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Marco Angelo Clarence F.

Cabungcal 8 Makasining
Homeroom Activity Feb. 6 2023

I am me:Reflection

From my understanding, this message is about me, or about one’s self.

The moral from this text is you should be yourself because there can be no other
like you.
You should always be yourself, because this is your life you are living.
Noone but yourself can change you, only you can be the better version of yourself.
In the text stated, anything you say, see, or do, has its effects on yourself and others.
Because anything you do comes from yourself and this will have its consequences,
wether good or bad to the people around you.
What you DO will affect yourself too, the things you say might come out of your
mouth without you INTENTIONALLY saying it to someone.
ANYTHING you do, good or bad will affect not only those around you, but to
yourself as well, this can either bring you good reputation or bad reputation in the
But being yourself is the most important thing to do.

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