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Group 3 : - Aprilia Cahyani Karangan

- Danu Ilham Raharjo

- Fitri Ramadhani Mahmud

- Indah Ayu Wulandari

- Poppy Evelyne Asik Sombo

- Rachel Cristina Irsa Fernandez

- Stela Karonggasa
1. Definition
News item text is a text which informs readers about events
of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or
important. It means if there is an important event that should
be known by many people, then this event deserves news.
Well, the news text is called the news item text. However, if
there are events that people do not deserve, then they are not
definitely worth to be news.
2. Social Function
The news item function is also known as the social function,
which is the purpose of writing a text for the general public.
Well, none other than news item text aims to provide
information to readers about an important event or event of
In addition, with the news item, people can determine their
attitude as a response to the news.
3. Structure
a. Main Events / Newsworthy event(s): it recounts the event
in summary form.
b. Elaboration / Background event(s): they elaborate what
happened, to whom, in what circumstance
c. Resource of Information (Source): it contains comments by
participants in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the
4. Example

Winning the 100th International Medal, Mischka and Devon

Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students in East Java
High-achieving siblings Mischka Aoki and Devon Kei celebrated
winning the 100th medal in an international math and science
Olympiad with 1,000 students during their visit to East Java last
They recently won two gold medals in the HKIMO Olympiad
and another two gold medals from the Singapore Math
Competition. These two wins complete the total of 100 medals
they have gotten since this pandemic started.
His younger brother, Devon Kei, once again ranked first in the
world in the 2022 Singapore Math Competition.
Not only having achievements in the fields of mathematics and
science, Mischka and Devon often run their social programs and
share their knowledge and knowledge with other Indonesian
In their "Road to School" to East Java last week, Mischka and
Devon introduced the Strengthening Pancasila Profile Literacy
program by visiting several cities in East Java and meeting
thousands of elementary and junior high school
students.During the visit, Mischka and Devon invited students
to learn and share together about the role of Pancasila
Students in building the nation.They also re-introduced the six
six characters of the Pancasila Student Profile which consist of:
noble character, global diversity, independence, mutual
cooperation, critical thinking, and creative.
"Achievement can not only be obtained from mathematics or
science, but many fields of study and other non-academic
talents that can be developed," said Devon.
"Our hope is that the younger generation of Indonesia can be
more advanced, more daring to be creative, develop their
talents and abilities, because later we are the young generation
of Indonesia who will be responsible for the progress of our
country," said Mischka.
Devon added, "in an advanced era, which of course will be
more advanced, we must not only follow the developments
around us, but we must also be able to become pioneers for
the development of our country, and also become pioneers for
other countries."
"Because from one student, we can invite and mobilize 10
other students. From 10 students who are moved, we can
mobilize 1,000 other students. And from 1,000 students who
are moved, we can mobilize 1 million students later to continue
to be enthusiastic about learning and building our country's
progress," concluded Devon and Mischka.

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