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BANKING UNIVERSITY- HCM CITY Student’s name: ............................................................

DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES Class:.................................................................................

Reg. No.:...........................................................................

Subject: SEMANTICS Semester: II School year: 2019-2020
Time allotted: 45 minutes Date:
Score Examiners’ signatures Proctor’s signatures

In figures In words 1 2 1 2


A. Underline the deictic expressions in the following sentences. If there is none, write NONE. (3 pts)

1. Do we have to learn all these irregular verbs now?

2. Did anyone here really see an alien?

3. If your government has asked you to stay home, please do so.

B. Underline the referring expressions in the following utterances. (Imagine normal circumstances for the utterance.)
If there is none, write NONE. (4 pts).

4. “Did they give you a map of the area?”

5. “None of us finds essay writing easy.”

6. “There are many local problems to solve.” NONE

7. “Normandy is an ideal destination for cheese lovers.”

C. Identify the predicators in the following utterances. (Imagine normal circumstances for the utterances.) If there is
none, write NONE. (4 pts)


8. “Did they give you a map of the area?” give

9. “None of us finds essay writing easy.” find, essay writing, easy

10. “There are many local problems to solve.” many, local, problem, solve

11. “Normandy is an ideal destination for cheese lovers.” ideal, destination, cheese lover

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D. Underline the predicates in the following sentences. Supply the degree of each predicate in brackets above it. If
there is none, write NONE. (4 pts)

(1) (1) (1)

e.g. “The semantic test is easy.”

Did they give you a map of the area?

(3) (1) (1)

None of us finds essay writing easy.

(3) (1) (1) (1)
There are many local problems to solve.
14. (1) (1) (1) (2)

Normandy is an ideal destination for cheese lovers.

(1) (1) (1) (1)

E. Are the following sentences analytic (A), synthetic (S), or a contradiction (C)? Write A or S or C. (4 pts)

16. Symptoms of COVID-19 can range from mild illness to pneumonia. S

17. Horror movies are scary. S

18. Both her first and second languages are Japanese. C

19. Multilingualism is the use of more than one language. A

F. Write a paraphrase of each of the following. (4 pts)

20. We haven’t got any sandwiches left. There is no sandwich left.

21. It’s illegal to take a gun onto a plane in most You aren’t allowed take a gun onto a plane in most
countries. countries.

G. Write a sentence which is entailed by each of the following. (4 pts)

22. There are lots of strange fish on the sea bed. There are lots of strange fish in the sea.

23. Henry was three when he first performed in Henry was very little when he first performed in public.

H. Write a contradiction of each of the following. (4 pts)

24. People don’t always show their true feelings. People always show their true feelings.

25. My brother is allergic to milk. My brother is not allergic to milk.

I. Explain the ambiguity in each sentence below by supplying two possible paraphrases. Identify if each sentence is an
example of structural, lexical or referential ambiguity. (6 pts)
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26. Why did you leave your fans outside? 27. Paraphrase 1: Why did you leave your supporters outside?

 lexical ambiguity 28. Paraphrase 2: Why did you leave your electrical fans

29. Look at the dog with one eye. 30. Paraphrase 1: Look at the dog which has one eye.

 Structural ambiguity 31. Paraphrase 2: Look at the dog with your one eye.

J. Complete each pair of words with a word in the box and identify the relationship (hyponymy, homonymy, synonymy,
binary antonymy, gradable antonymy, converseness, multiple incompatibility, polysemy) between the pair. The words
given in brackets are to clarify the meaning in question of the italicized words. (5 pts)

Miss as in Good morning, Miss! worse than drop (as in Don’t drop litter!)
open-minded household appliance

Pair of words Lexical relationship

32. miss (as in Don’t miss the show!) Miss Homonymy

33. better than worse than Converseness

34. drop (as in Sales dropped suddenly) drop Polysemy

35. narrow-minded open-minded Gradable antonymy

36. washing machine household appliance Hyponymy

K. Fill in the gap with ONE missing word. (8 pts)

37. All performances of Macbeth begin with the same _______. 37. sentence

38. _______ is a meaning relation between predicates, where the meaning of one 38. Hyponymy
predicate is included in that of another.
39. “Our next guest is Dr Coll.” is a(n) _______sentence. 39. equative

40. A prototype of a predicate is a typical member of its _______. 40. extension



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