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SESSION -1 The Concept of Occupational Health and Safety and Its Historical Development


Which of the following is true about the definition of occupational safety?

A) occupational safety is defined as a state of complete well-being in physical, mental and social

B) occupational safety is a concept that includes technical precautions for eliminating or minimizing
the hazards faced by working individuals while performing a job.

C) occupational safety is defined as a state of complete well-being in physical and mental aspects.

D) Occupational safety is a science that only studies on work accidents.

E) occupational safety is not an interdisciplinary science.


Which of the following concepts cannot be directly associated with the objectives of occupational
health and safety studies at workplaces?

A) Reduce work accidents

B) Reduce occupational diseases

C) Ensure employees have safe working behavior

D) Increase efficiency

E) Raise profits


………………………. one of the first known laws of the history in the Babylonian period, is responsible for
the negative consequences of the work that the foundations of occupational health and safety were
laid with the regulations. Please fill in the blanks?

A) Ereğli Havza Fehmiye

B) Hamurabi Laws

C) Nicander's Law

D) Plini's Law

E) Paraselsus Law


What is the first law in the UK where the youngest working age is set as 10 years old and requires a
doctor's report?

A) Occupational Health and Safety Law

B) Factories Law

C) Apprentices' Moral Law

D) Coal Workers Law

E) Chimney Sweep Law


Who is considered as the father of occupational medicine, who gives historical advice saying to
physicians that “Make sure to ask your patient's profession”?

A) Hippocrates

B) Galen

C) Bernardino Ramazzini

D) Paracelsus

E) Herodotus


Lead poisoning was detected by ……… ? Please mark the correct answer.

A) Hippocrates

B) Platon

C) Aristotle

D) Galen

E) Paracelsus


Which of the following concepts does not directly address the issue of occupational health and

A) Training of Employees

B) Social services provided to employees

C) Risk assessment and management

D) Ergonomic measures

E) Workers' health surveillance


Please mark the correct option which defines health best according to WHO and ILO?

A) Health is defined as a state of complete well-being in physical, mental and social aspects.

B) Health is defined as a state of complete well-being in terms of physical and social aspects.

C) Health is defined as a concept that includes technical precautions for eliminating or minimizing the
dangers faced by working individuals while performing a job.

D) Health is defined as a state of physical well-being.

E) Health is defined as a state of complete well-being in physical and mental aspects.


What is the name of the famous knowledge that mentions that for the first time in the 370s B.C.,
employees should be fed with high-energy foods in order to be efficient?

A) Hippocrates

B) Heredot

C) Nicander

D) Ramazzini

E) Dr.Galen


Which of the following is the labor law still in effect today that was released in 2003 ?

A) 4857

B) 1475

C) 6331

D) 3008

E) 2020


Who was the chief physician scientist of the Roman gladiators and considered the founder of the
concept of sports medicine?

A) Nicander

B) Dr. Plini

C) Dr.Ramazzini

D) Agricola

E) Dr.Galen


Which organization conducts international studies on public health and was established under the
United Nations in 1946 ?

A) International Labor Organization

B) World Health Organization

C) Scientific Studies Organization

D) International Health and Labor Organization

E) National Labor Organization


In which of the following countries have the first scientific developments in the field of occupational
health and safety?

A) Italy

B) Germany

C) Turkey

D) England

E) Greece

SESSION -2 Labor Law


………………. are the jobs that take less than 30 working days according to the labor law? Pleas fill in
the blank with correct answer

A) Impermanent works

B) Permanent works

C) Full time job

D) Part time job

E) Fixed term job


In which of the following employment contract, the end date is foreseen for the completion of a
certain job?

A) Fixed-term employment contract

B) Indefinite term employment contract

C) Non-permanent employment contract

D) Full time employment contract

E) Part-time employment contract


Please find the wrong statement about the subcontractor?

A) It carries out the works that help the main works

B) Must run as a part of the actual job

C) Employ their workers in the main employer's workplace

D) It should be operated continuously with the employment contract

E) Should take jobs in areas that require expertise for technological reasons

If an employer in a private sector has 50 or more employees, what percentage of disabled people
must be employed?

A) % 1

B) % 2

C) % 3

D) % 4

E) % 5


How long the trial period can be decided maximum by collective bargaining agreement?

A) 1 month

B) 2 months

C) 3 months

D) 4 months

E) 5 months


How long can the trial period be decided by the employment contract?

A) 1 month

B) 2 months

C) 3 months

D) 4 months

E) 5 months


One of the following options is not considered among the features of Labor Law. Please mark the
wrong answer

A) Qualified as workers' private law

B) Government intervention is too much

C) Labor is the most important basic concept of this branch of law.

D) The principle of interpretation in favor of the worker is one of the important features.

E) Dependency does not appear as an important feature in Labor Law.

Which of the following is not one of the Employer's debts (responsibilities) arising from the
employment contract?

A) Fee payment

B) Being equal

C) Hiring suitable workers for the job

D) Taking occupational health and safety measures

E) Comply with working conditions


Which of the following is the annual limit of overtime work for general reasons?

A) 100 hours

B) 200 hours

C) 270 hours

D) 350 hours

E) there is no limit


Which of the following is not one of the contract types regulated in the law (4857) ?

A) Fixed-term employment contract

B) Part-time employment contract

C) Indefinite term employment contract

D) Project preparation contract

E) Trial term employment contract


What is the maximum working time per week according to labor law (4857) ?

A) 40

B) 38

C) 37,5

D) 45

E) 42,5


…………………. is the person who act on behalf of the employer and take part in the management of
the business, the workplace and the enterprise? Please mark the correct answer

A) Contract staff
B) Subcontractor

C) Employer representative

D) Worker

E) Sub employer


According to the labor law(4857), how long is the rest period to be given for jobs that take less than 4

A) 60 minutes

B) 45 minutes

C) 30 minutes

D) 15 minutes

E) Doesn't have to give rest


Which of the following is not included among the elements of the worker concept?

A) Working on the basis of an employment contract

B) Working a job

C) Working dependently

D) Working for a fee

E) Being over the age of 20


As a rule, the wages of the worker have to be paid at least once every …………. ? Please fill in the
blanks with correct answer

A) 1 month

B) 2 months

C) 3 months

D) 4 months

E) 5 months


Which of the following can be expressed in a person who develops the knowledge, skills and business
habits required by the profession in a profession?

A) Employer representative

B) Intern
C) Worker

D) Apprentice

E) Employer


The obligation to employ disabled workers is sought in workplaces employing at least …….. workers?
Please fill in the blank with correct option.

A) 3

B) 10

C) 20

D) 30

E) 50


Which of the following is the basic debt (responsibility) of the employee arising from the
employment contract?

A) Fee payment debt

B) Working debt

C) Loyalty debt

D) Obligation to act equally

E) Obligation to take occupational health and safety measures


Please mark the obligation type of the employer in order to take occupational health and safety

A) Obligation to look after the worker

B) Obligation to act equally

C) Loyalty debt

D) Debt of care

E) Fee payment debt


An employee who has been working in the workplace for 5 years immediately terminated his
employment contract without any justified reason. Based on this statement, which of the following
can be said?

A) The worker has to pay 2 weeks' notice pay.

B) Worker must pay 4 weeks' notice pay

C) The worker has to pay 6 weeks' notice pay.

D) The worker has to pay notice compensation in the amount of 8 weeks' wages.

E) Since the notice pay is only paid by the employers, the worker does not have to pay any
compensation in the event.


………………. is required to work in order to qualify for annual leave in accordance with the Labor Law?
Please fill in the blank with correct answer.

A) 2 months

B) 6 months

C) 1 year

D) 2 years

E) 1 month


What is the maximum daily working hours according to the Labor Law (4857)?

A) 7.5 hours

B) 8 hours

C) 9 hours

D) 11 hours

E) 12 hours

SESSION -3 Occupational Health and Safety Legislation


In order to provide a healthy and safe working environment at workplaces; Who is the main
responsible person to determine occupational health and safety measures, to monitor their
implementation, to supervise and develop them, to prevent occupational accidents and diseases, to
provide first aid and emergency response to workers and preventive health & safety services?

A) working

B) Job safety specialist

C) employer

D) workplace doctor

E) Labor Inspector


Which of the following methods cannot be the methods of controlling risks in the workplace?

A) Trying to eliminate risks at their source

B) Replacing the dangerous one with the less dangerous one

C) Preferring collective protection measures to personal protection measures

D) Apply engineering measures

E) Taking advantage of legal approaches


Which of the following is not covered by the occupational health and safety law scope?

A) Public (government) sector

B) Turkish armed forces activities

C) Private sector

D) Apprentices and interns

E) Health sector


Which of the following is under scope of OHS Law (6331)?

A) General law enforcement activities

B) Response activities of disaster and emergency units

C) Home services

D) Those who employ employees and produce goods and services

E) National Intelligence Agency


The employer has to ensure that the health examinations of the employees are carried out. Please
mark the wrong answer?

A) Recruitment examination upon recruitment

B) Re-employment inspection in job change

C) In case of demand upon return to work after repeated dismissal due to work accident,
occupational disease or health

D) During the course of the work, at regular intervals determined by the ILO according to the nature
of the worker, the job and the hazard class of the workplace.

E) During the continuity of the work, at regular intervals determined by the Ministry according to the
nature of the employee, the job and the hazard class of the workplace.


In which law, it is the obligation of the employer to provide training on occupational health and

A) SGK- social security law (5510)

B) OHS Law (6331)

C) Vocational Education Law

D) Law of Obligations

E) General Hygiene Law


Which of the following option is not one of the duties of occupational health and safety

A) Estimating and determining the extent of the risk for each hazard

B) Ensuring employer-employee harmony

C) Deciding if the risk is acceptable and controlling the risk

D) Identifying the hazards

E) Prepare emergency plans


…………….. is the person representing employees in matters such as participating in work related to
occupational health and safety, monitoring, requesting measures, making proposals? Please mark the
correct answer to fill in the blank

A) Employer representative

B) Support stuff

C) Employee representative

D) Journeyman

E) Employer


How do we define the probability of loss, injury or other harmful consequences due to hazard?

A) hazard

B) risk

C) incident

D) risk analysis

E) work accident


How do we define the potential for harm or damage to the employee or the workplace that exists in
the workplace or may come from outside?

A) Hazard
B) Risk

C) Risk assessment

D) Prevention

E) Protection


Which of the following are the duties of State regarding Occupational Health and Safety?

A) To make legislation on Occupational Health and Safety.

B) To supervise the implementation of the laws and regulations issued

C) To prevent occupational accidents and diseases

D) To ensure the protection of employees

E) All options are correct


Which of the following is not considered within the scope of preventive occupational health and
safety activities?

A) Pay compensation (indemnity)

B) Health surveillance of employees

C) To employ an occupational safety specialist

D) To establish an occupational health and safety board

E) Making risk assessment and environmental measurements


If employers or their representatives who make unauthorized work in jobs that are stopped at the
workplace are sentenced …………………. of imprisonment? Please mark the correct answer

A) From 2 to 4 years

B) 4-6 years

C) 3-5 years

D) From 1 to 5 years

E) From 2 to 5 years

SESSION -4 Management Systems


I- Allows you to be a more stable competitor in the market, II- More effective working methods save
time, money and resources III- Gain more customers with better customer service IV- Improved
operational performance reduces errors, increases profits
Which of the above can be said as the advantages of ISO 9001 Quality Management?

A) Only II

B) II and III

C) I, II and III

D) I, III and IV

E) I, II, III and IV


The approach that takes measures in terms of occupational health and safety after a work accident is
told as …….......... ! Please fill in the blank with correct statement?

A) Reactive

B) Corrective

C) Safe

D) Proactive

E) Risk assessment


Which of the following is the most widely adopted and implemented occupational health and safety
management system in Turkey?

A) BS 8800

B) OSHA 18001

C) OSHA 45001

D) ISO 45001

E) OHSAS 45001


Which of the following terms refers to the risk that an organization can tolerate according to the
Occupational Health and Safety Management System, the legal obligations and its own OHS policy?

A) Light accident risk

B) Acceptable risk

C) Nearmiss risk

D) Predictable risk

E) Unpredictable risk


Regarding risk assessment studies, which of the following is not an example of a proactive approach?
A) An accident report after a work accident

B) Training of employees on occupational health and safety

C) Occupational health and safety board meeting at regular intervals specified in the legislation

D) Health surveillance and control studies

E) Workplace trainings


Which of the following management system represents TS EN ISO 9001:2000?

A) Environmental management system

B) Risk Management System

C) Quality management system

D) Occupational Health and Safety Management System

E) Hazard Management System


Quality Management System has a cycle approach to implement. List the steps according to their

I- Do II-Check III- Plan IV- Act






SESSION -5 Risk Management and Assessment


Below is the hazard fallowed by the risk. Which of the following answer is wrong in this order?

A) Not using Personal Protective Mask- poisoning

B) Noisy environment - causing hearing loss

C) Confined space work – exposure to toxic gases

D) Electrical energy - electric shock by touching a faulty conductor

E) Falling person - working at height


Which of the following answer does not fit the definition of hazard in OHS?
A) Walking around the construction site without a helmet

B) Working at height

C) Welding process

D) Injury due to forklift crash

E) Noisy machine


At what intervals should the risk assessment be renewed in a hazardous workplace ?

A) 2 years

B) 3 years

C) 4 years

D) 5 years

E) 6 years


At what intervals should the risk assessment be renewed in a very (more) hazardous workplace ?

A) 1 year

B) 2 years

C) 3 years

D) 4 years

E) 6 years


Occurring in the workplace; what is an event that does not cause damage although it has the
potential to harm an employee, workplace or work equipment?

A) hazard

B) risk

C) Near-miss incident

D) risk assessment

E) acceptable risk

SESSION -6 Fire Protection and Emergency Management


“Any incident requires emergency response to natural disasters such as fire, explosion, spill resulting
from hazardous chemicals, that may occur in the whole or a part of the workplace requires first aid
or evacuation is called ……………………….. incident”.
Please mark the correct answer of blank space at above definition;

A) work accident

B) emergency

C) risk

D) risk assessment

E) hazard


In an emergency condition, which of the below is the employee's obligations?

I. To comply with the preventive and restrictive measures taken, II. Emergency response, III. To follow
the instructions of the teams.

A) Only I

B) Only II

C) I and III

D) II and III

E) I, II and III


At very (more) hazardous category workplaces, what is the emergency response plan renewal

A) Once a year

B) once per two years

C) once per three years

D) every four years

E) every five years


At hazardous category workplaces, what is the emergency response plan renewal period?

A) once a year

B) once per two years

C) once per three years

D) every four years

E) every six years


At less hazardous category workplaces, what is the emergency response plan renewal period?
A) once a year

B) once per two years

C) every four years

D) every five years

E) every six years


In some cases, the fire is effectively extinguished by eliminating the fuel source. Liquid or gas flow is
stopped to eliminate the fuel source. For example: By closing the natural gas valve, the fuel will be
cut or the solid fuel on the path of the fire will be removed. This type of fire fighting method is called
as ……….. ? Please fill in the blank with correct answer

A) cooling

B) prevention

C) removal

D) smothering

E) all options


Regarding current emergency regulation, what is the min. emergency drill period?

A) once a year

B) Twice a year

C) three per year

D) once in two years

E) once in three years


What is the category of fires include metal fires such as uranium and titanium?

A) Class A

B) Class B

C) Class C

D) Class D

E) Class E


Which of the following method is wrong below while trying to extinguish the fire?

A) Do not leave the scene without putting out the fire completely
B) first extinguish the front then the back

C) The fire extinguisher should be pointed at the source of the fire.

D) The used portable fire extinguishers should not be hanged on the original location but instead
they must be sent to manufacturer to refill.

E) Get the wind in front of us and point the fire extinguisher at the fire source.


Solid material fires are normally burning in the form of embers, usually of an organic nature. Which
option correctly defining the category of these types of fires below?

A) Class A

B) Class B

C) Class C

D) Class D

E) Class E

SESSION -7 Occupational Accidents and Diseases


In terms of “cost of occupational accidents for the employee”, which option below is wrong?

A) affects both the employee, their family and the environment

B) Change in life as a result of losing physical activity

C) Loss of income when not working

D) loss of production as a result of occupational accident

E) home care expenses


Occupational accident is defined in Social Security and General Health Insurance Law No.5510
(Article: 13). Regarding those 5 conditions, which of the following is not an occupational accident?

A) All kinds of incidents happen at the workplace that cause physical/mental injury or death
immediately or later on !

B) All kinds of incidents that are related to employers’ work (insured works independently on his
behalf and account due to the work carried out by the employer) causes physical/mental injury or
death immediately or later on !

C) All kinds of incidents happen when assigned to do a job by employer outside of the workplace
during out of working hours that cause physical/mental injury or death immediately or later on !

D) All kinds of incidents happen while coming to work with personal vehicle that cause
physical/mental injury or death immediately or later on !
E) All kinds of incidents happen during commuting with a vehicle provided by employer that cause
physical/ mental injury or death immediately or later on !


Please find the hazard below which can be said as unsafe behavior?

A) Unsafe guardrail system

B) Unsafe and unhealthy environmental conditions

C) Lack of grounding in electrical machines

D) Carrying out a job out of duty

E) Unsuitable hand tools


In case of occupational accident or disease, employers have some duties obligatory by law. Mark the
wrong option below?

A) Keeps records of all occupational accidents and diseases, and prepares the reports related to them
by making the necessary examinations.

B) Assign employees for this job.

C) Investigates the incidents that occur in the workplace or that have the potential to damage the
employee, workplace or work equipment, and prepares reports.

D) Immediately notify the authorized law forces about the "occupational accident".

E) Notify Social Security Institution (SGK) within three working days after the accident.


Please find the hazard below which can be said as unsafe condition?

A) Staying under a crane load

B) Dangerous open pits (areas)

C) Not using PPE (personal protective equipment)

D) Driving a company car without safety belt usage

E) Working at height without medical examination


After an occupational accident or disease Social Security Institution (SGK) must be notified within
………. by the employer? Please mark the correct answer.

A) 3 days

B) 3 working days

C) 10 days

D) 1 month
E) No need to notify.


What particle sizes of the dust can cause occupational disease called pneumoconiosis?

A) Less than 0.5 micron

B) between 0.5 micron-5 micron size

C) between 5 micron-50 micron

D) larger than 100 microns

E) larger than 300 microns


What is the cause of white hand occupational diseases which is called as Reynoud's diseas?

A) Noise

B) Lighting

C) Vibration

D) Pressure

E) Infectious diseases


Regarding current regulation, what is the definition of “obligation time”?

A) It is the longest period between the date when the insured actually started his job that caused the
occupational disease and the date when the occupational disease occurred.

B) It is the maximum acceptable period between the end of harmfull occupational impact and
emergence of the disease

C) It is the shortest time between the date the insured started his job, which caused the occupational
disease, and the date when the occupational disease occurred.

D) It is the shortest time between the date the insured actually leaves his job that causes an
occupational disease and the date when the occupational disease occurred.

E) None of the options


Please fill in the gaps in the following options in order in order to complete below definition

"Insured person’s temporary or permanent ………….., physical or mental disability due to ……………
reason of nature of the job or working conditions is called occupational disease."

A) Occupation-temporary

B) His job-continuous
C) risk - constantly

D) illness - repeating

E) accident- temporary


Noise, vibration, thermal comfort (hot-cold), thermal pressure, ergonomics, radiation and
psychosocial. In which type of occupational disease regarding current regulation we classify these

A) Type A - Occupational diseases by chemical substances

B) Type B - Occupational skin diseases

C) Type C - Pneumoconiosis and other occupational respiratory system diseases

D) Type D - Occupational infectious diseases

E) Type E - Occupational diseases by physical by factors


Fill in the blanks with correct ratios in order.

…….. of the incidents (accidents) can be preventable, only ……. of them are unavoidable.

A) %2 - %98

B) %50 - %50

C) %98 - %2

D) %90 - %10

E) %100 - %0

SESSION-11 Occupational Health and Safety Risk Factors I


Which option below is not a physical hazard?

A ) Noise

B ) Vibration

C ) Thermal Comfort

D ) Lighting

E ) Ergonomy


Please mark the correct option for the hearing and pain threshold limits in order?

A ) Hearing threshold 0 dB / Pain threshold 140 dB

B ) Hearing threshold 140 dB / Pain threshold 0 dB

C ) Hearing threshold 80 dB / Pain threshold 85 dB

D ) Hearing threshold 85 dB / Pain threshold 87 dB

E ) Hearing threshold 0 dB / Pain threshold 85 dB


Please find the lowest noise exposure action values: (L EX, 8saat) ?

A ) 80 dB(A)

B ) 85 dB(A)

C ) 87 dB(A)

D ) 140 dB(A)

E ) 0 dB(A)


Please find the highest noise exposure action values: (L EX, 8saat) ?

A ) 80 dB(A)

B ) 85 dB(A)

C ) 87 dB(A)

D ) 140 dB(A)

E ) 0 dB(A)


Please find the noise exposure limit value: (L EX, 8saat) ?

A ) 80 dB(A)

B ) 85 dB(A)

C ) 87 dB(A)

D ) 140 dB(A)

E ) 0 dB(A)


Which option below is the physiological effect of noise?

A ) increased blood pressure

B ) circulatory disorders

C ) slowed heartbeats

D ) sudden reflex

E ) All options

Please mark the correct option for the Liability period of noise ?

A ) 1 month

B ) 2 months

C ) 3 months

D ) 6 months

E ) 1 year


Noise level measurement device is ……………………… ? Please fill in the blanks with correct option

A ) Dosimeter

B ) Anemometer

C ) Refractometer

D ) Gas detector

E ) Sound detector


People can perceive vibrations between ………………………….. in frequency range? Please fill in the
blanks with correct option below.

A ) 1-10 Hz.

B ) 1-100 Hz.

C ) 1-1000 Hz.

D ) 1-10000 Hz.

E ) 100-1000 Hz.


Which of the following vibration effects on human is measured?

A ) Only Hand Arm Vibration

B ) Only Whole Body Vibration

C ) Hand Arm Vibration / Whole Body Vibration

D ) Partial Body Vibration

E ) None of the options


Which of the following sector is a most common sector regarding hand/arm vibration hazard?
A ) Forestry activities

B ) Food and Beverage

C ) Training Sector

D ) Textile Sector

E ) All options


What is the daily exposure effective value for the 8 hour working period regarding Hand-Arm

A ) 1.5 m/s2

B ) 2.5 m/s2

C ) 3.5 m/s2

D ) 5.0 m/s2

E ) 10 m/s2


What is the daily exposure limit value regarding Hand-Arm vibration?

A ) 1.5 m/s2

B ) 2.5 m/s2

C ) 3.5 m/s2

D ) 5.0 m/s2

E ) 10 m/s2

SESSION-12 Working Principles of Occupational Health and Safety Committees


In the workplaces where the conditions match, the employer establishes an occupational health and
safety board. Please mark the correct conditions in the options.

A ) All workplaces have to establish a safety board regardless any condition

B ) 49 or more employee and Permanent works those last less than six months

C ) 49 or more employee and Permanent works those last more than six months

D ) 50 or more employee and impermanent works those last more than six months

E ) 50 or more employee and Permanent works those last more than six months


Regarding current legislation in place, please mark correct option below which shows occupational
health and safety board members?
A ) Employer or employer representative and Occupational safety specialist/expert and Occupational
Physician (Workplace doctor),

B ) A person in charge of human resources, personnel, social affairs or administrative and financial

C ) Civil defense expert, if any, and Foreman or experienced person, master in charge of the

D ) Employee representative, in case there is more than one employee representative in the
workplace, the chief representative

E ) All options


Regarding current law (6331-OHS Law) in Turkey, OHS board members and their substitutes must be
trained on ……………………? Please mark the wrong option below

A ) The duties and powers of the Board

B ) Financial basics for OHS board members

C ) National legislation and standards on occupational health and safety issues,

D ) Emergency measures,

E ) Risk assessment.


The chairman of the OHS board is the ………………………………., and the secretary of the board is the
…………………………... ! Please fill in the blanks correctly in order.

A ) occupational safety expert / employer or employer representative

B ) employer or employer representative / occupational safety expert

C ) employer or employer representative / occupational Physician (Workplace doctor),

D ) occupational safety expert / occupational Physician (Workplace doctor),

E ) employer or employer representative / Human Resources

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