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Thermo-Fluid lab

Experiment title Flow Meters

Experiment No. 5

Experiment date 3/3/2022

Student name ID Section

1 Abdulrahman Khalid Albuhayri 440017727 3

2 Faisal Abdulrahman Alghamdi 440018203 3

3 Rami Abdulrahman Alhomeed 440013128 3

Instructor: Dr. Murugesan Palaniappan

Evaluation sheet (Official use)

checklist Details Marks Remarks

Cover Page 5

Table of Content 5
Plagiarism in results & discussion

10 ± 5 marks,
(Experiment objectives, theory, etc.)
part must be < 50

depending on the

Experiment Procedure & setup 20

nature of
Data, Results & calculations 25 department/lab

Discussion and/or Conclusion 10

References, Standard, appendix, etc. 5

Subtotal 80 Min. 48

Text 12 Regular, with Spacing 1.5 4

Heading 14 Bold 2

Standard Front Type 2


Paragraph: Justified 2

Figures/Tables/Equations: Numbered,
Caption & cited in text
Subtotal 20 Min. 12
Total 100

Thermo-Fluid Lab ME-322 Page1

Table of Contents
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................3

1.1. Objectives........................................................................................................ 3

1.2. Background / Theory......................................................................................3

2. Experiment Procedure and Setup....................................................................5

2.1. Apparatus/device description........................................................................ 5

2.2. Procedure.........................................................................................................6

3. Results................................................................................................................7

3.1. Observations....................................................................................................7

3.2. Calculations..................................................................................................... 8

4. Discussion / Analysis.........................................................................................8

5. Conclusion..........................................................................................................9

6. References..........................................................................................................9

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1. Introduction

Flow measurement is an important aspect of fluid dynamics research. It must be created in

chemical facilities, refineries, power plants, and anywhere else where a precise flow rate is
required for product quality or facility performance. Flow measurements are also used in the
metering of water and natural gas into our houses, as well as gasoline into our automobiles. Flow
measurements are performed with a variety of equipment. We will utilize the following devices
as a venturi and nozzle in this experiment. A rotameter, a Venturi meter, and an orifice plate
meter that exhibit conventional techniques of measuring the flow of an incompressible fluid and
applications of Bernoulli's equation. The needs for flow meters range from mass flow to volume
flow and beyond. That's why we've broken down each flow meter type so you can figure out
which one is appropriate for your specific use.

1.1. Objectives

Calibration of variable area flow meter (Rotameter) and measurement of flow usig timed volume

1.2. Background / Theory

A flow meter is used to measure the flow of an incompressible fluid. We'll calculate the flow rate
and compare the pressure drop from this experiment. Nozzle plate / orificeIn terms of operation,
the nozzle plate and the orifice plate are similar devices. They're both regarded flow constriction
devices, with the only distinction being the constriction's profile shape. Both devices work by
drastically lowering the flow's cross-sectional area. This results in an increase in pressure just
before the plate and a drop in pressure just after it. By putting the pressure drop P over the plate
into the following equation, the flow rate may be calculated.

𝑣 = αϵAd √2∆𝑝 (1.1)



𝛼 is the coefficient of discharge

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𝜖 is the expansion coefficient (𝜖 =1 for incompressible flow)

Ad is the cross-sectional area at the nominal diameter

𝜌 is the density of the fluid

∆P is the pressure drop across the constrictor

Orifice plates and nozzles are small devices that can be easily inserted into a horizontal pipeline.
These devices have a high level of accuracy. The flow never entirely returns to the pressure it had
before the meter since the pressure drop is so rapid, meaning that there is some permanent
pressure loss as a result of this instrument. Equation (1) can be simplified by using the
manufacturer's constant parameters.

𝑣 = 𝑘√𝛥𝑝 (1.2)
For the nozzle plate the manufacturer provides k = 231
ℎ × √𝑚𝑏𝑎𝑟 (1.3)
For the orifice plate k = 293
ℎ × √𝑚𝑏𝑎𝑟 (1.4)

The venturi meter is likewise a flow restricting device, but because it has a longer section following the
throat (the point of minimum cross-section), the flow recovers the majority of the pressure lost due to the
constriction. As a result, the venturi is longer typical plate devices, which may be an issue in some cases.
It's also worth noting that the venturi meter, as well as the nozzle and orifice plates, both require a
manometer to measure the P across the constriction. The venturi meter can use Equations (1) and (2) as
well, albeit the parameters will be different.
k = 240

Figure 1: Venturi Flow Meter

When the cross-sectional area of flow diminishes, some pressure head is changed to velocity head, which
is how these devices work (Bernoulli equation). Thus, the head differential between the upstream and
throat sections may be measured to get an estimate of flow velocity, which can then be multiplied by flow
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area to get a discharge value.

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2. Experiment Procedure and Setup

2.1. Apparatus/device description

Figure2: HM 150.3 Flow measurement. Figure3: 6 tube manometer.

Table 1: Part of HM 150.3 Flow measurement.

1- Water outlet
2- Gate valve for controlling flow
3- Rotameter
4- Pressure measurement connection
5- Multi tube meter
6- Manometer
7- Water inlet
8- Flow meter with orifice plate
9- Venturi meter
10- Measuring connection
11- Glass cylinder
12- Ventilation valve
13- Ventilation valve

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2.2. Procedure
Setting up the manometers :

1. For setting up the manometers first connect the connecting hoses to one of the two measuring
elements and to the 6 tube manometer. In this case, the measuring elements are at the top and
bottom of the rotameter.

2. Close the ventilation valve (13) and open the ventilation valve (12) on the manometer.

3. Start the water inlet from the hydraulics bench and close the controlling gate valve (2). This
will flood the system with water which will come out from the top of the manometer. Keep
running the water until no more bubbles are left in the manometer tubes or the connecting

4. Stop the water inlet from the hydraulics bench and close the ventilation valve (12)

5. Slowly open the ventilation valve (13) and adjust the water level in the tube manometer (center
of scale). Close the ventilation valve (13) again.

6. Carefully open the water inlet (from the HM 150) and carefully open the gate valve (6).
Observe the heights of the water columns in the tubes while adjusting the flow rate with the
gate valve (6).

Calibrating the rotameter :

1. To calibrate any kind of meter we compare the values that it displays with the results from
another accurately verifiable method of measurement. In this case, we will measure the volume
of water draining into the HM-150 hydraulic bench and the time taken.

2. After setting up the equipment, start the Hydraulic Bench pump and open the gate valve (2) a
little to set a low initial flow rate.

3. Note the value displayed by the rotameter.

4. Note the heights of the water columns in the manometer. These will be used to find ∆P.

5. Now block the flow of water to the lower tank of the hydraulics bench. This will cause water to
collect in the upper part of the bench. Note the time taken to collect X liters of water.

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6. Now remove the blockage and allow the water to drain.

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7. Open the gate valve a little more to increase the flow rate. Repeat steps 3 to 7 and get 3 more
readings at different flow rates.

8. After finishing the experiment turn off the Hydraulics bench pump and close the gate valve (2).

Figure 4 Rotameter
3. Results
3.1. Observations
Table 2: recordable data of Rotameter

Table 3: recordable data of Nozzle plate. Table 4: recordable data of Venturi.

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3.2. Calculations
𝑉 5 𝑚3‫هنا المعادلة اكتب‬. (1.6)
𝑣= × 3600 = × 3600 = 514.29
𝑡 35 𝑠

ΔP Nozzle plate

ρg(h1 - h2) × 10-5 (1.7)

1000*9.81(324 – 287) × 10-5 = 3.63mbar

Volume flowrate nozzle

𝑉 = 𝐾×(∆𝑃) 0.5 (1.8)

𝑉 = 231× (3.63) 0.5 = 4 4 0 . 1 (L/h)

Volume flow rate − Rotameter reading

%𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑥 100 (1.9)
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒
%𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 = 𝑥 100 = 2.78%

4. Discussion / Analysis

In this experiment, we can see that when the flow rates of the rotameter increase, so do the flow
rates of the flowmeters. The actual flow rates we received differed from the rotameter flow rates,
even though the rotameter flow rates were stated as the experiment's parameter. The flow rates
for the venturi and orifice meters also differ from the actual flow rates. Friction and no-slip
conditions may be causing this as water travels through each of the flowmeters.

5. Conclusion

The flowrate is the amount of gas or liquid that flows through a pipe in one unit of time,
represented by the letter Q. The SI unit of measurement is m3/s (cubic meters per second). In this
experiment, flowrate was measured using an orifice meter, a venturi meter, and a rotameter. The
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Bernoulli and

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Continuity equations will be used to compare the pressure drop estimated in proportion to the
velocity of the fluid in the pipe to determine the functionality and features of this measuring
approach. As a result, we may conclude that a venturi meter is the most accurate flow meter
because the value it returns is closer to the real flow rate due to reduced pressure.

6. References
3- Engineering Fluid Mechanics (Clayton T.Crow) Book Ninth Edition.

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