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Observation Report

Teacher’s Strategy in Character Cultivation of Students in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Darussalam 01 Kartasura
Dara Nuri Fadiyah Wiryawan, Yusyi’afah Pangesti, Widya Ayu Astuti, Qolbu Putra
Widynar, Rahmatul Hasanah, Mauhammad Irfan Arifai, Amira Khusna Pratiwi, Adek Riskhy

223151004, 223151012, 223151013, 223151014, 223151017, 223151026, 223151030,


Manajemen Pendidikan Islam/Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah/UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta


Since 2010, the government through the Ministry of National Education has
initiated the implementation of character education for all levels of education
ranging from elementary school to college. This program is not for no reason.
This is because the education world is considered less successful in forming the
generation of nations into practical and dignified persons. Therefore, the
management of character education in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah is one of the
alternatives to create a generation of noble. The creation of the noble morals is
one of the big goals in the world of Islamic education, but the development of
increasingly remarkable technology is contrary to the moral life that increasingly
occurred out of degradation. Critical morality is currently important for the most
likely to be alternated. Character education can be obtained through formal
education in the form of a basic environment that provides educational services.
Children are educated and trained in various fields of habitual development
including morals, religious values, social, emotional and independence. In
addition, in the basic environment, children are also trained in various fields of
teaching development, among others, languages, cognitive skills, physical motor
skills, and art. Character education is one of the effective ways to implement. Data
collection is done through interviews and observations.
Keywords: Character Education, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Miracle morals
Character education is one option to improve the character of the nation being
sacrificed where the moral strike is a very important thing. So it is very dangerous if this
continues to be left and also threatened and lowered the character of the Indonesian nation
character in the eyes of other countries that are still tend to cultured, friendly, polite and seen
as high social value.

A. Know of Mi Darussalam 01 Kartasura

Mi Darussalam 01 Kartasura addressed Grejen RT. 01 RW. 03 Pucangan, Kartasura,
Sukoharjo, Central Java 57168. The founding idea is made in November 1965. That year
Mr. A. Syebani Ilham pioneered the administration of teenage children at home through
Mr. Muh. Thoyyib Salim and Mushola Darussalam. The implementation of Freeshan,
wearing mats with an afternoon schedule for the ohuak-child and night for teenagers or

In 1967 was enhanced to be school, with MADINU (Madrasah Diniyah Nahdlatul

Ulama) because the participants vary and many, start grouped in the classes according to
their respective lives. Simultaneously, founded any other place as its branch, each in
Tojoyan, New Kebon, Mount Key that is still in Kartasura. After two years the school
came in the morning and replaced by the name of madrasah Darussalam.
In 1969 the foundation that had not been received had four mi and six kindergarten,
so by the Department of Religion was given religious teacher relief from the Sukoharjo
department of the Religion. In that year also Moshala Darussalam was used by the
Darussalam Mosque while locally around the mosque for the Office of the Foundation
and the MI Darussalam Space 01 standing up to now with several renovations of the
donor costs and government assistance. On July 29, 1985, Darussalam Foundation in the
Notary, and the Darussalam Foundation officially stood with a 230 dated June 29, 1985.
B. Observation purposes
The purpose of this observation is generally to obtain data and description of MI
Darussalam 01 Kartasura ranging from learning process to student condition of MI
Darussalam 01 Kartasura, as well as collecting data as a preparation material to meet the
task of English course.
C. Observation Benefits
In addition to the terms of completing the task of English, this observation is
beneficial for information as a material of preparing observation and information reports
obtained is expected to increase the insights of the reader of MI Darussalam 01 Kartasura.
It also trains constructs to adjust to the world of education that became the field of being
covered at this time.


The results of observations and interviews that we get, included:

A. Observing the cultivation of children's social character
Apart from observing the children at MI Darussalam 01, we also interviewed one of
the teachers, namely Ms. Ayu as a guardian for grade 2 elementary school. where from
what we observe the children at this school have a friendly social character and are quite
good at socializing with one another. and we also conclude from Mrs. Ayu's explanation
that, in cultivating character, especially social character in children, not only at school but
from the side of parents and family also have to support to shape the character the child
will be fine. Because no matter how good the school program is, if the family and parents
do not also support their children, so the character that is formed in the child is less than
optimal. Sometimes the formation of character is disturbed by problems arising from the
family environment, because of this the teachers at this school are always trying convey
especially when the meeting is in taking report cards, that is the role Parents are also very
important to shape the character of the child. Because it's under construction the character
requires the role of both.

let's return to the observations of the children in this school, looking at the real
conditions in this school it turns out that the children in this school have has a pretty good
character, only often influenced by the environment around them, because it is very
necessary that the right strategies must always be applied to children so that the child's
character can be formed more mature, without making the child feel intimidated with
gentle ways and appropriate actions either repretive actions or repressive which has also
been implemented by this school.

B. Observing the cultivation of children's religious character

Talking about the religious character of the students at MI Darussalam 01 has been
quite successful. For strategy In cultivating religious character in school children apply
many ways. One that we can easily describe, as in the habit of prayer, prayer has been
studied and practiced since grade 1 elementary school so that children are familiar with
pray as their habits first, then later in the second grade and so on the child will meet with
subjects such as fiqh, which is there are more detailed material about prayer starting from
the most basic knowledge.

Apart from that, MI Darussalam 01 already has many religious programs applied in
the daily life of children such as, habituation in the morning to pray. Al fathihah, reading
study prayers, to memorizing short letters, these things are done students do regularly at
this school. In addition, at a higher grade level, students will receive habituation, such as
studying religious practices that are different others such as funeral prayers, reading tahlil,
dhuha prayers, reading qunut and so on. It was from there that the initial strategy taken by
educators here was to be able to give birth to many alumni with very good religious
character so they can produce prints alumni who have good morals and have sufficiently
mature guidelines religion, seen also from the track profile of alumni who were born by
this school is almost all good.

C. Observing the cultivation of children's learning character

Remembering the quote from Mrs. Ayu's sentence, she said "actually according to
the theory I've read is that the character is divided into two different backgrounds, the
first is a character that has been innate or comes from his family from an early age and
there is also character from the environment. In fact, both backgrounds are formed These
characters are interconnected." From this sentence, we conclude based on the results of
what we have done with the students at MI Darussalam 01. When a child already has
guidelines which has been instilled by the family at the beginning before entering the
world of deep learning school, the child will be ready to participate in learning and how
to follow the development of the environment around the child. The world of children's
education is based on 2 aspects, namely learning to know and learning to do. If the two
aspects If this cannot be achieved, the child's character will not be formed properly. It's
not just the theory, but children must also be told to get it distinguish what is the
difference between one thing and another, which is right and which is wrong, and so on.

Based on our observations and Mrs. Ayu's explanation, it turns out that each child is
different, judging from the grade level alone, different in handling or how to apply it. The
most important thing is from childhood is sitting in 1st grade, both from the role of a
teacher or parent guardian of the child who also has to fill the role properly since the child
is in 1st grade. Because at the next level the teacher only needs to follow along with
developments the child, such as doing reinforcement, stimulation, and so forth.

To know the success of character education in school and madrasah, then there are
some indikators who will be a benchmark for the success of implantation of character
education in madrasah ibtidaiyah karakater education. Here are some of its indicators to
be presented in the form of tables as follows:

No The value of Indicator

1 Religious a. Saying the greeting
b. Praying before and after learning
c. To carry out the five-time prayers
2 Honestly a. Make and do the task properly
b. Not cheating when the exam
3 Tolerance a. Enforce others in the same way and not disclose
religion, tribes, races, and groups
b. Appreciate the difference there without harassing
other groups

4 Discipline a. Teachers and students present on time

b. Running the school order.
5 Hard work a. Challenging learning management
b. Rewarding the students of achievement

6 Creative a. Creating new ideas in school

b. Appreciate every unique and different work
c. Building a learning atmosphere that encourages the
emergence of student
7 Independent a. Train students to be able to work alone
b. Build students' independence through individuals
who are individuals
8 Democratic a. Do not force the will
b. System for electing class presidents and class
administrators democratically
c. Based on any decision on the consultious

9 Curiosity a. The learning system is geared towards exploring

student knowledge
b. The school provides facilities, both through print
and electronic media, so that students can find new
10 The spirit of nationality a. Imitate the heroes
b. Visit historical places
c. Carry out school routine ceremony
d. Participate in national activities
e. Displaying national figures
11 Love the country a. Instill nationalism and a sense of unity and integrity
of the nation
b. Use Indonesian properly and correctly
c. Display the Indonesian flag, Pancasila, properly
and correctly
d. Proud of the work of the nation

12 Appreciate achievement a. Capture and display student and school work

b. Give awards to each school member who achieves
c. Train and foster the next generation to emulate the
results or achievements of previous generations.

13 Friends / communicative a. Mutual respect and respect

b. Teachers love students and students respect
c. Not keeping distance
d. Do not discriminate in communicating

14 Love is peaceful a. Creating a peaceful classroom atmosphere

b. Does not tolerate any form of violence
c. Encouraging the creation of class and school
15 Love to read a. Encourage and facilitate students to love reading
b. Each study is supported by reading sources or
c. There is a reading room, both in the library and
certain special rooms
d. Provide books according to the stage of student
16 Caring environment a. Take care of the classroom and school environment
b. Take good care of vegetation without stepping on
or damaging it
c. Support the go green program (greening) in the
school environment
d. There is a place to dispose of organic and non-
organic waste
e. Provide bathrooms, clean water, and handwashing
17 Social Care a. The school provides assistance to underprivileged
b. Doing social service activities
c. Make visits to marginal areas or areas
d. Provide assistance to underprivileged communities
e. Provide a charity box tau donations

18 Responsibility a. Doing assignments and homework well

b. Responsible for every action
c. Carry out pickets according to a predetermined
d. Doing group assignments together.

The most important is the control of the parents to always help that the validated values
in school is also implanted in family life and also parents to surip tuladan to create positive
values in the family, so something that implanted on school is no different from what parents


Character education is very important for someone. As much as possible in cultivating this
character, it has been taught at an early age to create a generation with good character. MI
Darussalam 01 Kartasura in instilling character education is quite good. This school
implements character education in 3 indicators, namely the cultivation of social character,
religious character, and character in learning. Even though MI Darussalam 01 has an Islamic
background, the program from the madrasa does not only teach religion but also teaches
students to participate in religious tolerance.


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