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2 Tensile loading of notches

2 Tensile loading of notches

2.1 Introduction
The tensile test is the most important method for mechanical material testing. It
provides essential results for strength, ductility as well as stiffness for uniaxial,
bending-free loading of slender bars. The measured material parameters serve to
dimension statically loaded components.
Relatively rapid basic assertions can be made about the mechanical properties for
developing materials or components. This is enormously important, for instance,
for lightweight constructions which must support more and more load using de-
creasingly less material (mass). Lengthy development times for lightweight ma-
terials often possessing complex structures are associated with high costs. With
the aid of the tensile test, the development costs can be limited by means of rec-
ognising and quickly eliminating material variants having unfavourable proper-
Of course, it is indispensible for both material manufacturers and material proces-
sors to inspect the tensile deformation behaviour of their products as part of their
quality assurance, particular for mechanically highly loaded materials.
The notched tensile test is employed to examine the material behaviour under
more stringent static loading conditions. For this purpose, a notch is introduced
into the middle of the specimen. The material and the material's state, the loading
as well as the notch geometery affect the notch's deformation behaviour. Mainly,
only the notch tensile strength is measured, which one also uses to assess the ma-
terials toughness. Both strength and toughness are essential for the load carrying
capacity of components. A tensile test on a component-like specimen provides the
best approximation to the operating behaviour. However, this involves high costs
and is therefore rarely carried out.
Loading, which deviates from tensile tests, can induce considerable changes in
the material's reaction so that other investigations may be necessary; for instance,
for fatigue, creep or corrosion behaviour. These are, as a rule, time consuming
and expensive.
The assignment of the laboratory test consists of performing tensile loaded mate-
rial tests on differently notched steel specimens and assessing the notch's tensile
deformation behaviour.

2 Tensile loading of notches

2.2 Elastic-plastic deformation of tensile

loaded notches
2.2.1 Stress-strain curves
Assuming uniaxial loading, plastic deformation occurs in the notch when the max-
imum stress, the yield stress, is attained (cf. Fig. 2.1)
smax = sK = ReS (2.1)
The highly stressed edge region in the notch root begins to flow and propagates
deeper into the specimen with increasing load. Here, the internal regions, which
are still elastically stressed, are mainly stressed from their supporting effect, that
is, they bear the loading together.
Fig. 2.1 shows the stress-strain curves in the notched ligament’s cross-section us-
ing an example of a work-hardening material.

fictitious stress s*(x)

smax = sK ep(x) eK,p
real stress s(x)
ReS eK,e
sn ee(x) eeS

0 xeS x xeS x

Fig. 2.1: Stress-strain curves in the notched ligament’s cross-section for uniaxial

The total strain curve is elastic in the core of the notched ligament’s cross-section.
At a distance x = xeS, the total strain then assumes the value
e t = eeS = eS (2.2)
For x > xeS, elastic-plastic deformation occurs. In the notch root itself, the notch
root's total strain consists of elastic and plastic components
eK,t = eK,e + eK,p (2.3)
Empirically, the entire total strain curve is similar to a purely elastic deformation.

2 Tensile loading of notches

As a consequence of loading beyond the elastic limit, the definition of the stress
concentration factor
aK = max (only elastic) (2.4)
is no longer valid (cf. test no. 1), thus
a K ¹ max
and the proportionality (Hooke) between real stress s(x) and notch root's total
strain eK,t is lost.
If one introduces a fictitious stress distribution, which plotted in Fig. 2.1, s* (x)
for the loading sn and an assumed elastic-plastic deformation, then sK*
aK = (2.5)
would be valid for the fictitious notch root's stress. The nominal stress becomes
F 1
sn = =
AK AK ò s(x)dA K (2.6)
with AK as the ligament’s cross-section.
Stress strain diagrams are depicted in Fig. 2.2, namely
• for the smooth bar (sn, et) as well as
• for the notched bar,
o as the nominal stress over the notch root's total strain (sn, eK,t),
o as the real notch root's stress over the notch root's total strain
(sK, eK,t), and
o as the fictitious stress over the notch root's total strain ( s*K ,e K ,t )
One obtains the s*K -value via Eq. (2.5) by multiplying the nominal stress by the
stress concentration factor aK.

The value of the nominal stress at the beginning of plastic deformation is

(1) R
sn = RK,eS = eS (2.7)
the notch yield stress (here: uniaxial!).

2 Tensile loading of notches

Figure 2.2: Stress-strain curves smooth and notched bar geometry (schematic)

2.2.2 Neuber's equation

Since the notch root's stress for material behaviour beyond the elastic limit can no
longer be described by the stress concentration factor (see above), the real notch
root's stress sK and the notch root's total strain eK,t can not be simply determined.
With the aid of Neuber's equation
aK = a s a e , (2.8)
the stress state in the notch root can, nevertheless, be approximately established
for a given stress concentration factor aK, given nominal stress sn and the associ-
ated nominal strain en = et. Here, the nominal stress is computed according to Eq.
One obtains the relationship between nominal stress and nominal strain (sn, en- or
sn, et-curve) from tensile tests on a smooth comparative specimen.
The following stress shape factor is still needed
s real notch root ' s stress
as = K = (2.9)
sn nominal stress
together with the strain shape factor
e notch root ' s strain
a e = K,t = . (2.10)
en nominal strain

2 Tensile loading of notches

Owing to the plastically deformed material's sn, et-relationship – tensile work-

hardening curve, smooth comparative specimen – it is clear that, relative to the
linear-elastic region, the stress and strain is disproportionately above and below,
For the notched bar, it follows that
a s < aK < a e . (2.11)
For elastic deformation processes, the following must be true
a s = aK = a e . (2.12)

By employing Neuber's equation (2.8) and the eqs. (2.9) and (2.10) for the case
of elastic-plastic deformation
s e
a sa e = K × K,t = aK2 (2.13)
sn en
together with
en = en,e = n , (2.14)
one obtains
2 sn2
sK eK.t = aK sn aK en,e = aK (2.15)

This relationship is valid for elastic nominal stresses in smooth comparative spec-
imens (tensile test)
en = en,e < ee,S and sn < ReS (2.16)
And, for elastic-plastic deformations in the notch root (notched tensile test)
eK,t > ee,S and sK > Re,S . (2.17)

Moreover, if one uses the maximum fictitious stress value in the notch root
sK* = aK sn (2.5)
and the fictitious notch root's strain
* sK*
eK = , (2.18)
s* a s a Ee
or inserting eK* = K = K n = K n,e = aK en,e
into equation (2.15), the following is given
* * 2 sn
sK eK,t = sK eK = aK . (2.19)

2 Tensile loading of notches

That is, the right-hand side of Eq. (2.19) is specified by the bar's geometry (aK),
the loading (sn) and the material (E). The left-hand side represents the notch root's
loading, that is, the product of the notch root's total strain ( eK,t ) and the real notch
root's stress ( sK ), or is, as the case may be, the fictitious notch root's stress state
sK* × eK* .

Figure 2.3: Determining the elastic-plastic notch root's stress state with the aid
of Neuber's hyperbola

As illustrated in Fig. 2.3, one approximately obtains the required notch root's load-
ing using Neuber's hyperbola (2.19) together with the sn, e t -diagram (smooth
comparative specimen).
The case of purely elastic deformation
sK < ReS and eK,t = eK,e = K < eeS , (2.20)
Eq. 2.15 becomes
sK = aK sn . (2.21)
For this case, one thus obtains, which is also inevitable, the defining equation of
the stress concentration factor aK. Material and material’s state have no influence
on the behaviour of the elastic notch's deformation (cf. test 1).

2 Tensile loading of notches

2.2.3 Determination of notch strengths

During the simplest notch tensile test, one measures the nominal stress values
sn = (2.6)
and the extension over a gauge length L0, within which the notch is located. Pre-
cise assertions about the elastic-plastic notch root's deformation behaviour require
additional strain analyses in the notch root.
Strength values from the notch tensile test are measured with the aid of the nom-
inal stress - notch root's total strain diagram (cf. Fig. 2.4). That is, the notch yield
RK,eS = K,eS , (2.22)
at which incipient plastic deformation begins in the notch root, the notch tensile
RK,m = max (2.23)
is determined from the maximum force and the notch's yield stress RK,px. For in-
stance, one obtains the 0.2%-off-set notch yield stress
RK,p0.2 = (2.24)
for a residual strain in the notch root of eK,r = 0.2 %.


Figure 2.4: Strength values of the notch tensile test, schematic

2 Tensile loading of notches

2.2.4 Off-set notch yield stresses and notch tensile

The notch yield stresses, off-set notch yield stresses and notch tensile strengths,
determined using 32NiCrMo14-5 round specimens, are plotted against various
stress concentration factors aK in Fig. 2.5. As a comparison, the expected notch
yield stress, subject to uniaxial loading,
(1) R
RK,es = eS (2.7)
is also depicted (dotted line). The measured notch yield stresss RK,eS (Plane Strain
Condition, PSC) are somewhat larger but, as expected, fall with increasing stress
concentration factor aK (cf. Fig. 2.5). The following is valid
(PSC) (1)
ReS > RK,eS = RK,eS > RK,eS (2.25)
Ductile materials demonstrate increasing gradients of the off-set notch yield
stress' profile for growing plastic off-set deformation (0.05 % to 1 %) with aK.
The RK,px value can become larger than the off-set yield stress (Rpx) of a smooth
bar. For 1.0 % of the permitted permanent notch root's strain, the complete curve's
profile of the off-set notch yield stress RK,p1.0 is even located above the 1 % off-
set yield stress Rp1 of the smooth bar. Still larger plastic deformations, for the
notch tensile strength, lead to their considerable increase with the stress concen-
tration factor aK. Notched bars with the stress concentration factor aK ≈ 2 can
exhibit about double the notch tensile strength as the tensile strength (smooth bar).

Figure 2.5:
Notch yield stress, off-set
notch yield stress and notch
tensile strength as a function of
the stress concentration factor
for 32NiCrMo14-5 specimens
(Source: Macherauch)

The finding here are confirmed

by results for various steels and
cast irons in Fig. 2.6. For ductile
states, the depicted relative
notch tensile strength RK,m/Rm
has values > 1 or ≈ 1. Although
for "sharp" notches, greater than
shape factors aK ≈ 3, the initial
rise in notch tensile strength then gives way to a drop. The load carrying capacity

2 Tensile loading of notches

decreases such that it is imperative to avoid very "sharp" notches even in ductile
Starting from a normalised (N) through to a hardened and tempered (HT) state,
the decreasing material's ductility causes a fall in the notch tensile strength and,
for extremely brittle hardened (H) C45 or cast materials, the curves approximate
the function (cf. Fig. 2.6)
RK,m 1
= . (2.26)
Rm aK

RK,m Figure 2.6:

Rm Relative notch ten-
sile strength as a
function of the
stress concentration
factor aK for various
ductile materials
(Source: Kußmaul)


2.2.5 Multiaxial stress states and notch tensile

As can also be seen in Fg. 2.6, the notch tensile strengths measured on Round bars
(R) are considerably larger than those measured on Flat bars (F). The investigated
ductile material states demonstrate relative notch tensile strengths RK,m/Rm of ap-
prox. 1, for flat, and almost 2 for round bars.
The circumstances here can not be simply understood by means of macroscopic
supporting effects and the stress peak's reduction. An essential role is played by
the different multiaxiality of the respective stress states. A uniaxial and a biaxial,
plane stress state (PSS), dominates in the tensile loaded, flat notched bar. In the
round bar, it can be assumed that at the notch root's surface 2, and below the sur-
face, 3 stress components exist; a multiaxial stress state (MSS). One also speaks
of plane strain conditions (PSC) because the strain in the transverse direction is

2 Tensile loading of notches

2.2.6 Assessing a component's toughness

The component's ability to deform primarily depends on the material and the ma-
terial’s state but also on the mechanical loading state, the loading temperature and
on the loading rate.
Mohr's circles, depicted in Figs. 2.7 and 2.8, are used as an aid to explain the effect
of the material and the loading.
If relatively low resistance to dislocation glide exists, then materials fail in a duc-
tile way for uniaxial loading (smooth bars). On attaining the shear yield stress
tF(ductile) by means of tmax (cf. Fig. 2.7, left), the maximum shear stress
tmax = tF(ductile) , (2.27)
the purely elastic deformation is replaced by elastic-plastic deformation. The prin-
ciple normal stress takes effect here
s1 = 2tF(ductile) = R(ductile)
eS = ReS (2.28)
Beyond the yield point ReS, the shear and normal stress increase more slowly. On
reaching the shear strength t(ductile)
S , failure occurs by fracture
tmax = t(ductile)
S . (2.29)
The work performed by the plastic deformation here is an important measure of
the materials toughness. From the shear strength (Eq. (2.29)), one obtains, via
Mohr's circle, the normal stress value
s1 = 2t(ductile)
S = R(ductile)
m = Rm (2.30)
of the ductile material's tensile strength. The separation strength sT plotted in
Fig. 2.7, left, has no effect since
sT > 2t(ductile)
s (2.31)
Higher material strength can be obtained by means of "incorporating obstacles"
to the dislocation movement in the lattice (hardening, cold working etc.). The ma-
terial toughness then decreases.
As a consequence of unfavourable material processing (e.g. too intensive cold
working), materials can be embrittled. Then t(brittle)
S , the shear strength in the brit-
tle state (or tF(brittle) ), is too high in relation to sT (cf. Fig. 2.7, right). Thus tmax
remains smaller than the shear strength and the separation strength is decisive for
the fracture failure when the principle normal stress grows to
s1 = sT = Rm < 2t(brittle)
S (2.32)
In this case, dislocation glide and plastic deformation seldom takes place.

2 Tensile loading of notches

Figure 2.7: Material embrittlement in Mohr's representation

Left: Tough state Right: Brittle state

If one considers a flat notched bar subject to an assumed uniaxial stress state for
ductile material behaviour, then the following results for the approximate fracture
failure (cf. Fig. 2.8, left)
s1 = 2t(ductile)
S = R(ductile)
» RK,m . (2.33)
The notch tensile strength RK,m is then expected to be about the same magnitude
as the tensile strength R(ductile)
m of the material (cf. section 2.2.5).

Figure 2.8: Embrittlement by means of a multiaxial stress state, Mohr's represen-

Left: Flat notched bar (assuming: uniaxiality)
Right: Stress embrittlement for a round notched bar (MSS)
Stress embrittlement, as a consequence of multiaxial stress state (MSS or PSC),
can also limit the ductile behaviour of components, even quite considerably. The
2 Tensile loading of notches

causes are similar triaxial stresses beneath the notch root's surface (round notch
bar). By this means, the maximum shear stress tmax remains rather small, whereas
the principle normal stresses ( s1 > s 2 > s 3 ) increase (cf. Fig. 2.8). A change in
the failure limit from shear to separation strength sT occurs. Dislocation glide
and plasticity are reduced. The multiaxial notch tensile strength RK,m of ductile
materials is considerably larger than both their tensile strength R(ductile)
m as well
as the uniaxial notch tensile strength RK,m
(MSS) (1)
RK,m > RK,m » R(ductile)
m (2.34)

The component's ductility is assessed with the aid of, among others, the measured
relative notch tensile stress RK,m/Rm. Here, ideal brittle behaviour specifies the
lower limit (cf. Fig. 2.6)

(ideal brittle)
RK,m 1
= <1 (2.35)

Accordingly, brittle materials have lower notch tensile strength as tensile strength
(smooth bars), but do not attain the lower limit given by Eq. (2.35) 1/aK.
For tough behaviour, this becomes

» 1 (Flat bar) (2.36)
> 1 (Round bar) (2.37)

(cf. Fig. 2.6). Thus, high notch tensile strengths arise.

2 Tensile loading of notches

2.2.7 Causes of high relative notch tensile strengths

Ductile material states are to be considered for which notch tensile strengths are
measured. These are the same magnitude or higher that the tensile strengths (cf.
Figs. 2.5 and 2.6).
Fig. 2.9 schematically depicts the stress profiles at full plastic loading for the
notch tensile strength.
In the flat bar (s3 » 0 and assuming: s2 » 0), the initial inhomogeneous stress
profile (cf. Fig. 2.1) is practically homogenised by means of plasically reducing
the stress peaks (cf. Fig. 2.9, left). In this way, macroscopic supporting effects can
introduce the same notch tensile strength as the tensile strength

RK,m » R(ductile)
m = Rm (2.38)

F sn s1 F
RK,m F F

s2 < R(ductile)

RK,m » R(ductile)
m s3

s 2 » s3 » 0

Figure 2.9: Full plastic loading for the notch tensile strength, schematically de-
picted for a flat bar (left) and for a round bar (right)

Increased elastic-plastic load redistributions (macroscopic supporting effects)

also occur within round bars possessing high stress multiaxiallity (within 3, and
on the surface 2, stress components). Plastic deformation propagates from bi- to
triaxially (similar) loaded material regions (cf. Fig. 2.9, right). As Fig. 2.8, right
shows, 3 stress components limit the maximum shear loading tmax . For this

2 Tensile loading of notches

reason, the shear strength t(ductile)

S will not be easily attained so that considerably
larger principle stresses s1 , s 2 und s 3 are possible. The failure limit can change
from shear t(ductile)
S to the separation strength sT (cf. section 2.2.6). Multiaxial-
lity, macroscopic supporting effects and deformation ductility thus mutually af-
fect the high relative notch tensile strength RK,m / R(ductile)
m > 1 for round bars
(cf. Eq. (2.37)).
Overall, the component's load supporting behaviour essentially depends on the
material's strength and the materials toughness. Therefore, the most suitable ma-
terial states are characterised by matching optimal strength with toughness. How-
ever, the notch effect should, as far as possible, always be avoided!

2 Tensile loading of notches

2.3 Test description

2.3.1 Testing equipment and safety precautions
The tensile tests are carried out on an older robust electrohydraulic driven univer-
sal testing machine, manufactured in 1960 by the company Losenhausen, model
UHP 40 (Fmax = 400 kN). The longitudinal displacements were measured via the
traversing distance and the load was given via a pendulum weighing mechanism.
Local notch root strains were not recorded.

For your own safety and to avoid damage, the machine may strictly only be oper-
ated by persons who have been previously instructed. Each test is to be carried
out by only one person. During the clamping of the specimen bar, care must be
taken that no part of the body (fingers) is ever inserted within the clamping de-
vices. To guard against flying fragments and to avoid bodily entrappment between
the moving traverse and the machine's base, it is imperative that the test room
must be closed prior to starting the test. For this purpose, a transparent door is
available through which the test's progress can be monitored.

2.3.2 Testing method

To measure the applied force, the deflection pendulum is to be loaded with
weights. The trailing indicator must be set to "0". The initial ligament's cross-
section AK as well as the specimen bar's initial length l0 are to be determined using
the available measuring device. To define the test procedure, the traversing speed
is specified. The specimen bar is to be positioned between the upper and lower
clamping devices and gripped. After closing the test room, the test is started.
During the tensile test, one strains the specimen bar along its longitudinal axis
until it breaks. Here the force F and the londitudinal displacements

Dlt = lt – l0 (2.39)
are recorded in a F,Dlt-diagram. lt is the measured length which is produced by the
applied force F at time t (cf. Fig. 2.10).

2 Tensile loading of notches




Fig. 2.10: Initial gauge length l0 in the unloaded state and the measured length
lt for the applied force F

To determine the strength values (cf. section 2.2.3), the corresponding nominal
stress (Eq. (2.6)) is to be computed with the aid of the data from the corresponding
F, Dlt-diagram.

2 Tensile loading of notches

2.3.3 Notch tensile test

Data can be taken from the F, Dlt-diagram to determine the following values

• The notch yield stress RK,eS, according to Eq. (2.22), represents the re-
sistance to the incipient plastic deformation at the notch root, it concludes
the purely elastic deformation. After attaining the notch yield stress, the
material deforms elastic-plastically. This begins in the notch root and pro-
gresses into the specimen’s interior.
• Using the curve's maximum, one obtains the notch tensile strength RK,m
(Eq. 2.23).
• The off-set notch yield stresses RK,px (Eq. (2.24)) can not be determined
since no notch root strains are measured.

• The maximum irreversible longitudinal displacement

DlB = lB - l0 (2.40)
is determined from the broken notched bar.

Moreover, on smooth bars, one obtains

• the fracture strain as the maximum plastic deformation

LB - L0
A= 100% (2.41)
• the necking at fracture as the change in the cross-section in the necking

A 0 - AB
Z= 100% (2.42)

LB and AB are the measured length and the smallest cross-section of the bar
after fracture.

2 Tensile loading of notches

2.4 Assignment
Force displacement diagrams are to be recorded at room temperature from pre-
pared smooth and notched specimen bars made of normalised and hardened steels
S235JRG2 (RSt 37-2) and C45E using a hydraulic driven universal testing ma-
chine. Prior to beginning the test, the specimens' dimensions are measured. The
notch's stress concentration factors of the used bars are aK = 1; 1.58; 1.87 und
The traversing speed is to be set to 20 mm/min.
The obtained notch yield stress RK,eS and notch tensile strength RK,m are to be
plotted as functions of aK. In doing this, the function eS is to be completed. In
another diagram, the relative notch tensile strengths K,m are to be depicted as a
function of aK together with the limiting curve . All results should be dis-
cussed in a summary, in particular with regard to the toughness behaviour.

2 Tensile loading of notches

2.5 Protocol
Group: Date:
Recorded by:
Testing machine:

2.5.1 Tensile test (smooth specimen)

Specimen 1 Specimen 2
Material state
Prior to starting the test
Initial length L0 in mm
Initial diameter D0 in mm
Initial cross-section A0 in mm2
After completing the tests (permanent deformation in the specimen)
Gauge length after fracture LB, mm
Specimen's extension D LB in mm
Diameter after fracture DB in mm
Maximum tensile force Fm (indica-
tor), kN
The following are to be determined from the force-displacement diagram
Lower yield point force FeL in N
Upper yield point force FeH in N
Yield point force FeS in N
Maximum tensile force Fm in N
Specimen's extension D LB in mm
Lower yield stress ReL in MPa
Upper yield stress ReH in MPa
Yield stress ReS in MPa
Tensile strength Rm in MPa
Necking at fracture Z in %
Fracture strain A5, %

2 Tensile loading of notches

2.5.2 Notch tensile test

Notched spe- Notched spe- Notched spe-
cimen 1 cimen 2 cimen 3
Material state
Stress concentration factor aK
Prior to starting the test
Initial length l0 in mm
Initial diameter dK in mm
Initial ligament cross-section AK in
After completing the tests (permanent deformation in the specimen)
Gauge length after fracture lB in
Specimen's extension D lB in mm
Maximum tensile force FK,m (indi-
cator), kN
The following are to be determined from the force-displacement diagram
Yield point force FK,eS in N
Specimen's extension D lB in mm
in MPa
Notch yield stress RK,eS in MPa
Notch tensile strength RK,m in MPa
Limiting value
Relative notch tensile strength
Specimen's extension D lB in mm

2 Tensile loading of notches

Notched spe- Notched spe- Notched spe-

cimen 1 cimen 2 cimen 3
Material state
Stress concentration factor aK
Prior to starting the test
Initial length l0 in mm
Initial diameter dK in mm
Initial ligament cross-section AK in
After completing the tests (permanent deformation in the specimen)
Gauge length after fracture lB in
Specimen's extension D lB in mm
Maximum tensile force FK,m (indi-
cator), kN
The following are to be determined from the force-displacement diagram
Yield point force FK,eS in N
Specimen's extension D lB in mm
in MPa
Notch yield stress RK,eS in MPa
Notch tensile strength RK,m in MPa
Limiting value
Relative notch tensile strength
Specimen's extension D lB in mm

2 Tensile loading of notches

Approximation of the stress concentration factors


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