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28/9/22, 19:09 HELICOTEST (TAREA): 4° - INGLÉS - CAPÍTULO 17


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Villanueva Fernandez

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Diego Armando

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28/9/22, 19:09 HELICOTEST (TAREA): 4° - INGLÉS - CAPÍTULO 17

Pregunta N.° 1: There’s an advertisement for a store assistant at the Surf 1/1
Shack. Why doesn’t

your sister ____________ for it? Look, I picked up the application form for her
to ____________.

A) get - unemployed

B) apply - fill out

C) claim - lose

D) have - sign

Pregunta N.° 2: It isn’t easy to __________ a job at the moment – more than 1/1
two million people

are __________.

A) claim - lose

B) work - full time

C) have - sign

D) get - unemployed

Pregunta N.° 3: When my aunt retires from the police force, she will 1/1
__________ good pension.

A) claim

B) apply… 2/3
28/9/22, 19:09 HELICOTEST (TAREA): 4° - INGLÉS - CAPÍTULO 17

C) get

D) fill out

Pregunta N.° 4: She had to buy a train ticket for a work trip with her own 1/1
money so now she needs to _________ expenses.

A) claim

B) fill out

C) sign

D) apply

Pregunta N.° 5: I’m free on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons because I 1/1
only __________ part-time now.

A) sign

B) claim

C) fill out

D) work

Este formulario se creó en Asociación Saco Oliveros.

 Formularios… 3/3

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