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Name: Loraniel A. Delloro Course & Year: BSECON 1B

Instructions: Explain in not less than 3 sentences, but not more than 5 sentences, the following

1. Freedom demands responsibility.

In philosophy, law, and theology, it has long been thought that a person can only be held
morally responsible for their actions if they had the freedom to choose and act otherwise.To be
fully responsible for our own actions and for the consequences of those actions. Freedom to
choose carries with it the responsibility for our choices. As a result, many philosophers believe
that moral responsibility requires freedom.

2. Why only human beings can be Moral?

Only Human Beings Can Act Morally. Another reason for giving stronger preference to the
interests of human beings is that only human beings can act morally and determines the
presence of three essential conditions for ethical behavior: I the ability to anticipate the
consequences of one's own actions; (ii) the ability to make value judgments; and (iii) the ability
to choose between alternative courses of action.. This is considered to be important because
beings that can act morally are required to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others.

3. Give the distinction between Human Acts and acts of man.

A person's intentional, free, and deliberate activities are known as human acts.These are
actions that a man properly masters because he performs them fully aware and of his own
volition.Acts that are the result of a conscious decision. The repercussions of a man's actions
are entirely his responsibility. While man's acts are instinctual, such as physiological in
nature, it involves his duty and accountability for the consequences of his actions. These are
actions taken as a result of ignorance, passion, fear, aggression, or habit.Acts that are
performed by men without being master of them through his intellect and will, therefore acts
of man are involuntary actions.

4. Expound the concept of “Man as a moral person.”

Our proclivity to judge some activities as virtuous, or morally good, and others as evil, or morally
terrible, is referred to as the moral sense. As a result, morality is defined as the desire or proclivity to
judge human behaviors as either right or evil in terms of their repercussions for other people.

Gen Ed 006 -Unit 1


Instructions: Write on the space provided before each number the corresponding answer found in
the table. If you think the answer is not found in the box, write the correct answer
Vincible Ignorance Modifiers Violence
of human acts
Human Acts Autonomous from Impartiality
arbitrary authority
Ignorance Ignorance of Penalty Habit
Passions Invincible Ignorance Voluntas
Freedom Ignorance of Law Freedom of choice

IGNORANCE OF PENALTY1. It refers to the lack of knowledge of the precise sanction.

HUMAN ACTS 2. What is the material object of Ethics?
IGNORANCE 3. It is defined as the negation or absence of the intellectual knowledge in
FREEDOM 4. A strong feeling or emotion that may affect the morality of human acts.
AUTONOMOUS FROM ARBITRARY AUTHORITY 5. It means that moral standards should be
MODIFIERS OF HUMAN ACT 6. The things that may affect human acts in the essential qualities of
knowledge, freedom, voluntariness, and so make them less perfectly human.
IGNORANCE OF LAW 7. The ignorance of the existence of duty, rule, or regulation.
FREEDOM OF CHOICE 8. This gives man full dominion over his actions.
INVINCIBLE IGNORANCE 9. Ignorance that can be easily rectified.
VOLUNTAS 10. Latin word for the “Will.”
IMPARTIALITY 11. It means that moral principles should be neutral.
VIOLENCE 12. It refers to the external force applied by a free cause for the purpose of
compelling a person to perform an act which is against his will.
VINCIBLE IGNORANCE 13. A culpable Ignorance.

Gen Ed 006 -Unit 1

PASSION 14. Ethics is speculative science because it presents data which directly
imply directions for human conduct.
HABIT 15. The lasting readiness born of frequently repeated acts.

Instructions: If statement A and B are both correct, write letter A; if the statement A is correct
and statement B is incorrect, write letter B; if statement A is incorrect and statement B is correct
write letter C; and if statement A and B are both incorrect write letter D.
___D___1. A. Habit is achieved by performing single kind of action twice.
B. If Reynaldo is in a state of Invincible Ignorance, he is obliged toconquer his
__C____2. A. In the absence of one of the elements of human acts, man’s accountability
is diminished.
B. Andrea is in the state of Vincible Ignorance if she is a student of EVSU, and
yetshe doesn’t know the name of the University President.
__C____3. A. We study Ethics in order to learn how to judge others.
B. Moral standards involve behaviors that seriously affect the wellbeing of
other people.
____C__4. A. Anthony is in the state of Vincible Ignorance if he doesn’t know the
number of the sand there is in the white beach.
B. A person in the state of Fear is Not Always liable with the
consequence of his action or inaction.
___C___5. A. Fear refers to physical force exerted against the person to act
against his will.
B. Freedom means doing what we want to do, not what we ought to do.
___C___6. A. Moral standards are believed to be Universal.
B. Moral principles should take precedence over other standards or
norms of evaluation.
___B___7. A. What is legal is always moral.
B. Ignorance of law refers to the ignorance of the nature or circumstance of an act
as forbidden.
___A___8. A. Legal Ethics is an example of General Ethics.
B. Prescriptivity refers to the action-guiding nature of morality.
__A____9. A. The “Will” should always be accompanied by knowledge in order to act.
Hence, the will cannot act in the dark.
B. Fear modifies the nature of the action.
__C____10. A. Ethics cannot make clear to us why one act is better than another.
B. An act to be good must be entirely good; it is free from any defect.

Gen EdGen
006 1

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