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Maths Progression Document

EYFS – Pre-School EYFS - YR Year 1 Year 2 Next Steps

• Develop fast • Count objects, • Count to and across • Count in steps of 2, 3, • Count from 0 in
recognition of up to 3 actions and sounds 100, forwards and and 5 from 0, and in multiples of 4, 8, 50
objects, without • Subitise backwards, beginning 10s from any and 100; find 10 or
having to count them • Link the number with 0 or 1, or from number, forward and 100 more or less than
individually symbol (numeral) any given number backward a given number
• Recite numbers past with its cardinal • Count, read and write • Recognise the place • Recognise the place
5. number value numbers to 100 in value of each digit in value of each digit in
• Say one number for • Count beyond 10 numerals a two-digit number a three-digit number
each item in order: • Compare numbers • count in multiples of • Identify, represent (hundreds, tens,
1,2,3,4,5. • Understand the ‘one 2, 5 and 10’s and estimate ones)
Number and place value

• Know that the last more than/one less • Identify one more numbers using • Compare and order
number reached than’ relationship and one less different numbers up to 1000
when counting a between consecutive • Identify and representations, • Identify, represent
small set of objects numbers. represent numbers including the number and estimate
tells you how many using objects and line numbers using
there are in total. pictorial • Compare and order different
• Show ‘finger representations numbers from 0 up representations
numbers’ up to 5. including the number to 100; use <, > and = • Read and write
• Link numerals and line, and use the signs numbers up to 1000
amounts language of: equal to, • Read and write in numerals and in
more than, less than numbers to at least words
(fewer), most, least 100 in numerals and • Solve number
• Read and write in words problems and
numbers from 1 to 20 • Use place value and practical problems
in numerals and number facts to solve involving these ideas.
words. problems.
EYFS – Pre-School EYFS - YR Year 1 Year 2 Next Steps
• Experiment with their • Understand the ‘one • Read, write and • Solve problems with • add and subtract
own symbols and more than/one less interpret mathematical addition and numbers mentally,
marks as well as than’ relationship statements involving subtraction: including:
numerals. between consecutive addition, subtraction, o using concrete objects • a 3-digit number and
• Solve real world numbers. and equals signs and pictorial ones
mathematical problems • Explore the • Represent and use representations • a 3-digit number and
with numbers up to 5. composition of number bonds and o apply knowledge of tens
• Compare quantities numbers to 10. related subtraction mental and written • a 3-digit number and
using language: ‘more • Automatically recall facts within 20 methods hundreds
than’, ‘fewer than’ number bonds for • Add and subtract one- • Recall and use addition • Add and subtract
numbers 0–5 and digit and two-digit and subtraction facts numbers with up to 3
Addition and subtractions

some to 10. numbers to 20, to 20 fluently, and use digits, using formal
• Solve one-step related facts up to 100 written methods of
problems that involve • Add and subtract columnar addition and
addition and numbers using subtraction
subtraction, using concrete objects, • Estimate the answer to
concrete objects and pictorial a calculation
pictorial representations, and • Solve problems,
representations, and mentally, including: including missing
missing number • Show that addition of number problems,
problems such as 7 = ☐ two numbers can be using number facts,
– 9. done in any order and place value,
subtraction of one
number from another
• Recognise and use the
inverse relationship
between addition and
subtraction and use
this to check
EYFS – Pre-School EYFS - YR Year 1 Year 2 Next Steps
• Solve one-step • Recall and use • Recall and use
problems involving multiplication and multiplication and
multiplication and division facts for the 2, division facts for the 3,
division, by calculating 5 and 10 multiplication 4 and 8 multiplication
the answer using tables, including tables
concrete objects, recognising odd and • Write and calculate
pictorial even numbers mathematical
representations and • Calculate mathematical statements for
arrays with the support statements for multiplication and
of the teacher. multiplication and division using the
division within the multiplication tables
Multiplication and division

multiplication tables that they know,

and write them using including for two-digit
the multiplication (×), numbers times one-
division (÷) and equals digit numbers, using
(=) signs mental and progressing
• Show that to formal written
multiplication of two methods
numbers can be done in • Solve problems,
any order including missing
(commutative) and number problems,
division of one number involving multiplication
by another cannot and division, including
• Solve problems positive integer scaling
involving multiplication problems and
and division, using correspondence
materials, arrays, problems in which n
repeated addition, objects are connected
mental methods, and to m objects.
multiplication and
division facts, including
problems in contexts.
EYFS – Pre-School EYFS - YR Year 1 Year 2 Next Steps
• Recognise, find and • Recognise, find, name • Count up and down in
name a half as one of and write fractions tenths; recognise that
two equal parts of an &frac13;, ¼, 2⁄4 and ¾ of tenths arise from
object, shape or quantity a length, shape, set of dividing an object into
• Recognise, find and objects or quantity 10 equal parts and in
name a quarter as one of • Write simple fractions dividing one-digit
four equal parts of an e.g. ½ of 6 = 3 and numbers by 10
object, shape or quantity recognise the • Recognise, find and
equivalence of two write fractions of a
quarters and one half. discrete set of objects:
unit fractions and non-
unit fractions with small
• Recognise and use
fractions as numbers:

unit fractions and non-

unit fractions with small
• Recognise and show,
using diagrams,
equivalent fractions with
small denominators
• Add and subtract
fractions with the same
denominator within one
whole [for example, 5⁄7 +
⁄7 = 6⁄7
• Compare and order unit
fractions with the same
• Solve problems that
involve all of the above.
EYFS – Pre-School EYFS - YR Year 1 Year 2 Next Steps

• Make comparisons • Compare length, • Compare, describe and • Choose and use • Measure, compare, add
between objects weight and capacity. solve practical appropriate standard and subtract: lengths
relating to size, length, problems for: lengths units to estimate and (m/cm/mm); mass
weight and capacity. and heights measure length/height, (kg/g); volume/capacity
• Begin to describe a mass/weight mass, temperature, (l/ml)
sequence of events, real capacity and volume time capacity to the nearest • Measure the perimeter
or fictional, using words • Measure and begin to appropriate unit, using of simple 2-D shapes
such as ‘first’, ‘then...’ record the following: equipment • Add and subtract
lengths and heights • Compare and order amounts of money to
mass/weight lengths, mass, give change, using both
capacity and volume volume/capacity and £ and p
time record the results using • Tell and write the time
• Recognise and know >, < and = from an analogue clock,

the value of different • Recognise and use including using Roman

denominations of coins symbols for pounds (£) numerals from I to XII,
and notes and pence (p) and 12-hour and 24-
• Sequence events in • Find different hour clocks
chronological order combinations of coins • Estimate and read time
using language that equal the same with increasing
• Recognise and use amounts of money accuracy to the nearest
language relating to • Solve simple problems minute; record and
dates, including days of in a practical context compare time in terms
the week, weeks, involving addition and of seconds, minutes
months and years subtraction of money and hours
• Tell the time to the • Compare and sequence • Know the number of
hour and half past the intervals of time seconds in a minute
hour and draw the • Tell and write the time and the number of days
hands on a clock face to to 5 minutes, in each month, year
show these times. • Know the number of and leap year
minutes in an hour and • Compare durations of
the number of hours in events
a day.
EYFS – Pre-School EYFS - YR Year 1 Year 2 Next Steps

• Talk about and • Select, rotate and • Recognise and name • Identify and describe • Draw 2-D shapes and
explore 2D and 3D manipulate shapes to common 2-D and 3-D the properties of 2-D make 3-D shapes
shapes (for example, develop spatial shapes, including: shapes, including the using modelling
circles, rectangles, reasoning skills 2-D shapes [for number of sides and materials; recognise
triangles • Compose and example, rectangles line symmetry in a 3-D shapes in
and cuboids) using decompose shapes (including squares), vertical line different orientations
informal and so that children circles and triangles] • Identify and describe and describe them
mathematical langua recognise a shape 3-D shapes [for the properties of 3-D • Recognise angles as a
ge: ‘sides’, ‘corners’; can have other example, cuboids shapes, including the property of shape or
Geometry- Properties of shape

‘straight’, ‘flat’, shapes within it, just (including cubes), number of edges, a description of a
‘round’ as numbers can pyramids and vertices and faces turn
• Select shapes spheres]. • Identify 2-D shapes • Identify right angles,
appropriately: flat on the surface of 3-D recognise that two
surfaces for building, shapes, [for example, right angles make a
a triangular prism for a circle on a cylinder half-turn, three make
a roof, etc. and a triangle on a three quarters of a
• Combine shapes to pyramid] turn and four a
make new ones – an • Compare and sort complete turn;
arch, a bigger common 2-D and 3-D identify whether
triangle, etc. shapes and everyday angles are greater
objects. than or less than a
right angle
• Identify horizontal
and vertical lines and
pairs of
perpendicular and
parallel lines
EYFS – Pre-School EYFS - YR Year 1 Year 2 Next Steps

• Understand position • Continue, copy and • Describe position, • Order and arrange
through words alone create repeating direction and combinations of
– for example, “The patterns movement, mathematical
bag is under the including whole, objects in patterns
table,” – half, quarter and and sequences
with no pointing. three-quarter turns. • Use mathematical
Describe a familiar vocabulary to
route. Discuss routes describe position,
Geometry- position and direction

and locations, using direction and

words like ‘in front movement,
of’ and ‘behind’ including movement
• Talk about and in a straight line and
identify the patterns distinguishing
around them. For between rotation as
example: stripes on a turn and in terms
clothes, designs on of right angles for
rugs and wallpaper. quarter, half and
• Use informal three-quarter turns
language like (clockwise and anti-
‘pointy’, ‘spotty’, clockwise).
‘blobs’, etc. Extend
and create ABAB
patterns – stick, leaf,
stick, leaf.
• Notice and correct
an error in a
repeating pattern.

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