Social, English, Science Reviewer

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Bourgeoisie - derived from the term burg (“town surrounded by walls”)

Mercantilism - a theory that the power of a country lives on its wealth
Great council - a council of advisers, composed of bishops and nobles that implemented an effective system of taxation.
Common Law - under which judicial decisions and doctrines contained therein will serve as bases for laws.
Jury system - wherein a group of citizens is appointed to give the final verdict in a trial
Magna Carta or Great Charter - A document that limited the powers of the monarch.
Parliament - appointed representatives of ordinary citizens to the great council.
Hundred years war - The series of war between france and england that lasted from 1337 to 1453
Duchies - territories ruled by dukes (self explanatory - mika)
● A reform movement which aimed to change the supervision of the catholic church
● Movement seeking reforms against the abuses and wrong acts of the Catholic church
Simony - a practice where men brought positions to the church
Indulgence - the remission of punishment of sins
- A way to remove sins by paying the Catholic church
Desiderius Erasmus - Author of “In praise of folly” stated that “perhaps it may be necessary to conceal the secrets of kings, but we must
publish the mysteries of christ”
John Husse - known as the first Church Reformer, denounced the abuses of the church
John Wycliffe - Urge the church to return all its wealth, knows as “the morning star of the reformation”
Purgatory - A place or state where souls atone for their sins so that they go to heaven.
Hussite wars - A rebellion against the bohemians after Huss’s death
John Tetzel - Told the catholics that indulgences could be purchased for the forgiveness of sins that were about to be committed.
Ninety five theses - A series of formal statements critical of the catholic church written by Luther
Predestination - Calvin’s religious theory that God has already planned out a person's life.
Theocracy - A government controlled by religious leaders
Catholic Reformation - 16th century movement in which the Roman Catholic church sought to make changes in response to the protestant
Presbyterians - A church governed by presbyters and founded on the teaching of John knox
Jesuits - A religious order devoted to teaching, converting and defending the catholic church.
Anglican - also known as the church of england
Thirty-nine articles - It is the creed of the church of England
Act of supremacy - The law passed by the parliament making henry VIII the head of the church of England
French Calvanist - They are protestants of France


The legendary and Epic age

- Produced oral literature

- They believed in good and environmental spirits
- No fewer than 24 epics

1. Biag ni Lam Ang (from Ilocos)

2. Hudhud and Alim (From the Ifugaos)
3. Maragtas (From Panay)
4. Bantugan (From Maranaw)
5. Bidasari (adapted by the Muslims of Sulu)
6. Indarapatra and Sulayman (From Maranaw)

Spanish Occupation

- Corrido and awit

- Florante at Laura by Francisco Baltazar
- Filipinos went to europe because of the opening of the suez canal in the 19th century

American Occupation

- Introduction of the English Language

- Philippine literature written in English
- Leon Comber commended Filipino written in his introduction to his book prize-winning Asian Fiction”

Bahala ka na mohammed smh

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