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Copy and answer the following questions:

1. How statistics affect our daily lives? In what way?

The use of statistics is evident in our everyday lives. It is mostly used to keep track
records, calculate probabilities and provide us knowledge. Basically, it helps us
understand the world a little bit better through numbers and other quantitative
information. It also greatly affects our safety in a way that oftentimes we rely on
announcements from certain agencies or departments to send out reports regarding
information on natural calamities. With this, we will be warned and eventually let us be
prepared at all times. Statistics is very important for me. Without records and formulas,
we will be unable to predict when the latest storm is coming. We won’t be able to make
the necessary precautions when natural calamities strike. Statistics, in this sense, gives us
heads up so we can prepare better in case of emergencies.

2. How statistics important to you? Why?

Statistics is plays a very important role in our lives. It is because today we live in the
information world and much of this information’s are determined mathematically by
Statistics’ help. It means to be informed with the correct data and statistics concepts are
necessary. It is not only use in education but also with the different fields of science.

3. Give the comparison between the mean, median and mode.

Mean is the most commonly used measures of central tendency. It actually represents the
average of the given collection of data. It is also the average of the given observations’
values. While median is the middle value among the observed set of values and is
calculated by arranging the values in ascending or descending order. Generally, median
represents the mid-value of the given set of data. On the other hand, mode is the most
frequent number occurring in the data set. It is the number from a data set which has the
highest frequency and is calculated by counting the number of times each data value

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mean, median and mode?

First, the advantage of mean is that it takes account of all values to calculate the average
while its disadvantage is that it is very minute or very large values can affect the mean.

Second, the median is not affected by very large or very small values. As for its
disadvantage is that since it is an average of position, therefore arranging the data in
ascending or descending order of magnitude is time-consuming in the case of a large
number of observations.

Lastly, mode is the only average that can be used if the data set is not in numbers. In
contrary, its disadvantage is that there can be more than one mode, and there can also be
no mode which means the mode is not always representative of the data.

5. What are the measures of variability? Describe each and give the advantages and
disadvantages of each variability.
The measures of variability are range, variance and standard deviation.

Range is the difference between the highest and lowest values. Its advantage is that it is
easier to compute and can be used as a measure of variability where precision is not
required. While its disadvantage is that the value of range is affected by only two extreme
scores. It is not very stable from sample to sample.

Variance is the average of squared distances from the mean. It measures how far each
number in the set is from the mean. The biggest advantage of using variance is to gain
information about a set of data. It’s faster to use a variance than to plot each number on a
spread and determine the approximate distance from the mean and each variable. While
one of its disadvantages is that larger outlying values in the set can cause some skewing
of data, so it isn’t necessarily a calculation that offers perfect accuracy.

Standard deviation provides some idea about the distribution of scores around the mean.
It has an advantage of being resistant to sampling variation. It is of high use both in
descriptive and inferential statistics. On the contrary, it is responsive to exact position of
each score in the distribution. It is also more sensitive to the presence of few extreme
scores in the distribution.

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