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[ Day 03 ] 사무의 달인

demanding efficiently

[파생어] [어원]
demand v. 요구하다 effici [efficere = effect] + ent + ly

[이렇게 나온다!] [파생어]

Although Ms. Park is a demanding teacher, efficient adj. 효율적인 + equipment / system

she has a reputation for being fair. efficiency n. 효율

[표현으로 익히기!]
efficiently + work / manage / operate / handle
divide v. 나누다 submit

[이렇게 나온다!]
submission n. 제출, 제출물
transfer to the sales division 영업부서로 전근 가다
social / class division 사회 / 계급 분열 [빈출 표현]
1. submit A to B
request 2. submit a résumé / receipt / recommendation /

[문장에서 익히기!] proposal

Factory tours are available upon request. [동의어]

Mike requested that a copy of the contract turn in, hand in 제출하다
be submitted.

[빈출 표현]
upon request 요청 시에 [파생어]

request for ~에 대한 요청 direct v. 지도하다 adj. 직접적인

request that + 주어 + 동사원형 ~가 ~해줄 direction n. 방향

것을 요청하다
[빈출 표현]
be requested to do ~하도록 요청받다
report / contact / call + directly
직접 보고 연락 / 전화하다
directly related / connected 직접 연관된
directly operated 본사 직영의

remind notify

[파생어] [파생어]
reminder n. 상기시켜 주는 것, 메모 notification n. 통지
notice n. 공지 ; v. 주목하다 알아차리다
[이렇게 나온다!]
Ms. Williams reminded Mr. Johnson ------- his [동의어]
lunch meeting. inform v. 알리다, 통지하다
(A) in (B) on (C) of (D) with notify A(사람) + of B(명사) / to 부정사 / that절
→ inform, remind, warn, convince, assure
This is just a ------- of your next meeting with
모두 같은 문형
Mr. Williams.
(A) remind (B) reminding (C) reminder [이렇게 나온다!]
All staff applying for leave must ------- their
[빈출 표현]
supervisors in writing.
remind A(사람) + of B(명사)
(A) reveal (B) notify
~에게 ~을 상기시키다
(C) announce (D) say
remind A(사람) + to do
~에게 ~하라고 일러주다 [빈출 문형]
remind A(사람) + that S V notify vs. announce
~에게 ~를 상기시키다 - notify 사람 + of 내용 / that절 / to 부정사
~에게 ~에 대해 통지하다
[이렇게 나온다!]
ex) The manager notified some factory workers
Please -------- that you have an appointment
of the changed schedules.
with sales managers at 4 o’clock.
(A) remind (B) reminded - announce (to 사람) that절 (~에게) ~을 발표하다
(C) be reminded (D) be reminding ex) The director announced to shareholders
that he would retire.
instruction n. 지시 [동의어]
instructor n. 강사 conduct v. 행동하다, 실행하다
complete v. 완수(료)하다
[빈출 문형]
The manager instructed the staff to read [표현으로 익히기!]
the materials. perform
The manager instructed that the staff read + repair / tasks / experiment / role / music
the materials.

assignment [이렇게 나온다!]

[파생어] After first extension, we can’t offer the students

assign v. 할당하다, 배당하다 an ------- deadline.

+ rooms / tasks to someone (A) extend (B) extension

(C) extended (D) extensive
as [ad] + sign [to signare = sign] + ment attendance

[표현으로 익히기!] [파생어]

take on / carry out / complete + the assignment attend v. ~에 출석하다, 참석하다

과제를 떠맡다 / 수행하다 / 완료하다 v. ~를 돌보다 (+ to 명사), ~에 주의를 기울이다

attention n. 관심

release attendant n. 수행원, 안내원

attendee n. 참석자
re [again] + lease [to leave, loose] [이렇게 나온다!]
-------- records are taken into consideration
[표현으로 익히기!] when promoting the new staff.
release a person / a bird 풀어주다, 석방하다 (A) attendee (B) attention
release a report / the new product / (C) attendant (D) attendance
the new movie 발표하다
The new CD releases 새로운 음반 (출시물)
press release 보도 자료
release date 발표일, (신제품 등의) 출시일, 개봉일
de + legate [to send]
cf) a pope legate [legət] 교황특사
delegation n. (집합적) 대표단, (권한의) 위임
extend v. 연장하다, 늘리다
extensive adj. 광범한 [혼동 어휘]
delegate 한 명의 대표
[표현으로 익히기!]
delegation (집합적) 대표단
grant an extension of the deadline
마감 연장을 허락하다 [이렇게 나온다!]
press extension number 727 delegate responsibilities / authority / power
내선 727을 누르다 to someone
send a delegate

relegate v. 좌천, 강등 시키다

supervision involved

[파생어] [어원]
supervise v. 감독하다 in [into] + volve [ roll ]
supervisor n. 감독관 cf) evolve = e[out] + volve[roll] 진화하다, 발전하다
revolve = re[again] + volve[roll] 회전하다, 맴돌다
[빈출 표현]
under the supervision of ~의 감독하에 [파생어]
close supervision 엄격한 감독 involve v. 관계시키다
without adult supervision 어른의 감독 없이 involvement n. 관련, 연루

[유의어] [빈출 표현]

supervise = manage = oversee = direct be involved in ~에 관여하다

acquaint concentrate

[어원] [어원]
acquaint < adcognitare < cognitus < gnoscere con + centrat [ centeric = center ] + ion
= know
cf) notice/ cognitive
concentration n. 집중
[파생어] concentrated adj. (정신 · 노력 등이) 집중된
acquaintance n. 지인
[이렇게 나온다!]
[이렇게 나온다!] The sales team concentrated ------- developing
The training program acquaints new employees new strategies.
------- company procedures. (A) in (B) on
(A) in (B) on (C) of (D) with (C) of (D) with

[빈출 표현] [빈출 표현]

acquaint A with B A에게 B를 숙지시키다 concentrate on ~에 집중하다
→ A is acquainted with B B를 잘 알다 concentrate A on B A를 B에 집중시키다
= be familiar with B B를 잘 알다 → focus on
→ focus A on B

[빈출 표현]
file a claim / complaint / lawsuit
(보험금 등을) 청구하다 / 불만을 제기하다 /
소송을 제기하다


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