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The Life of a Cupcake

The poem I have read was written by Shelby Greer and it was a poem that gave
different emotions while reading. The poem was created because the person was
in class one day and got bored and was really hungry, so he decided to write a
poem about what he was craving at that time. The author used different literary
devices that indulges broadening and cogitation of apprehension towards the
poem. By the use of imagery in it, it helped readers to visualize and make the
cupcake have human qualities. Let me tell you why this poem touched my heart.

The cupcake symbolizes a young woman, molded beautifully, only to be seen by

as something to indulge with. In the second stanza, women must make
themselves feminine and learn proper etiquette but, be that as it may, they are
only seen as fragile and weak. Therefore, elucidating the impression that women
are often misunderstood by men and there is no equality. Women should be
allowed to define their womanhood for themselves. Sometimes things cannot
simply work in someone’s favor because of their gender. Women must be given
equal opportunities in every field, irrespective of gender. The last stanza is
pertaining to a woman who is sexually harassed and cannot move because of the
supremacy of the other gender, stronger and bigger than her. That lead her into
thinking that it is already the end for her. This stanza made me realize that women
bear enormous hardship and they have to face a lot of challenges. They have to
go through gender discrimination, harassment and sexual abuse. A woman is
entitled to live in dignity and in freedom from want and from fear but in this
society of ours, it is very hard to fit in.

Putting it altogether, the lifespan of a cupcake compared to a woman, molded and

cooked beautifully but ended just a meal. The author made the readers
understand and open their eyes on how women are not treated equally by
society. What’s most valuable in this poem is how the author makes connection
to the readers by the use of phrases that allows the readers to connect to the
poem which makes it more interesting. It is a well-written poem and I recommend
it for everyone to read.

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