g) The drying of cement can be enhanced with chemicals such as calcium chloride.
(h) Ensure that the cement pad is of sufficient size. At least 500mm larger than base
plate size on each side;
(i) It is preferable that the concrete pad is above the tracks;
(j) Should the pad be cast in a pit or below the surrounding elevation a sump must be
constructed for a pump 500mm is the depth and 1m x 1m;
(k) Should the footwall scale continuously, dry footwall with air hose before pouring
cement sludge? Pour in cement sludge and allow setting;
(l) Foundations / concrete pad not cast by MD personnel or under their supervision,
should be removed and under no circumstances be used.
5.3. Site Establishment
5.3.1. When a site is established ensure that the dimensions of the cubby is suitable for positioning
of the machine, packs, tool car and rods. Make sure that the cubby is properly secured and
safe. There must be space to construct at least 2 dams with a capacity of 13500lt each (3 x 3
x 1.5). The illumination must be sufficient to enable the operator to have a clear view of the
entire working area. There must be enough rigging eye bolt holes drilled and in a cluster of 4
rig eye bolts lashed together with 20mm lashing above collaring position as well as a cluster
of 4 rig eye bolts in line with the main motor when drilling on a dip.
5.3.2. It is the responsibility of the appointed miner to ensure that the cubby and footwall is safe but
it is not their responsibility to ensure that the footwall is solid. The MD Supervisor is and
stays responsible for a solid clean footwall. (Concrete not to be casted unless foreman has
inspected and signed the footwall off).
5.3.3. The footwall is cleaned by means of removing all obvious rock, make sure all remove
misfires are removed, blow footwall over with compressed air, chip away all loose rock and
test the footwall by means of hitting the footwall with a pinch bar; If the footwall is solid a
clean clear sound will be evident when hitting the footwall with the point of a pinch bar.
5.3.4. To cast the concrete slab, you need to make sure that the Excavation is blasted to the
correct size, check if the top cubby and holing area has been plotted at survey department.

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5.3.5. Arrange that the survey department install the survey peg’s in the cubby clearly identifying
the direction of drilling by means of marking the peg’s with FLP and BLP, and cross peg’s A
and B.
5.3.6. Use survey line and connect FLP and BLP with the line.
5.3.7. Use survey line and connect cross line peg’s A and B where the two lines cross will be the
center also collar possession unless stated otherwise on the survey note.
5.3.8. Hand Bobs on the string to get it as close to the bottom as possible and spray paint the lines
on the footwall to indicate where you need to clean out the loose rocks.
5.3.9. The size of the concrete slab will depend on the size of the base plates and if the hole needs
to be reamed open.
5.3.10. Excavate the footwall until solid rock is obtained, using the survey lines as collar position
guides. The person in charge must ensure that all loose objects are removed. He must
ensure that the Deadman’s valve is operational and fitted with safety slings on both sides of
2” hose.
5.3.11. Make sure that the Illumination is good and that the direction of scatter and blowing over is
determined prior to commencement and that the predetermined pattern is adhered to.
5.3.12. A Team Leader or responsible person will at all times man the control air valve. He and the
person in charge of the blowing over process to ensure that they have direct eye contact at
all times and position himself in such a way to close the air valve instantly if control of the air
hose is lost. On the command the valve operator will open the valve very slowly and only up
to the halfway mark unless otherwise instructed;
(a) If misfires are found or detected a blasting certificate holder must remove misfire
and make safe;
(b) In cases where solid footwall cannot be obtained, the size of the slab must be
bigger and fortified with structural re-enforced support;
(c) Wash the footwall with water;
(d) Apply a layer of dry cement powder over the footwall.
5.3.13. Misfires
If misfires are intersected, the following procedure must be followed:
(a) Stop the works and remove all the people and the metal tools;
(b) Barricade the cubby off and place a guard at the barricade.
(c) Inform the responsible appointed person of that section immediately to come and
remove the misfires in accordance with the legal procedures and mine standards.
(d) After the misfire has been removed the responsible person must declare the cubby
safe before work can commence.
5.3.14. Survey Note
The following should be clear on the survey note:
(a) Dip (Angle);
(b) Direction;
(c) Collaring Position;
(d) Length of the pilot hole.
5.3.15. Dip
(a) If you are provided with a survey note that does not give you decimal degrees
(55.74°) but you are provided with degrees, minutes and seconds (55°.44’23”) you
need to first convert these degrees to decimal degrees.

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Advanced Pilot Operations Learner Guide

(b) Take the degrees (55) add the minutes (44) that you have already divide by 60.
Now take your seconds (23) and divide them by 3600. Take your first answer and
add it to your second answer which will give you your decimal degrees (55.7397°)
(c) Example:
Decimal degrees = 55 + (44) + 23
60 3600

= 55 + 0.73 + 0.01
= 55.7397°
(d) How to calculate the dip of a machine:
1) Hang a line with a weight at the end (plumb bob) from the cylinder at the back(V);
2) Make a mark on the line with a permanent marker exactly 1m from the top of the
3) Use the “Machine Angle Calculator” in the provided excel spreadsheet to
calculate the horizontal distance (HD) with regards to the angle of the dip. You
can also work it out by means of Sin, Cos or Tan calculations as can be seen in
the example below;
4) Take a spirit level and measure tape which is extended to the exact length as per
the machine angle calculations;
5) Hold the measurement mark on the tape at the 1m mark on the V plum line and
level the tape with the spirit level;
6) Dip the machine and when the end of the tape and the machine touch each other
the machine should be very close to the correct dip.

= TANθ

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5.3.16. Direction
(a) Direction of drill will always be from the BLP towards the FLP;
(b) The BLP and FLP are mainly used to determine the direction of drill.
5.3.17. BLP
(a) BLP is the back line peg and is always the starting point of the direction;
(b) It is placed in the side wall at the back of the cubby and will have a number
starting with BLP 7345 engraved on a copper disk.
5.3.18. FLP
5.3.19. FLP is the front line peg and always indicates the direction of drilling. It is installed in the side
wall in the front of the cubby and will have a number starting with FLP 7856 engraved on a
coper disc.
5.3.20. Side or Cross Line Peg
5.3.21. Side or cross line pegs are installed in the sidewall to a 90º corner with the BLP and FLP
pegs. These pegs are used to determine the collaring position:
(a) The FLP-BLP and cross lines to be marked very clearly on the sidewall;
(b) Install a line between the FLP to BLP;
(c) Also install a line between the two cross line pegs;
Where the line between the BLP / FLP and cross line meet, use survey line and hang a plum
bob down to the baseplate spacer;
(d) This will indicate the collaring position

5.3.22. Collar Position

Collar position will usually be indicated on the survey note by means of a peg number or a reference
Length of Pilot Hole
(a) In some cases, the length of the pilot hole will be indicated on the survey note. If
the length is not indicated on the survey note you can calculate the length by
making use of trigonometry;
(b) On the survey note you will be provided with the angle (Dip or degrees) that the
machine must be set to;
(c) To work out the length of the hole you will need to obtain the vertical distance
between the top level footwall and the holing cubby hanging wall. (V);
(d) By using the following trigonometry method (Sin, Cos, Tan) you can now work out
the hole length;

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(e) Take the degrees provided on the survey note (61.724) and convert it with the Sin
factor on your calculator;
(f) Now take the vertical length (V = 66.48) and divide it into Sin θ;
(g) The answer (S = 75.488) you get will be the length of your hole.

5.4. Casting Concrete Slab

(a) Before casting the cement pad takes (4) four gum planks all to be the same length
2, 4m and nails and construct a square timber box;
(b) Measure out the plank’s and get the center of the four plank’s and nock in 4 nails
on the centers;
(c) Put back the survey lines connecting FLP and BLP and A and B;
(d) Align and level the timber box center nail’s with the lines / string connected to the
survey peg’s. The box must be levelled with a long level and across all 4 planks,
Once the timber box is 100 percent level it can be supported and secured to
prevent movement when casting the cement;
(e) After the box has been secured re check to ensure that it is still level;
(f) The concrete slab to be casted 300mm higher than the surrounding area. This is
to stop the water and dirt from running back into the drilled hole. 3% of calcium

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can be added to the cement to speed up the drying process. If calcium is not
available, you can make use of coarse salt;
(g) The casting of the cement can now commence. The cement can be casted. Once
the entire box is full the top can be rolled with a pipe to ensure it is level;
(h) Take the following into consideration when casting the concrete slab:
 To ensure better bonding between the concrete slab and rock, dry cement powder
to be sprinkled over the footwall;
 The slab should be casted at least 100mm higher than the surrounding area to
eliminate the ingress of water in the hole. In case of the slab being lower than the
surrounding area, a 1m x 1m x 0.5m sump to be blasted for the water pump.
(i) The concrete mixture must have a relationship of 3 stone, 2 sand and 1 cement to
ensure a hardness of 25 Mpa. For drilling holes with an angle of less than 45º the
following must be adhered to:
1) Install the pilot beams;
2) Pin the pilot beams to the footwall and side wall;
3) Construct boxing around the pilot beams;
4) Pour concrete;
5) Steel block to be welded at the back of the base plate to ensure that the
machine are secured;
6) The Supervisor must be present for the final inspection and make sure that
the slab has been casted 100% level.
(j) The slab must set for at least 48 hours before drilling of the pinning bolts can
(k) A Concrete slab that was not casted by MD staff or under its supervision must be
removed and under no circumstances used. Before removing pad probe holes of
1.5m deep can be drilled to establish if footwall is competent. NCR to be raised
and driven for this action.
5.5. Base Plate Pinning
5.5.1. Alignment
Ensure that it faces in the right direction as determined by surveyor and that the direction
and cross lines as well as the collaring position coincide with the marks on the spacer and
base plates:
 Align base plates taking dip angle into account;
 Ensure the FLP and the BLP are properly marked on the sidewall.
5.5.2. Drilling of Wedge Bolts Holes
(a) Before a wedge bolt hole, can be drilled, you must ensure that the drill steel is not
bend, and that the tube where the air will travel through, is not blocked. The steel

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that will be used must then be marked, to ensure that the wedge bolt hole, is
drilled to the correct depth;
(b) You can now take the wedge bolt, put it next to the drill steel to enable you to see
where you must make your drilling mark. The correct position will be plus minus
halfway from the top of the wedge bolt and the end of the thread;
(c) Once you have identified the correct position, you must now use a hacksaw to
make a proper mark on the drill rod. Make sure the mark is clearly visible as it is
difficult to see the mark when drilling is in progress;
(d) Also make sure that you always use the correct protective clothing when working
with hand tools;
(e) You can now clearly see the indication mark, up to where the wedge bolt hole
must be drilled. Drilling of the holes can now commence. The front and corner
pinning bolts are the most important because if you drill on an angle and the front
bolts are not installed vertically, the pilot bit can get damaged;
(f) You will see that air is used to blow out the drilling cuttings instead of water. Air is
used as it assists in blowing out most of the drilling cuttings, whereby water makes
a muddy sludge that will have an influence on the correct depth of the hole;
(g) If the hole is drilled to the correct depth, use a wedge bolt without the wedge to
measure the hole;
(h) After each hole has been drilled, it must be closed off with a piece of plastic or
cloth, to stop any objects from falling into the drilled hole.
5.5.3. Installation of Wedge Bolts
(a) When preparing the wedge bolt, first screw in the nut up to the required position.
This position is so that plus minus 50mm of the rod thread is above the nut;
(b) You can now turn the wedge bolt around, insert the washer and cone, and start
with the cement grouting procedure;
(c) The grout must be prepared with a mix of 50% water and 50% cement powder, or
until it is a thick paste mixture;
(d) Fill up the drilled hole with the cement paste, and insert the wedge bolt into the
hole without the wedge. This is done to push the cement mixture down to the
bottom of the hole;
(e) Continue adding the cement mixture into the hole until it is filled up. The wedge
can now be inserted into the wedge bolt, and pushed down the filled hole. It is
extremely important that when you insert the wedge bolt and wedge into the hole,
and it gets stuck that you DO NOT pull the wedge bolt back, as this will result in
pulling the wedge out of the bolt and it will fall down the hole.
(f) The wedge bolt must be inserted into the hole carefully with a smooth movement
until the wedge reach the bottom of the whole;
(g) Make sure two nuts has been installed and locked together on the wedge bolt.
This is to protect the thread from getting damaged when hammering the wedge
bolt down the hole;
(h) Use an 8-pound hammer to hammer the wedge bolt until it has seated securely in
the hole. Make sure that you use a 4-pound hammer as a buffer between the
wedge bolt and the 8-pound hammer;

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(i) The wedge bolts are torqued by means of a pipe spanner. If Solid footwall wasn’t
obtained or the wedge bolts was not properly grouted they will pull out under

(j) After the base plates has been pinned and the machine has been positioned on
the base plates the foreman must align and dip the machine as accurate as
possible according to the information on the survey note. Once this has been done
the mine Surveyor can be contacted to come and re-check and sign off on the
angle and direction;
(k) Before collaring can commence the electrical commissioning, hydraulic
commissioning, mechanical commissioning, starter report and survey report must
be signed off.
5.5.4. Base Plate Steel Frame Installation
(a) For all holes less than 40°, a base plate steel frame or H-Frame must be installed;
(b) Cast concrete pad horizontal. For casting refer to Surface MD-0031/ Underground
MD-0330 Paragraph 3;
(c) Line up H-Frame roughly according to the cross lines. Get surveyor to line up H-
frame properly;
(d) Get surveyor to line up H-frame properly;
(e) Pin H-frame bottom to concrete and grout;
(f) Cover the H-frame with cement until only the top angle beam is not covered;
(g) Grout 100 mm pipe in front of H-frame to accommodate the flushing water for the
reaming cycle;
(h) Install base plates;
(i) During piloting the piloting grit tends to fill up the gap between the base plate and
the concrete pad, which is not easily detectable. This happens especially when the
wedge bolts are not tightened;
(j) It is therefore important to continuously check the wedge bolts during piloting.

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6. Specific Outcome 4 - Explain and Describe the Correct Collaring Process

6.1. Starter Equipment Required On Site

(a) Collaring Bush - (Note: the brass bush internal diameter. (ID) must be within 1 mm
of the starter pipe.);
(b) One Foot Starter Pipe fitted with foot valve*;
(c) Ensure water flow meter with digital read out is installed;
(d) 5 Foot Starter Pipe*;
(e) Pilot Bit;
(f) Bit Breaker Box;
(g) Multi-Purpose Grease;

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(h) Gauge Rings: for stabilizer and for pilot bit. (3 sizes);
(i) +2mm;
(j) -2mm;
(k) Starter pipes must be in good condition, no burs or projections. (Starter pipes are
to be marked with spiral groove for identification purposes). Starter pipes are to be
used for their intended purpose only;
(l) Collaring bush assembly condition should fit neatly into worktable - max of 1 mm
side play allowed;
(m) Conveyer belt to be cut and used around drill string (if pilot hole is 2” or bigger
than smallest drill rod) to prevent objects from falling down hole (during piloting,
pulling and lowering of rods).
6.2. Pre-Collaring
(a) Apply Best-O-Life grease to pilot bit thread;
(b) Install starter pipe and push against cement at least 3 MPa. (Ensure that no
movement evident on wedge bolts and / or change in dip or direction of machine);
(c) Ensure machine is accurately surveyed and Raise Borer / Blind Borer Survey
Checklist (MD-0332) signed off by Contract Manager and Mine Surveyor;
(d) Ensure that there is no pressure on the machine i.e. adjust pressure on the relieve
valve. Zero pressure will be indicated by a float box that is hanging out or by a
float box that is riding up and down when drilling an angle hole;
(e) Make a measurement mark above column guide;
(f) Select slow down and allow machine to traverse down slowly (Between 5-8mm /
min or 50 to 60mm in 6 minutes);
(g) Remember, the most critical part of collaring is at the starting point of collaring and
where the concrete and footwall meets;
(h) Lubricate outside diameter of starter pipe with all-purpose grease only. Do Not
Use Best-O-Life;
(i) Install pilot bit to one-foot starter pipe (tighten by hand);
(j) Install one-foot starter pipe with pilot bit to machine;
(k) Position bit breaker box into the worktable;
(l) Position one-foot starter pipe into the bit breaker box;
(m) Torque pilot bit according to procedure for machine type. (Torque bit in high gear
according to the pre-set amps for the specific drill string size.);
(n) Lift Derrick, remove pilot bit breaker box and wrap around spanners;
(o) Install collaring bush (Open water);
(p) Install five-foot starter pipe.
6.3. Collaring
(a) Lower bit to face (Open water);
(b) Select 8 rpm and proceed with collaring (Raise Borers);
(c) Select forward and proceed with collaring (Mini Borers);
(d) Rotate machine in run position and make sure the drill string rides on the float box
until full cement face has been obtained. The same applies before intersecting the
solid footwall;
(e) Collaring penetration rate must be between 50mm - 60mm in 6 minutes till in solid
footwall. (1.2m rod = 2 hours – 2½ hours until 1.2m into footwall.);

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(f) Remove all collaring equipment i.e. five-foot starter pipes, etc.;
(g) Install stabilizer directly to one-foot starter pipe;
(h) NB - Stabilizer must be gauged (A maximum of 2mm under bit gauge is allowed);
(i) Torque stabilizer to pre-set torque according to procedures;
(j) Lower stabilizer to worktable and install wrap around wrenches. Repeat procedure
until at least 4.8 meters have been drilled, depending on the length and dip of the
(k) After 1.2m collared into the foot wall, increase pressure and collar between 70mm
- 90mm in 6 minutes until 6.0m is completed. (1.2m rod = 1½ hours - 2 hours until
6.0m with pressure.);
Note: Do not attempt to collar if the machine pressure cannot be set to 0 pressure.
(l) On completion of collaring the MD Foreman and Mine Surveyor to sign off the
collaring inspection note and the MD foreman to ensure that:
1) Wedge bolts are tight;
2) No grit under base plates;
3) Machine dip and direction as per survey note;
4) Remove all drill pipes and stabilizers and inspect the footwall between the
concrete pad and the rock;
5) Should there be any washout or indication thereof, the hole is to be filled with
a mixture of cement and calcium;
6) Wait for 16 hours before proceeding with collaring;
7) Ensure that one-foot starter pipe is equipped with a non-return valve;
8) Set pilot choke for piloting (40-50mm p/m).
Note: The purpose of a 2-foot starter pipe is to be able to insert the long stabilizers in the

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(m) If after collaring the hole needs to be corrected, use a pilot bit at least 40mm larger
than the hole size;
(n) Re-pilot the hole to the full length collared. Fill the hole with mixture of calcium and
cement. Wait for 16 hours prior to re-collaring. Pull rods after the full length was
collared and re-inspect the hole for cavities.
7. Specific Outcome 5 - Explain and Describe the Correct Piloting Process

7.1. Site Visit

7.1.1. During piloting whenever a machine is visited by the foreman or Contracts Manager you
need to do the following:
(a) General safety of the working area and address all safety issues immediately;
(b) Monitor the contract drivers (Plant, People, Parts, Penetration and Drilling hours.);
(c) Plant – is all the required plant on site
(d) People – Are all the people trained and competent and does coaching take place
on a daily basis.
(e) Are the people motivated and are all the IR/HR issues sorted out
(f) Are all the evaluations done.
(g) Parts – What critical parts are not available in the store that can stop my machine
from working.
(h) Penetration – Are penetration test done regularly to establish optimum drilling

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(i) Drilling hours – Does the meters drilled give a true reflection on the available
drilling hours and hours drilled.
(j) Monitor the machine maintenance drivers (PPM), (Oil Samples 1 x per week,
Vibration test on gearbox and hydraulic pack 3 x per week - benchmark is
6mm/sec max, Temp test same place as Vibration test 3 x per week benchmark is
60º. Oil flow efficiency tests Daily. Actual Play 3x per week - benchmark is .01mm,
volts and amp tests daily.);
(k) Check for correct water flow (bailing);
(l) Make sure that the crew monitor the chippings removed from the hole by placing
each drill rods chippings on a heap and compare the heap sizes and chipping
sizes with each other (See pic below).
(m) This will assist in determining if re-grinding is taking place and/or if there are
cavities in the hole.
(n) If any of the above is suspected the viscosity of the water should be monitored and
rectified if needed.

(o) Ensure the base plates are still properly pinned;

(p) Check that the turn buckles are locked;
(q) Make sure the string is in the center of the worktable;
(r) Test the lube trip;
(s) Inspect the general condition of the machine;
(t) Check the tool car content and tidiness of tool car;
(u) Check the fault list integrity;
(v) Discuss current operation. (penetration - pilot choke set);
(w) Discuss next operation, next site rest of process flow;
(x) Coach operator where necessary.
7.1.2. Before breakthrough it is important to complete the holing warning notice to let the mine
know in advance when breakthrough will occur. Make sure that the holing time has been
agreed with the client.
7.1.3. On breakthrough, make sure that you put machine in neutral but keep on rotating the drill
string to ensure that the string does not seize in the hole. The foreman to inform the
operator on how much string can be lowered whilst rotating. If the foreman is sure that the
hole is properly reamed, he can instruct the operator to pull the machine back (Upwards)
and switch off the machine. The operator is not to “push” the drill string at any time and he
must now wait for the foreman’s instructions.

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7.1.4. Before holing takes place the foreman must be at the holing cubby. This is to ensure that
everything is in order and safe for the holing process and it will enable him to track the
progress of holing.
7.1.5. After holing before the machine / reamer can be hooked up the following needs to be in
place and taken care off:
(a) Ensure rig holes are drilled on the same elevation to torque the machine / reamer;
(b) Gauge bit, stab and stem;
(c) Dressing report and profile of reamer to be made out;
(d) Drill string must be QC’d and sequence report to be made out;
(e) Ensure that the base plates are properly torqued and that the drill string is in the
center of the worktable;
(f) Ensure that the turn buckles are locked (towards each other);
(g) Check float box condition. (ensure a sharpy has been done on the float box
(h) Check axial play on the spindle;
(i) Ensure that all the bolts in tension has been QC’d and torqued;
(j) Set torque limiter. (to be done by electrician);
(k) Always check the lube trip.
7.2. Pilot Trouble Shooting
(a) If something goes wrong whilst drilling is in progress first try and resolve the
problem without putting the operation at risk. If the problem cannot be solved
within 1 hour contact the foreman;
(b) If the machine moved and is off center whilst busy with piloting, move it back in
position by loosen the wedge bolts, Insert the flat spanners in the worktable, Lift
the machine with the hydraulics, center machine, lower hydraulics and re-tighten
the wedge bolts;
(c) If you start to pick up vibration whilst drilling the reason might be that there is
excessive wear on the bit. If the rods vibrate, decrease the rotation of the machine
to 8 RPM and install more stabilizers;
(d) If at any time of piloting you experience a total water loss, you need to try and drill
plus minus 3m past the point of water loss. You must monitor the amps and the
dam levels. If the amps rise, pull the bit away from face immediately. Once past
point of water loss, pull the rods and cementate the hole with pure cement. This
must be done even if there are only 30m left before holing;
(e) The reason why pure cement is used and no aggregates are added is because the
aggregates will separate from the mix and the aggregates will not penetrate the
fisher as well as pure cement will do;
(f) If the operator or foreman at any time suspect bit failure, the instruction to the
operator should be to flush the hole properly, pull the rods and make sure the pilot
hole is closed off once the bit are clear from the cement/footwall. Bit Failure can be
determined by pulling the bit away from the face and see if the amps drop. If the
amps drop it is an indication of bit failure. Whilst piloting and the amps fluctuate

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excessively and you are in good ground conditions according to the geological
report, it might then also me an indication of bit failure;
(g) During piloting if for any reason the electric gear dislodge itself stop the machine
and investigate. The reason might be that the;
(h) Height ref – is incorrect or;
(i) The teeth profile / engaged teeth are damaged;
(j) When pumps sucks form a dam with the suction lower than the dam;
(k) Make sure a foot valve installed;
(l) Raise the suction pipe about a 1m higher than the pump and remove foot valve
and bleeding screw on the pump;
(m) Raise the delivery pipe higher than the suction pipe;
(n) Fill the delivery pipe with water until water freely runs out of the pump bleeding
Port close the bleeding screw;
(o) When the suction hose overflow installs the foot valve and keep in the air until the
delivery pipe is connected and pumps ready to be started;
(p) Lower the pipe in the dam and immediately start the pump.
Note: the main reason for pumps equipped with foot valves not been able to suck is the
air in the suction line!!
8. Specific Outcome 6 - Explain and Describe the Operational Risks and Mitigating
8.1. Operational Piloting Risks
8.1.1. During piloting there are three major risks that must be managed. It is important that the
supervisor together with the entire crew do a proper risk assessment to address all the
operational risks in collaring and piloting before drilling can commence. The operational
risks are these risks that have an influence on the operational progress of the contract such
(a) Deflection;
(b) Pre-mature bit failure;
(c) Stuck Drill String.
8.1.2. The operational High risks must be managed properly and mitigated as far as possible to
ensure that the hole does not deflect, the drill string does not get stuck and the pilot bit
does not fail prematurely This will ensure that you give the client a quality hole (On Target,
On Time, within Budget and safely)
8.1.3. Your responsibility as a Contract manager and/or supervisor is to ensure that these risks
are managed in the following manner.
8.2. Deflection
(a) To mitigate deflection, you need to manage the raise bore set-up process from the
beginning at the site preparation stage already. The footwall should be clean, free
from loose rubble and must be solid. This is to prevent the casted concrete slab to
move during operation. The slab must be casted 100% level to ensure that the
machine is level during the entire drilling process. The planks or framework that
will be used to construct the concrete box with should be lined up supported and
100% level before any attempt is made to cast the concrete.
(b) The installation of the baseplates should be done according to the MD procedure
whereby baseplates installation. The corner holes must also be equipped with

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cones to prevent any movement of the baseplates during operation the corner
holes to be drilled first to prevent movement of the baseplates during operation.

(c) After the machine has been installed the crew must line up the machine as
accurate as possible after which the surveyor must confirm and sign the
correctness thereof of on the starter report. Make sure that the turnbuckles are
locked and covered to prevent any dirt from entering and damaging the treads.
(d) The correctness and size of the collaring equipment will also have an effect on the
accuracy of the hole. The gap between the collaring bush and starter pipe should
not be more than 1mm. When starting to collar the machine pressure must be set
to zero to ensure that collaring takes place with only the weight of the drill string.
The method to ensure that there are no pressure on the machine is to make sure
that the floatbox is “hanging out” when drilling a vertical hole or that the floatbox is
“riding up and down” when drilling a hole on dip.
(e) During piloting it is important that the operator has the geological report available
at all times to enable him to determine when he will intersect any bad ground
conditions such as faults, dykes, fishers and extreme hard ground conditions.
(f) Ensure pilot coke set not to exceed 30 minutes per 1.5 meter length of drill pipe,
provided that 75% of the maximum loading (to be calculated and agreed for each
category of machine) is not being exceeded
(g) To establish the maximum pressure allowed on the pilot bit, multiply bit size (mm)
with 143 kg. Dead weight to be used and not exceeding the maximum allowed
weight. (Dead weight is the pressure recorded when the machine and drill pipe is
raised in slow up.
(h) It is not permitted to drill with a pilot choke when these ground conditions are
(i) Also make sure that the correct amount of stabilizers is inserted. The ideal is to
equip each hole with the correct amount of stabilizers as per table below, but if
there are not enough stabilizers available the minimum should then be issued to

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ensure that directly behind the bit a minimum of 3 and thereafter one stabilizer for
each 40m to be drilled can be installed.
(j) Also build the stabilizers up to allow 1mm difference between bit and stabilizers
(k) To prevent deflection on a long hole it is recommended to drill in forward/reverse
mode. Make sure that all the rods and pilot bit are properly torqued when drilling
in forward / reverse mode;
(l) If the drill string has not been torqued properly, the drill pipe box end will bell and
the drill string will torque itself resulting in over torqueing of the rods;
(m) Proper water management are adhered to;
(n) Ph. of water to be correct when using chemicals;
(o) Ensure that the base plates have been pinned on a 100% level concrete slab
which was casted on a solid footwall;
8.2.1. Stabilizers Table



Amount of

Amount of

Amount of

Amount of
Length of

Length of

Length of

Length of




20-30 50-100 5-10 100-150 10-15 150-200 15-20 200-250 20-25

30-40 50-100 5-7 100-150 10-15 150-200 15-20 200-250 20-25
40-50 50-100 5-6 100-150 9-14 150-200 10-18 200-250 20
50-60 50-100 5 100-150 8-13 150-200 10-18 200-250 15
60-70 50-100 5 100-150 8-12 150-200 10-17 200-250 15
70-80 50-100 5 100-150 8-11 150-200 10-16 200-250 15
80-90 50-100 5 100-150 8-10 150-200 10-15 200-250 15
8.3. Pre-mature Bit Failure
8.3.1. Pre-mature bit failure can be managed by adhering to correct pressure, correct water
management and geological reports and monitoring of the vibration PPM.
8.3.2. Vibration
(a) Should vibration be experienced the speed of the machine is to be reduced to
(b) Ensure that the maximum amps are not exceeded when low gear is selected;
refer to Annexure 2 for the amps allowed. Set the torque limiter 20 amps higher
than the normal running amps when low gear used. “NO GO ITEM” to drill any
NOTE: this is the only time during the piloting operation that you are allowed to work with the torque
(c) It is a very high risk to leave cones behind in the hole. To eliminate this risk, you
MUST put a magnet at your bailing point. The contract manager must also make
a call on when to pull the rods to inspect the bit.

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8.4. Stuck Drill String

8.4.1. Managing the risk of a stuck drill string is done by proper water management.
8.4.2. The following must be in place to ensure water management is done correctly.
8.5. Water Management
8.5.1. Water management is the process that we use to ensure the drilling cycle is completed
without causing any drill string to get stuck. To enable proper water management there are
certain equipment and infrastructure that must be in place, functional and maintained.
8.5.2. They are in sequence of events the following:
(a) Dams;
(b) Water;
(c) Pumps;
(d) Supply line;
(e) Flow meters;
(f) Non return valve;
(g) Water flow.
8.5.3. Risk of Non-Compliance
If any one of these are not in place, not constructed correctly and not maintained it will lead
to poor water management which will result in a stuck drill string.

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8.5.4. Dams
(a) Dams must be constructed in such a way that it provides sufficient clean water
for the drilling operation. At least two dams to be constructed depending on the
length of the hole. If it is a long hole and especially on a surface contract it might
be necessary to construct three dams. The reason for three dams is to ensure
that there are always two dams available for the drilling operation whilst the third
dam is cleaned and ready when the settling dam in use are full of mud and needs
to be cleaned. This will ensure that the drilling operation can continue without any
unnecessary disruption in the drilling process;
(b) The size of the dams to be at least 3m x 3m x 1.5m deep and not more than 30m
from the site.
(c) At least three dams are needed as the first dam will be used as a settling dam.
The overflow of the settling dam will run into the clean water dam from where the
pumps will pump the water through the system and the third dam is use as a
standby dam for when one of the other dams need to be cleaned. This will
ensure that drilling can continue without stopping to clean dams.
(d) The size of the dam is important because when the water is pumped back to the
settling dam the flow of the water will reduce drastically thus giving the cuttings
and mud in the water enough time to settle to the bottom of the settling dam.
8.5.5. Risk of Non-Compliance
(a) If any one of these are not in place, not constructed correctly and not maintained
it will lead to poor water management which will result in a stuck drill string;
(b) Dams must be cleaned every 50 meters.
8.5.6. Water Condition Water condition monitoring, water condition to be checked daily when piloting, each shift
must take a water sample to see what the percentage of solids present in the water when
recycling. Method
(a) Fill a one-liter transparent measuring cylinder with the circulating water;
(b) Add the requisite amount of flocculent (2 grams off flocculent per liter of water);
(c) Close the cylinder and slowly invert it four times or stir completely;
(d) Leave the water to set for 2 hours;
(e) Measure the height of the solid at the bottom of the cylinder;
(f) Plot the settling curve of height against time;
(g) Maximum 15% of solids are acceptable, if more, the water must be changed.

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8.5.7. Risk of Non-Compliance

(a) Premature water pump failure (damage to the impeller, ware rings and shaft;
(b) Premature rotary seal failure;
(c) Premature rotary sleeve failure;
(d) Risk of blocking the foot valve showed the operation stop for mar than 2 hours.
8.5.8. Required PH of Water On a scale of 1 to 14, normal fresh water has a pH of 7. If the water is Acid, the value is
less than 7 and if it is alkaline the value is greater than 7. The required PH level of the
water when using polymers is best with a pH in the range 8.5 to 9.5 in MDM we use
Universal PH testing strips because it is convenient and portable for field use Method
(a) Check the user instruction supplied with the pH test kit;
(b) Immerse the test strip briefly (for approx. 5 sec) in the water sample;
(c) Subsequently, compare against the pH color chart supplied with the kit;
(d) PH to be between 8.5 and 9.5. How to increase the PH level?
(a) Sodium carbonate / Soda ash can be added to the water to increase the pH
(b) To raise the PH by 0.2 add 600 g for 10 cubic meters of water. How to decrease the PH level?
(a) Muriatic acid can be added to the water to decrease the PH level of the water;
(b) To bring the PH level down by 0.2 add.

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8.5.9. Risk of Non-Compliance

Using the inadequate PH level will cause the polymers to reduce its performance.
pH has an effect on mud mixing, viscosity, water loss, hole stability and cutting recovery.
8.5.10. How to determine viscosity IN MDM we use a Mars Funnel to determine the viscosity of the water during piloting. The
Marsh funnel is a simple device for measuring viscosity by observing the time it takes a
known volume of liquid to flow from a cone through a short tube. Method
(a) Collect a fresh water sample after drilling 1,5 m;
(b) Hold the funnel erect with a finger over the outlet tube, and pour the water into
the funnel through the mesh screen until completely full (the mesh screen will
filter out the larger particles that could clog the outlet tube.);
(c) Filling the funnel with 1500 cc of clean water and noting the time it takes for one
quart (946 ml) to drain from the funnel may check the calibration of the Marsh
Funnel. The time for fresh water should be 26 seconds with a tolerance of 0.5
(d) Quickly remove your finger from the outlet tube, and at the same time, begin
timing the water outflow using a stopwatch;
(e) Allow one quart (946 ml) of water to flow from the Marsh funnel into a
measuring container;
(f) Record the seconds it takes for the quart (946 ml) of water to flow from the
(g) Report this value as the marsh funnel viscosity. Also important record the
temperature of the water sample before initiating the test;
(h) When piloting a marsh funnel viscosity of 36 - 38 seconds are required. If this
value is not obtained, more polymers must be added. To determine the solids contents you need to calculate the density of the water used for
piloting. Mud weight, or density, is the weight per unit volume of the mud. With simple
water base mud, density can be regarded as a measure of the suspended solids Method
(a) Formula d = v/m
d = density
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v = volume
m = mass
(b) Calculate de mass of the container to be used
 add 100 ml of water to the container previously weighed;
 weigh the container with the water inside and note the mass;
 subtract the mass of the container with water from the container alone, this
equals the mass of the 100 ml water;
 no to calculate the density of the water you divide mass / volume.
(c) Example:
Empty container = 27.9 g
Container with 30 ml water = 56.8 g
Mass of water alone = 28.9g
Volume = 30 ml
d = m/v
d = 28.9g/30 ml
d = 0.963 g/ml
8.5.11. Excessive solids can
(a) Cause wear on pumps, bits and drill strings;
(b) Retard penetration rates;
(c) Cause fluids loss to the formation;
(d) Causes unnecessary work for the pump, having to push unwanted weight in the
circulating fluids.
8.5.12. Chemicals When to Use bentonite
(a) Bentonite is a clay that has a particularly useful characteristic. It can absorb
many times its weight in water. It is useful in drilling bore holes because water
mixed with bentonite tends to coat the walls of the hole and keep it from
collapsing. Drillers call this coating a "filter cake."
(b) When you are using only water as a drilling fluid and you are drilling in sand,
the walls of the hole will start collapsing as soon as you turn off the water. Add
bentonite to the water and two things happen - a) The water gets thicker

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increase in viscosity, and b) the sandy walls of the hole solidify to a degree.
Both are very helpful in drilling bore holes in unstable ground condition. When to use Polymers
Polymers is an additive we add to the water to increase the viscosity of the water that
helps to bringing the cuttings to the top of the hole;
(a) In MDM we use additives called Poly Plus 2000;
(b) This Polymers must be added to the water supply 30 cm before finishing each
(c) The use of polymers is vital in the piloting process especial drilling true volcanic
rock formation;
(d) Thicker drilling fluid is more efficient at bringing the cuttings to the top of the
hole. This results in more efficient evacuation of solids from the bottom of your
hole and also provides bore hole stability;
(e) When the sandy walls of the hole solidify, we don't have to worry about them
collapsing when we stop drilling. This permits us to add sections of drill pipe
without having to worry about the hole collapsing and getting the drill string
8.5.13. Non Return Valve (Foot Valve)
(a) A functional non return valve to be installed in the system;

(b) A system without a non-return valve or with a non-functional valve will result in
the drill string get stuck when rod installation take place or when the water supply
is closed off;
(c) The function of the non-return valve is to stop the drilling cuttings to push back
into the drill string and it keeps the cuttings longer in suspension in the hole when
the water supply is closed thus giving the operator enough time to install a new
rod without the risk of a stuck drill string.
8.5.14. Calculate Required Water Flow
(a) To calculate the water flow, you need to work out the escape area or annulus of
the hole. That is the area between the outside edge of the drill pipe and the side
of the hole. To work it out you first need to convert the bit and drill pipe diameters
from inches to millimeters;
(b) See example:
Example Pilot Bit Dia Drill Rod Dia
= Pilot Bit x 25.4mm = Drill rod x 25.4mm
= 12.25” x 25.4mm = 11.25” x 25.4mm
= 311 mm = 286 mm

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(c) Once you have the diameters now calculate the area of the hole the water is
passing through;
(d) Change Diameters from millimeters to meters by dividing by 1000;
(e) Now calculate the area:
Area = (pi x Pilot Bit Dia2/4) – (pi x Drill Rod Dia2/4)
Volume flow (cubic meters per second) = Area x Bailing Speed
= Area x 1.5 m/s
= Volume flow in m3/s
(f) Once you have the area in cubic meters you can now calculate the volume flow
(g) To convert the flow from cubic meters to Liters per second Multiply by 1000
because 1000 Liters is equal to 1 m3;
(h) Thus:
Volume Flow (litres per second) = Volume Flow (cubic meters per second) x 1000
Volume Flow (litres per minute) = Volume Flow (litres per second) x 60
Volume Flow (litres per hour) = Volume Flow (litres per minute) x 60
Now: To calculate
the velocity(m/s) = (Area X 1000 X 3600)

NOTE:pi = a
3.14 p
m3/s =

Minimum water flow required is 1.5 M/S and it will differ from rod/bit size. Seed table

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8.5.15. Flow Rate Table:

Bit Size Drill Pipe L/Hour
9 8 46516
9⅞ 8 91706
11 8 155965
11 10 57461
12¼ 10 136982
12¼ 11¼ 64301
13¾ 10 243695
13¾ 12⅞ 63745
13¾ 11¼ 171014
15 12⅞ 162078
15 13¾ 98333
15 14¾ 20351
16 11¼ 354170
16 12⅞ 246901
16 13¾ 183156
16 14¾ 105173
8.6. How to Test If the Pilot Hole Is Clean
8.6.1. During piloting the pilot hole must be flushed and checked if it is clean on a regular basis.
This is to ensure that the drill string do not get stuck when installation of rods is in progress
or when the machine is switched off.
8.6.2. First you need to flush the hole for the correct amount of time. Flushing of the hole is
determined by the length of the hole.
Example 1 Example 2
Flushing Time Flushing Time
Water flow 1.5 m/s Water flow 1.5 m/s
300 rods 300m
1 rod = 1.5m 300m x 2 = 600m
300 rods x 2 = 600 Rods down and up 600m Divided by 1.5m/s =400
1rod = 1 sec 400 divided by 60 = 6.6 min
600 sec divided/ 60 6.6 min Then add extra time
10min + 3 to 5 min Total flushing time = 10 min

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Total flushing time = 15min

8.6.3. Make a mark on the cylinder, raise machine in fast-up then change to slow-up and close
the water, Leave the machine in slow up and turn out the 60 s to release the pressure, turn
60s out until the machine does not go up but come to a standstill, that will be your dead
weight (example. 6mpa) Now turn 60s further out, the machine will start to move down but
it is still in slow-up, if the pressure gauge moves towards the 0 (negative) before it reaches
the mark on the cylinder or the spanner flats, or the machine comes to a standstill before
the spanner flats, it is an indication that there is mud in the hole.
8.6.4. If the attempt to clean the hole fails it can be that the velocity of the bailing water is not
correct, the viscosity of the water is not correct or there are large cavities in the hole.
8.7. Torqueing of Rods
8.7.1. Reasons why rods will not torque properly:
(a) Dirty shoulders
(b) High spots on the shoulders
(c) The radius on the pin end and the chamfer on the box end are not correct this
can clearly be seen if there are shine marks on the pin and/or box end radius.
(d) Bend Pin ends
(e) Pin / box threads damaged. Make up setting to low;
(f) When there is a volt drop(Electric motor not strong enough)

Box- End
Pin End

(g) Make sure that at least 3 penetration test per hour are done and recorded;
(h) Before you start to pilot it is very important to gauge the bit and stabilizers and
whilst busy with piloting it is very important to monitor the water flow(bailing) and
the penetration;
(i) If you drill on a steep angle, it is difficult to be sure that the bailing is correct. This
can be controlled by grouting in a stand pipe with a horizontal face just after
8.7.2. Whilst piloting is in progress you also need to continuously check the following:
(a) Test the lube trip. (switch off the lube trip whilst machine is in operation. If lube
trip is in working order the machine will trip.);
(b) Check bailing;
(c) Drill string in center of work table;
(d) Base plates fastened;
(e) Turn buckles locked;
(f) Float box condition;
(g) The bench mark on piloting is a minimum of 2.4m and maximum of 3m per hour.

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9.1. Functions of Drilling Fluid
9.1.1. Remember: One Size Does Not Fit All
(a) Remove cuttings from the bit and transport them to the surface;
(b) Allow the cuttings to be removed at the surface;
(c) Suspend cuttings when not circulating;
(d) Stabilize and support the hole;
(e) Protect the formation and the formation fluids;




(f) Cool and Lubricate the bit and drill string;

(g) Transmit hydraulic energy to the bit.
9.2. Viscosity
(a) Definition - Resistance to flow;
(b) Relates to the “thickness” of a fluid;
(c) Measured by - Marsh Funnel;
(d) Measured in - Seconds / quart;
(e) Viscosity of clean water at 70° F (21.1° C) = 26 sec/qt;
(f) Bore Hole Drilling - Normal range - 35 to 60 sec/qt;
(g) Continuous drilling - Normal range - 35 to 45 sec/qt;
(h) Works in conjunction with annular velocity to ensure adequate hole cleaning;
(i) Should not be so high as to delay settling of solids in the settling dams;
(j) Adjusting Viscosity;
(k) Raise by adding viscosifiers (Bentonite, Polymers, CAP 21);
(l) Reduce by adding thinning agents (Water, Dispersants / Thinners).

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10.1. Description
10.1.1. Marsh Funnel is a rugged, easy to operate instrument for rapid, on the spot measurements
of drilling mud viscosity. The rate of gelation and the density of the slurry considerably
influence the viscosity measurement. Frequent reporting of the funnel viscosity makes it
possible for mud engineers to observe sudden changes in the slurry viscosity and to take
corrective action when necessary.
10.1.2. Funnel viscosity is the ratio of the speed of the slurry as it passes through the outlet tube
(shear rate) to the force (weight of the slurry) causing the slurry to flow
(shear stress). Funnel viscosity is reported as the seconds required for
one quart of slurry to flow out a full funnel.
10.2. Equipment
(a) Marsh Funnel;
(b) Measuring Cup (graduated);
(c) Stopwatch;
(d) Thermometer.
10.2.1. The Marsh Funnel is precision-made to outflow one quart of water at
70 ± 5oF in 26 ± 0.5 seconds.
Note: The Marsh funnel should be clean and dry before performing this
10.3. Procedure
10.3.1. The Marsh funnel should be clean and dry before performing this
(a) Collect a fresh slurry sample;
(b) Hold the funnel erect with a finger over the outlet tube, and pour the slurry into
the funnel through the screen until the slurry level reaches the bottom of the
screen. (the screen will filter out the larger particles that could clog the outlet
(c) When the funnel is filled to the proper level, it holds more than one quart of
(d) Quickly remove your finger from the outlet tube, and at the same time, begin
timing the slurry outflow;
(e) Allow one quart (946 ml) of slurry to flow from the Marsh funnel into a measuring
(f) Record the seconds it takes for the quart of slurry to flow from the funnel. Report
this value as the Marsh funnel viscosity;
(g) Also record the temperature of the slurry sample.

10.4. Calibration Check

Periodically check the calibration of the Marsh funnel by measuring the viscosity of fresh
water. The Marsh funnel viscosity of one quart of fresh water at 70 ± 5oF (21 ± 3oC) is 26 ±
0.5 seconds. If the funnel is out of calibration, clean it using a pipe cleaner to make sure
that nothing is obstructing the outlet. If the funnel continues to give an incorrect reading for
fresh water after cleaning, then the outlet tube has probably been damaged and the funnel
should be replaced.

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10.5. Instrument Care

10.5.1. Follow these suggestions to care for the Marsh Funnel:
(a) Clean and dry the funnel thoroughly after each use;
(b) Take special care not to bend or flatten the brass outlet tube at the bottom of the
funnel. The Marsh Funnel Viscosity readings are computed using the exact
diameter of this outlet and if the outlet is distorted the readings will be inaccurate.
10.6. Density
(a) Definition - Mass per unit volume;
(b) Referred to as the weight of the fluid;
(c) Measured with - Mud Balance;
(d) Measured in - Specific Gravity*;
(e) Also can be measured in - Pounds per gallon, Pounds per cubic foot, or PSI per
1000' of depth;
(f) Density of clean Water at 70° F (21.1° C) = 8.34 ppg;
(g) Density of clean Water at 70° F (21.1° C) = 1.0 sg.
10.7. Mud Density
(a) High density can cause formation damage;
(b) High density slows penetration rate;
(c) High solids content can cause development problems;
(d) High solids can cause loss of circulation;
(e) Solids Content Calculation;
% Solids* = (Density (specific gravity) - 1) x 60
(f) Example:
% Solids = (1.4 - 1) x 60
= 0.4 x 60
= 24% Solids by volume
* by volume - assumes 2.6 s.g. solids
(g) Hydrostatic Head Calculation
Head, psi = Density, lb/gal x Depth, ft x 0.052
Hydrostatic Head Calculation
Head (kPa) = Density (kg/m3) x Depth (m) x 0.00981
(h) Example: = 1198.7 kg/m3 · 221 m · 0.00981
= 2598.8 kPa

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(i) Adjusting Density;

(j) When using conventional mud rotary density can be increased with BAROID®,
barite weighting agent;
(k) Lower with water dilution or solids control methods;
(l) (Effective pit design and / or Mechanical solids control);
(m) Most IDP applications desire density as low as possible.
10.8. Sand Content
(a) Definition - % Solids greater than 74 microns;
(b) anything retained on a 200 mesh screen (greater than 74 microns);
(c) Sand is not a mineral, “sand” is particle size;
(d) Indicates the abrasive constituent of the drilling fluid;
(e) Measured with - Sand content test kit;
(f) Measured in - % by volume of slurry;
(g) Read and report sand content as % by volume;
(h) Desirable limits;
(i) As low as possible for all drilling applications;
(j) Less than or equal to 1% is preferred;
(k) High sand content slows penetration rate;
(l) High sand content contaminates samples;
(m) High sand content wears all circulating system components;

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(n) 0.75% Sand.

10.9. Filtration
(a) Measures filtrate volume and filter cake thickness;
(b) Filtration only occurs on a permeable medium;
(c) Measured with - API Filter Press;
(d) Measured in - Filtrate - ml/30 minutes;
(e) Filter cake - 32nd of an inch or millimeters;
(f) The filtrate is the water fraction of the drilling fluid available to react with the
formation and drilled solids;
(g) Filtrate volumes less than 15 ml are generally considered desirable;
(h) Highly reactive formations may require substantially lower filtrate volumes;
(i) Acceptable filter cake thickness is less than 2/32”;
(j) Low filtrate volumes generally denote tighter, firmer filter cakes.
10.10. Points About Filtration Control
(a) Effective filtration control is essential to achieving and maintaining hole stability;
(b) Lowering the filtration rate requires bentonite platelets and / or filtration control
(c) 3-part mechanism;
(d) Clay (solids) adsorption or encapsulation;
(e) Physical plugging of openings;
(f) Viscosifying the water phase to increase “viscous drag” through filter cake and

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10.11. Mechanics of Filtration

10.12. Filter Cake Deposition and Thickness

10.12.1. Problems with High Filtrate

(a) Borehole instability;
(b) Formation damage;
(c) Thick, sticky wall cake;
(d) Increased torque and drag;
(e) Differential sticking of drill string.

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10.13. Water PH
(a) Definitio - Hydrogen ion concentration;
(b) Acidity or alkalinity of the fluid;
(c) Measured with - PH strip, paper, or meter;
(d) Measurement - Acidic-0<7 Basic-7>14;
(e) 7 PH is considered Neutral.

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10.13.1. Use Wide-Range Ph Strips (1 To 14)

(a) Desired pH = 8.5 to 9.5;
(b) For low PH - Raise with Sodium Carbonate
(Soda Ash);
(c) For high PH - Lower with Sodium Bicarbonate;
(Bicarbonate of Soda).
10.13.2. Affects
(a) Mud mixing efficiency;
(b) Viscosity;
(c) Gel development;
(d) Filtration control.
10.13.3. Calcium
(a) Also referred to as hardness;
(b) Measured with - Strips, drops, or titration;
(c) Measured in -
 milligrams per liter (mg/l);
 parts per million (ppm);
(d) Why do we test Calcium content?
(e) Calcium retards the hydration of bentonite and polymers;
(f) Always check the hardness of the make-up water;
(g) Desired = As low as possible for all applications;
(h) Less than or equal to 100 mg/l;
(i) Treat out calcium with sodium carbonate
(Soda Ash). When drilling it is sometimes necessary to make use of chemicals. This is to assist with
the drilling operations and especially when drilling through clay areas or when it
becomes difficult to remove the chippings out of the hole.
10.14. 20. Cap 21
Inhibitor / Filtrate Control / Viscosifier.
10.14.1. Description
CAP 21 is a partially hydrolysed tri-polymer which has similar properties to PAC and Trol-
polymers. It is an excellent inhibitor of clay and shales on its own, but more importantly, it
mixes with bentonite to form a tough thin filter cake on the sidewalk of the borehole. This
protects highly water sensitive sandy friable formations and aids in full core recovery.

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10.14.2. Applications / Functions

(a) Stabilize water sensitive formations;
(b) Prevents water seepage into the formation;
(c) Holds up sandy formations;
(d) Prevents friable water sensitive core being washed away;
(e) And most important it is a viscosifier.
10.14.3. Advantages
(a) Easy to mix as it is a liquid;
(b) Very high viscosity;
(c) Can replace PAC and Trol-polymers;
(d) Less expensive and less wastage than other polymers.
10.14.4. Typical properties
(a) Appearance; Milky white;
(b) Flash point; 93 °C;
(c) Specific gravity ;1.05 g/cm3;
(d) Sand and clay formation is intersected we use Bentonite.
10.14.5. What is Bentonite?
(a) Bentonite is named after a deposit of water swelling clay found near Fort Benton,
(b) Bentonite is now used for any clay whose physical properties are dominated by
the presence of montmorillonite.
10.14.6. Formation of Bentonite
(a) Western volcanic activity deposits ash (silica types) into Mowry Sea;
(b) Process called devitrification transforms ash into crystalline material;
(c) The aquatic environment and subsequent weathering leads to high
concentrations of sodium bentonite.

10.14.7. Industrial Clays

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(a) All mineral clays are composed of the same fundamental building blocks called
coordination polyhedra; octahedra & tetrahedral;
(b) The most significant differences among the clays are their chemical
composition and structure;
(c) Exchangeable cation chemistry (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+);
(d) Amount of electrostatic charge (Mg2+ for Al3+);
(e) Location of electrostatic charge (octahedral vs tetrahedral);
(f) Surface area of clay platelets.
10.14.8. Why Sodium Bentonite?
(a) Water swellable;
(b) Viscous when mixed with fresh water;
(c) Slurry capable of suspending solids;
(d) Excellent sealing ability;
(e) Filtration Control.
10.14.9. Relative Size of Clay Particle
(a) In order to form a colloidal suspension (stable fluid) particles must have a
maximum size of around 4 microns;

sand particle 60 mesh = 250 micron

bentonite particle
(4900) mesh = 2-10 micron

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10.14.10. Mechanisms of Clay Swelling

(a) Crystalline swelling;
(b) Volume increase - 2 Fold;
(c) Both calcium and sodium bentonites undergo this type of swelling;
(d) Osmotic swelling;
(e) Volume increase - 20 Fold;
(f) Unique to sodium bentonite.
10.14.11. Swelling Profile

10.14.12. Viscosity vs. Gel Strength

(a) Viscosity - Dynamic effect;
(b) Resistance to flow;
(c) Related to carrying capacity while pumping;
(d) 600 rpm - 300 rpm = PV, 300 rpm - PV = YP;
(e) Gel Strength - Static effect ;
(f) Formation of suspending gel network within fluid;
(g) Aids in suspension of cuttings when fluid is at rest (pumping stopped).
10.14.13. Shear Thinning
(a) The viscosity of the fluid decreases as the shear rate (pump rate) increases;
(b) This is due to the fact that the structure-building forces (gel strengths) are
disrupted by the input of energy (shear).

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Viscosity vs. Time

10.14.14. Filtration Control of Bentonite

(a) Definition: The ability of drilling fluids to minimize the loss of water phase to
permeable formations;
(b) Due to its unique clay platelet structure, bentonite develops a filter cake
across permeable formations;
(c) For long holes or when the annulus is larger than normal, if you want to keep
the chippings in suspension we use CAP21.

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11. PPM Machine Maintenance

Condition Monitoring and Analysis Scheduled Maintenance Breakdowns


Daily / MD-Online
Maintenance Control
 Vibrations
 Temperature  Update Machine Fault list Open Field
 Volts (Weekly) Service Job
 Amps  Update Machine Upgrade list
 Pressure  Update Machine Hours on
 Oil flow meter readings Maintenance Schedule
 Float box Daily
inspections (Reaming)
 Water pumps (Amps, Job Instruction
flow meter reading
temperature, pressure,  Drawing
vibrations  Procedure
 Strain gauge pressure Planned Scheduled Maintenance  Report
 Lube suction meter  Spares

Weekly / MD-Online

 Oil samples analysis

 Axial play Job Instruction
 Magnetic plug
 Drawing
inspection Failure analysis
 Procedure
 Float box Weekly
inspections (Piloting)  Report  Root Cause
 Spares  Preventative

Condition Monitoring Workshop Site Close Job

Bench Marks + NCR
 Machine  Move to
(MD-0000) serviced next site
 Contract  Before
Finished Reamer
Hook-up Corrective
Actions +
Breakdowns Notifications

Machine Commissioning

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11.1.1. Oil samples weekly when machine in operation which will confirms the quality of the
oil.During piloting water contamination is often experiencing and on reaming an increase in
FE and CU which represent wear...note that increase in Silica means dirt in the system.
Normally a problem were a machine drill upwards. Good habit is to check the oil condition
daily by pouring the oil contained in the filter on a piece of white paper without spilling the
oil on the ground..........thereby identifying any metallic particle or visible contamination
11.1.2. Inspecting the magnet 2- 3 times a week
11.1.3. Confirm if the axial play is in specification...note that excessive axial cause misaligned of
the gear train which result in excessive wear and premature gear and bearing failure..use
an dial indicator on the spindle ( 009 machines have a proxy on chuck to trip CR1 with
excessive play )
11.1.4. Monitoring the temperature and vibration on specific points could alert you to possible
failures ..............use a vibrometer and temperature remote gun
11.1.5. Noise levels.............although we not monitoring noise levels and increased in noise levels
will confirm one or more of the above is out of specification
11.1.6. Maximum temperature we allow on gearboxes not to exceed 65degree and vibration not to
exceed 8mm/sec ....................as important is the trend of the graph plotted daily with the
info received form site the variance on the graph not to vary more than 20% If a machine
ream and ground conditions are bad vibration levels will be higher than normal .


12.1. All the machines are equipped with safety circuits to protect the machine. These circuits
(a) Proximity in work table;
(b) Proximity on chuck nut;
(c) Proximity on pipe loaders (3 off);
(d) Lube trip;
(e) Water pressure trip switch;
(f) Phase rotation relay;
(g) Oil level switch;
(h) Motor overload.
13.1. Mechanical, electrical and hydraulic commissioning must take place every time a machine
has been moved. The person responsible for quality on site is the Operations Foreman. He
must check the fault list of machine, check the “NO GO” items and adhere to them, open
NCR's if necessary and make sure that the commissioning lists has been signed off by
responsible artisan.
13.2. Commission list can be signed off only after the contract manager / foreman has ensure
himself that all the items in the hydraulic, electric, mechanical and production
commissioning lists has been completed according to standards and filled in.
13.3. If electrical commissioning cannot be conducted or an electrician is not available the
CM/FM needs to complete a NCR, do the most important 5 checks and give permission to

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collar with the instruction that within the next 24 hours an electrician MUST complete the
full commissioning.
13.4. The most important check to be done and signed off are:
(a) Meggar the main motor;
(b) Test the lube trip;
(c) Test for volt drop;
(d) Meggar the hydraulic motor;
(e) All electrical connections must be secure and safe;
(f) If all these checks have been done and signed off collaring can commence.
After hole completion the machine must be de-commissioned by the responsible artisans.
The main motor must be transported in its own box. The hydraulic hoses must be plugged,
coiled and locked in tool car. Electrical cables also need to be coiled neatly and locked in
the tool car. Rods to be cleaned and protector covers to be installed.

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15. NO GO’s
15.1. Description
15.1.1. A NO GO is exactly what it says. If these items below are not in place or functional, NO
drilling are allowed to take place.
15.2. The mechanical NO GO’s are:
(a) Chuck bolts to be in place and torque;
(b) Lubrication motor-pump filter;
(c) Water swivel not leaking, serviced;
(d) Suction gauge installed and gauge on filter;
(e) Pilot choke set to penetrate 40mm/per min during piloting;
(f) Cylinder protectors available;
(g) Axial float on spindle (when machine is reaming 0,1 max;
(h) Draw gearbox oil sample and mark clearly;
(i) Check proximity switch (on 009 to pick up play on hub) max 0,1mm play.
15.3. The Electrical NO Go’s Are
(a) To test for low voltage;
(b) Voltage not to be 5% lower or 10% higher than 525 volts;
(c) Use thermometer to check all connections;
(d) Test low voltage on hydraulic circuit at 10MPA;
(e) Check that all control wires are in a good condition;
(f) Connection box is clean and secure;
(g) Test lube system;
(h) Check for sufficient illumination on site;
(i) Motor to be dried out with clean compressed air when wet;
(j) Motor not allowed to be started with insulation reading below 1,5MOHM;
(k) Check connection box (no chafing wires and loose connections);
(l) Set torque limiter according to machine type, drill pipe and machine / reamer
16.1. The CR1 Relay is a safety measurement to prevent the main motor from starting up if any
of the safety circuits is not functional or if it is breached out.
16.2. If the main motor doesn’t want to start, but the hydraulic pack does it is an indication that
the CR1 Relay is not energised or the control plugs are not properly engaged.
16.3. The CR1 Relay protects the main motor for over current and unbalanced phases, the
gearbox if there is no lubrication, the pumps on mini drills for low oil level and rotation
direction and if the spindle nut is loose and the thrust bearing shimming is not correct.
16.4. If the overload has tripped it will be indicated by the overload trip indication switch. If the
overload has tripped it can be re-set by pressing the re-set button on the overload switch.
17.1. The main motor should be grease once a week by the electrician or every time the
electrician visits the machine. Be cautious not to over grease a motor.
17.2. When a main motor is removed from the machine or transported it is important to put it in a
motor cover as this will reduce the risk of bending the motor shaft.
17.3. The shaft will also bend if a motor is removed from the machine and the rig holes is not in
the correct position.

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17.4. When the machine is started up but the main motor doesn’t want to start up the following
checks can be done to ensure that all the safety circuits are functional:
(a) Check that all control breakers are switched on;
(b) Check control voltage;
(c) Check that CR1 Relay is energized;
(d) Check overload, flow meter, temperature relay, and proximity switches;
(e) Check that soft starter or DC Drive is in healthy condition;
(f) Check field supply in case of a DC Drive;
(g) Check that all control plugs are in and properly secured;
17.5. If all the daily checks and inspections are done and adhered to it is theoretical impossible
for a main motor to burn. If a main motor burn it could be because of the following reasons:
(a) Motor overload setting to high;
(b) Motor running on to high current;
(c) Motor running to hot (insulation failure);
(d) Water or moisture in motor;
(e) The max temp on main motors and hydraulic motors are not to exceed 90ºC.
17.6. Electric motors must be meggared during commissioning and whenever it is necessary to
ensure the correct functioning. It is done by trained personnel (Electrician / Manager /
Foreman) only and in the following manner:
(a) Check that the power to the power pack is disconnected;
(b) Ensure that the motor cable to the motor is disconnected at the motor junction;
(c) Connect positive (red) and negative (black) leads to each other (never hold bare
leads in hands);
(d) Select Meggar button to mega ohms (MΩ);
(e) Crank handle and check meter reading;
(f) Meter reading must be zero (0) ohms if the Meggar is in order;
(g) Connect positive (red) lead to a good earth point on the motor and negative
(black) lead to a different earth point on the motor;

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(h) Crank handle to check earth point;

(i) Zero (0) ohms on the gauge indicates a good earth point;
(j) Connect negative lead of Megger to one of the motor leads and positive (red)
lead must stay on the earth point (make sure that leads do not touch the motor
(k) Crank handle and check gauge reading which should not be less than 1.5 Mega
(l) Repeat these steps on the other motor leads as well (T1-E, T2-E, T3-E);
(m) When either of the leads gives a reading of less than 1.5 Mega ohms the motor is
down to earth;
(n) All data must be recorded on the motor meggar report;
(o) Connect positive and negative leads of meggar to any two of the motor leads;
(p) Set meggar button on ohm scale;
(q) Crank handle and check meter reading, a reading of 0 - 15 ohms must be
(r) Do steps 1 to 3 on all the remaining leads of the motor (T1-T2, T1-T3, T2-T3);
(s) When either of the leads gives a reading more than 15 ohms the coil is damaged
and motor to be re-winded;
(t) All data must be recorded on the motor Megger report.
17.7. Low Voltage
17.7.1. Low voltage is also one of the factors that can cause damage to a main motor. When a rod
is torqued and the lights on site dim, it is an indication that there is low voltage. Low voltage
can be caused by a loose connection and if the distance between the transformer and
machine is too big and the cable is not the correct size.
17.7.2. If low voltage is present whilst reaming it will result in increase of the current and therefore
trip the torque limiter. (Current relay, if volts go down the amps. will go

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17.7.3. Coloration of a lug and insulation at any connection point and build-up of heat is an
indication of a loose connection.
17.7.4. If one lead is warmer than the others when drilling it is an indication of higher current on
one phase and / or in-phase balance.
17.7.5. Volt drop is measured by monitoring the volt meter on the pendant– the correct voltage is
17.7.6. If it falls below 100v stop machine and call electrician.
17.7.7. Also test with a fluke meter at the incomer or motor between all the phases. 525v is
correct. If 490v stop machine and call electrician. (5% under and 10% above).
17.7.8. Or you can put a rod in machine and test volts while machine is under torque.
17.7.9. On a DC machine you put machine in high gear, engage your spanners and increase the
voltage to full volts in the run mode.
17.7.10. Some machines have a volt meter in the pack. Switch between phases to check volts
under torque.
17.8. DC Motors
17.8.1. On DC motors the brush holder and commutator must be cleaned weekly to:
(a) Ensure brushes are loose in brush holders;
(b) Ensure that brush length is correct;
(c) Ensure brush spring tension is correct;
(d) To prevent carbon build up on commutator;
17.8.2. On a DC motor the DC control amps are used to control the power (torque) of the motor
and the volts are used to control the rotation speed of the motor.
17.8.3. It is important to control the field amps of the motor as this control the torque and speed of
the motor and also prevent the motor from picking up uncontrolled speed and disintegrate.
18.1. It is important to set the torque limiter for the different machines and different diameters
reamer / machine as it prevent over torqueing of rods, damage of down hole equipment
and it help to get sufficient penetration.
18.2. The torque limiter has two adjustments. It is used to set the maximum torque amp setting
and/or the time delay.
18.3. The time delay setting should be set at 0 Seconds as there must be no delay. This is the
time it takes to trip or energise the machine.
18.4. The torque limiter must be set and operational at all times whilst reaming and if it is not
functioning properly the running current will exceed the current setting on the torque limiter
and the machine will not trip and backspin will occur when the machine goes into stall
resulting in the reamer/ machine / drill string spin loose.
18.5. The torque limiter can be tested by inserting the flat spanners in the worktable, put the
machine in high gear, start the machine and see if the torque limiter trips the machine.
18.6. Note! Set the current setting of torque limiter lower than running current while the motor is
During commissioning the vacuum pots must be tested with a meggar over the pots and
there must be no resistance. A resistance will indicate a carbon build up in the pot. It is
referred to as a “vacuum pot” because no oxygen or medium is present on the inside of the

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pot. Carbon build up in or around the pot will cause a short circuit between the contact
20.1. The soft starter has certain errors messages and they are:
(a) *Trip*OVERCURRENT H/B/*AR - Overcurrent / Programmed current limit
(b) *Trip*OVERTEMP H/B/*AR - Over temperature / Temperature sensor;
(c) *Trip*CURR UNB H/B/*AR - Current Unbalanced / Phase currents difference;
(d) *Trip*IxT H/B/*AR - Thermal Overload / Overload level exceeded for specified
(e) *Trip*AUX POWER H/B/*AR - AUX Power Level / Aux power level out of range;
(f) *Trip*MAINS PHASE H/B/*AR - Phase Missing / Main phase missing or sync
(g) *Trip*INTERNAL C H/R/*AR – Internal / Internal test or internal fault.
20.2. The role that the soft starter and torque limiter play when the torque limiter is activated
whilst drilling are the following. The torque controller gives the soft starter a stop command
when current setting is exceeded and then the soft starter give the motor a slow controlled
20.3. Moisture, over temperature and over voltage are the main reasons why a soft starter card
will fail.
20.4. The purpose of the soft starter is to:
(a) Manage the incoming voltage low and high;
(b) Control of different phases;
(c) Connected to torque limiter. If machine stall, it gives you the ramp down;
(d) Gives smooth ramp up when drill rod is torque;
(e) To give the motor a delayed smooth start;
(f) To protect motor on over current;
(g) To protect motor on unbalanced supply phases;
(h) To protect the motor against under and over voltage;
(i) To protect the gearbox.
21.1. 61R / 71R
(a) Water will enter the gearboxes of a 61R and / or 71R machine if the following is
not in order;
(b) if the drill string is not center of the worktable, the rotary seals are broken, the
garlock seals are broken, the sleeve are damaged, the O-rings below the sleeve
are damaged, the sleeve are turned, the bearing sleeve o-ring are damaged, the
side cover gasket are damaged - 71R, there are excessive axial play and the
valve plug o-rings are damaged;
(c) The most common reason why garlock seals would leak is because of excessive
axial play;
(d) To set the timing on the 1st reduction of a 61R you need to count the motor
pinion tooth and every 10th teeth to be marked with a white marker. Ensure
timing marks is also marked with a white marker pen on each gear and that it
corresponds with the white mark on the pinion - 120˚ from each other;

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(e) Put ring gear in pinion where marks correspond with each other.
21.2. The bearing numbers of the different reductions on a 61R are:
(a) 1st Reduction = 222.11;
(b) 2nd Reduction = 223.10;
(c) 3rd Reduction = 223.14.
21.2.1. It is important to count the motor teeth and divide by 3. Ensure that the timing of gearbox is
marked and it should correspond with marks on pinion.
21.2.2. To set the axial play on the 61 / 71R you must move the pilot thrust bearing, insert 5mm
shims until a gap is created on the second reduction housing, measure the gap at the
housing and deduct it from the shim. Remove the shim + 0.15mm. Please Note, it is
important to re-check the axial play after the machine has operated for 8 hours. The correct
manner to lock the rotary sleeve on the 61 / 71R is you must make sure that the two
dowels line up with crown to lock sleeve from turning.
21.2.3. The matching of 1st reduction gears of a 71R is very important and to ensure that they
match correctly, turn lead plomo) through at the top and bottom of the gear simultaneously
and measure the thickness, both gears must have the same thickness. If it is necessary to
heat up the reaming trust bearing of a 71R it must be done in an oil container with hot oil or
bearing heater if available - NO direct heat must be applied to the bearing. To install the
centralize bearing in the 71R you must make sure that you do it in the correct sequence.
21.2.4. First install the bearing in the x head application, heat it up to 60º and then insert the
spindle. To remove the centralizer bearing from the 71R spindle you need to make use of a
special bearing puller. The C code on bearing presents the PRM - speed of the bearing
21.3. 73R
21.3.1. The areas were water will enter a gearbox on a 73R are the side cover / where water
enters the x-head at the O-rings below the rotary sleeve and the spindle, at the valves plug
on the inside of the spindle, when there are excessive axial play and when there is
excessive wear on the rotary sleeves.
21.3.2. The first reduction planet bearings can also fail if the lubrication lube trip switch are
bridged, disconnected or bypassed.
21.3.3. An increase in the vibration / temperature on the gearbox could be if there are a possible
bearing failure, lack of lubrication, motor shaft bend and / or excessive axial play on spindle
will all lead to premature gear failure. The maximum allowable vibration and temperature
on the 1st reduction of a 73R is 6mm per second for the vibration but can go up to 8mm
per second and the maximum temperature must not exceed 45˚.
21.3.4. To adjust the spindle shimming of the 73R you need to put a clock gauge on the chuck and
the dial indicator across the x-head. Then put a sleeper below the chuck, move the
machine to 2MPa. Reading = axial play. To adjust it, remove the 3rd reduction housing/pilot
thrust bearing and install shim underneath. If there is no axial play, install a 5mm shim
underneath the bearing in order to create a gap on the housing. Pull tight and if
measurement is 2mm, a 3mm shim needs to be inserted but you need a play of 0.1mm.
therefore, the shim you need to install should be 3.1mm.
21.3.5. To fit a garlock seal use a 1mm shim plate and wrap it around the full circumference of the
rotary sleeve. The 3 bolts securing the garlock seal carrier should be covered with silicon.
21.3.6. If the axial play is out of tolerance the following failures could occur:
(a) 608 Bearing fail;

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(b) Sun gear out of play;

(c) Neck broken / failed of second reduction hub;
(d) Centralized bearing failed;
(e) Spindle failed;
(f) Spindle bolt failed;
(g) Chuck bolts fail.
21.3.7. When operating and excessive gearbox oil temperature is evident you need to check for
excessive axial play, check for a possible bearing failure, check for a possible gear failure
or lack of lubrication.

22.1. Testing of Fixed Displacement Pump – Dynex
(a) Confirm that the oil temperature is at normal operating levels;
(b) Check if the pendant station relief valve “60S” is operating correctly;
(c) Disconnect delivery hose from pump;
(d) Disconnect pressure line to pendant station relief valve;
(e) Connect pressure line of pendant station to outlet port of pump;

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(f) Adjust the pendant station relief valve (60S) fully out (no pressure);
(g) Start the hydraulic pack motor, slowly adjust pendant station relief valve until the
pressure builds up to 25 MPa;
(h) Stop the hydraulic pack motor;
(i) The pressure of the pendant station relief valve (60S) has now been set to 25
Note: 1MPa = 147 PSI.

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0-5000 PSI 60S Relieve

Gauge valve

Note: 1MPa = 147 PSI.

(j) Disconnect return (tank) line from pressure relief valve on pendant station at the
hydraulic pack;
(k) Place the hose end into a suitable calibrated container (at least 20 liters’
(l) Start the hydraulic pack motor, let run for 1 minute at 25mpa and stop;
(m) Measure the quantity in the container;
(n) This is the volume of the pump at 25MPa;
(o) If less than 12 lpm, change pump.

22.2. Testing of Variable Displacement Pump – Yeoshe

22.2.1. A variable displacement or “variable-delivery” piston pump automatically and instantly
varies the amount of fluid delivered to the pressure circuit of a hydraulic system to meet
varying system demands. This is accomplished by using a compensator, which is an
integral part of the pump. The compensator is sensitive to the amount of pressure present
in the pump and in the hydraulic system pressure circuit. When the circuit pressure rises,
the compensator causes the pump output to decrease.
22.2.2. Conversely, when circuit pressure drops, the compensator causes pump output to
22.3. MHA Motor Maintenance
22.3.1. Hydraulic oil tests to be done regularly in order to monitor the water levels in the oil.
22.3.2. Filters in the inlet line to the motor to be checked daily and replaced if not to desired
22.3.3. All threaded connections between the motor ports and hydraulic hoses to be checked for
damage and desirable cleanliness to ensure proper connection minimize leakage.

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22.3.4. Care must be taken to ensure that the motor is properly lined-up with the gearbox in order
to minimize any additional side loads on the output shaft of the motor.
22.3.5. The amount of case-drain oil must be monitored and noted at regular intervals. This will
give a good indication of the condition of the internal moving parts in the motor.
22.3.6. If excessive case drain occurs in the motor, it will be desirable to perform a complete motor
change. (4 to 5 litres per minute is considered excessive).
22.4. Check Pump Case Drain
22.4.1. Disconnect one of the two (2) case drain line on the motor–pump unit and fit a flow meter
onto the disconnected point on the motor-pump unit. Connect the drain line to the flow
22.4.2. Start the electric motor, in neutral position e.g. no actions on drill rig, pressure must be at
maximum, note and record reading on flow meter.
22.4.3. Repeat procedure for the second pump.

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22.4.4. Confirm that the oil temperature is at normal operating levels.

22.4.5. Check if the pendant station relief valve “60S” is operating correctly.
22.4.6. Disconnect delivery hose from pump.
22.4.7. Disconnect pressure line to pendant relief valve.
22.4.8. Connect pressure line of pendant station to outlet port of pump.
22.4.9. Adjust the pendant station relief valve (60S) and the pump relief valve.
22.4.10. Fully out and the compensator full in (maximum pressure).


Pump case-drain Suction hose

hose to tank

Pump relieve valve Delivery hose

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22.4.11. Start the hydraulic pack motor, oil will flow into the tank.
22.4.12. Slowly adjust the pendant station relief valve (60S) until the pressure reach 26MPa.
22.4.13. Slowly adjust the pump relief valve until the pressure on the pressure gauge starts to drop.
22.4.14. Stop the hydraulic pack motor.
22.4.15. The pressure of the pump is now set to 25MPa.

22.4.16. Disconnect return (tank) line from pressure relief valve on pendant station at the hydraulic
22.4.17. Place the hose end into an opening in the hydraulic tank.
22.4.18. Place the hose end back into the empty container.
22.4.19. Start the hydraulic pack motor, let run for 1 minute and stop.
22.4.20. Measure the quantity in the container. This is the volume of the pump at 25MPa.
Note: The volume of the delivery can be changed by adjusted the compensator adjustment screw.

22.5. Calculating the System Efficiency

22.5.1. Determine the high pressure pump displacement volume at a pressure of 25MPa.
22.5.2. Determine the hydraulic system leakage (return line flow) when the system is in a locked
position. (i.e. when the machine / reamer is pulled against the face or the machine is fully
22.5.3. Important!!! The pressure must not exceed 10MPa or this could damage the machine or
overload the cutters.
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22.5.4. Example:
 Pump Volume - 20 liters per minute (lpm).
 Return Line Volume - 16 lpm.
22.5.5. Calculate the Hydraulic Efficiency (H.E.).
(16 ÷ 20) x 100 = 80%.
22.5.6. If the H.E. is above 80% normal operations can continue.
22.5.7. If the H.E.is below 80% addition tests need to be carried out to determine which of the
components are leaking so that it can be repaired or replaced.
22.5.8. Where can leakages occurr?
22.5.9. Pendant Control Station.
22.5.10. 60S Relieve Valve.
22.5.11. Flow Control.

Machine & Cylinders.

22.6. Hydraulic Pack

22.6.1. Pilot Section of Fast up and Down (position 19 &21).
22.6.2. Slow Up and Down Directional Control Valve (position 22).

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22.7. How to Determine Leakage on the Components

If the H.E.is below 80% addition tests need to be carried out to determine which of the
components are leaking so that it can be repaired or replaced.
22.8. Flow Control
22.8.1. Set the pressure at 20 MPa with the flow control fully closed.
22.8.2. Slowly adjust the flow control and note the pressure drop.
22.8.3. If the pressure remains at 20 MPa, the flow control is faulty and the flow control must be
22.8.4. Could also happen that the flow control can’t block off the pressure, in which case the exit
line to be check if any oil coming out.
22.9. 60S Relieve Valve
22.9.1. The relieve valve can only be tested with another one.
22.9.2. Set the system pressure with the 60S relieve valve to 25MPA and replace it with the other
or new 60S relieve valve to see whether the pressure could be maintained with both

22.10. Cylinders
22.10.1. Let’s say for example the pump flow gave 20lpm and the system return flow gave 14lpm,
therefore the H.E. is 70%, thus the total system leakage is 20lpm -14lpm = 6lpm.
22.10.2. Disconnect the thrust hoses from the pack to the machine and plug the connections.

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22.10.3. Measure the return line flow and determine the leakage on the pack and cylinders.

Plug hoses here.

Measure return oil

flow here.

22.10.4. We know that the leakage 6lpm.

22.10.5. Let’s say the return line flow gave us 16lpm with cylinders disconnected.
22.10.6. The system return flow was 14lpm while cylinders were still connected, therefore the
cylinder leakage is 16lpm - 14lpm = 2lpm.

Plug hoses here.

Measure return oil

flow here.
22.11. Fast Up & Down
22.11.1. To determine which hydraulic component on the pack is leaking the pilot operated
directional control valve has to be blanked off, using the blanking plate for the said

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22.11.2. Leave the cylinders disconnected from the pack and do the leakage test again.
22.11.3. If the return flow now changes to 18lpm, it means that the other 4lpm are leaking in the fast
up and down section that has been blanked off.

NOTE: Keep cylinders


All these “X” and “Y”

points are disconnected
on the valve distribution
block when the blank
plate are installed.

Measure return
oil flow here.
22.12. Individual Test On Cylinders
22.12.1. To determine which cylinder is leaking, each cylinder must be individually blanked off and
the leakage test done. Note, the hoses to each cylinder must be blanked off and then the
return oil measured at the relieve valve.
22.12.2. Let’s say the system leakage is the same as previous reading, it means the cylinder
disconnected are not leaking and the 2lpm are at the other two cylinders.


Measure return oil

flow here.

22.12.3. Efficiency Calculation Examples.

22.12.4. Example 1
(a) Pump flow - 20 lpm;

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(b) System return line - 15 lpm;

(c) System leakage - 5 lpm;
(d) Blank off cylinders - 17 lpm;
(e) Leakage on cylinders - 2 lpm;
(f) (= pack only – system return);
(g) Blank off pilot section - 18 lpm;
(h) (keep cylinders disconnected);
(i) Reaming section leakage - 2 lpm;
(j) (= 20lpm – pack with pilot section & cylinders;
(k) Blanked off);
(l) Pilot section leakage - 1 lpm;
(m) (= System leakage - Cylinder leakage – reaming;
(n) Section leakage);
(o) System efficiency: 75%.
22.12.5. Example 2:
(a) Pump flow - 20 lpm;
(b) System return line - 9 lpm;
(c) System leakage – 11 lpm;
(d) Blank off cylinders – 14 lpm;
(e) Leakage on cylinders - 5 lpm
(f) (= pack only - system return);
(g) Blanked off pilot section - 14 lpm;
(h) (keep cylinders disconnected);
(i) Reaming section leakage - 6 lpm;
(j) (= 20lpm - pack with pilot section & cylinders;
(k) Blanked off);
(l) Pilot Section leakage - 0 lpm;
(m) (= System leakage - Cylinder leakage – reaming;
(n) Section leakage);
(o) System efficiency: 45%.
23.1. The lube filter must always be inspected and clean before operation and if the lube filter is
blocked the filter gauge will give a red indication.
23.2. Only Grade 68 oil to be used in the hydraulic system.
23.3. When a machine is moved it is important that ALL hoses and ports are plugged with the
required plugs to prevent the ingress of dirt into the rotation system.
24.1. With the compensator fully adjusted in the delivery flow decreases before the pressure
reaches 25 MPa when adjusting in the 60s valve.
24.2. This indicates a faulty compensator as it decreases the swash plate angle at the wrong
24.3. Remove the compensator, thoroughly clean and determine whether the O-ring on the
pressure port is intact.
24.4. If the flow decreases again after removing and cleaning the compensator, change the
compensator and test again.

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24.5. If the problem persists, measure the case drain flow. The pump is passing internally and
has to be serviced or changed.
24.6. The pump has a shuddering noise when running.
24.7. The pump is rotating in the wrong direction or the valve plate on to which the pistons
deliver has been incorrectly machined. The pump should rotate in the direction of the
suction port. There is an arrow indicating the direction of flow. As a rule of thumb, the
compensator is mounted above the pressure port.
24.8. Check whether the shaft rotates in the direction of the arrow as indicated on the pump.
24.9. If the direction of rotation is correct, open the pump and inspect the valve plate (usually
brass) against which the pistons deliver (not the angled swash plate).
24.10. The V-shaped relief notches (circled with red) should diverge (get wider and deeper) in the
direction of rotation. The purpose of this deepening notches is to reduce the pressure
gradient from the valve plate to the outlet and inlet opening.
24.11. Both Notches will start with the sharp ends just after top and bottom dead centre (see
below figure).

Figure 1: Relief Notch orientation.

Note: The volume of the delivery can be changed by adjusting the swash plate set screw. This
should however be avoided as this is pre-set in the workshop.
25.1. As noted in the fault finding section, the sequence for fault finding starts with minor issues,
moves to the pump and then component identification needs to be done. Below follows a
generic fault finding procedure and is basic guideline that can be used to isolate troubled
25.2. It is important to fault find structured. Avoid adjusting and replacing parts at random. Rather
go through the system from the pump side to the final component.
25.3. Physical signs of problems include:
(a) Visible - Visible leaks, discoloured or milky oil;
(b) Heat - Hot pipes will indicate bypass; Increased tank temperature will indicate
constant relieving over a relief valve;
(c) Noise - Cavitating pump;
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(d) Vibration - Pump misalignment.

25.4. When going to do fault finding on site, it is necessary to take along the following equipment
to ease and assist with the process.
25.5. Hydac flow meter: 0-5 l/min, 0-20 l/min, 0-40 l/min.
25.6. 60s relieve valve or similar adjustable relieve valve (up to 40 MPa).
25.7. Pressure gauge (reading to 40 MPa).
25.8. Never install a flow meter in a high pressure line. Always install it to tank or open
25.9. Step 1 - Install a flow meter and common tank line (see figure below for an example on the
RD 3 system):
(a) All returns need to be piped to the common line with the only exit to tank flowing
through the flow meter;
(b) This includes: Proportional relieve valve, proportional flow control valve,
directional valve (selecting pipe loader circuit vs slow up and down), gear shift
cross over relief valve and directional control valve, 60s relief valve on pipe
loader circuit;
(c) It has to be noted that some of these components are mounted on sub plates
and has common line to tank from the sub plate.
25.10. Step 2 - With the flow meter in position, set the proportional relief valve to 10 MPa and the
proportional flow control to full flow for testing purposes.
25.11. Step 3 - Blank off the entire hydraulic pack to the cylinders, pipe loader circuit and gearshift
To test each component on the hydraulic pack, select the function which uses the
component and monitor the return flow to tank. If no reduction in flow with reference to the
pump suction is evident, continue to step 4.
25.12. Step 4 - Reconnect the cylinders, pipe loader circuit and gearshift.
(a) To test the main cylinders, either extend the cylinders fully up or fully down until
the system relieves (note no to exceed 10 MPa when pulling the reamer against
the rock face). Note the return flow and compare it to the suction flow of the high
return flow
pressure pump. If the efficiency is below 80%(efficiency = pump suction flow x 100 )
the cylinders need repair. In order to identify the single cylinder passing, isolate
the cylinder being tested on the outlet port;
(b) To test the pipe loader circuit, follow the same procedure for each component on
the circuit i.e. pipe loader tilt, swing, gripper, top auto spanner and bottom auto
(c) If no difference from the pump flow is evident, continue to step 5.
25.13. Step 5 - With now component identified, blank off the hydraulic pack again.
(a) Systematically pipe the HP pump directly to each component with the A&B ports
to the pressure inlet of the 60s relief valve, the pressure gauge on the pressure
outlet port of the 60s and the tank port from the 60s through a flow meter to tank;
(b) Set the 60s to 25 MPa and start the hydraulic power pack;
(c) If the flow to tank is less than the pump suction flow or the pressure drops below
25 MPa the component is faulty;
(d) Continue this process until the problem is identified.

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