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A Highschool Love

Scene Int. 1
School Hallway

As you can see extreme full shot on Vivian as she walks with her books along the school’s hallway. As
she was walking, she bumps into someone and her books fell onto the floor. Focus again on Vivian as
she immediately picks up her books from the floor. A boy suddenly crouched beside her and helped her
pick up her fallen books. Focus again on Vivian as she looked at the boy and stared at him the whole

I’m sorry. Here you go.

Mid shot on Peter as he stood up handing the books back to Vivian. Now focusing the mid shot on Vivian
as she takes the books from Peter while staring at him curiously.

No. I should be the one apologizing to you. I’m sorry, I wasn’t really looking at where I was going.

It’s okay, really. Don’t worry about it.
My name is Peter, what your name.

Once again focus on Peter as he attempts to start a conversation. As you can see, shift focus on Vivian
while she responds shyly while fixing her hair through her ears.

My name, my name is Vivian.

Hey Peter, we’re late! Let’s go!

Focus on Peter’s friend Felix as he shouts out to his friend that they were already running late for class
and that they should run for it.

Hi Vivian.
I think I better go, my friend’s calling for me. But, it’s really nice to meet you.

Focus on Peter as he starts to walk backwards towards his friend trying to wave good bye to Vivian.
Nice to meet you too.

Focus on both Peter and Vivian as each said their goodbye while waving their hands in the air.


Scene Int. 2
School Hallway

As you can see extreme focus on Vivian as she skip walks through the hallway.

Hey, someone looks very happy today.

Extreme focus on Vivian as she stops at her feet and looks back. Mid shot as she stares at Peter walking
towards her.

Hi Vivi! Good morning!

I’m sorry. Vivi?

Extreme focus on Vivian as she looks dumbfounded at the sudden nickname

Switch focus on to Peter

Yeah. I figured Vivi would be a good shorter nickname for Vivian. Uhmm is it okay for me to call you
that, I know we’re not that close, yet.

As you can see mid shot on Peter as he touches the back of his head suddenly embarrassed looking at
the floor.

Well, we are not that close yet, but I think it’s okay.
I think Vivi is great.

Focus on Peter as an expression of both relief and happiness is shown on his face.

Uhmm, Vivi, do you think we can meet here again tomorrow?

Switch focus on Vivian as she is bewildered at the sudden request. Mid focus on Vivian as she changes
her expression to curiosity.
I guess. But why do you want to meet me here tomorrow?

Switch focus on to Peter as he responds to Vivian rather playfully.

Uhmm, it’s something to look forward to, I’ll tell you tomorrow

Switch focus on to Vivian as she looks both bewildered and excited at the remark. She then puts up her
hand to wave goodbye. She was unable to utter a word as Peter already turned around running to class.


Scene Int. 3
School Hallway

Extreme focus on Vivian as she starts to walk along the hallway. She is utterly both anxious and excited
at what was to happen when she and Peter cross paths. She tries to think of good things as she is
realizing that she has unspoken feeling for Peter. She is putting aside the thought as she knows that they
had just met and had only known each other a few weeks

Hey, Vivi.

Hey Peter. How ‘s your day?

It’s been great. I was so excited to meet you here.

So, why did you want to meet me here today, Peter?

Focus on Peter as he starts to shyly try to confess his feelings to Vivian. Switching focus onto Vivian who
also can’t seem to hold her feelings any longer.

I like you, Peter.
(Vivian just suddenly blurted out)

Focus on Peter as his eyes grew bigger at the sudden confession of Vivian. Switching to Vivian whose
eyes also grew bigger in realization of what had just come out of her mouth.
What? I actually like you too. I asked you to meet me here so that I could tell you my feelings for you.
Looks like you beat me to it.

Focus on Vivian as she happily covers her mouth with her hands. Switch focus on to Peter as he starts to
open his arms to embrace Vivian. She placed her head into Peters chest in tears as Peter takes her chin
and replies.

Why are you crying? I said I like you too.

I’m just so relieved that you feel the same way.
I was actually afraid of being laughed at and ridiculed thinking what if you didn’t feel the same way I do.
I’m just so happy, really.

Focus on the couple as they held each other hands looking into each other’s eyes seemingly
telepathically communicating with each other.


Scene Int. 4
School Hallway

Focus on Vivian as she starts to walk past the hallway. As she comes past some of the corridors two
strong hands cover her eyes from behind.

Guess who?

Focusing on Peter, as he attempts to lower his voice to fool Vivian.

Peter, honey, changing your voice doesn’t change anything you know. I know your perfume. I can smell
you from a mile away.

Focusing on Vivian as she laughingly teases Peter about his perfume.

She starts to remove his hands locking it with hers and facing him.
Focus on both as they affectionately looking at each other.

So, where are we going?

I’m not sure yet. How about the amusement park?
I think that’s a good idea. Let’s go.

As you can see, focusing on both their smiling faces, they clearly understood each other’s likes and


Scene Int. 4
School Hallway
Lunch Time

As you can see, Mid shot on Vivian walking along the hallways holding her books, then two girls
approach her from behind.

Good afternoon Ms. Vivian, I just wanted to ask what was the topic we had earlier?

Good afternoon, ladies, our topic earlier was about the different types of information source. By the
way, don’t forget about the assignment, the deadline is this Wednesday.

Yes ma’am, we’ll remember, thank you.

As you can see, Mid shot on Vivian as the two students start walking away. Right then after two strong
arms start to hug her from behind.

So, how was work?

It was fine. How about you? How’s work?

Great, but I’m definitely starving. So where should we grab lunch?
(Peter states trying to sound funny)

You’re always hungry.
(Vivian responds jokingly)

As you can see, Mid shot on the couple as they walk hand in hand across the corridors on their way to

Scene Int. 5
School Hallway
Lunch Time

As you can see, full shot on Vivian as she stops walking as soon as she sees Peter along the hallway.
Extreme full shot on Peter, as he walks towards her with his hands on his back (with a surprise)

Hey hon, surprise! I got you flowers!

As you can see, extreme shot on Peter as he hands the bouquet of flower to Vivian.
Switch focus to Vivian happily receiving the bouquet and smells the fragrance of the flowers

Happy Anniversary!

Thanks hon, happy anniversary! I got you something it’s in the office. But what are you still holding
behind your back.

Well, I wanted to ask you something and hopefully you would give me the answer I have been hoping
for the longest time.

Extreme focus on Perter as he starts to kneel in one leg and shows Vivian the ring, he had been meaning
to give her.

Vivian, Vivi, will you marry me?

Extreme focus on the students and teacher surrounding them along the hallway and corridors of the
school. You will be able to hear the echo of their resounding response to say yes.

Say yes Ms. Vivian! Say yes!

Extreme focus on Vivian as she responds

Of course, Peter, I’ll marry you! I’ve been waiting for you to ask me.
I was afraid I might be the first to propose again
(Vivian jokingly remarks remembering the day that they first met to profess their feelings for one
Extreme focus on the couple as Peter puts the ring into Vivian’s finger then reaches out for her to hug


Scene Int. 6

Mid shot of Vivian teaching

That’s it class, don’t forget your home works, the deadline for your reports is this Monday.
Bye class, enjoy the rest of your day.

Bye Ms. Vivian. Bye classmates. See you again tomorrow.

As the students start to collect their things and leave the classroom Peter enters the classroom with a
young girl.

Hi hon, how’s class?

It was okay. Same as always. How about you!

Suddenly the young girl rans to Vivian giving her a great big hug.


Hi sweetie, how was school?

It was great mommy! My teacher gave me 2 stars in class.

Extreme full shot as Lucy smiles at Vivian as she continues to tell her about her day. Peter starts to walk
towards Vivian and Lucy. Peter gives Vivian a kiss on the cheek and grabs her things from her as they
walk out together as a family

So, what’s for dinner?

Honey, your always hungry.

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