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District of Minglanilla I
Guindarohan, Minglanilla, Cebu


S.Y. 2022 – 2023 1ST SEMESTER
Name: Date:
Grade & Section: Score:
A. DIRECTIONS: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a state of being free, liberty, self-determination, the opposite of slavery. It is also an intrinsic and essential
property of the person.
A. Essence C. Freedom
B. Existence D. Free will
2. It is considered a product to deliberate actions by individual who come together in pursuit of a common goals.
A. Nature C. Empathy
B. Society D. Dialogue
3. This person believes that individual establish societies enter into a social contract.
A. Thomas Hobbes C. John Locke
B. Jean Jacques Rousseau D. Socrates
4. Which of the following is true about intersubjectivity?
A. It is a shared awareness and understanding among person.
B. It enables persons to relate others and establish and maintain meaningful relationship.
C. It is a deep and genuine relationship between persons.
D. It emphasizes the moral dimension of human interactions.
5. Which of the following describe the important reality of death?
A. Relationship between self and others
B. We are temporal beings and being oriented towards death
C. Meaningful and beneficial human relationship
D. Acceptance of difference and embracing diversity
6. This refers to the absence of any physical restraint. The person has the freedom of mobility to go where he or she
want to go.
A. Psychological Freedom C. Moral Freedom
B. Physical Freedom D. Intellectual Freedom
7. It refers to the way a person presents himself or herself when dealing with others. This is considered a natural and
often unconscious act.
A. Empathy C. Intersubjectivity
B. Seeming Action D. Availability
8. Which of the following words associated with freedom?
I. Liberty
II. Self - Governance’
III. Independence
IV. Self - determination
V. Sovereignty
VI. Autonomy

A. I, II, IV, VI C. I, III, IV

B. I, IV, V, VI D. I, II, III, IV, V, VI
9. It refers to the ability of the person to act out of his or her own free will and self-determination.
A. Freedom C. Responsibility
B. Prudence D. Voluntariness
10. It refers to the person being accountable for his or her actions and their consequences. 
A. Freedom C. Responsibility
B. Prudence D. Voluntariness
11. Which of the following describes physical suffering?
A. A kind of suffering where we experience physical sensations such as discomfort, hunger, distress and pain.
B. A kind of suffering which involves emotional and mental states such as depression, anxiety, fear and loneliness.
C. Takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort and pain.
D. All of the above.
12. Which of the following words is NOT a definition of term of Freedom?
A. Free C. Prudence
B. Liberty D. Self determination
13. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Most people with disabilities cannot work
B. Human person can live on his own without the help of others
C. Everybody deserves to be treated as human being no matter what he/she looks like
D. It is impossible to appreciate PWD’s and those from the underprivileged sectors of the society.
14. Which of the following is the best example of intersubjectivity?
A. Tony was born with vision in only one eye. Because of this, he sometimes has difficulty perceiving depth.
B. When Sarah was fifteen, she went exploring in a cave and became trapped. And she is now afraid of closed
C. Ben has always loved dogs. When his parents let him choose a family pet, he picks a Labrador puppy from the
D. When Anna was twelve, her sister told her that pickles are rotten cucumbers. Because of this, Anna now
orders all her burgers without pickles.
15. Takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort and pain.
A. Suffering C. Physical suffering
B. Mental suffering D. Death
16. It is a state of being, not just an emotional experience or a chosen mental attitude. It also an achievement and it must
be gained by living a productive and moral life.
A. Sadness C. Emptiness
B. Madness D. Happiness
17. It is a form of society wherein it is primarily engaged in the small-scale cultivation of plants, fruits, and vegetables
and the domestication of animals.
A. Feudal Society C. Industrial Society
B. Horticultural Society D. Post - Industrial Society
18. It is a form of society wherein it is based on the use of specialized machinery in the production of
goods and services.
A. Feudal Society C. Industrial Society
B. Horticultural Society D. Post - industrial Society
19. It is a form of society wherein It is based on the ownership of the land. Those who own land are
considered the most powerful and influential members of society.
A. Feudal Society C. Industrial Society
B. Horticultural Society D. Post - industrial Society
20. This is where people organize themselves through communication technology and the Internet. 
A. Feudal Society C. Postindustrial Society
B. Hunting and Gathering Society D. Virtual reality/ society
21. Facebook, Instagram and Telegram are examples of .
A. Feudal Society C. Postindustrial Society
B. Hunting and Gathering Society D. Virtual reality / society
22. It is commonly understood as the end of bodily functions which signals the end of a person’s life.
A. Death C. Laws
B. Terminus D. Telos
23. Which of the following is John Locke theory about society?
A. He believes that society was organized by the concept of the general will.
B. He believes that society was organized based on consent of the governed.
C. He believes that individual establish societies enter into a social contract.
D. He believes that persons are enables to relate others.
24. He believes that society was organized by the concept of the general will.
A. John Locke C. Thomas Hobbes
B. Jean Ford D. Jean Jacques Rousseau
25. It emphasizes the moral dimension of human interactions.
A. Theory on the ethics of care C. Alienation
B. Relationship between self and others D. Meaningful and beneficial human act
26. It is where people organize themselves through communication technology.
A. Real society C. Virtual society
B. Social system D. Social classes
27. It is good so long as it provides some form of pleasure, though it doesn’t have to be physical.
A. Pleasurable good C. Useful good
B. Noble good D. Good
28. A kind of suffering which involves emotional and mental states such as depression, anxiety, fear and loneliness.
A. Physical suffering C. Mental suffering
B. Psychological suffering D. Emotional suffering
29. Which of the following statement is TRUE about social classes?
A. These are organized or patterned set of relationship among individuals and groups that compose society.
B. These are composed of individuals who have similar backgrounds and performs similar roles in society.
C. These are actions or ideals that are considered important by the society.
D. These are formal and stringent norms that establish and define acceptable behavior of citizens.
30. It is one which is pursued for its own sake, it is good in itself.
A. Useful good C. Pleasurable good
B. Social good D. Noble good
31. It is considered good so long as it serves as a means to an end; its goodness id found only from what it can provide.
A. Useful good C. Pleasurable good
B. Social good D. Noble good
32. These are more formal and stringent norms that establish and define acceptable behavior of citizens.
A. Laws C. Social system
B. Social classes D. Social values
33. It enables persons to relate others and establish and maintain meaningful relationship.
A. Theory on the ethics of care C. Alienation
B. Relationship between self and others D. Meaningful and beneficial human act
34. To fully understand the true character of society, they imagined human as living in is called ___.
A. Nature state C. Inter-subjectivity
B. Seeming action D. Alienation
35. It is an important aspect of inter-subjectivity and is driven by the person’s awareness of the emotions and thoughts of
other people.
A. Empathy C. Availability
B. Society D. Dialogue
36. He believes that society was organized based on consent of the governed.
A. Thomas Hobbes C. John Locke
B. Jean Jacques Rousseau D. Socrates
37. Which of the following statement is an example of responsibility?
A. Reggie does not attend his class for he simply does not feel like attending.
B. The government might force them to vote for a candidate, buy a product, or take some other voluntary action that
benefits the government in some way.
C. The employee is signing this agreement knowingly and voluntarily, has not been coerced or threatened into signing
this agreement and has not been promised anything else in exchange for signing this agreement.
D. Your mother expect you to be on top of the class.
38. Which of the following statement is an example of voluntariness?
A. Your parents expect you to brush your teeth.
B. Suggesting to your boss or someone else that you want to do projects in areas outside your current role.
C. Taking care of your physical and mental health, setting goals, and taking steps to achieve it.
D. Joel takes up Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Math for he simply wants to take it up.
39. It is also called freedom of choice. The person is free to performs action that he or she considers right and wise.
A. Physical freedom C. Moral freedom
B. Psychological freedom D. Emotional freedom
40. It refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds human dignity and goodness.
A. Physical freedom C. Moral freedom
B. Psychological freedom D. Emotional freedom
41. It refers to a companionship or friendly associations with others, an alliance, a community or a union.
A. Empathy C. Availability
B. Society D. Dialogue
42. It refers to the state when a person ceases to view the other as a distinct and authentic person.
A. Nature state C. Inter-subjectivity
B. Seeming action D. Alienation
43. It is one of the different forms of society that recognized as the earliest and simplest form of society.
A. Feudal Society C. Postindustrial Society
B. Hunting and Gathering Society D. Virtual reality/ society
44. Another form of society that is characterized by the domestication of animals for food for a more stable and
predictable food supply.
A. Pastoral society C. Postindustrial Society
B. Hunting and Gathering Society D. Virtual reality/ society
45. It is an organized or patterned set of relationship among individuals and groups that compose society.
A. Laws C. Social system
B. Social classes D. Social values
46. It means goals, purpose or fulfillment.
A. Death C. Laws
B. Terminus D. Telos
47. It involves in a large scale and long term cultivation of crops and domestication of domestication animals.
A. Agricultural Society C. Industrial Society
B. Horticultural Society D. Post - industrial Society
48. A deep and genuine relationship between persons.
A. Empathy C. Availability
B. Society D. Dialogue

Prepared By:
Subject Teacher

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