1r C - D Booktubers and Swimmers - UlHasan Danial

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Falta l’activitat fill gaps del swimmer

1st ESO - English Week 28th April to the 8th may

Listening: Booktubers and swimmers Deadline: 30th April


Listen to the video and answer the questions about it.

Important! Name your file properly so that you and your teacher can identify the task and you:
BOOKTUBERS AND SWIMMERS_ your surname, your name

Important! anomena el teu arxiu correctament per tal que sigui fàcil d’identificar la tasca i a tu

1 Listening: Booktuber
Watch the video How to Booktube and answer these questions:

1. What is Erika doing at the beginning of the video? At the beginning of the video Erika is
telling us that she was thinking what video make, and she decide to teach us how to be
a booktuber

2. What is the first object you need to become a booktuber? The first object Erika mentioned
is a candle

3. What beverage is Erika drinking? Erika is drinking and telling us that we need tea to
become a great booktuber.

4. How many pages do you have to read before giving your opinion? I have to read two pages

5. Where does Erika post comments about her readings? She uses the app for moviles
Goodreads and there she comments and gives her opinion of many readings

6. Booktubers collect and buy a lot of books but they also get books from library

7. What animals does Erika think are important to have if you are a booktuber? She thinks that
dogs and cats are very important to be a great booktuber

2 Listening: Interview with a swimmer

Listen to the interview with a swimmer from the British Council and do the “check your
understanding activities” (True or false and gap fill).

Take pictures or screenshots of the activities to prove that you have taken them.
Paste the screenshots of all the activities on a document and share it with your
teacher. You will earn extra points for the final grade of the term.

Fes fotos o captures de pantalles de les activitats per demostrar que les has fet.
Enganxa les captures de totes les activitats en un document i comparteix-les amb
teva professora. Guanyaràs punts extres per a la nota final del trimestre.

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