نسخة Exp - 2 - Hydrostatic - pressure11 (grob 2

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Thermo-Fluid lab

Experiment title Hydrostatic pressure

Experiment No. 2

Experiment date 13/12/2022

Student name ID Section

1 Megren abdullah bin Mubarak 441017601 4
2 Abduaziz ahmed alajlan 441014619 4
3 Meshal saad alshayeb 438021516 4
4 Turki salem alanazi 437020134 4

Instructor: Dr. Murugesan Palaniappan

Evaluation sheet (Official use)

checklist Details Marks

Marks Deducted Remarks

Cover Page 5

Table of Content 5

Introduction 10
± 5 marks,
(Experiment objectives, theory, etc.)
depending on the
Experiment Procedure & setup 20 nature of
Data, Results & calculations 25

Discussion and/or Conclusion 10

References, Standard, appendix, etc. 5

Subtotal 80 Min. 48

Text 12 Regular, with Spacing 1.5 4

Heading 14 Bold 2

Standard Front Type 2

Paragraph: Justified 2

Figures/Tables/Equations: Numbered, 10
Caption & cited in text

Subtotal 20 Min. 12

Total 100

ME-223 Thermo-Fluid Lab Page2


1. Introduction............................................................................................................. 4

1.1. Objectives...................................................................................................................................4

1.2. Background / Theory................................................................................................................4

2. Experiment Procedure and Setup........................................................................6

2.1. Apparatus/device description...................................................................................................6

2.2. Procedure...................................................................................................................................7

3. Results.....................................................................................................................7

3.1. Observations..............................................................................................................................7

3.2. Calculations............................................................................................................................... 8

4. Discussion / Analysis..............................................................................................9

5. Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 9

6. References...............................................................................................................9

ME-223 Thermo-Fluid Lab Page3

1. Introduction
The point at which the sum of the pressure field acts on the item, causing the force to move
through that location, is known as the center of pressure. The hydrostatic force is the
consequence of forces owing to gravity. To build equipment, a thorough understanding of the
hydrostatic force and its course of action is required. The position and size of the water pressure
force operating on water- control structures, such as dams and reservoirs. The structural design
of dams, levees, and gates is critical.

1.1. Objectives

To understand Hydrostatic pressure and find center of pressure.

1.2. Background / Theory

The hydrostatic force at any point on the curved surfaces is normal to the surface and resolves through the pivot
point because it is located at the origin of the radii.Hydrostatic forces on the upper and lower curved surfaces,
therefore, have no net effect – no torque to affect the equilibrium of the assembly because the forces pass through
the pivot.The forces on the sides of the quadrant are horizontal and cancel each other out (equal and opposite). The
hydrostatic force on the vertical submerged face is counteracted by the balance weight. The resultant hydrostatic
force on the face can, therefore, be calculated from the value of the balance weight and the depth of the water.

F= ∗( s∗b ) ( 1.1 )

ME-223 Thermo-Fluid Lab Page4

2. Experiment Procedure and Setup
2.1. Apparatus/device description

Figure 2: HM 150.05 Hydrostatic pressure in liquids.

Table 1: The parts of device:

1 Water Vessel

2 Detent

3 Slider

4 Stop pin

5 Water level scale

6 Rider

7 Weights

ME-223 Thermo-Fluid Lab Page5

8 Handles

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2.1. Procedure
1. Set the water vessel (1) to an angle of a =0° using the detent (2).
2. Mount the rider (6), set the lever arm on the scale (e.g., l=150 mm).
3. Counterbalance the unit with a rotating slider (3): The stop pin (4) must be precisely in the
middle of the hole for this.
4. Performing the Measurement: op up with water until the unit is balanced (stop pin (4) at
center of hole)
5. Determining the Centre of Pressure:
At a water level s, below the 100 mm mark, the height of the active surface changes with the
water level. If the water level is above that mark, the height of the active surface is always
100 mm. Meaning
6. Increase the appended weights (7) in increments of 0.5 - 1 N and repeat the measurement.

Figure 3: Water level trapezoidal profile Figure 4: Water level triangular

3. Results
3.1. Observations
Table 2: recordable data:

Lever Weight Water Y cp from Cale Resultant Moment Moment

arm (N) levels free surface Lever force (N) due to due to Error %
(mm) (mm) (mm) Arm weight FP
(mm) (N-m) (N-m)
240 2 88 58.67 170.67 2.84 480 484.7 0.979
240 4 132 92.16 160.16 6.033 960 966.2 0.645
240 6 176 132.6 156.6 9.27 1440 1451.7 0.8125
3.2. Calculations
S < 100
Y cp =S × (1.6)
Y cp =88 × =58.67 mm
LD = 200-S+Y cp (1.7)
LD = 200-88+58.67= 170.67mm

F p= × (S × b) (1.8)
1000× 9.81× 88
F p= × ( 88 ×75 )=2.84 N
Moment due to weight = L×W (1.9)
Moment due to weight = 240×2=480N-mm
Moment due to F p=LD × F p (1.10)
Moment due to F p=170.67 ×2.84=484.7N-mm
% Of Error = Moment due ¿ weight−Moment due ¿ F p weight ¿
Moment due ¿
% Of Error = = 0.979%
S > 100

( )
Z z
Y cp = S− +
2 z (1.12)
12(S− )

Y cp = 132−
+ ) 100 2
=92.16 mm
LD = 200-S+Y cp
LD = 200 – 132+92.16 = 160.16 mm
F p=ρg ( S−50 ) ×100 × b (1.13)
F p=( 132−50 ) ×100 ×75=6.033 N
ME-223 Thermo-Fluid Lab Page8
Moment due to weight = L×W (1.9)
Moment due to weight = 240×4= 960 N-mm

Moment due to F p=LD × F p (1.10)

Moment due to F p=160.16 × 6.033 = 966.2 N-mm
% Of Error = Moment due ¿ weight−Moment due ¿ F p weight ¿
Moment due ¿
%Of Error = = 0.645%
4. Discussion / Analysis
We figured out As you know in the experiment you should adjust the stop pin by the slider and add weights that
will cause changes in stop pin and we will readjust According to the pressure scales, we realized that we have
one pressure that is under the 100 force and two of them are over 100 force

5. Conclusion

In our experiment we try to for confirmation our goal for experiment by calc pressure force and the
moment, so we find the error is not huge value. so, we find the value for moment due to weight is
close to the value for moment due to pressure force.

6. References

1- eng.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Civil_Engineering/Book

ME-223 Thermo-Fluid Lab Page9

Thermo-Fluid Lab ME-322 Page10

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