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Why puppies bite everything nerer there mouth

Surely not everyone knows about this habit of puppies, only people who love dogs
or learn about dogs can discover this thing. That's the puppy that often chews on
things near his mouth.

Writer Amy Bender wrote that there are three main reasons puppies do this.
First, Most of the time, chewing is normal behavior for puppies and dogs, and it
serves many purposes, such as strengthening their jaws and relieving anxiety.

Like babies, puppies experience discomfort while teething, and gnawing or

chewing on things provides some relief. Boredom is another reason that puppies
chew. Dogs are social animals and need stimulation for their mental health. If
you're not exercising your pup enough or giving it sufficient one-on-one time, it
may seek attention by chewing inappropriate objects.

I think there is some reason that we can prevent puppy chewing problems.
By Thriving Canine if they start nibbling at your fingers or toes while you're
playing, offer a toy instead. Again, if they continue to nip, stop the play session
immediately. If you've been training your puppy to sit, you might also redirect
them by asking them to sit and rewarding them with a toy.


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