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Business Development Specialist

Job Description :

 Develop company busniness with specific strategies such as developing new markets.
 Monitor developments and existing market competition, develop new product, customer and
partnership development strategies.
 Determine the new target market clearly before adjusting the product to be developed,
products can be right on target and become a solution to customer problems.
 Understand all of the company's products / product knowledge complete with its
advantages, features, raw materials to the processes carried out.
 Designing various strategies related to business development. Such as strategies to
increase customer loyalty, find new customers, partnership strategies.

Requirements :

 Male / Female Millenial or “Z” Generations

 Candidate must possess at least bachelor's degree with minimum GPA 2.75 in reputable
university. (Preferred Majoring : Management, Economic, Comunnication, or All majoring)
 1 -2 years work experience in the same field.
 Flexible timing, mature, target-oriented, self-motivated, and work well under pressure.
 Excellent in communication skills, both verbal and writing, have a strong interpersonal
negotiation skill, and have a good presentation skill.
 Good consultative selling techniques and collecting market insight & identifying business
development opportunities.
 Ability to understand technology-based product knowledge
 Attention to detail and data accuracy
 Target-oriented and agile
 Mastering Ms Excel, Google Spreadsheet, and Power Point
 Preferred live in Yogyakarta area and willing to go for business trip out of town.
Hallo teams.. Gimana resolusi tahun 2022 kemarin?? Ada beberapa yang udah terwujud? Atau
hanya sekedar wacana doang nih??

Waduhhh aku ada beberapa alasan nih kenapa resolusi-resolusi kamu di tahun-tahun lalu hanya
sekedar jadi wacana doang, mungkin pernah temen-temen rasain beberapa di antaranya :

1. Terlalu banyak dan ga fokus (Dikit dulu aja ya bestie yang penting fokus)
2. Ga komitmen dengan target yang ingin dicapai dan belum disiplin untuk mewujudkannya (Kalo
yang ini kaya kata pepatah “dimana ada niat, disana pasti ada jalannya”)
3. Ngerasa ga perlu orang lain (eitss.. kalo yang ini gimana yaa?? Hmm.. jangan terlalu nyaman
sendiri juga ya bestie hihi)
4. Targetnya ga objektif dan sulit di ukur (contohnya pengen nikah sama opa..opa di drama
korea hehe..)

Aku ada beberapa tips nih agar resolusi temen-temen tahun ini ga hanya sekedar jadi wacana
doang “lagi”..

Pertama: Bikin Goals Yang realistis

Kedua : Tulis Goals dengan step yang bisa kamu ukur progresnya
Ketiga : Jangan sungkan melibatkan orang lain untuk membantu temen-temen mencapai resolusi

Selain yang uraian diatas temen-temen punya tips apa lagi untuk menulis resolusi tahunan biar ga
jadi wacana doang ~ komen dibawah yaa!!

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