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Loraniel A.



The Truman Show

Jim Carrey plays Truman Burbank, who is adopted and reared by a corporation inside a simulated
television show based on his life until he discovers it and decides to flee in this 1998 American science
fiction comic drama film directed by Peter Weir.As the central character, Carrey gives an extraordinarily
believable performance. He breaks out of his slapstick humor and humour comfort zone with subtlety
and style. The writing is well-paced.Despite the fact that Truman leads a fairly ordinary existence
surrounded by ordinary people, the themes and concepts that make the film so outstanding keep us
guessing for the whole 103-minute length. The film's climax is also extremely suspenseful, but given our
awareness of Truman as a character, it feels entirely appropriate and natural. The video has been
evaluated as a thesis on Christianity, metaphilosophy, simulated reality, existentialism, and reality
television, and it is utilized in classrooms all around the world to help educate these themes.

The film exposes how turning real life into entertainment can dehumanize people, and reminds us that
privacy is a valuable, even essential component of an authentic life.Truman represents our inner self
that is building up the courage to escape the issue, because we believe that it is making you suffer. Some
people may have stayed, but Truman had the determination to find the truth and that's what made him
walk out the door with a final good bye.Nothing is random, nothing is our choice, everything is
controlled by something that we're not even sure exists. Truman's reality is completely controlled, as
stated in the next point, and the film goes on about the fact that our reality may be the same. Every
time we step outside, we are at God's hands.

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