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Trixie: Good afternoon everybody and good afternoon Ma’am. I am Trixie Tobongbanua
and together with me is Miss Angel Romero and today we are the reporters who will
elaborate and discuss the domains of learning science. Before we go through our
discussion, a little reminder, we will be giving some questions. So, we hope that
everyone will participate, and it would be our pleasure to hear your answers. So, let us
start. Just hearing the word DOMAINS or domains of learning, what comes in your
(Sharing of answers)

Trixie: Most of us would of course think of the three domains, the cognitive, affective
and psychomotor domains. And I think we are all familiar with these three since we’ve
encountered this before and in writing and developing our lesson objectives, we are
always encourage to include these three domains because as educators our utmost
priority must be the holistic development of the students. Meaning to say we should pay
equal respect or attention to the intellectual/mental, emotional, physical, and social well-
being of the learners so that they will become well-rounded and confident individuals.
And, these three domains are part of our today’s discussion. Let us all learn how these
domains are presented in Science education and of course its importance in learning
science. But first let us have this simple activity.

(Picture/illustration of a scientifically literate person)

Trixie: Based on our previous lesson, Science education aims to develop scientific
literacy among students. But now, for you what it takes to be a scientifically literate
person or what are the characteristics of a scientifically literate person?
(Sharing of Answers)
Trixie: Well, all of your answers are correct. Some of you have said that a scientifically
literate person must have an understanding of scientific knowledge, concepts and
information and ability to apply this knowledge in decision making and solving practical
problems (Health, environmental, survival issues). A scientifically literate person knows
how to use processes of science in solving problems, making decisions, and furthering
his own understanding of the natural world. A scientifically literate person knows how to
do science and to do science is to master the science process skills and apply them in
scientific investigation. A scientifically literate person is motivated by a desire to know
something, willingness to explore, ask questions, and find answers to those questions.
And all of these, boils down to the idea that in order for an individual to be scientifically
literate he/she must,
A scientifically literate person;
 Understands the nature of scientific knowledge and has the ability to apply
this knowledge to new contexts or situations. (Cognitive)
 Perform scientific processes and skills. (Psychomotor)
 Demonstrate scientific attitudes and values. (Affective)
Trixie: As you can see, the first is under the cognitive domain, pangalawa ay for
psychomotor domain and the last one is for the affective domain. So, these are the
DOMAINS FOR LEARNING SCIENCE, and in teaching science, in order for us to
achieve the goal to develop scientific literacy among our learners, we should ensure
that these domains of learning will be achieved or in a clearer manner, scientific
knowledge, science process skills and scientific attitudes and values must be woven
together in order to support the holistic development of a scientific literate individual.


Scientific Scientific
Processes Attitudes &
and Skills Values
Trixie: and actually in the Science Curiculum Guide, the Conceptual Framework, here we can see
that Science education envisions the Development of not only scientifically literate but,
technologically, environmentally Literate and productive members of society who are critical
problem solvers, responsible stewards of nature innovative and creative citizens, informed
decision makers and Effective communicators. And to achieve this vision the curriculum is
designed around the three domains of learning science. and these are the ... Students should

Angel: Now, that we are aware of the domains for learning science, let us further
discuss each domain. First, under the cognitive domain, we have;
1. Understanding and Applying Scientific Knowledge (Cognitive)
- includes theory, principles, laws forming content parts of science.
Angel: Ofcourse one of the principal goal of Science Education is to help students
develop knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas. Kasi students will only be
engaged in aspects of inquiry and scientific investigations, if they learn the scientific way
of knowing the natural world.
- students must have a wide mental bank of facts and scientific truths
acquired through careful investigation and by answering questions that matter.
Angel: the content standards in the science curriculum guide describe the scientific
knowledge/concepts and outcomes that students should attain. And in teaching science,
we are not encourage to just let our students be familiarized with various science
concepts and information’s but the goal is to develop knowledge, understandings and
abilities described in the content standards. But the question is how? It’s just simple, in
order to develop understanding of course students need to be actively engaged with the
ideas of science and have experiences with the natural world. They should be given the
opportunity to;

(With pictures)
Students must be given the opportunity to;
 work cooperatively with other students;
 to initiate investigations;
 communicate their findings;
 ask questions and acquire knowledge;
 construct explanations of natural phenomena; and
 apply science content to new questions and situations.
Angel: because truly, students learn best and develop a deep understanding of science
concepts and knowledge if they play an active role in their learning. So, for teachers, we
should move away of nearly lecturing or transferring knowledge. Remember the
constructivism? We should only act as facilitators, we should let students create and
construct their own learning, understanding and meanings around them. Moreover, it is
important to build students understanding of science because if students have adequate
understanding of scientific knowledge, they have the ability to engage in science talk,
they can offer explanations about natural phenomena and propose ways to answer
questions scientifically. Kasi nga, if halimbawa hindi naiintindahan ng bata ang isang
concept, ofcourse he’s likely not active in the discussion, and hindi mag-eengage sa
science activities and others. And also, understanding of scientific knowledge is
prerequisite to other thinking skills. Kasi with in depth understanding one will able to
apply what he learned in new situations, analyze and evaluate scientific ideas, create or
propose answers and communicate scientific knowledge.
2. Performing Scientific Processes and Skills
- the processes and methods of doing Science and skills that scientist
use in the process of doing science.
Angel: This of course includes the basic and integrated process skills that form the
foundation for scientific methods.
Angel: Now, why there is a need to let students perform scientific processes and skills?
Let me share to you this quote;
“A child best learns to swim by getting into water; likewise, a child best learns
science by doing science” – Rillero
Angel: So, can anyone give a simple interpretation of this quote?
Angel: Yes, it is hard diba to imagine a science teaching program without doing science
experiences. Kaya naman,
- Students should learn how to do science and in order to do this, they
need to perform and master the science process skills and to apply
them in scientific investigation.
Angel: Science is not just an intellectual activity, but a PRACTICAL ACTIVITY. Meaning
to say students must carry out experiments and scientific investigations to understand
science concepts or to test their own ideas and build their own understanding. And in
order to do these investigations, students must develop important science skills, and
understand the process of science investigation. And also, to help students develop
these skills,
(with pictures)
- Students must carry out experiments in a classroom, laboratory or field
- Engage in hands-on science activities with minimal guidance from a
Angel: Why as much as possible, there should be a minimal guidance from a teacher?
Angel: Yes, teachers must let students practice or demonstrate science process skills
independently because aside from this will help them develop the skills needed for the
learning competency, as teachers we want them also to build their confidence when it
comes to performing scientific processes and skills.

3. Developing and Demonstrating Scientific Attitude and Values

Trixie: One of the purposes of teaching is inculcation of desirable attitudes and values,
as this influence student’s performance. In science, scientific attitudes and values are
the habits of mind or way of thinking and the appropriate values that guides students
behavior and are crucial in helping students appreciate the pleasure of learning and doing

Scientific Attitudes and Values include such things as being

- Curious - Someone who desires to learn and know. Children are curious, and
they express their curiosity by posing questions. But this curiosity must lead to
action. Students must also have an active desire to explore, to investigate and
learn from the results. Teachers can also help students to have that wonder in
them, by selecting questions about the world around them like how do clouds
form? What makes a toy run? and Of course engage them in investigations,
building and testing test, or consulting on references to search for answers.
- Creative - Creativity is not only for artists. Being creative is someone who always
tryinng to cook up something new. But we can all be creative, as long as we have
the imagination to create and solve. Kahit Tayo creative Ng Hindi natin
namamalayan. We are creative kapag Minsan pumipili Tayo kung saan Tayo
makamumura, Or when we still cook something new/delicious with what is only
available on our home, or being just practical. In science, creativity should be
fostered amongst children, they have to be taught how to think out of the box,
innovate things or solve problems. Halimbawa, they have to create a model using
the materials at their home, apply the science concept they have learned through
creative works or performances, perform the experiment using the materials in the
classroom and marami pang iba. So, teachers role is to design activities where
students creativity will be nurtured.
- Being enthusiastic about asking questions and solving problems - So
this related na rin sa curiosity, students should always have a positive
attitude of wanting to know, search or make their meanings and find
answers to the questions.
- Desire for accurate knowledge - In doing investigations or experiments
students are asked to observe, describe measure and others. They are
required to record everything and communicate what they have learned.
So accuracy is important, students should strive to be precise and careful to
avoid that unreliable results are being presented or communicated.
- Open-mindedness (Receptive to new ideas) - in a classroom participating
in discussions with others is one way to learn new things. Students must learn not
to neglect others ideas but strive to listen to what they are saying and consider
new ideas that are useful and relevant. Learning Science becomes more
meaningful and rich when students learn how to learn from others and accept
useful informations.
- Perseverance - in doing science investigations and activities, one has to
put hardwork and persevere to finish the task. Students, even faced with
difficulties must not quit. For examples in physics, students find it hard
to solve some scientific equations because of its complexity, but a
student with perseverance, even ilang beses Ng nagkamali sa
pagsosolve never give up, but instead continue to practice until he
mastered how to solve the problem.
Scientific Values
- Honesty - being truthful. This is related to accuracy where Students
should give/share the actual results of their investigation and also Not copying
someone else's work and claim it on their own. (Change data to fit expected
- Objectivity - along with honesty and accuracy, this is where a student is
not swayed by his personal biases. It's important that students should
always validates observations and explanations through facts and
logical arguments.
- Fairness - in relation to honesty, accuracy and objectivity, in conducting
experiments, it is important that the experiment is a fair test. This means that in
collecting data and communicating results students should be unbiased.
- Accountability (Assuming Responsibility)- in group discussions and
activities, everyone has an important role to play. And why it is
important that a student must have this kind of attitude? A student who
knows his responsibility, doesn't only simply do what he is assigned to do, but
He will carry out his task to the best of his ability.

Trixie: when we say Attitudes, it is the one that is reflected in one’s behavior, way of
thinking and acting and the values are part of a person’s character or the one that
guides our behavior. So, this are related since attitudes, ito yung response that is a
result of one’s/our values. Halimbawa, ang isang scientist vinavalue niya ang honesty
and objectivity, kaya in conducting scientific investigations, he has the attitude to always
recognize the importance of recheking data, evaluate evidences or find solution to a
problem through the use of verified knowledge.
Trixie: Now, that we have learned the various kinds of scientific attitudes and values, it
is now the time for us to know why is it important that students must not only develop
but demonstrate scientific attitudes and values?
- The goal of Science Education is not only to train students to think like
scientist but also to develop the attitudes that good scientists are able
to display.
Trixie: The goal of Science Education is not only to train students to think like scientist
but also to develop the attitudes that good scientist are able to display. Kasi attitudes
and values has a great impact on the acquisition of scientific knowledge and conduct of
scientific investigation. Diba kasi pwedeng napakagaling o napakatalino ng bata at
naapply niya ang necessary skills needed for an investigation, pero he is not having a
set of values that are needed for the scientific investigation, it maybe affect the
processes na kailangan niyang gawin. For example ang bata ngaya gumawa ng
hypothesis and to prove the hypothesis, of course kailangan nyang gumawa ng isang
experiment or investigation. Pero along his investigation yung data na nacocollect niya
or findings nya ay hindi desirable or masusuportahan ung claim na crineate nya, kaya
tigfalsify nya ung data na collected. So, anong values ang hindi represented in the
situation? (SHARING) yes, honesty, objectivity and fairness. And with this, this may
result to distorted findings or misleading information and decisions. Kaya in the
situation, even the hypothesis is not proven true, the student must still practice honesty,
meaning to say he should not mislead others to achieve personal goals.

Trixie: For the attitudes, it is important that students must have these scientific attitudes
kasi if we think of it diba? Kahit sabihin na nating a student knows science, can perform
science, but the students is not demonstrating any curiosity or interest how is that going
to be a good thing? Hindi dapat na ang students ay ginagawa lang ang isang science
activity kasi nirerequire ni teacher, but they should have the desire to know and
understand, search or make their meaning and motivated to participate in science
- Scientific attitudes and values are the one that fuels innovation.
Trixie: Why do you think that scientific attitudes and values are the one that fuels
innovation? (SHARING)
Trixie: Sab inga diba it takes a person to be curious enough to really pursue something.
Scientific attitudes and values kasi are the driving force which inspires someone to try
out new stuff or make scientific discoveries. Kahit nga sa mga inventors hindi lang
naman talino at skill ang kailangan to create something, but usually diba nagsisimula
ang lahat sa curiosity the desire to discover something and to create something out of
that discovery.

- Perhaps the goal of education is to create the best version of people.

Scientific attitudes and values are not only useful in the Science
classroom, but also in real-life.
Trixie: Not only the science process skills are useful in real life but also the scientific
attitudes and values. Students can integrate these in their everyday life, like being
logical in decision making or inievaluate and visualize muna ang outcome ng kanilang
choices before coming up to a final decison, willingness to listen in others ideas,
honesty or dealing with decisions and situations in unbiased ways, finding practical
ways to deal with their problems and others.
Trixie: But now, the question is, how can a teacher help student develop these scientific
values and attitudes? Well, in the lesson plan diba, may iniintegrate tayong values that
students are expected to show or do, like accuracy in recording of data, show perseverance
in doing the activity, Cooperate and listen to others. But other than this,

In order to improve students’ attitudes on science;

 Teachers must motivate students which they can do through their teaching
styles and approaches and by showing them the relevance of the learning
topics to their everyday lives.
 Actively engaging students in science helps them develop good attitudes and

Trixie: of course, the way a teacher effectively handle the subject is associated with
increased motivation and learning. And in science, there is always a need to design or
organize situations and problems that will challenge the learner’s curiosity or the feeling
of wanting to know, motivates them to learn and appreciate science. And isa na ditto is
the integration of learning experiences. Kasi diba learning science becomes more
meaningful and interesting when it is connected to student’s life. And there are a lot of
teaching approaches and strategies that teachers can employ, this will be elaborated
and discuss by the next group.

Trixie : The development of these values and attitudes are not taught directly, they are develop
through Inquiry ACTIVITIES that students engage in and through their attempts to explain The
outcomes of their investigations. For example na Lang, when students are constantly exposed to
inquiry activies like when teachers ask students "How do you know?" Paano mo nasabi that
Pluto is not a planet. Students give reasonable answers like according to my research, Pluto is a
dwarf Planet for it did not meet the three criteria To define a full-sized planet. Teachers
encourage students to give answers that are supported by observations and facts, so students
learn to rely on evidences and facts to support their statements.

 The domains of learning Science are deeply interconnected. Learning
tends to suffer when domains are addressed in isolation because
achievement in science learning only happens, when there is interaction
between scientific knowledge, scientific attitudes and science process
Angel: The purpose of teaching science is to bring fundamental changes in the learner
and such changes will only be achieved in the form of acquiring scientific knowledge,
mastery of science process skills and inculcation of desirable attitudes and values. And
as we aspire to develop holistic learners, we should also give prior importance in
developing a holistic lesson, and this requires the inclusion of all the three domains.
Above all, to prepare students in the demands and challenges of the rapidly changing,
dynamic ,increasingly technological world, we must equip them with several
competencies, and such competencies are knowledge competencies, skill
competencies and attitude competencies.


Skeptical - attitude of doubt. Hindi Basta naniniwala or questioning claims especially if there is
no credible evidence and logical arguments supporting that claim. Able to see and criticize
faulty reasoning in arguments, decisions that lack a conclusion/evidence. This is a very good
quality especially in this world we need to be wiser with what we see, hear and decide.

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