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00:04.020 --> 00:04.320


00:06.930 --> 00:11.850

So once you've decided how many shards your index needs, you need to actually
create that index and

00:11.850 --> 00:13.740

specify the shard count that you want.

00:14.460 --> 00:16.620

So let's talk about how to actually do that.

00:19.550 --> 00:24.110

And afterwards, we'll talk about how you can use new indices as a scaling strategy
of its own.

00:24.950 --> 00:29.930

So here's an example of how to actually specify the number of primary and replicas
that you want on

00:29.930 --> 00:30.710

your new index.

00:31.190 --> 00:34.700

And remember, the number of replicas is applied to each primary shard.

00:35.210 --> 00:37.370

So by saying number of shards ten.

00:37.490 --> 00:43.190

And number of replicas one, that means you're going to end up with ten primary
shards and ten replica

00:43.190 --> 00:46.550

shards with one replica for each primary.

00:47.270 --> 00:49.160

So that can be a little bit confusing at first.

00:50.030 --> 00:54.380

Now, in the past, we sort of implicitly created new indices as we've created new

00:54.380 --> 00:58.430

And we've just been using the default settings for the number of shards because we
didn't care.

00:59.090 --> 01:02.330

You know, we didn't have a lot of traffic in our little course here and we only had
one machine.

01:02.330 --> 01:04.850

So it wasn't really worth thinking about too much.

01:05.450 --> 01:08.000

But in the real world, you want to think about this a lot.
01:08.750 --> 01:14.360
So make sure that any new indexes are formally created before you start inserting
data into it with

01:14.360 --> 01:17.810

the number of shards that you think you're going to need for the foreseeable

01:18.590 --> 01:23.600

Now, to make this easier, there's also something you can look up called index
templates, and that's

01:23.600 --> 01:29.630

the way to automatically apply mappings, analyzers, aliases and settings like that
to any new index

01:29.630 --> 01:30.470

that gets created.

01:30.740 --> 01:32.150

It can save you some time as well.

01:33.140 --> 01:37.370

So let's actually get some hands on practice in doing this because it is an
important thing to remember

01:37.700 --> 01:39.590

and having some sort of muscle memory on.

01:39.620 --> 01:43.970

So let's go off and actually create a new index with a specific number of shards.

01:45.840 --> 01:50.010

So now that we have Cabana, we can use it instead of a console, which is a little
bit more friendly.

01:50.130 --> 01:54.270

So let's start by examining the existing settings on the Shakespeare index.

01:54.690 --> 01:58.410

To do that, we can just say get slash Shakespeare.

01:59.200 --> 02:06.180

You see how it even completes for you if you want underscore settings and hit the
play button.

02:08.200 --> 02:12.770

So you can see here that by default it only created a single shard with a single

02:12.790 --> 02:15.710

So that's the default on this particular system that we installed here.

02:15.760 --> 02:20.530

So that's how you can find out how many shards and replicas you have on an existing
index if you need

02:20.530 --> 02:20.860


02:21.400 --> 02:25.300

Now, let's say we're creating a new index, so we want to explicitly set a higher
number of shards

02:25.300 --> 02:25.600


02:25.960 --> 02:30.130

I mean, typically you would want more than one, right, for the ability to actually
scale this out

02:30.130 --> 02:30.580

at all.

02:31.240 --> 02:34.990

So let's imagine that we're setting up a new index called Text's Test Index.

02:35.650 --> 02:39.010

So to do that, we would say put slash test index

02:42.280 --> 02:46.180

and then open curly brackets and we would say settings.

02:46.360 --> 02:48.490

Notice how it's doing all the tabs for me automatically.

02:48.490 --> 02:55.660

That's kind of nice number of shards even like lets me autocomplete that it's
really handy to use as

02:55.660 --> 02:57.520

compared to just typing it in the hard way.

02:57.520 --> 02:57.730


02:58.300 --> 03:03.850

We'll set that to three and we will set a number of replicas also just
automatically in there for me

03:04.120 --> 03:04.720

to one.

03:05.650 --> 03:10.000

So that is how you would go about creating a new index with a specific number of
shards and replicas.

03:10.030 --> 03:12.550

And remember, you can have multiple shards on one machine.

03:12.560 --> 03:17.740

So by saying number of shards three, that does not require me to have three actual
hosts, but it gives

03:17.740 --> 03:20.050

me the flexibility to do that later on if I want to.
03:20.320 --> 03:25.900
So again, you need to think ahead as to how much capacity you think you might need
going forward and

03:26.500 --> 03:28.450

try to pick the right number of shards based on that.

03:29.080 --> 03:31.870

Let's go ahead and hit play just to show you that it does, in fact, work.

03:33.430 --> 03:33.700

All right.

03:33.700 --> 03:34.510

That got acknowledged.

03:34.510 --> 03:39.340

So now we can do that same request again to get that information back, make sure
that it actually took

03:40.210 --> 03:44.560

test index was what we call that right settings.

03:48.040 --> 03:48.700

And there it is.

03:48.700 --> 03:50.410

Number of charts, three number of replicas.

03:50.410 --> 03:55.090

One, so that is how you go about specifying the number of shards and replicas on a
new index.

03:55.420 --> 03:58.510

And in the real world, that is something you will want to do before using it.

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