Project Statement

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Landscape Design Competition

for Worcestershire County Council and Elected Member Mrs Sheila Blagg
Ref No: QCOMP028
Depleted Mineral Extraction Site Restored for Dynamic Contemporary Agricultural & Community Use
January 2016


• Design Philosophy

• Server Farm (SF)

* Planned Agricultural Community - Four Components

• Ecology and Sustainability

• Biodiversity Action Plan

• Education & Training


Appendix 0 - A3 - Enabling Project

Appendix 1 - A3 - Component 2
Appendix 2 - A3 - Component 3
Appendix 3 - A3 - Component 4
Appendix 4 - A3 - Component 5
Design Philosophy
The increased interest on local, national and international food production results in there being interest in planned agricultural communities and the realistic
production potential they represent. The ideas and intentions of Planned Agricultural Community Farms are not set in the high minded - back to nature
1960’s nor hanging onto the coat tails of Tom and Barbara Good, these concepts and principles are firmly grounded in the high speed digital 21st century and
existing Agricultural Communities principles and operations.

The 21st century development of internet broadband transmission speed - represents the future. Recently Google have undertaken a partnership in Kansas
City, USA and now with other centres in the USA will install 100Mbps optic fibre networks, this technology offers exciting potential and extraordinary possibili-
ties. 100Mbps, 500Mbps to 1000Mbps (1 Gbps) speeds are becoming more available in
the UK also and all these networks rely upon distribution hubs that take the form of Data Planned Agricultural Community - 1 Enabling
Centres or Server Farms. The combination of 21 century technology working in partner- Project and Four Primary
ship with agriculture represents a potentially win win scenario when the primary waste by- Components.
product of the 21st century technology is HEAT.
The Project Philosophy is for the creation of a
The Server Farm (SF) - Enabling Project Planned Agricultural Community with Associated
The large void of the ‘Existing’ quarry will be reduced (30%) by the profitable importation Community Benefits and Opportunities.
of inert construction waste. The new level areas will initially be used for the construction of
the SF. 1. Enabling Component - Server Farm
The operation of a Server Farm (SF) results in a significant quantity of excess heat. The 2. Allotments and Hydroponics Glass House
means by which to remove this heat have in the passed required extensive and expensive 3. Aquatic Centre
cooling facilities. The void water can be used for this cooling and the resulting warm water 4. Entry Level Community Housing and Farm Shop.
(Result of passive cooling) presents multiple productive opportunities. The excess heat 5. Agricultural Community Facilities & Services.
from the SF would be used for growing food, heating homes and facilitating leisure activi-
ties within a sustainable contemporary Agricultural Community environment where the
benefits to the wider community could be profound.
Planned Agricultural Community - The Four Project

Number 2. The allotments and Hydroponic glass house.

The allotments of the site represent a “Beginners Opportunity” to food production, associated to the larger Agricultural Community would present the op-
portunity for those interested to have an initial involvement with minimum time or economic commitment, the area to be cultivated would be agreed with the
other members of the agricultural community. The Hydroponic facility would produce the seedlings for larger productive unit, produce for sale and increasing
the growing season for the whole community The potential for greater community involvement could be achieved from an initial part of an allotment to a full
allotment and community accommodation, joining the Agricultural Community and then joining an agricultural community ‘Household Groups’ - experience
has show that 8 households is the optimum groups size - these groups are the ‘Farmers’ of the larger leased land area east of the site. Potential productive
activities would be involvement with Farm Shop sales, working in the larger agricultural units, hydroponic glass house, farm equipment maintenance - opera-
tion and orchard management are a few of the many occupations that would be available.

Number 3. The Aquatic Centre

Before the void is allowed to fill with water large metal objects were placed in the void e.g. old buses, old quarry equipment or any interesting metal structure,
the purpose of which is to provide interest and training potential for the diving users of the aquatic centre. The centre will also be suitable for swimming, sail-
ing (Training) and as a component of a triathlon event. This would be an all year round facility due to the warm water.

Number Four - Community Farm Start-up Housing, Orchard and Farm Shop Sales
The low energy - high insulation 1, 2, & 3 bedroom houses (Heating from the SF) in association with the Farm Shop, customer parking and adjacent orchard
represent the public ‘face’ of the Agricultural Community. Customers, community and commercial partners can see how the commercial side of the commu-
nity works and learn about the agricultural project, produce grown and perhaps find a role for themselves within the project.

Number Five - Community Farm Family Housing and Agricultural Buildings.

This is the core of the community where the full time community members facilitate the day to day running of the agricultural community. The high speed
broadband network ensures that the Agricultural Community Farm will be at the heart of local innovation, business start-ups and business cooperation in
both the local agricultural network and the surrounding business and educational environments. The local school would be a fundamental partner within the
local area, the pupils benefiting from the high-speed local broadband network e.g. Clear video communications - lectures connected from remote sites, quick
transfer of large files and 3D models for all users with no limitation due to transmission traffic.

Ecology and Sustainability

The character of the proposed Agricultural Community is sustainable in its structure and form. The inclusion of the areas population in an innovative approach
to required technology and much needed food production is symbiotic. Sustainability and inclusively are key intensions of the project , sustainability and inclu-
sion demonstrated in a design element such as the drainage swales that accompany all the housing areas for grey water reuse. This is a permanent feature
that is both functional, aesthetic and is keeping with the overall design philosophy.

Biodiversity Action Plan

The production of the community will be the primary driving force but not at the expense of opportunities for sound agricultural practice. Some of the opportu-
nities would be
• The reestablishment of Native Apple Orchard
• The planting of Black Popular
• Ensuring the potential for wildlife ‘strips’ on agricultural land
• Promoting native varieties of fruit and vegetables
• Restoring and promoting hedgerow planting
• Promoting bird and bat conservation

Education and Training

The whole project through the connection with local schools and businesses offers an array of possibilities. The operations on the site offer the potential for
learning and training in.....
• The data transmission industry, optic fibre transmission, data server engineering and power engineering.
• Agriculture, management, horticulture, mechanical engineering, crop management and soil science.
• Hydroponics, plant nutrition, plant production and sales
* Leisure Industry, Diving Training, Swimming Training
* Retail, Farm Shop - Co-ordinate local produce (40 mile radius)

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