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[ Day 02 ] 드레스 코드

concern [동의어]

[파생어] comply with + rules, regulations, policies,

concerning prep. ~에 관하여 standards

concerned adj. 염려하는, 관련된 = conform to

= adhere to
[짝꿍 표현] = observe
concerns + about/over ~에 대한 우려, 걱정
be concerned about ~에 대해 걱정하다 [이렇게 나온다!]

be concerned with ~에 관련되다 New staff should ------- with the safety
[이렇게 나온다!] (A) comply (B) observe
The residents raised safety ------- about the (C) adhere (D) conform
(A) concerning (B) concerns regulation
(C) concerned (D) to concern [어원]

People are ------- about the revised policies. regula[to rule] + tion

(A) concern (B) concerning

(C) concerns (D) concerned
regulate v. 규제하다, 통제하다 (= control)

[동의어] regulatory adj. 규제상의

n. concern = issue = matter = problem 문제

[짝꿍 표현]
v. concern = worry 걱정시키다
1. safety regulations 안전 규정
involve ~에 관련시키다
2. customs regulations 관세 규정
3. follow / comply with + regulations concerning
attire 의복에 관한 규정을 준수하다
compliance n. 준수 exception
compliant adj. 준수하는
in compliance with ~를 준수하여
Ex[out] + cept + tion

[파생어] [짝꿍 표현]
exceptional adj. 예외적인, 매우 뛰어난 1. gain / grant access to information
exceptionally adv. 예외적으로, 대단히 2. access the information / building
except prep. conj. ~을 제외하고 3. easily / readily accessible building / information

[이렇게 나온다!] [이렇게 나온다!]

CEO looked through the project proposals Only authorized personnel may gain -------
except ------- the last one. to client files.
(A) to (B) for (A) approach (B) access
(C) as (D) in (C) concern (D) exception

adhere thoroughly

[어원] [파생어]
ad + here[to stick, cling] thorough adj. 철저한, 완전한

[파생어] [짝꿍 표현]

adherence n. 고수, 충실 thoroughly examine / explain / review / plan / read
adhesive adj. 들러붙는 n. 접착제 thorough examination

[짝꿍 표현]
adhere to + policies / rules / standards
정책 / 규칙 / 기준을 지키다 [파생어]
approve v. ~을 승인하다 (↔ reject, turn down)
↔ disprove 틀렸음을 입증하다

[파생어] [짝꿍 표현]

permit v. 허락하다 n. 허가증 upon(on) approval 승인되자마자
obtain approval (for) ~에 대한 승인을 받다
[이렇게 나온다!]
The supervisor granted his staff ------- to access
the confidential data.
(A) permit (B) permitted [파생어]

(C) permission (D) permits immediate adj. 즉시의, 즉각적인

[짝꿍 표현]
access 1. immediately after / before ~ 직후 /직전
[파생어] 2. immediately upon arrival 도착하자마자 즉시
accessible adj. 출입할 수 있는, 이용할 수 있는 3. immediate reaction / response
accessibility n. 접근 (가능성) 즉각적인 반응, 응답

[이렇게 나온다!] [이렇게 나온다!]
------ immediately, refunds will be automatically ------ immediately, refunds will be automatically
issued into your bank account. issued into your bank account.
(A) Effect (B) Effective (A) Effect (B) Effective
(C) Effects (D) Effectively (C) Effects (D) Effectively

The new regulations will be in effect -------

procedure January 1.
[파생어] (A) effective (B) effectively
proceed v. 나아가다, 진행하다
proceed to v. ~로 나아가다 drastically
proceed with v. ~를 진행하다 [파생어]
proceeds n. 수익금 drastic adj. 과감한, 극단적인
proceedings n. 소송절차, 회의록
[짝꿍 표현]
[짝꿍 표현] drastically + increase / reduce / cut / decline /
follow + safety / emergency / maintenance change
+ procedures

[출제 포인트]
[파생어] enable + 목적어 + 목적보어 (to 부정사)
mandatory adj. 의무적인
[이렇게 나온다!]
[빈출 표현] The pay raise enabled her ------- a new laptop.
Congress gave the committee a mandate to (A) purchase (B) to purchase
make budget cuts. The board of directors has (C) purchasing (D) purchased
mandated an increase for research funding.

[짝꿍 표현]
[파생어] enforce / place / put / lift + the ban +
effective adj. 효과적인 on the use of cell phone
effectively adv. 효과적으로
[짝꿍 표현] - prohibit / ban / forbid / keep + person from + ing
1. in effect (법률 등이) 효력 있는, 실시된 - refrain from + ing
2. come into effect 실시되다, 발효되다 - abolish + taxes / the law (the act)
3. take effect (법의 효력이) 나타나다, 시행되다 - is restricted to ~로 한정하다
4. have an effect on ~에 영향을 미치다 cf) Access is restricted to some managers.

prohibit [동의어]

[어원] v. limit 한정하다, 제한하다

pro + hibit [habit = to have] n. constraints 한계, 제한

Cf. exhibit 전시하다 n. restraints 제한, 규제

n. limit, limitations 제한, 규제
prohibition n. 금지 [추가 포인트]
financial restrictions
[이렇게 나온다!] speed limits
The museum prohibits visitors ------- taking within city limit
(A) to (B) for
(C) from (D) in

[추가 포인트]
prohibit A from -ing A가 -하는 것을 금지하다
forbid A + from -ing/to do A가 -하는 것을


enforcement n. 시행, 집행

[짝꿍 표현]
enforce regulations 규정을 시행하다


re + strict

restriction n. 제한
restrictive adj. 제한하는

[짝꿍 표현]
1. restrict A to B A를 B로 한정하다
2. lift/raise a restriction 제한을 풀다


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