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Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Long Beach, California


Musser, LJ, Garhammer, J, Rozenek, R, Crussemeyer, JA, and uccessful performances in the sport of weightlifting
Vargas, EM. Anthropometry and barbell trajectory in the snatch lift are the product of extensive physical and mental
for elite women weightlifters. J Strength Cond Res 28(6): 1636– preparation that pairs strength and power with tech-
1648, 2014—The primary objective of this study was to examine nical mastery. In the snatch lift (SN), the first of 2
events contested, the barbell is lifted from the ground and in
relationships between anthropometry and horizontal barbell dis-
one continuous motion is received in a squat position fixed at
placement during the pulling phase of the snatch lift (SN) in elite
arm’s length overhead (1,14–17,21). The SN can be divided
women weightlifters. Secondary objectives included description of
into the following 5 phases according to the change in knee
anthropometric and displacement characteristics, and examina- angle and height of the barbell (1,14–17,21): the first pull, the
tions of SN performance and competitive experience. Thirty-six transition, the second pull, the turnover under the barbell, and
women weightlifters competing at the 2009 Pan American Cham- the catch. The first pull begins with barbell lift-off and ends
pionships participated. Participants were measured for standing with the first maximum knee extension as the barbell reaches
height, upper limb, trunk, thigh, and shank lengths, and completed knee height. The transition from first to second pull begins
a questionnaire about competition and training experience. Hori- once the knees begin to flex as the barbell moves past the
zontal displacement from lift-off to first pull maximum (Dx1) and knees and ends with the first maximum knee flexion, or the
from first pull to second pull maximum (Dx2) was determined from “power” position. The second pull begins from the position of
the heaviest successful SN using 2-dimensional video analysis. the first maximum knee flexion and ends with the second
maximum knee extension. The second maximum knee exten-
Significant correlations (p # 0.05) existed between thigh and
sion corresponds with the “top” or “finish” of the second pull.
lower-limb lengths and Dx2 in 53 kg participants; lower-limb length
It is also referred to as the triple extension position because of
and Dx1 in 75 kg participants; and horizontal displacement and
the simultaneous extension of the knee, ankle, and hip joints.
body segment ratios involving the upper and lower extremity in After the second maximum knee extension, the turnover under
multiple weight classes. Correlations between anthropometry the barbell begins and ends at the position of maximum ver-
and Dx1 also reached significance with participants grouped by tical height of the barbell. The catch begins from the position
barbell trajectory type. Except for the trunk and thigh, body seg- of maximum vertical height of the barbell and ends once the
ment lengths were significantly different (p # 0.05) between barbell has been received and stabilized overhead.
weight classes. Significantly different body proportions existed in The SN can also be described in terms of how the barbell
48 kg participants compared with all other classes. Multiple thigh moves in relation to the athlete. During the first pull, barbell
and trunk variables were significantly correlated with performance. movement is upward and typically backward toward the athlete.
Horizontal displacement values were similar to previous reports in The barbell begins moving forward away from the athlete during
the literature. Few significant relationships existed between dis- the transition and then moves almost straight upward during the
second pull. From its position of maximum vertical height, the
placement and performance, and none were found for competitive
barbell moves downward and backward toward the athletes
experience. Understanding relationships between anthropometry
until it is received overhead in the catch. This movement
and barbell trajectory may be useful for optimizing SN technique.
sequence creates a characteristic S-shaped barbell trajectory path
KEY WORDS female, kinematics, biomechanics when the lift is viewed in the sagittal plane (Figure 1).
Barbell trajectory has long been of interest to sport
scientists and coaches as an informative and objective means
Address correspondence to Leslie J. Musser, of evaluating technique in both the SN and clean lift. Analysis
28(6)/1636–1648 of the 2-dimensional movement pattern created by the
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research barbell provides an insight into the characteristics of barbell
Ó 2014 National Strength and Conditioning Association displacement in the vertical and horizontal directions. The
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barbell trajectory. Furthermore,

despite numerous studies re-
porting on the frequency and
distribution of general barbell
trajectory types (Figure 1) as
described by Vorobyev (37),
a consensus has not been
reached in the literature over
which is considered optimal.
The type 1 barbell trajectory,
with the least net horizontal
displacement, is considered the
most energy-efficient pulling
pattern (10,37). Yet, trajectory
information obtained from the
highest caliber athletes over
the past 50 years does not over-
whelmingly reflect the use of
this pattern (8,11,32). Charac-
terized by an increase in net
horizontal displacement in the
direction toward the athlete,
the type 2 barbell trajectory
was described as “non-rational”
by Vorobyev. This pulling pat-
Figure 1. Examples of the 3 general barbell trajectory types shown with first pull horizontal displacement (Dx1)
tern does not intersect with the
and second pull horizontal placement (Dx2) variables. vertical reference line and ne-
cessitates a jumping movement
backward by the athlete to
receive and stabilize the weight
magnitude of horizontal movement can be measured in overhead (2,7,34). Yet, a type 2 pulling pattern is frequently
relation to an imaginary reference line vertically projected observed in elite men and women competing internationally
from the center of the initial position of the barbell. Research (1,2,7,9,17,19,21,22,34). Analyses have also revealed that
has demonstrated that the presence of a relatively limited a higher proportion of type 2 pulling patterns existed among
amount of horizontal displacement created by the use of the men and women athletes lifting a greater amount of weight
double knee bend pulling technique is more effective than relative to body mass (2,21,34). However, the role of individ-
strict vertical elevation of the barbell as depicted and ual anthropometric differences on barbell trajectory type is
explained by Enoka (5). This is because of the improvement unknown. The type 3 barbell trajectory was considered to be
in leverage that occurs when the perpendicular distances the least desirable pulling pattern because of the path of the
between the athlete-barbell system center of gravity and barbell crossing the vertical reference line at 3 points (37).
the working joints are minimized; permitting the reemploy- The number of years of competitive weightlifting experi-
ment of the knee extensor muscles through their greatest ence is an important consideration when comparing barbell
force producing range of motion, and maximum contribution trajectory data between participants. As is the case with
from the back and hip extensors resulting in greater barbell complex motor skills, weightlifting requires considerable
acceleration (5). The stored elastic energy and stretch-reflex practice over time to attain a high level of skill mastery. A
facilitation of the final knee extension may also be used to weightlifter with numerous years of training and competition
maximize the explosive power required during the lift (24). experience will have established a movement pattern that is
Although horizontal barbell displacement is considered an more consistent between attempts compared with a novice
essential element of optimal lifting technique (22), horizontal weightlifter. There is also general agreement that highly
movement resulting from the application of horizontal forces skilled athletes will also use an optimum sequential pattern
should be limited because of the additional energy required of intersegmental coordination when compared with the less
during the pulling phase and to stabilize the weight during skilled (5). Relative to the individual, this would enable more
the catch (2,15,22,34). weight to be lifted because of greater efficiency. Research
Even with use of the double knee bend technique, a large examining barbell trajectory in the SN under competitive
amount of variability exists between athletes with regard to conditions has shown a smaller range in horizontal

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2014 | 1637

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Anthropometry and Barbell Trajectory in the Snatch

displacement among men competitors lifting more weight between participants involved analyses with athletes
relative to body mass compared with those lifting less, but grouped by weight class and grouped by barbell trajectory
these studies did not include the number of years of weight- type. Examinations based on performance in the SN were
lifting experience (2,34). There is a limited amount of made according to the heaviest successful SN in the
research that takes experience into account when examining competition.
barbell kinematics (16, 23). Furthermore, those research
(16, 23) do not include any information about women METHODS
weightlifters. Experimental Approach to the Problem
It has also been suggested that the variability observed in To achieve the objectives of this investigation, women
barbell trajectories between athletes, and the optimum weightlifters competing in the 2009 Pan American Cham-
trajectory for a given athlete, may be influenced by relative pionships were measured for standing height and body
body segment lengths and other leverage factors (8–10). segment lengths and given a questionnaire to obtain
Most reports investigating the segment lengths and propor- competitive experience and additional training information.
tions of weightlifters have focused on men. Some of these Barbell movement was quantitatively analyzed using
reports are descriptive and comparative in nature (3,4,33,35), 2-dimensional video analysis to obtain horizontal displace-
whereas others have attempted to establish a relationship ment values during the pulling phase of the SN and to
between body proportions and level of skill (6,18,26,29,36). determine barbell trajectory type for the SN according to
Only one of these reports included a comparison of anthro- those described by Vorobyev (37).
pometric characteristics between athletes in different weight
classes (26). To the authors’ knowledge, only sport scientists
This study included 36 women weightlifters competing in
from the former Soviet Union have discussed the effects of
the 2009 Pan American Championships in Chicago, Illinois,
athlete anthropometry on pulling technique (27,28,31,32).
from June 4–6, 2009. Medals were awarded for the heaviest
Few have investigated body segment lengths or proportions
SN, clean and jerk (CJ), and total in each weight class. The
in women weightlifters (13,25).
top 3 athletes in the SN for each weight class participated in
Although there is extensive information exploring the
the study. This resulted in an overall equal distribution of
biomechanics of the SN, men have been the subject of this
participants who medaled in the SN vs. those who did not.
research in the majority of cases. Regarding anthropometric
Participants represented 12 of the member nations within
considerations, the literature on weightlifters is limited
the Pan American Weightlifting Federation, and several par-
compared with many other Olympic sports, particularly
ticipants were competitors at the 2008 Beijing Olympic
for women competitors. Accordingly, an anthropometric
Games. Participants were made aware of the procedures,
relationship to barbell kinematics that focuses on barbell
risks, and benefits associated with the study before providing
displacement in the horizontal direction has yet to be
informed consent. Participants also signed a video release
investigated for women weightlifters. Information about
document. The procedures used in this study were approved
competitive experience is also absent from most weightlift-
by a university Institutional Review Board for the protection
ing research making its role unclear with respect to the
of human subjects.
variation in technique observed among participants at
Mean values for age, body mass, heaviest successful SN
national and international competitions (2,19,20,34).
in the competition, heaviest successful CJ in the competi-
The primary objective of this study was to examine
tion, personal record in the front squat (FSQ), personal
relationships between anthropometry and horizontal barbell
record in the back squat (BSQ), and the number of years of
displacement during the pulling phases of the SN in elite
competitive weightlifting experience are presented accord-
women weightlifters. Two secondary objectives also existed
ing to weight class in Table 1. Participant age ranged from
to provide additional perspective on the variables examined
18 to 37 years (23.70 6 4.20 years) and body mass ranged
in the primary objective. First, the anthropometric character-
from 44.00 to 74.98 kg (59.30 6 9.50 kg). Competitive
istics of women weightlifters were to be investigated. This
weightlifting experience ranged from 3.50 to 14.25 years
involved examining anthropometry across all participants,
(8.00 6 2.64 years). All gold medalists had more than 7
comparing anthropometry between participant groups, and
years of competitive weightlifting experience.
examining anthropometry based on performance in the SN.
Second, the characteristics of horizontal barbell displace- Procedures
ment in the SN were to be investigated. This involved Recruiting and data collection occurred on the day of
examining horizontal barbell displacement across all partic- competition for each weight class at the competition venue.
ipants, comparing horizontal barbell displacement between After the third attempt in the CJ, participants were given
participant groups, examining horizontal barbell displace- a written questionnaire to complete asking about the number
ment based on performance in the SN, and examining of years of competitive weightlifting experience, and heaviest
horizontal barbell displacement based on the number of successful FSQ and BSQ. The questionnaire was followed by
years of competitive experience. Comparisons performed the collection of anthropometric measurements. Participants
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were measured for standing height using a wall scale with

the head in the Frankfort plane. Each participant was

Competitive experience† (y)

measured once while in stocking feet. A large sliding caliper
(GPM Gneupel, Switzerland) was used to measure the
following body segment lengths: (a) upper limb (acromion

process to center of clenched fist), (b) trunk (acromion
process to greater trochanter), (c) thigh (greater trochanter
to femoral lateral condyle), and (d) shank (femoral lateral
condyle to lateral malleolus). The greater trochanter and
femoral lateral condyle were used as the estimated hip joint
and knee joint center of rotation, respectively. Body segment
landmarks were identified before measurements were taken.
Back squat† (kg)

33.37 During body segment length measurements, the participants
stood erect with the left upper limb relaxed at the side of the

body and the right upper limb abducted approximately 908


from the body with the hand in a clenched fist. Each seg-
ment was measured in triplicate following the order listed
above, and all measurements were taken on the right side of
Front squat† (kg)


the body. Lower limb length was determined by the com-

bined length of the thigh and shank. Body mass was ob-
tained from the calibrated digital scale used at the official

athlete weigh-in for the competition.


Video records of the SN lifts performed by women at the

2009 Pan American Championships were captured at 60 Hz
using a commercial grade video camera (PV-GS200; Pana-
Clean and jerk* (kg)


sonic USA, Newark, NJ, USA). The camera was mounted on


a tripod 15.85 m to the right side of the competition platform


center providing a sagittal plane view of the right side of the


athletes and barbell discs, and matching the side of the body
the anthropometric measures were taken from. The field of
view was approximately 3.00 m horizontal by 2.25 m
vertical. The optical axis of the camera passed 0.71 m above
Snatch* (kg)

the platform surface for all sessions, with the exception of the
48B/53B session, where the optical axis of the camera

passed 0.58 m above the platform surface. Video field


calibration was performed using a level 0.50 m square

pattern that was recorded while held on top of the largest
*Heaviest successful attempt made in the competition.
TABLE 1. Descriptive characteristics (mean 6 SD).

weight disc facing the camera at the end of each lifting

Body mass (kg)


competition session. Video recordings for each lift began

before the separation of the barbell discs from the compe-

tition platform and ended when the barbell discs returned to


the platform. The heaviest successful SN for each participant

was individually edited from a copy of the master videotape
using Dartfish software (version 4.5; Dartfish, Fribourg,

Switzerland). Each lift chosen for kinematic evaluation was

Age (y)


analyzed using Ariel Performance Analysis Software (APAS;


†Self-reported value.

revision 3.7; Ariel Dynamics Incorporated, Trabuco Canyon,

CA, USA). The center of the largest disc visible on the video
record was manually digitized at 60 Hz. Raw coordinate
48 kg (n = 8)
53 kg (n = 5)
58 kg (n = 6)
63 kg (n = 6)
69 kg (n = 6)
75 kg (n = 5)
Weight class

All (n = 36)

data for one successful lift were smoothed using a cubic

spline function option incorporated in the APAS software.
An adjustable smoothing parameter was varied until the
smoothness of acceleration-time data was visually consid-
ered a most realistic fit. This corresponded to an adjustable
smoothing parameter of 0.2. The smoothing parameter was

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2014 | 1639

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Anthropometry and Barbell Trajectory in the Snatch

then fixed at this value and used for the analysis of all other placement between athletes when grouped by weight class
lifts, and to calculate barbell kinematics as well. Barbell and by barbell trajectory type; (b) Pearson product-moment
position relative to the vertical reference line was used to correlation coefficient was used to examine relationships
determine displacement in the horizontal direction during between horizontal barbell displacement and weight of the
the pulling phase of the lift. Two horizontal displacement heaviest successful SN with participants pooled and grouped
values were obtained for each participant in the SN: (a) by weight class; (c) partial correlation coefficient controlling
first pull displacement (Dx1), defined as the change in for the influence of weight class was used to examine rela-
x-coordinate position between lift-off and first pull maxi- tionships between horizontal barbell displacement and
mum; and (b) second pull displacement (Dx2), defined as the weight of the heaviest successful SN with participants
change in x-coordinate position between first pull maximum grouped by barbell trajectory type; (d) Pearson product-
and second pull maximum. Dx2 was calculated by taking the moment correlation coefficient was used to examine rela-
absolute value of the difference between first pull maximum tionships between horizontal barbell displacement and years
and second pull maximum x-coordinate positions. First pull of competitive weightlifting experience with participants
maximum refers to the maximum horizontal displacement of pooled and grouped by weight class; and (e) partial correla-
the barbell toward the athlete in the first pull. Second pull tion coefficient controlling for the influence of weight class
maximum refers to the maximum horizontal displacement of was used to examine relationships between horizontal bar-
the barbell away from the athlete in the second pull. A bell displacement and years of competitive weightlifting
negative Dx1 value indicates the position of the barbell experience with participants grouped by barbell trajectory
behind the vertical reference line (on the same side of the type. For the ANOVA tests performed, homogeneity of var-
vertical reference line as the lifter). A positive Dx1 value iances was tested using the Levene statistic, and the Gabriel
indicates the position of the barbell forward of the vertical post hoc test was selected because of the unequal sample
reference line (on the opposite side of the vertical reference sizes between weight classes and barbell trajectory types. If
line as the lifter). Dx2 values are positive because of the variances were unequal, the Games-Howell post hoc test
method by which they were calculated and do not specify was used. Omega squared (v2) was calculated to estimate
directionality as a result. Barbell trajectory type classifica- effect size for significant findings. The level of significance
tions were determined visually from graphed x-y coordinate was set at p # 0.05 for all statistical tests performed.
trajectory data according to the general barbell trajectory
types described by Vorobyev (37). RESULTS
Anthropometric variables were not significantly correlated
Statistical Analyses with horizontal barbell displacement when participant data
Statistical calculations were performed using SPSS Statistics were pooled; however, significant correlations existed with
(version 17.0; IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA). To participants grouped by weight class. Lower extremity
address the primary objective of this study: (a) Pearson segment lengths in the 53 and 75 kg participants appeared
product-moment correlation coefficient (r) was used to to be significantly correlated with horizontal displacement
examine relationships between anthropometry and horizon- values (Table 2). Correlation coefficients also reached signif-
tal barbell displacement with participants pooled, grouped icance between body segment ratios and horizontal dis-
by weight class, and grouped by barbell trajectory type; and placement in the 48, 53, 63, and 75 kg classes (Table 2).
(b) partial correlation coefficient (r) controlling for the influ- With participants grouped by barbell trajectory type, signif-
ence of weight class was used to examine relationships icant correlations between anthropometry and horizontal
between anthropometry and horizontal barbell displacement displacement existed for Dx1 only (Table 2). When control-
with participants grouped by barbell trajectory type. To ling for weight class, no significant relationships were found
address the first additional objective of this study: (a) one- between anthropometry and horizontal barbell displacement
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine with respect to barbell trajectory type.
significant differences in anthropometry between athletes Athlete standing height and body segment lengths are
when grouped by weight class and by barbell trajectory type; presented in Table 3. Comparison of anthropometry between
(b) Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was weight classes showed significant differences for all measure-
used to examine relationships between anthropometry and ments except trunk and thigh length. The significant differ-
weight of the heaviest successful SN with participants ences that existed were with respect to height (F5,30 = 10.57,
pooled and grouped by weight class; and (c) partial correla- p # 0.05, v2 = 0.58), upper limb length (F5,30 = 13.89, p #
tion coefficient controlling for the influence of weight class 0.05, v2 = 0.64), shank length (F5,30 = 12.12, p # 0.05, v2 =
was used to examine relationships between anthropometry 0.61), and lower limb length (F5,30 = 7.78, p # 0.05, v2 = 0.49).
and weight of the heaviest successful SN when participants Gabriel post hoc test results revealed the significant differences
were grouped by barbell trajectory type. To address the sec- in height to be between the 75 kg and 53 and 58 kg classes,
ond additional objective of this study: (a) ANOVA was used and between the 48 kg and 63, 69, and 75 kg classes. Partic-
to determine significant differences in horizontal barbell dis- ipants in the 48 kg class were also significantly different from
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Athlete body segment ratios

are presented in Table 3. Signifi-
TABLE 2. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients (r) for anthropometric
and horizontal barbell displacement variables.* cant results existed for compari-
sons of body segment ratios
Anthropometric Displacement between weight classes. Partici-
Group variable variable r p pants were found to be signifi-
Weight class cantly different with respect to
48 kg (n = 8) Upper limb/thigh Dx1 0.74 0.038 the following ratios: upper
Upper limb/lower limb Dx1 0.72 0.044 limb/thigh (F5,30 = 5.14, p #
Upper limb/thigh Dx2 0.65 0.082 0.05, v2 = 0.36), upper limb/
53 kg (n = 5) Height Dx1 20.84 0.078 shank (F5,30 = 2.95, p # 0.05,
Thigh Dx2 20.99 0.002
Shank Dx2 20.82 0.091 v 2 = 0.21), upper limb/height

Lower limb Dx2 20.94 0.016 (F5,30 = 6.17, p # 0.05, v2 =

Thigh/trunk Dx2 20.85 0.071 0.41), thigh/shank (F5,30 = 6.80,
Thigh/height Dx2 20.96 0.010 p # 0.05, v2 = 0.45), thigh/
Shank/height Dx2 20.84 0.072 lower limb (F5,30 = 6.19, p #
Trunk/lower limb Dx2 0.84 0.075
Lower limb/height Dx2 20.87 0.059 0.05, v2 = 0.41), shank/trunk
63 kg (n = 6) Upper limb/thigh Dx1 0.80 0.056 (F5,30 = 4.47, p # 0.05, v2 =
Upper limb/lower limb Dx1 0.83 0.043 0.34), shank/lower limb (F5,30 =
75 kg (n = 5) Lower limb Dx1 20.93 0.020 6.19, p # 0.05, v2 = 0.41),
Shank Dx2 20.81 0.097 shank/height (F5,30 = 7.16, p #
Upper limb/shank Dx2 0.82 0.090
Upper limb/lower limb Dx2 0.92 0.030 0.05, v2 = 0.45), and trunk/
Shank/trunk Dx2 20.99 0.002 upper limb (F5,30 = 2.97, p #
Trajectory type 0.05, v2 = 0.22). According to
Type 1 (n = 5) Thigh/trunk Dx1 0.83 0.080 Gabriel post hoc test results,
Trunk/upper limb Dx1 20.88 0.049 significant differences existed
Trunk/height Dx1 20.93 0.021
Type 2 (n = 19) Height Dx1 20.63 0.003 between the 48 kg and 53, 63,
Upper limb Dx1 20.61 0.006 and 69 kg classes in upper
Shank Dx1 20.59 0.008 limb/thigh ratio, 48 and 53 kg
Lower limb Dx1 20.56 0.013 class in upper limb/shank ratio,
Upper limb/shank Dx1 0.50 0.030 and 48 kg and 53, 58, 63, 69, and
Thigh/shank Dx1 0.44 0.062
Thigh/lower limb Dx1 0.45 0.054 75 kg classes in upper limb/
Shank/trunk Dx1 20.57 0.012 height ratio. The 48 kg class
Shank/lower limb Dx1 20.45 0.054 was also significantly different
Shank/height Dx1 20.45 0.056 from 53, 63, and 69 kg classes
Trunk/upper limb Dx1 0.49 0.032 in thigh/shank ratio; 63 and 69
Trunk/lower limb Dx1 0.39 0.095
Trunk/height Dx1 0.42 0.076 kg classes in thigh/lower limb
Type 3 (n = 12) Height Dx1 20.64 0.026 ratio; 63 and 75 kg classes in
Lower limb Dx1 20.58 0.050 shank/trunk ratio; 63 and
Upper limb/shank Dx2 0.51 0.088 69 kg classes in shank/lower
*The level of significance was p # 0.05.
limb ratio; 53, 58, 63, 69, and
75 kg classes in shank/height
ratio; and 58 kg class in trunk/
upper limb ratio. No significant
differences existed between
53, 58, 63, 69, and 75 kg classes in upper limb length; 53, 58, weight classes for upper limb/lower limb, thigh/trunk, thigh/
63, 69, and 75 kg classes in shank length; and 58, 63, 69, 75 kg height, trunk/lower limb, trunk/height, or lower limb/height
classes in lower limb length. A significant difference also ratios. Significant differences did not exist between barbell tra-
existed between barbell trajectory types and trunk length jectory types with respect to body segment ratios.
(F2,33 = 4.55, p # 0.05, v2 = 0.17). Gabriel post hoc test Correlations reached significance for relationships between
results revealed the significant differences in trunk length anthropometry and weight of the heaviest successful SN.
existed between participants displaying types 1 and 2, and With participants pooled, SN weight was significantly corre-
types 1 and 3. No other significant differences existed in lated with the following: height (r = 0.66, p # 0.05), upper
standing height or body segment lengths between barbell limb length (r = 0.70, p # 0.05), trunk length (r = 0.42, p #
trajectory types. 0.05), shank length (r = 0.62, p # 0.05), lower limb length

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2014 | 1641

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Anthropometry and Barbell Trajectory in the Snatch

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

TABLE 3. Anthropometric and horizontal barbell displacement characteristics (mean 6 SD).

Weight class

Variable All (n = 36) 48 kg (n = 8) 53 kg (n = 5) 58 kg (n = 6) 63 kg (n = 6) 69 kg (n = 6) 75 kg (n = 5)

Upper limb (cm) 55.51 6 3.78 49.96 6 3.47 55.80 6 2.08 56.55 6 1.09 56.6 6 1.87 57.53 6 1.51 59.12 6 1.92
Trunk (cm) 49.22 6 2.90 47.28 6 2.61 50.68 6 1.71 48.02 6 3.77 49.35 6 2.70 50.83 6 3.19 50.24 6 1.30
Thigh (cm) 35.39 6 2.45 34.48 6 2.42 34.44 6 1.95 36.53 6 1.76 34.55 6 3.30 35.15 6 1.52 37.74 6 2.34
Shank (cm) 32.47 6 3.46 27.68 6 2.30 32.02 6 1.48 32.55 6 2.08 35.20 6 2.25 34.57 6 2.48 34.68 6 1.90
Lower limb (cm) 67.86 6 4.64 62.15 6 4.36 66.48 6 3.32 69.07 6 1.79 69.75 6 3.74 69.72 6 2.93 72.42 6 2.32
Height (cm) 155.11 6 6.20 148.00 6 4.96 152.8 6 2.75 154.33 6 3.09 157.17 6 4.57 158.42 6 3.99 163.26 6 3.63

Upper limb/thigh 1.57 6 0.11 1.45 6 0.04 1.62 6 0.06 1.55 6 0.10 1.65 6 0.14 1.64 6 0.09 1.57 6 0.07
Upper limb/shank 1.72 6 0.12 1.81 6 0.11 1.74 6 0.04 1.74 6 0.11 1.61 6 0.11 1.67 6 0.08 1.71 6 0.14
Upper limb/lower limb 0.82 6 0.03 0.80 6 0.03 0.84 6 0.02 0.82 6 0.03 0.81 6 0.03 0.83 6 0.02 0.82 6 0.04
Upper limb/height 0.36 6 0.02 0.34 6 0.02 0.37 6 0.01 0.37 6 0.01 0.36 6 0.01 0.36 6 0.01 0.36 6 0.02
Thigh/trunk 0.72 6 0.07 0.73 6 0.06 0.68 6 0.05 0.77 6 0.09 0.70 6 0.09 0.69 6 0.07 0.75 6 0.06
Thigh/shank 1.10 6 0.13 1.25 6 0.08 1.08 6 0.03 1.13 6 0.12 0.99 6 0.12 1.02 6 0.09 1.09 6 0.10
Thigh/lower limb 0.52 6 0.03 0.56 6 0.02 0.52 6 0.01 0.53 6 0.02 0.49 6 0.03 0.50 6 0.02 0.52 6 0.03
Thigh/height 0.23 6 0.01 0.23 6 0.01 0.23 6 0.01 0.24 6 0.01 0.22 6 0.02 0.22 6 0.01 0.23 6 0.01
Shank/trunk 0.66 6 0.07 0.59 6 0.05 0.63 6 0.04 0.68 6 0.08 0.72 6 0.07 0.68 6 0.06 0.69 6 0.04
Shank/lower limb 0.48 6 0.03 0.44 6 0.02 0.48 6 0.01 0.47 6 0.02 0.51 6 0.03 0.50 6 0.02 0.48 6 0.03
Shank/height 0.21 6 0.02 0.19 6 0.01 0.21 6 0.01 0.21 6 0.01 0.22 6 0.01 0.22 6 0.01 0.21 6 0.01
Trunk/upper limb 0.89 6 0.06 0.95 6 0.08 0.91 6 0.04 0.85 6 0.05 0.87 6 0.05 0.88 6 0.05 0.85 6 0.04
Trunk/lower limb 0.73 6 0.06 0.76 6 0.06 0.76 6 0.05 0.70 6 0.07 0.71 6 0.06 0.73 6 0.06 0.69 6 0.03
Trunk/height 0.32 6 0.02 0.32 6 0.02 0.33 6 0.01 0.31 6 0.02 0.31 6 0.02 0.32 6 0.02 0.31 6 0.01
Lower limb/height 0.44 6 0.02 0.42 6 0.02 0.44 6 0.02 0.45 6 0.02 0.44 6 0.02 0.44 6 0.02 0.44 6 0.01
Dx1 (cm) 25.66 6 3.15 24.46 6 2.42 26.54 6 1.85 26.48 6 4.21 26.02 6 3.81 26.65 6 3.77 24.10 6 2.39
Dx2 (cm) 6.55 6 2.85 7.96 6 2.79 3.82 6 1.77 5.90 6 1.49 7.00 6 0.84 5.67 6 1.76 8.34 6 5.25

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(r = 0.66, p # 0.05), upper limb/thigh ratio (r = 0.34, p # were significantly correlated with SN weight. For type 3 lifts,
0.05), upper limb/height ratio (r = 0.55, p # 0.05), thigh/ trunk length (r = 0.65, p # 0.05) and trunk/height ratio (r =
shank ratio (r = 20.37, p # 0.05), thigh/lower limb ratio (r 0.65, p # 0.05) were significantly correlated with SN weight.
= 20.37, p # 0.05), shank/trunk ratio (r = 0.40, p # 0.05), Barbell trajectory type frequencies are presented in Table 4.
shank/lower limb ratio (r = 0.37, p # 0.05), shank/height ratio For all participants, the distribution of barbell trajectories was
(r = 0.48, p # 0.05), trunk/upper limb ratio (r = 20.34, p # 14% type 1, 53% type 2, and 33% type 3. Of the 19 partic-
0.05), and lower limb/height ratio (r = 0.43, p # 0.05). Signif- ipants with type 2 classified lifts, 68% medaled in the SN,
icant correlations between anthropometry and SN weight also whereas 42% of the 12 athletes with type 3 medaled in the
existed with participants grouped by weight class, but only in SN. None of the athletes with type 1 medaled. There was
the 48, 58, and 69 kg classes. In the 48 kg class, thigh length (r = a 72% type 2 and 28% type 3 distribution among medalists,
0.71, p = 0.05) and thigh/height ratio (r = 0.73, p # 0.05) were and gold medalists in each weight class exclusively exhibited
significantly correlated with SN weight. In the 58 kg class, trunk a type 2 pattern.
length (r = 0.83, p # 0.05), shank/trunk ratio (r = 20.84, p # Horizontal displacement values are presented in Table 3. For
0.05), trunk/upper limb ratio (r = 0.93, p # 0.05), trunk/height all participants, Dx1 ranged from 211.5 to 0.1 cm (25.7 6 3.2
ratio (r = 0.85, p # 0.05), and lower limb/height ratio (r = cm) and Dx2 ranged from 1.6 to 15.6 cm (6.6 6 2.9 cm).
20.85, p # 0.05) were significantly correlated with SN weight. Analysis of variance results indicated no significant differences
In the 69 kg class, trunk length (r = 0.85, p # 0.05), upper limb/ between weight classes with respect to either horizontal dis-
lower limb ratio (r = 0.92, p # 0.05), shank/trunk ratio (r = placement variable. However, barbell trajectory types were
20.92, p # 0.05), trunk/upper limb ratio (r = 0.96, p # 0.05), found to be significantly different with respect to both hori-
trunk/lower limb ratio (r = 0.97, p # 0.05), trunk/height ratio (r zontal displacement variables. One-way analysis of variance
= 0.89, p # 0.05), and lower limb/height ratio (r = 20.95, p # results showed a significant difference between barbell trajec-
0.05) were significantly correlated with SN weight. Significant tory types and Dx1 (F2,33 = 38.88, p # 0.05, v2 = 0.67). Gabriel
correlations existed between anthropometry and SN weight post hoc test results revealed that the significant differences in
with participants grouped by barbell trajectory type. For type Dx1 existed between types 1 and 2, types 1 and 3, and types 2
1 lifts, upper limb length (r = 0.96, p # 0.05), thigh length (r = and 3. A significant Levene statistic was obtained for Dx2
0.88, p # 0.05), shank length (r = 0.97, p # 0.05), lower limb indicating the assumption of homogeneity of variance was
length (r = 0.99, p # 0.05), upper limb/height ratio (r = 0.92, p not met. The Brown-Forsythe F was used to correct for this
# 0.05), shank/trunk ratio (r = 0.90, p # 0.05), and lower limb/ violated assumption, and results indicated that barbell trajec-
height ratio (r = 0.96, p # 0.05) were significantly correlated tory types were significantly different with respect to Dx2
with SN weight. For type 2 lifts, height (r = 0.54, p # 0.05), (FBF 2,16.79 = 6.97, p # 0.05, est. v2 = 0.22). Results of the
upper limb length (r = 0.47, p # 0.05), shank length (r = 0.51, p Games-Howell post hoc procedure showed the significant dif-
# 0.05), and lower limb length (r = 0.49, p # 0.05) were sig- ferences in Dx2 existed between types 1 and 2.
nificantly correlated with SN weight. For type 3 lifts, height (r = Correlations between horizontal barbell displacement and
0.70, p # 0.05), upper limb length (r = 0.81, p # 0.05), lower performance in the SN showed mixed results. With partic-
limb length (r = 0.72, p # 0.05), upper limb/height ratio (r = ipants pooled, correlations between horizontal displacement
0.60, p # 0.05), and trunk/upper limb ratio (r = 20.58, p # variables and SN weight did not reach significance. With
0.05) were significantly correlated with SN weight. Correlations participants grouped by weight class, results showed SN
also reached significance when controlling for weight class with weight was significantly correlated with Dx1 in the 63 kg
participants grouped by barbell trajectory type. For type 1 lifts, weight class (r = 20.85, p # 0.05). No other significant
lower limb length (r = 0.98, p # 0.05), thigh/height ratio (r = correlations were found between SN weight and horizontal
0.96, p # 0.05), and lower limb/height ratio (r = 0.97, p # 0.05) displacement in the remaining classes. With participants

TABLE 4. Frequencies of general barbell trajectory types.

Weight class
type All (n = 36) 48 kg (n = 8) 53 kg (n = 5) 58 kg (n = 6) 63 kg (n = 6) 69 kg (n = 6) 75 kg (n = 5)

1 5 3 0 1 1 0 0
2 19 3 5 3 3 4 1
3 12 2 0 2 2 2 4

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2014 | 1643

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Anthropometry and Barbell Trajectory in the Snatch

grouped by barbell trajectory type, the only significant cor- high distribution of one type of barbell trajectory in the 53
relation that existed was between Dx1 and SN weight for the (100% type 2) and 75 kg (80% type 3) classes may have
type 2 pattern (r = 20.55, p # 0.05). However, for all 3 inadvertently controlled for the variation in the first and
barbell trajectory types, no significant relationships existed second pull horizontal displacement present between trajec-
between horizontal barbell displacement and SN weight tory types. As a result, the significant correlations between
when controlling for weight class. anthropometric and displacement data could be revealed.
No significant correlations were found between horizontal Anthropometry and horizontal barbell displacement were
barbell displacement variables and years of competitive also examined for body segment ratios. Results are mixed
weightlifting experience with participants pooled, grouped by with respect to the type of body segment ratios associated
weight class, grouped by barbell trajectory type, or grouped by with less horizontal displacement during the pulling phases
barbell trajectory type while controlling for weight class. of the SN (Table 2). Seven statistically significant body seg-
ment ratio relationships were found when participants were
DISCUSSION grouped by weight class, but none when participants were
The primary objective of this study was to examine relation- pooled. In the 48 kg class, there appeared to be strong pos-
ships between anthropometry and horizontal barbell dis- itive correlations between upper limb/thigh and upper limb/
placement during the pulling phases of the SN in elite lower limb ratios and Dx1. As the length of the upper limb
women weightlifters. The anthropometric characteristics increased in relation to the length of the lower extremity,
initially analyzed were standing height and body segment there was a tendency for barbell movement toward the body
lengths. Significant correlations were found between body during first pull to decrease (Dx1 was less negative). In the 53
segment lengths and horizontal barbell displacement when kg class, a strong negative correlation was found between
participants were grouped according to weight class, but not thigh/height ratio and Dx2. As the length of the thigh
pooled (Table 2). For the sake of discussion, results are increased in relation to standing height, there was a tendency
described in terms of a body segment length that is associ- for barbell movement from the first to second pull maximum
ated with less horizontal barbell movement. In the 53 kg to decrease. In the 63 kg class, a strong positive correlation
class, a strong negative correlation existed between thigh existed between upper limb/lower limb ratio and Dx1. As
length and lower limb length and Dx2. As the length of the length of the upper limb increased in relation to the
the thigh and lower limb increased, there was a tendency lower limb, there was a tendency for barbell movement
for barbell movement to decrease from the first to second toward the body during first pull to decrease (Dx1 was less
pull maximum. In the 75 kg weight class, a strong negative negative). In the 75 kg class, there appeared to be a strong
correlation was found between lower limb length and Dx1. positive correlation between upper limb/lower limb ratio
As the length of the lower limb decreased, there was a ten- and Dx2, and strong negative correlation between shank/
dency for barbell movement toward the body during the first trunk ratio and Dx2. As the length of the upper limb
pull to decrease (Dx1 was less negative). Because of the small decreased in relation to lower limb length, and as the length
sample sizes when participants were grouped by weight of the shank increased in relation to trunk length, there was
class, a number of other correlation coefficients showed a tendency for barbell movement from first to second pull
strong to moderate relationships between anthropometry maximum to decrease.
and horizontal displacement but did not reach statistical In addition to examining relationships between anthro-
significance at the p # 0.05 level (Table 2). pometry and horizontal barbell displacement with partic-
Significant correlations between body segment lengths ipants pooled and grouped by weight class, participants were
and horizontal displacement only existed for 2 of the 6 also grouped according to the type of barbell trajectory
weight classes. One possible explanation is the distribution of pattern displayed. Significant correlations were found
barbell trajectory types. Of the 6 weight classes analyzed, the between anthropometry and horizontal barbell displacement
53 and 75 kg classes displayed the highest frequency of one in the first pull when participants were grouped by barbell
type of barbell trajectory (Table 4). Despite the nonsignifi- trajectory type. For type 1 lifts, a strong negative relationship
cant effect of weight class on horizontal displacement vari- was found for trunk/upper limb and trunk/height ratios and
ables, significant differences did occur for Dx1 and Dx2 with Dx1. As the length of the trunk decreased in relation to the
respect to barbell trajectory type. As a result, the type and length of the upper limb and standing height, there was
frequency of a particular trajectory exhibited by competitors a tendency for barbell movement toward the lifter during the
in a weight class may have interfered with finding a signifi- first pull to decrease (Dx1 was less negative). With the
cant relationship between anthropometry and horizontal exceptions of trunk and thigh lengths, type 2 lifts appeared
displacement. An example of this is the mixed distribution to have moderate negative correlations between height and
of barbell trajectory types that occurred in the 48, 58, 63, and all other body segments lengths and Dx1. These results
69 kg weight classes. No significant correlations were found indicate a tendency for barbell movement toward the lifter
for these weight classes with respect to height or body seg- during first pull to decrease as standing height and the
ment lengths and horizontal displacement. Conversely, the lengths of the upper limb, shank, and lower limb decreased.
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Moderate correlations were also found for type 2 lifts (Table 4). The 48 kg class also displayed the shortest mean
between body segment ratios and Dx1. As the length of trunk length of all weight classes (Table 3). As a result, the
the shank and upper limb decreased in relation to the trunk, differences in trunk length with type 1 compared with types
and as the length of the upper limb increased in relation to 2 and 3 may be because of the higher frequency of types 2
the shank, there was a tendency for barbell movement and 3 and the longer mean trunk lengths in the other weight
toward the lifter during the first pull to decrease. For type 3 classes. The near-significant results for comparisons of body
lifts, moderate negative correlations existed between height mass between barbell trajectory types (p = 0.052) suggests
and lower limb length and Dx1. As the height and the length a trend in the data indicating a difference. Results for body
of the lower limb decreased, there was a tendency for barbell segment ratios were in contrast to those just discussed for
movement toward the lifter during the first pull to decrease. body segment lengths; body segment ratios did not seem to
Results for the type 2 pulling pattern are in agreement with be related to barbell trajectory type.
observations made by sport scientists of the former Soviet The final component of investigating the anthropometric
Union: men with proportionately longer upper and lower characteristics of women weightlifters included examining
limbs relative to the trunk exhibited a first pull barbell anthropometry based on performance in the SN. In general,
trajectory that moved toward the lifter to a greater degree results reflect the importance of athlete trunk and thigh
than those with proportionately shorter upper and lower length. When participant data were pooled and grouped by
limbs relative to the trunk (27,28,31,32,37). Although results barbell trajectory type, increases in height and the length of
for the type 3 pattern also suggest an association between the upper and lower limbs were linked to more weight lifted
longer limbs and an increase in barbell movement toward the in the SN. An explanation of these results may be the overall
lifter during the first pull, results for the type 1 pattern con- increase in mean height, upper limb, and lower limb lengths
tradict these findings. Controlling for the influence of weight as weight class increased (Table 3). Consequently, results
class with respect to barbell trajectory type did not reveal may be a reflection of the increase in SN weight as body
significant relationships between anthropometry and hori- mass increased because the influence of weight class was not
zontal barbell displacement during the first or second pull. controlled for. When the influence of weight class was
A secondary objective of this study was to investigate the removed, significant relationships involving trunk and thigh
anthropometric characteristics of women weightlifters. length were found. Grouping participants by weight class
Anthropometric characteristics were again separated into 2 revealed relationships between anthropometry and SN
categories (standing height and body segment lengths, and weight in the 48, 58, and 69 kg classes. In the 48 kg class,
body segment ratios). Results of comparisons made between the strong positive correlations for thigh length and thigh/
weight classes did not show significantly different means for height ratio suggest that as thigh length increased, there was
trunk and thigh length. These 2 shared features among a tendency for SN weight to increase. In the 58 and 63 kg
women weightlifters may reflect an optimal body segment classes, significant relationships involved the trunk (either
length given the fixed dimensions of weightlifting equip- directly or indirectly). These strong correlations suggest that
ment. With the exception of height, all of the significant as the length of the trunk increased, there was a tendency for
differences that existed between weight classes (upper limb, SN weight to increase. Grouping participants by barbell tra-
shank, and lower limb lengths) involved the lightest class, 48 jectory type while controlling for weight class revealed sig-
kg. Comparisons made between weight classes of body nificant results for types 1 and 3. For type 1 lifts, an increase
segment ratios showed similar results; most nonsignificant in thigh length relative to height, an increase in lower limb
ratios included trunk and thigh lengths, and all significant length, and an increase in lower limb length relative to
ratios involved the 48 kg class. It is a popular opinion among height were strongly correlated with an increase in SN
weightlifting coaches that many of the 48 kg athletes are weight. For type 3 lifts, an increase in trunk length and an
anthropometrically unique compared with women compet- increase in trunk length relative to height were moderately
itors in heavier weight classes, and the results of this study correlated with an increase in SN weight.
support that observation. The anthropometric findings of this study are in agreement
Anthropometric characteristics were also investigated with previous weightlifting research, where longer trunks
with participants grouped according to barbell trajectory were observed in men of Olympic and international caliber,
type. Significant differences existed in trunk length between and serve as further supporting evidence of the importance of
athletes displaying a type 1 pattern compared with types 2 a longer trunk in SN performance (26,29,33). Findings also
and 3. This suggests that the trunk length may be a factor coincide with longer thigh lengths reported in Taiwanese
related to the type of barbell trajectory best suited for an women weightlifters of higher skill (25). However, the longer
athlete. Differences in trunk length with type 1 may also be thigh lengths found in women differ from shorter thigh
related to the high frequency of type 1 in the 48 kg class lengths exhibited by men on the Polish national team relative
compared with other classes. Although the type 2 and 3 to controls (26), Olympians at the Montreal Olympic Games
patterns were distributed throughout most of the weight (33), and other weightlifters ranging from novice to Olympic
classes, type 1 was predominately found in the 48 kg class caliber (29). Shorter lower limbs relative to height have also

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2014 | 1645

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Anthropometry and Barbell Trajectory in the Snatch

been documented in men of higher skill (18). In addition, attempts) for national-level American women weightlifters
although men of Olympic and international caliber were re- (20), 4.1 cm for women world champions (1), 5 cm for
ported to have shorter upper limb lengths for their height junior women world champions (30), and 4 and 7.7 cm
compared with other athletes and controls (26,33,35), the for the women gold medalists and Japanese representatives
upper limb/height ratio among the women weightlifters in at the 2008 Asian Championships, respectively (21).
this study did not reach significance. The prevalence of type 2 trajectory lifts in this study adds to
The other secondary objective of this study was to the mixed reports in the literature about the most common
investigate the characteristics of horizontal barbell displace- barbell trajectory found for women weightlifters. Some previous
ment in the SN. Measuring horizontal barbell displacement research indicates a propensity toward type 1 (11,14) and type
relative to a vertical reference line projected from the initial 3 (19) in elite-level competitors, yet these 2 types occurred with
position of the barbell is a commonly used method in the the lowest frequency in the attempts evaluated in this study.
literature for quantifying barbell movement (Figure 1). Barbell Interestingly, across the 6 weight classes, 72% of medalists and
movement during the first pull varied considerably among all gold medalists exhibited type 2 lifts. This finding coincides
athletes. In some cases, the barbell moved toward the athlete with results from world (1) and continental champions (21), as
just after lift-off (types 1 and 2), whereas in others it moved well as case studies investigating barbell kinematics in world
away (type 3). However, for 34 of the 36 lifts analyzed, the record holders from China (12,39) and Taiwan (38).
maximum x-coordinate position of the barbell during the first Investigating horizontal barbell displacement in the SN
pull was toward the athlete relative to the vertical reference involved examining data across all participants and comparing
line. The mean displacement of the barbell during the first pull data between participant groups. Results showed significantly
was 25.7 cm; within the range given by Garhammer (9) of 4–6 different means between barbell trajectory types with respect to
cm. The mean value obtained in this study was also similar in horizontal barbell displacement. The significant differences for
magnitude and direction of barbell movement toward the lifter Dx1 between all trajectory types indicate that the amount of
to previous research which found means of 5.3 cm for men horizontal barbell movement during the first pull varies based
competitors at the concurrent 1996 U.S. National Champion- on the type of pulling pattern. Similarly, the significant differ-
ships and North American Central American Caribbean Island ences for Dx2 between types 1 and 2 indicate that the amount
Championships (34), 6.20 and 6.29 cm for men on the Greek of horizontal barbell movement between first pull and second
national team (14,17), 5.92 cm for women world champions pull maximum varies between type 1 and 2 pulling patterns.
(1), 6.0 cm for junior women world champions (30), and 6.1 Horizontal barbell displacement was also examined
and 5.0 cm obtained for the women gold medalists and Japa- based on performance in the SN. In this case, a limited
nese representatives at the 2008 Asian Championships, respec- number of significant correlations were found. Correlations
tively (21). Results from this study differed from the smaller between horizontal displacement and SN weight did not
mean values for barbell movement toward the lifter of 1.97 cm reach significance with participants pooled. With the
(which includes both successful and unsuccessful attempts; exception of the 63 kg class, results indicate that horizontal
1.60 cm for heaviest successful attempts) for women compet- displacement showed no relationship to SN performance
itors in the 69 kg class at the 1999 U.S. National Champion- when participants were grouped by weight class. In the
ships (20), and 3.65 cm for women on the Greek national team 63 kg class, the strong negative relationship found between
(14). The magnitude of first pull displacement toward the lifter Dx1 and SN weight indicates that as barbell movement
for SN gold medalists in this study ranged from 5.5 to 10.5 cm; toward the lifter during the first pull increased (Dx1 was
also in close agreement with the 4–11 cm and 3–9 cm values more negative), there was a tendency for SN weight to
documented by Garhammer (9) in men world and Olympic increase. When participants were grouped by barbell
champions, respectively. The lack of significant differences in trajectory type, a moderately strong negative correlation
first pull displacement between men and women weightlifters existed between Dx1 and SN weight for the type 2 pulling
has also been reported by Gourgoulis et al. (14). pattern. As barbell movement toward the lifter during the
During the second pull, the barbell moved away from the first pull increased, there was a tendency for SN weight to
body of each athlete. For approximately 53% of lifts analyzed, increase. When controlling for the influence of weight class
the barbell did not cross the vertical reference line. The with respect to barbell trajectory type, correlations did not
maximum x-coordinate barbell position during the second reach significance for horizontal displacement and SN
pull had a mean of 0.9 cm forward of the vertical reference weight. Previous research has shown that men and women
line. This value may be explained by the near equivalent weightlifters of higher skill display a smaller amount of
distribution of lifts that crossed the vertical reference line horizontal barbell displacement compared with those of
(types 1 and 3) to those that did not (type 2). Dx2 had a mean lesser skill (21,34). The general lack of significant results
value of 6.6 cm, which was similar to those found in previous between horizontal barbell displacement and SN perfor-
research: 7.9 cm was found in successful attempts for men mance in this study may be because of the high level of
weightlifters (34), 6.37 cm (which includes both successful skill participants possessed to become a member of a con-
and unsuccessful attempts; 4.70 cm for heaviest successful tinental championship team.
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Investigating the characteristics of horizontal barbell with the bar at a higher point on the body during the second
displacement in the SN included one final component: pull (on the lower abdomen instead of the upper thigh).
examining horizontal displacement based on the number Using this technique, greater hip and back extension is
of years of competitive experience. One explanation for the required during the second pull to adequately elevate the
nonsignificant relationships between horizontal displace- barbell as demonstrated by the characteristic top pull posi-
ment and competitive experience may be the extensive tion in world-class Asian and European weightlifters. A
experience possessed by the athletes in this study (Table 1). common strategy by which higher body contact is accom-
If more experience is associated with a higher level of tech- plished is through wider hand placement. However, a wider
nical proficiency, it is reasonable to assume the magnitude of grip can present a significant disadvantage as well. The resul-
horizontal barbell movement and variation between athletes tant decrease in trunk angle relative to the horizontal plane
may not be statistically significant. This is in agreement with places greater emphasis on the posterior chain musculature
previous research, where no significant differences were at lift-off and during the first pull. Trunk angle is further
found in horizontal displacement between groups of men decreased in an athlete with a proportionately shorter trunk
weightlifters differing in age (16) or groups differing in skill, who must take a wider grip to make contact on the lower
but were similar in terms of years of experience (23). abdomen compared with an athlete with a proportionately
longer trunk. Accordingly, the use of a wider grip to make
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS contact higher on the body would likely be more advanta-
This study contributes to the limited body of scientific geous for athletes with proportionately longer trunks than
knowledge pertaining to women weightlifters. It is also a first those with proportionately shorter trunks. Results of this
step toward understanding the previously unexplored rela- study support this conclusion; proportionately longer trunks
tionship between athlete anthropometry and barbell move- were found among higher performing athletes and those
ment. In general, the results of this study indicate that displaying a type 2 or 3 pulling pattern compared with type
relationships between anthropometry and horizontal barbell 1. In contrast, a proportionately longer lower extremity was
displacement exist, but vary between weight class and found in athletes displaying type 1. These results suggest that
barbell trajectory type. This suggests relationships between athletes with a proportionately longer trunk may be best
anthropometry and barbell displacement may be influenced suited for a type 2 or 3 pulling pattern and a type 1 pattern
by additional factors. As a result, information gathered from may be better suited for athletes with a proportionately lon-
investigation of anthropometry and horizontal displacement ger lower extremity. An additional consideration regarding
may have greater value when interpreted within the context the use of the type 2 pulling pattern is the typical jumping
of weight class or barbell trajectory type. For example, movement backward when receiving the bar overhead.
displacement data used to evaluate technique between Backward movement should be carefully monitored in both
athletes of varying caliber may be more informative if successful and unsuccessful attempts for a given athlete to
athletes are in similar weight classes or exhibit similar barbell establish the characteristics of a successfully executed lift and
trajectory patterns. Displacement data can also be used to to minimize excessive rearward movement linked to unsuc-
analyze the consistency of lifting technique between at- cessful SN attempts (34).
tempts for a particular athlete. Both weightlifting coaches The results of this study are not only of importance to
and athletes can benefit from a better understanding of the weightlifting coaches and athletes, but to the strength and
association between anthropometry and horizontal displace- conditioning professional as well. Providing information
ment to optimize technique based on individual body about factors that influence lifting mechanics in women,
dimensions. such as anthropometry, may facilitate teaching and skill
The anthropometric characteristics of the participants acquisition in this population. The presence of women in
in this study may be used as a general representation of the weight room has increased dramatically over previous
body dimensions in elite women weightlifters. This decades, in part because of the changes in social percep-
information may be helpful for talent identification pur- tions, but also as a result of growing public knowledge
poses. The thigh and trunk may be of particular impor- about the benefits of increased strength on sports perfor-
tance to weightlifting performance based on findings that mance, health, and injury prevention. The need for the
the average lengths of these 2 body segments were similar strength and conditioning professional to understand lifting
between weight classes. Information from this study may mechanics in women is increasingly important as the
also be of assistance when determining the appropriate number of women participating in sport and athletic
weight class for an athlete. activities continues to grow.
The type 2 trajectory pattern may be advantageous in the
SN based on the high frequency observed in medalists at the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
2009 Pan American Championships (72%). In addition to The authors would like to thank U.S.A. Weightlifting and
the modifications in lifting technique discussed by Stone members of the Pan American Weightlifting Federation for
et al. (34), a type 2 pattern can be created by making contact their cooperation in carrying out this study.

VOLUME 28 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2014 | 1647

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Anthropometry and Barbell Trajectory in the Snatch

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