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Behavioral Porat Sci rem Nd crenice USTENING Ute or Ce an Cee ead Ce ery Cee rn enn ad ey Ce eae) UNIT QUESTION What is the tipping point between work and fun? A, Discuss these questions with your classmates. . Atipping point is a change on a scale that shifts the balance between two sides. Can you describe a time when you thought work or school ‘was fun? What tipped it from being work to being fun? 2, Have you ever been in a situation that was supposed to be fun, but it ended up being more like work? Explain why the balance shifted. . Look at the photo. What aspects of this woman’s job would you consider work or educational? What aspects are fun? w Listen to The Q Classroom online. Then answer these questions. [i] ._ In what ways does Sophy think that fun and work overlap? Do you agree with her? N How did Marcus's manager help make a job more enjoyable? Have you had any similar experiences? ele ORR ui) Ube Finding the relationships between items is a critical thinking skill that is often necessary when taking and organizing notes. A Venn diagram is a special type of graphic organizer that can provide a visual representation of these relationships. Lists are useful when information about distinct categories is provided during a lecture, but in many academic fields, the objective of a discussion or lecture may be to find similarities and differences between items or to classify them according to specific criteria. A Venn diagram consists of at least two overlapping circles. Inside the overlapping areas is where common elements or similarities between items are listed. Cooking as ahobby Both Cooking as ajob =no pay =no boss A. IDENTIFY Listen to a college advisor's presentation on two options for junior year students—an international studies program and an off-campus internship. Use the chart to take notes on each program. Location eee Tuition Cost of living Salary Fun Work Opportunities B. EXPLAIN Use the Venn diagram to organize your notes. How are the two programs the same? How are they different? International studies Off-campus internship LISTENING1 The 21st-Century Workplace OBJECTIVE> You are going to watch two videos. In one from CBS, a reporter interviews two heads of Google's people operations department to find out how they study behavior to improve the workplace. in the other video, a product manager talks to four co- workers about the environment at Bloomberg, a financial information technology company. As you listen, gather information and ideas about the tipping point between work and fun. B, VOCABULARY Read aloud these words from Listening 1. Check (Y) the ones you know. Use a dictionary to define any new or unknown words. Then discuss with a partner how the words will relate to the unit. @ broadcast(v) & extend (v.) % ora privilege (n.) % chaotic (adj.) intervention (n.) & orat productive (adj,) % ora. collision (n.) @ layout (n.) & ultimately (adv.) Bora: data mining(n,) overwhelming (adj.) unconventional (adj.) T Oxford 5000" words ‘OPAL Osford Phasal Academic Lexicon WORK WITH THE LISTENING © iQ iRESOUREES) Go online to watch the videos. © Resources > Video > Unit 2> Listening 1 Parts 1 and 2 A. LISTEN AND TAKE NOTES Watch the videos * paying close attention to the ways Google and Bloomberg try to create a productive but fun work environment. Use the T-chart to take notes on the interviews with employees at these companies. Then compare notes with a partner. QURESOUREES) Go online to download extra vocabulary support. Resources > Extra Vocabulary > Unit 2 enya Cea rd B, CATEGORIZE Use this Venn diagram to organize your notes. In which ways are the two workplace environments different? In which ways are they similar? Google Bloomberg IDENTIFY Use your notes to label these details as features at Google (G) or Bloomberg (B). If a detail describes both workplaces, write G*B. Then check answers with a partner. [Tehree free meals a day [the Link [____]gardens for employees to grow plants [free snacks [_____Jamodern work environment [__ private work areas [______Jplaces to take breaks [treadmill desks [headphones on everyone [team work

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