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1 How was my performance over the past term? (Consider not only grades, attendance, and
completing work, but also things like cooperation, interest, effort, and skills learned)

To be honest my performance on some classes was pretty below the decent nor on the goal on
my standards. My grades wasn’t the best, but well I am still trying to keep my interests towards
the lessons taken place on screen. But sometimes it will be that one feeling that distracts me from
the lesson/lecture and paid less attention on it.
I’ve also noticed my lack of efforts into keeping my notes together. You see sometimes after
classes ends we might have to submit notes. And my notes ain’t the best I can do…, when
learning at school last year I would usually take my notes in class on whatever that seems
important but now ZI barely do any effective notes for myself/ my own understandings.
The skills that I learned from online classes was a bit lesser than I

2 How was the teacher? (In general, how did they do? Too much work, too little? Do I feel
comfortable with the teacher? If not, how can we change that?)

3 How can I improve my online learning? (Think of specific plans, not just general statements)

4 How can teacher improve online teaching? (Again, specifics, not just generalities)

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